The eSports King’s Crush

Chapter 105: Chapter 106 I really didn't expect it


Listen to the uproar.

Zhao Jianjian shook his head involuntarily, and said to his Brother Nan: "Young Master Feng made a perfect excuse, Brother Nan, you probably don't know, ever since he said that, those girls have been waiting to be punished." He chased him, but there was no movement at all, this is simply a routine."

Mo Bei didn't speak, his side face was as calm as before. After all, their beginning in the game was indeed initiated by a certain master.

Zhao Jianjian moved closer again: "Brother Nan, why didn't you fight this time? Is it because of Nailin? I know, so I won't carry him around, it's really scary, will he sue me in front of Young Master Feng?"

"No." Mo Bei walked around the crowd and walked in the opposite direction.

Zhao Jianjian was still asking, "Why not?"

"It's meaningless." Mo Bei never spoke much, and he lowered his head and took another bite of bread, without the slightest expression on his face.

Standing in the center, Feng Nai raised his eyes when he unscrewed the ice cover, and frowned slightly when he couldn't easily see the tall figure eating bread not far away.

This time it came out, it really came out wrong...

The state of the two of them did not change when they entered the team's apartment.

Originally, the computers used in training were sitting next to each other.

Cat, Cat, and Bear is sitting opposite them, doing daily live broadcasts.

After playing a few games, Feng Nai became addicted to cigarettes, so he wanted to reach out for a cigarette.

But at this moment, there was an extra one next to it.

It's Mo Bei, she should be in the game, with black headphones on her head, the character she played happened to have no blue, and she was adding blue to the city.

Didn't pay much attention to the side either.

At this time we met together.

The two looked sideways, and after a glance, they separated casually.

But the second time, they bumped into each other again, this time the shoulders of both of them were a little closer.

Mo Bei wanted to get a bottle of water.

The atmosphere suddenly froze a bit.

Cat, Cat And Bear was still unaware of it, and teased his opponent, "Hey, hey, I couldn't catch up, and I ran away again, isn't it so angry." He said to the fans: "Playing a mage should be so skinny, not in the middle, How to steal the opponent's little wild boar, what a little wild boar is, is money! What is the key to victory in this game, friends, remember, economy, economy!"

On the other hand, ADC Han Xi, who took off his earphones and walked over, turned his gaze over, with a handsome profile, and picked up the bottle of water. He never talked much, but when he encountered this situation, he still took a look.

Boss and their new assistant, what's going on

Feng Nai turned his eyes, met Han Xi's gaze, and raised his eyebrows absently.

Han Xi understood, this meant to keep away from idlers, and don't ask for gossip.

It does seem to be the case...

Without the bottle of water, Mo Bei naturally took his hand back, stood up from the chair, walked to the refrigerator, bent down and took out a bottle of water.

At this time, Feng Nai had already lit the cigarette at his fingertips, clicked on the mouse with one hand, and started a new round of massacre, as if the scene just now had never happened at all.

The training content of the Black Flame team today is a bit ghostly.

Available in both small and large sizes.

Go to a low-level arena and play three team battles in a row, and then go to a high-level arena to play three team battles.

The purpose is to practice personal skills and how to win the game without the cooperation of teammates at all.

(end of this chapter)