The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 76: go back


When those unknown but terrifying attacks hit the Gear Kingdom, Qi Yu seemed to hear the mixed roar of the game and the main god system.

The wind howled.

Facing the spreading flame, he smiled and closed his eyes.

Such an attack range would be very wide, and they would hang next to them in the game, even if Xie Shao reminded them in advance, they would not be able to escape.

But it doesn't matter, it would be great if they could die together with the game. Anyway, they should have been thrown into the underworld long ago, and now they are just continuing the suspended process.

The only thing that makes him a little regretful is that he still hasn't figured out what that guy Xie Shao wants to do? What about being a saint? Could it be that he wanted to stop those bosses from launching such a terrifying attack

He can't be that stupid, can he

Such a big and beautiful "firework" must have taken a lot of their energy, and it is absolutely impossible to be stopped.

Alas, what a pity.

If he had known that so many things would happen later, he should have put Xie Shao to sleep at that time!

Otherwise, it would be too bad for the two handsome guys with such high quality to die so young. What a loss to the world! Hey, it seems not, Xie Shao and Su Qing should be together, maybe he can survive, then he...


Qi Yu suddenly opened his eyes angrily. He thought he would see himself being cremated quickly, but unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he saw a person standing in front of him against the firelight.

"Why didn't you leave?"

Xie Shao didn't reply, he took off the mask that obstructed the eyes, lowered his head and kissed Qi Yu's face lightly, and then asked him gently: "Although the time and place are not right, but I have handed over the ring before, Add one more now, and I'm going to ask you on my own behalf."

"Qi Yu, will you marry me?"

"What are you marrying or not!" Qi Yu was furious in an instant, and he pushed Xie Shao away, "What are you doing around here? The protective cover? How long is it going to last? Hurry up, Hurry up, can't you run like them? Hurry up, don't make trouble for me, just be more decisive for a big man!"

Xie Shao smiled.

He came over sticky and kissed Qi Yu again.

"I know, but I still have to say what I should say. Do you remember what I said to you when we two met for the first time?"

"... What did you say?" Qi Yu looked at him with eyes full of vigilance, "Don't make trouble suddenly, it feels like you're telling the funeral when you speak now, it makes me panic."

"I'm just a scumbag who can't remember what we said when we first met. You quickly give up on me and let me cool down. Or I can give you some last words, such as leaving you the address, you At that time, remember to help me clear some small secret files in my computer, and just format it."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

"Damn it, look, the fire is almost cooking the cover, it's trembling and distorted! It's really inappropriate for you and me to be here at such a tense moment. Hurry up and go. When you get back, you just need to remember Just don’t bring your new love to my grave, if you dare to do that, be careful I’ll sing the little widow to your grave in your dream!”

Qi Yu stretched out his hand, frantically groping for Xie Shao.

"Where are the props?"

"Then you must have put the props of Niubi on your body, take them out quickly, or it will be too late later."

Xie Shao kept silent, watching him grope with a smile, and the next second, the flames burst out, Qi Yu was held tightly in Xie Shao's arms, bowed his head and kissed.

In such a passionate kiss, Qi Yu felt that Xie Shao forced something into his hand, and then—he seemed to have fallen into some strange place, the world was pitch black, he couldn't move, but he could hear those intermittent voices .

Someone was shouting, someone was laughing wildly, and there was the sound of the game.

It may be that the sounds of their systems are similar, and the things that come out of one batch have a strong sense of mechanics. But no matter how strong the accent is, at this moment, it becomes vague like softened butter.

[Drip—the core software is under attack.]

[The repair failed, the core software was severely damaged, and the game server was officially shut down.]

[All players have gone offline.]

[Thank you for your participation.]

This is the voice that all players want to hear the most. During the fall, Qi Yu even heard the exclamations and joyful shouts of those lucky ones who were lucky enough not to participate in this dungeon, survived to the end, and returned to the real world inexplicably. Voice.

They are about to leave this ghostly place and see their relatives and friends again.

Blessed to be able to relive my life.

This was supposed to make people roll over with joy, but Qi Yu couldn't laugh at all. He raised his hand with difficulty, covering his heart with the thing that Xie Shao had stuffed at the end, and tears flowed down his cheeks silently.

It was a small fish-shaped jade pendant.

A long time ago, he gave it to Xie Shao.

Maybe it was because the game was completely shut down, and those memories that had been forcibly erased suddenly reappeared clearly in his mind. Only then did Qi Yu realize that it was not the first time he had been selected by the system.

His first time was to enter the main god system with Xie Shao and the others.

As a newbie at the time, he happened to meet Qin Shuo who came to do some light tasks to relax during a mission. At that time, the task had assigned identities to everyone in advance, and Qin Shuo drew a magical female artist character by drawing, and was forced to put on a long red-brown dress after entering the dungeon.

But that's really okay, the main god system is much more refined than the game, he is still wearing his own pants, and he has no makeup or wig, he looks obviously a man.

But I don't know if it was because the night was too dark at that time, or because Qi Yu was chased by those terrifying ghosts, anyway, he just took Qin Shuo away as a cute new girl.

The two miraculously had a thrilling escape contest with a touch of romance in that dungeon city.

at last-

Qi Yu dragged Qin Shuo into a trash can.

In fact, when he let him hide at the beginning, Qin Shuo refused very much. He was ready to open his posture, and he was waiting for the pursuers to come up and perform a transformation in place for this blind boy. He didn't expect Qi Yu to be so stunned.

Who would suddenly jump into the garbage dump after holding someone in his arms

"Are you crazy!"

