The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 72: cooperate


There are faint screams in the gray-black mist, and they are sealed in this sea of mist. There are even some beings attracted from other places that have opened their fangs. They have been hungry for too long.


The sound of the anchor hitting suddenly sounded, and a ship was actually started at such a time.

who is it

All eyes came, the ghost ship restarted after many years made a creaking sound, there was no amazing performance, no special way of appearance, this old antique was moving on the sea with difficulty, like an old The old man went out for a walk, and it took him a long time to move a few steps.

When it finally found a partner cooperation ship in the specified area, which should be regarded as their second audition, a young man emerged from Class A.

He was wearing a large blue coat, with a single blindfold on his face, and a retro metal belt that looked old on the waistband of his jeans.

A mix-and-match style, quite nondescript, an excellent match for killing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Hey, friends over the sea," Qi Yu didn't care if the equipment on his body would attract strange eyes, he opened his mouth and said to the faint companion ghost ship over there, "Hello! ?"

"Turn the rudder, turn the rudder!"

"Remember to keep an eye on the wind direction, don't make a wrong turn!"

Since Qi Yu accepted the identity left behind by Xie Shao, the skeletons whose "pink eye disease" had healed without any medicine were now particularly flattering, and without Qi Yu's words, they automatically and consciously controlled the ghost ship to drive there.

The rest of the players found that the crisis was temporarily lifted, and saw the enthusiasm of Qi Yu shouting. In line with the warm welcome to the new companions, the instinctive reaction that had already come down the thigh, they also shouted.

So, the scene seen on another ghost ship is like this—

A dilapidated ghost ship that looked like it was about to fall apart floated in, and a group of players in ragged clothes, who seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle, were dancing and greeting them.

The sea breeze brought their calls, as if to say, "How are you?"

Pei Hu, who was hung on the mast and tied up to dry the salted fish, almost wanted to yell at him, thinking that there would be reinforcements. Where did this bunch of funny comparisons come from

In the conscience of dying anyway, it is better to die less, Pei Hu took a deep breath and shouted: "Don't come here, it's dangerous!"

As soon as he shouted, those players who were also tied up also shouted excitedly:

"Help! Come and save me!"

"I can get points as compensation, I have saved a lot of points!"

"Save me, I don't want to die here!"

Chattering, very noisy.

Qi Yu picked out his ears,

Picking up the simple version of the horn handed over by the skeleton, he said loudly, "Quiet!"

"Don't make noise, come one by one!"

"Anyway, you can't get down in a hurry, why don't you talk slowly at the top."

...Such an embarrassing speech, my friend, are you really a player

If you do this, we will doubt your position.

Qi · the new npc · undercover · fish showed a sweet smile, the feeling of treating himself as a villain was unexpectedly touching.

He looked around, and was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar figure from the "salted fish" on the mast: "Brother Hu, what a coincidence, you also entered this instance!"

The corners of Pei Hu's mouth twitched, and he squeezed out a "kind smile" in the eyes of other players, "Well, I didn't see that you are a traitor with a backstage".

"Fish! It's me. I haven't seen you for a long time. So... can you get me out of here?"

"Brother back, I invite you to drink, a whole roasted lamb with skewered beer, thief Bashi!"

Qi Yu: "...Brother Hu, your dialect is so mixed up that it doesn't sound authentic. But it's okay, remember, don't renege on your debt!"

While talking, the distance between the two ghost ships has gradually narrowed to the point where they are almost connected. Standing on the edge of Class A, Qi Yu can even see a few skeletons on the opposite side who may love to smoke when they are alive, so that their ribs are yellow It's a big piece, and it's pretty ugly.

As if feeling threatened, the skeletons on the ghost ship on the opposite side gathered together. Their eye sockets were the same type of red smudge. At first glance, they were in a state of dizziness, lack of attack power, and wanted to fight when they saw people, but there was no leader. After all, the stragglers are just a mass of loose sand.

Two minutes and thirty-six seconds after getting it, Qi Yu finally figured out the first function of this strange horror-level npcboss title—a buff that increases momentum and increases overall combat effectiveness.

"Da da da", the tight and dense sound of bone shaking sounded, and those unscrupulous skeletons who love to drink and brag and are obedient when they see a boss actually have a soldier's aura at this moment.

They clustered quietly behind Qi Yu, holding weapons, and the green soul flames flickered peacefully in their eye sockets.

With just one order, they will strike brazenly and completely tear apart the enemies standing in front of them.


All the players gasped in unison at this moment, and some of them sucked so much that they almost bit their own tongues.

If they were too ignorant, it was because Qi Yu's momentum and lineup at this moment were too terrifying.

Everyone is a mixed person in the game, because the upper limit of the force value that can be displayed in this game is still very clear.

It is very normal and allowed to challenge the limits of the body, display amazing combat power, and even have magical effects, but... it is at most a low magic, and it is not quite right to rub the fireball by yourself. It's even more impossible to rub a big fireball that can smash the dungeon monsters in one go.

