The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 9: sent to hospital


Qi Yu and his party sat silently on the carriage sent by You Yu, and no one spoke.

After finally clearing the first game, everyone will be able to hand over the mission objectives immediately, and earn points to live for a few more days. It stands to reason that it should be celebrated.

Otherwise, it's good to chat and relax, just like they were joking in the orphanage before, there is no malicious intention, just to relax and talk together.

We can't almost die together, and in the end we don't even know each other's names, right

How bad that is.

Even Pei Hu agreed to chat with them a few more words, but this law will automatically be invalidated by Qi Yu.

Combining the former and the game boss you and me, calling each other husband, there is still a tooth mark on the face after bidding farewell. Needless to say, the players have already made up a tragic love story in their hearts, in which the loving mandarin ducks were beaten with sticks, and we love each other but can't be together.

Looking at Qi Yu's handsome face full of downcast, the only woman among the players with long hair was almost overwhelmed with maternal love, feeling affectionate, and shouted in her heart: "What the hell is this beautiful love!"

She handed over a handkerchief cautiously.

"Don't be too sad, everyone is involuntary."

Qi Yu, who was still immersed in Xie Shao's amazing farewell message:? ?

What's going on here

Did everyone just talk about something he didn't know about

He raised his head in a daze, and found that everyone was giving him loving, caring and gentle eyes. The last time he saw this kind of eyes, it was when the second girlfriend in their dormitory was pried away, and they went out to drink with him together. A night of wine.

Qi Yu: "..."

He miraculously understood what they meant, and was tempted to punch someone.

No matter how reasonable it is, Xie Shao calls him husband, right? !

What's the matter with your eyes looking at abandoned women

:) So angry.

He tried to explain his relationship with Xie Shao to them, but when it came to specific aspects, he himself couldn't explain clearly for a while.

The consequence of being vague is that everyone is hmm, we understand, don't be sad.

Even Song Qing, who was tied into twists and thrown into the carriage, uttered a cold snort of contempt, as if mocking them, the adulterer and adulterer, who were so good at cheating him together that they didn't even recognize it.


Qi Yu: "..."


What else

No explanation, so be it.

He leaned against the wooden board of the carriage like a salted fish, closed his eyes and went to rest.

Seeing that he stopped talking, the others relaxed and began to discuss in low voices.

Someone asked Pei Hu: "Brother Hu, why do we send people to the hospital and send a carriage? What age is this? I don't think the orphanage is a very old building. When I first saw the carriage, I I thought we were in some ancient martial arts movie."

The yellow-haired young man curled his lips: "What ancient martial arts movies use this kind of carriage, it's tattered, and it's similar to the kind of broken ox cart that our hometown used to pull goods."

The carriage that came to pick them up was really broken.

A few pieces of broken planks were put together to build a crude carriage.

The windows are made of wood, and the car curtains are made of wood.

The old horse in front rattled and rattled, and the carriage at the back rattled and rattled.

It was Song Qing who was thrown inside casually, and with the ups and downs of the carriage, he had intimate contact with the carriage and kept colliding with it.

Qi Yu suspected that when he got to the hospital, Song Qing had already been hit all over his head.

But think about his perverted appearance before pulling out the syringe, forget it, anyway, the game didn't say to take good care of him.

It's not bad if he doesn't gang up.

The idle and bored players were still discussing the issue of carriage travel, and finally deduced from the dilapidated condition of the carriage that the game funds were insufficient, which was a fact that the game was poor.

Pei Hu wanted to explain, but before he could figure out the words to explain, he heard Qi Yu snort coldly.

"No one is driving the carriage, so it can be said that the old horse knows the way, and no one is driving the car. Do you want to experience the supernatural scene of fully automatic driverless driving?"

Players: "..."

Oh too.

Although some of their players can drive, the game obviously doesn't allow them to drive.

They don't know the way either.

Imagine they are sitting in a car, no one is in the driver's seat, but the steering wheel turns by itself, and there is a mechanical sound reminding them to sit tight and fasten their seat belts when starting off.