At that time, Qin Shuo was so mad that he almost jumped up and stuck Qi Yu headfirst into the garbage dump.

And Qi Yu, whose mind was completely in another place, looked at his hand with a bitter face, as if he accidentally touched the chest of a young lady just now. Although the young lady was a little... flat, but he still took advantage of him, so after learning from the pain, he carefully said to him: "I, I will be responsible for you."

Qin Shuo who just wanted to get angry: "???"

What is your boy dreaming about

But if there is a dish, you will not drink it like this, right

Then, he didn't know why at that time, he suddenly had an idea, and was ready to recognize his female identity to tease Qi Yu: "Be responsible to me, what if I am pregnant with your child?"

"Ah?" Qi Yu was confused.

Can you get pregnant just by touching it? Miss sister, your shocking touch of porcelain is a bit shocking!

Qin Shuo cheated: "I don't care, just tell me if you will take good care of me and the child!"

Qi Yu: "...well, well, I'll raise it!"

Let's talk about it after this game first, I always feel a little weird!

And so, this strange relationship between the two of them began.

After finally discovering Qin Shuo's identity as a liar, he angrily chased Qin Shuo around and hammered him around. In the end, he was picked up successfully and became his little follower.

Qi Yu, who is quite talented, with the help of Qin Shuo, continued to realize the joy of crazy level jumps, and then—the main god system was suddenly hit hard, and I don't know where it provoked other systems, anyway, it was just a meal of "love" After the hammer", it managed to become tattered.

The players who saw the opportunity to escape became excited almost immediately. The several teams that were still fighting together put down their grudges, and almost broke their fortunes and arranged an attack formation. Originally, they planned to attack the main god system when the high-level power stones were collected, but before they got them together, the game system came out and made a big profit.

Who can blame this

It can only be blamed that they are too poor and have no money to start in advance.

The players were captured by the game with tears in their eyes. At the critical moment, Qin Shuo suddenly jumped out, confessed first, and then sent Qi Yu out with some incomplete item he bought to save his life.

Not long after, the troubled Qi Yu was favored by the game system again and brought in again.

It's a disaster that can't be avoided, maybe he, Qi, has a huge halo on his head in the eyes of these systems, and it should be something like "high-quality players are selected, come and take them quickly".

Qi Yu tried hard to open his eyes, he didn't want to forget again, even if he was going to sing the little widow's visit to the grave for Xie Shao, it was better than not remembering anything and not being able to sing.

This time he swore that he would practice hard before singing.

Anyway, I want to sing him a nice song.


When Qi Yu opened his eyes again, what he saw was the dazzling white ceiling of the hospital. His stomach was covered with a thin quilt, and both legs were hung up in the air, tied in the shape of a mummy. It's really miserable.

But it's okay, the legs are still there.

The most important thing is that he still remembers.

Qi Yu touched his chest and felt that there was no major wound, so he propped himself on the edge of the bed and tried to prop himself up. It would be better if he could take a sip from the water glass on the bedside table, because he is really thirsty right now. .

"Hey, hey," the little nurse in charge of his room happened to come over to make rounds, and as soon as she saw him moving around, she rushed over and pushed him back, "Don't move around, you just finished putting the plaster on your broken legs Soon, although there was no serious injury on the upper body, there were also a lot of scratches, and the wounds were reopened by moving around, so you will feel better."

"What do you want? Drink water?"

She quickly moved the pillow to make Qi Yu more comfortable to sleep on, then handed him a water glass and inserted a tube for him to drink a couple of sips.

After waiting for a series of skilled movements to be completed, she had time to secretly admire the patient's appearance.

After staying in the hospital for a long time, she almost forgot how to write the word "beautiful" after seeing all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates. Fortunately, two of the patients who came this time are very handsome. Turn back the distorted thought that there are no handsome guys in the world except idols.


Qi Yu handed her the water glass back. There was so much information in his mind to process, that he didn't know what to say for a while, so he just sat there in a daze.

From the little nurse's point of view, he was just confused by the sudden car accident, and he hasn't recovered yet.

"You were hit by a car in a series of car accidents. A car behind them hit them. After the series of collisions, the car in front rushed directly onto the sidewalk, just hitting you who was passing by."

"It can be regarded as good luck. It's just a broken leg. There is no major problem. It will be fine after a few months of care."

She thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and mentioned: "The car accident was quite serious at that time, and another car hit a pedestrian on the other side in order to dodge. It’s nothing serious, we’re all lucky.”

They are also very handsome!

"That's it," Qi Yu raised his head and smiled at the little nurse in order to appease her.

Then, as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the guy standing at the door of his ward, who was also wearing a hospital gown, had a cast on his arm like him, and stood at the door with disheveled hair smiling at him.

"You and that patient should know each other, right?" The little nurse was still busy nagging beside him: "He woke up before you, said he was worried about you, and has sneaked over to see you several times. Alas, What is his name, it seems to be called Xie..."

"Thank you Shao."

Qi Yu accepted her words, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled happily.

"I am here."

Xie Shao walked into the ward, ignored the dazed little nurse beside him, bowed his head and kissed Qi Yu gently on the forehead.

"I didn't abandon you."

"So, can you forgive me for my previous self-assertion?"

Qi Yu wanted to put on a straight face and scare him again, but the joy of being able to see him again instead of going to the grave to see him singing to him was really unbearable, so he smiled and raised his hand to rub Xie Shao's hair, road:

"Okay, don't be angry."

"But this is not an example."

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