And the feeling that Qi Yu is showing now is like a high magician is stuffed in a low magician, and a krypton gold boss is stuffed in a poor player...

Anyway, it's not on the same level at all.

People can't help but want to ask: "Where did you buy your gold finger? Is there any stock?"

Qi Yu: "Send it by love, it's out of print, it's the only one."

Qi Yu, who is as calm as an old dog on the surface, is actually flustered in his heart, because he didn't expect such a good effect, so that he suddenly got stuck, and didn't know how to give the first order so that he is now very pretentious, very The powerful aura can continue.

He didn't dare to move, for fear that if he moved casually, his aura of sand sculpture would be fully exposed.

After staring at the deck for ten seconds, a sudden cold snort rescued him from the embarrassing situation at this time.

"Hmph, as expected of the person who successfully passed the customs from me, it is really not easy to deceive."

Dressed in a black suit, the Queen of Snow White... came out from below the deck, and behind her, the skeletons followed meekly and swiftly, like a silent royal guard.

This state is completely different from the weak chicken who was suppressed by Qi Yu every minute!

Qi Yu: "..."

Fuck it, old Yinbi!

You actually fell into the trap. If you didn't pay attention to the swelling and rushed up with people, wouldn't it just happen to be dumpling? !

On both sides of the ghost ship, the skeletons faced each other silently under the leadership of the leader, their murderous aura burst out, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

I don't know who gave the order first, the sound of choking and drawing swords was heard everywhere, Qi Yu shouted angrily and took his wand... and shrank to the back of the formation.

(:з」∠)_There is no way, the weak fake magician did not light up the personal combat skills.

It is safer to be in the rear, and it is better for the overall situation.

Queen Snow White chose the same approach as Qi Yu, and there was even a four-member skeleton guard escorting her, which seemed to be full of posture.

The deck is only so big, almost the next second that Qi Yu retreated, the skeletons collided with each other. Seeing that the scene of bones flying was about to appear again, they heard a "boom", and they were suddenly forced to stop their movements .

[It was detected that there was an unfriendly behavior between the companions, which violated Article 3 of the rules before the battle, and now the punishment will be drawn.]


[Punishments are drawn, within the next ten minutes, the bosses in the two ships please hold hands warmly and harmoniously for ten minutes. If you can, please show the other party a good-hearted smile~]

Qi Yu: "..."

Oh your sister!

This familiar atmosphere of sand sculptures, the main god system, have you been infected by the game, or are you going to be swallowed up soon

Do you know that all the high-level, high-cold egg character settings you built before have collapsed? !

Damn it, come out and withdraw it for me! I'll give you three seconds, withdraw!

Or you'll lose your sweet undercover baby!

Qi Yu and the White Queen glared at the air at the same time, and three minutes later—

All the players and npcs stared dumbfounded as the two who were about to fight suddenly stopped talking and even held hands lightly.

"...Temporary truce," Queen Snow White gave Qi Yu a disgusted look, "Common people, I allow you to temporarily teach my soldiers and let them play a gorgeous piece of music for my appreciation."

Qi Yu: "..."

What do you want to do, pick the peaches at last!

You want to fart!

Qi Yu resolutely refused, and showed a hypocritical smile: "Your Majesty is well-informed, why don't you take care of my soldiers? I believe they will soon become an outstanding choir!"

Dreaming, practice time is only so little, chorus is not as good as solo, at least you can hear what words are sung.

The two looked at each other, saw through each other's mentality of not wanting to do anything, and then snorted coldly at each other. After the punishment time passed, they quickly released the little fingers that were barely hooked together, and turned to enter the cabin.

half an hour later...

Qi Yu took out the seaweed dance, and the queen took out my best-looking one in the world. It is said that the two of them were almost punished by the main god system in order to decide on the performance.

At this time, Xie Shao, who left mysteriously, appeared on another ghost ship.

In this separated practice area, it was extremely lively. The players who should take the initiative to contact the performers don't know where they went, and this place has become a carnival for NPCs.

In the sky, huge black dragons roared and exhaled a breath of flames. They hovered and perched on strange cloud-shaped spaceships.

On the sea surface, all kinds of sea monsters with fish features gathered together, listening to the singing of the mermaid quietly.

On the ghost ship, Xie Shao picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip.

He is wearing a white T-shirt and black trousers that match the shirts of many players. If anyone else can see his attribute panel, they can see that he, like Qi Yu, has an undercover reminder for fake players written in [] .

"The grand performance is about to begin, Xie Shao, are you looking forward to this scene?"

The beautiful-looking woman who was also dressed in the normal system of a player drank the red wine in her hand. She stared outside with a strange smile on her lips. Before Xie Shao could answer, she continued on her own: " You must also be looking forward to it, because we are all like this."

"We will stop at nothing to be able to get revenge, to be able to escape this terrible place."

"Have you found the man who died for you?"