… forget it.

Kind of scary.

The carriage sounds slow, but it is actually much faster than walking. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the final destination of the game dungeon, the hospital.

After being rusted, it was corroded into a big iron gate of crimson. The surrounding area is gray with various traces, and there is a tall wall covered with vines. There is also a tall fence hanging on the gate. After the paint is peeled off, only the word hospital can be vaguely seen. iron signboard.

This is a very dilapidated hospital.

It's so old it's doubtful it's still open and there are no medical staff inside.

"anyone there?"

The yellow-haired youth knocked on the door first.

Bang Bang Bang —

The red rust fell down with a rush.

"Who is it?" A small switchable door on the iron door was opened, revealing a pair of vigilant eyes, and he looked back and forth at the people in front of the door. "What's the matter with you?"

"We are sending patients here, they are from the nearby orphanage, and we have issued a certificate in advance."

Pei Hu took out a hospital admission certificate, which was given by Yuxi after he captured Song Qing and put him in the carriage. It's just a simple piece of white paper, without even a red stamp on it, it looks extremely perfunctory.

But it is quite effective for the people in this hospital.

The attitude of the people inside was obviously better after reading it, "Just have a certificate, you guys wait here for a while, I'll go inside and apply."

Need to apply for admission to the hospital

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling more and more strange about this hospital.

However, they are all on the verge of completing the task and clearing the customs, so nothing will happen again. It's not that they went to the hospital, no matter how weird the hospital is, it has nothing to do with them, anyway, as long as the person is handed over, it will be fine.

Everyone thinks so.

The process of handing over people is also very smooth.

It didn't take long for the medical staff inside to carry a stretcher and take Song Qing away. They seemed to be used to Song Qing being tied into rice dumplings, and they were not surprised at all.

"Qi Yu," Song Qing called to him before being carried away, "Is that your name?"

He looked at him and smiled, his eyes fixed on Qi Yu.

It seemed as if he was looking at some delicious meal.

"Next time, if you beg me, I can consider letting you live longer."

He didn't look very good, maybe because he had been hiding in the orphanage for a long time, his face was as pale as a dead man, with protruding dead fish eyes, a flat nose and buck teeth, and a knife scar on his face.

Xie Shao was really not talking nonsense when he said he was ugly.

But when this kind of face is nervous, it is very bluffing, especially when he has a ferocious face and keeps laughing sharply, the players including Pei Hu all get goosebumps from laughter.

But Qi Yu who was stopped by him was very calm.

He listened carefully to what he had said, and then in front of everyone, he rolled up the handkerchief handed to him by the long-haired girl and stuffed it into Song Qing's mouth.

"You're too noisy."

"Next time, I'll beat you all over the place looking for teeth."

Song Qing was taken away by medical staff.

Players wait to be teleported away.

The yellow-haired young man looked at Qi Yu and gave a thumbs up in admiration: "Brother Qi, you are so domineering."

Qi Yu: "It's easy to say, anyway, I won't see you in the future. When you say goodbye, of course you can say what you want."

Everyone: "..."

When I opened my eyes again, there was a tall building in front of me, and the feasting and feasting looked quite lively. A group of them stood in an open square, and there was a fountain behind them. The statue children in the pool were holding their dicks and trying hard to get water.

If it wasn't for the constant appearance of people in a burst of white light, Qi Yu would have thought that he had returned to the original world. He was walking on the road, ready to go to a nearby shop to have a meal. Add three servings of fat beef to the spicy hot pot, add chicken wings and corn, and go back when he is so full that he burps. On the way, he will starve to death for the group in the dormitory. Ghosts take their share.

Qi Yu lowered his eyes, watching the familiar light screen jump out again.

[Clear the copy "The Last Child in the Orphanage"]

[Complete the main task, and successfully send the task target to the hospital alive, rewarding 30 points.]

Point rewards will be credited to the account in real time, and will be sent to the player's account in just one click.

"Damn, thirty points, one point is one day, we can only exchange one month's life after clearing a copy of our life and death."

"That's right. I heard from Brother Hu that ordinary newcomer missions only cost fifteen points. It only takes half a month, and they will enter the second dungeon as soon as they get used to it. We can wait a few more days, or change points Life-saving things."

"But it won't change much."

The players muttered, and they pulled out the option of redeeming points from the light screen, as well as the points mall they had been looking forward to for a long time.

There are no good things against the sky in the mall. Players can exchange points for life in the most direct way, and they can also exchange them for some weapons, such as the dagger that Pei Hu took out when fighting Song Qing before, some healing potions, or Basic necessities.

They are all people who have died once. After being pulled away by the game, even if they clear the instance and do not save enough points to exchange for resurrection, they will not be put back.

When they are not doing dungeon missions, they will stay in the player rest area specially created by this game, and live a life similar to that outside.

The difference is that here, food, clothing, housing and transportation all require points.

It doesn’t cost much to rent a room for food, but it’s very expensive to buy weapons, and there is no support for the sale of hot weapons here. Players basically rely on themselves to pass the dungeon, or get props from the dungeon to save their lives.

Generally, this kind of props are used as life-saving goods at the bottom of the box, and no one will sell them. But there are always some points that are not enough, in order to save their lives, or the props are inappropriate and want to be exchanged, or novice players who have just entered the game.

What if the novice player is lucky enough to get the props from the dungeon, but finds that his points are not enough after coming out, what should he do

"Well-intentioned" old players will wait for the opportunity to appear, enthusiastically exchanging low-priced points for their items. Nowadays, it has developed to a wave of old players who specialize in squatting for novices, exchanging props to earn points and renew their lives.

"Hey, the newcomer just released a dungeon? How's the income?"

It's the same with this wave of players, they were targeted as soon as they came out. Some people came over to talk to them familiarly, and they specifically picked out muscular men and young men with yellow hair who looked strong.

Qi Yu and the long-haired girl were temporarily ignored because they didn't look too outstanding.

After Pei Hu finished collecting the ten point tasks for him to bring newcomers, he waved his hand and started chasing them away.

"Let's go, we don't have any props, so we made a guaranteed amount of money in this wave, but we didn't make anything. If you want to change it, find someone else."

The one who was driven away cursed violently, "A group of newcomers who don't even touch the props in the game, a bunch of useless people who don't know how to play games."

With a greasy temper, he turned his head and squatted at other people.

Pei Hu was too lazy to talk to them, like a group of newcomers walking to the rented house next door. This is in the dungeon, and he promised to lead them the way, but after leading them, the group of them will disperse, and they will find their own mothers in the future, and work hard on their own.

As he walked, he asked Qi Yu in a low voice.

"You should have triggered side missions before, right? How about the benefits?"


Qi Yu looked at his light screen and informed that there were still a few lines of writing below after completing the main task.

[Complete important plot tasks, gain Wang Yueyue's favor, and reward Wang Yueyue with a red bow card.]

[Complete the task of the attic plot, gain the favor of the game boss Xie Shao, and reward a four-piece pink floral bed.]

[Obtaining the mission goal, Song Qing's resentment.]

[Successfully bind the next copy.]

[Dungeon Name: Abandoned Hospital]

[Task requirements: Unknown for now.]

[The dungeon will be opened in ten days. Players are requested to take a good rest and prepare for the next challenge.]

The author has something to say: Qi Yu: Dog game:)

The useless chicken author has a fever again hahahaha

I’m going to flirt around in one piece of clothing again, it’s still a very fat chapter, huh! ~

In two days, I will take the cat to be neutered. I am thinking whether to touch its eggs more before neutering. After all, I will not be able to touch it soon. Hahaha, thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: Why are you confused. 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lingxiao, 3 bottles of Chiyu, and 1 bottle of Sunny Doll

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^