The eSports King’s Crush

Chapter 113: The one hundred and fourteenth is okay, Ann


This scene made Feng Nai's light eyes deeper.

Play style changed

Mo Bei didn't know what the person on the other end of the phone was thinking. He thought that Nailin was frightened, so he turned on the voice and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The sound quality transmitted through electronic products is slightly different from usual.

But Cat, Cat, and Bear, who had left some distance away, turned his head suddenly. It was so strange, why did he hear the voice of his buddy Mo Nan just now

Noticing Cat, Cat and Bear's movements, Feng Nai casually put on the earphones. During this period, he did not forget to imitate his brother's tone and reply: "Thank you, little brother."

After a qualifying match, Feng Nai called for help no less than seven times.

The teammate said boldly: "Adc girl, don't always let assassins protect you, I am the tank, and I will protect you."


These two words successfully made Young Master Feng raise his eyebrows.

A skillful move to the right.

Originally cut his fighters.

He was directly killed by Xiufei.

At this time, Mo Bei was still fighting the big boss in the wild area, and didn't see the whole process.

But the tank standing aside was stunned.

Why did the adc girl suddenly become so tough.

He didn't even run.

Just, just kill someone

After the soldier on the opposite side died, he used the public screen to swipe a sentence: "Adc on the opposite side, you are an actor!"

Mo Bei brushed the boss, and asked in a calm voice: "What's the situation?"

Tank just wanted to type.

I saw someone typed a line faster than him: "Little brother, that man scolded me even after I killed him."


"Got it." Mo Beixiang said little.

Before people understood what she meant, after she finished saying this, there must be soldiers wherever she caught her.

The mentality of the opposite party was directly shattered: "Assassin, you don't catch the adc and you always catch me, what do you mean, I am a soldier, what's the use of you if you catch me! 0 kills and 5 deaths, how can I fight! Tell me some reason!"

Seeing this, Tank directly left a message on the public screen: "Brother, don't resist. This is the case when you meet a husband and wife team. Who told you to say adc girl just now, my assassin will definitely not be able to bear it."

Adc girl

Husband and wife file

Looking at these words, Feng Nai narrowed his long and narrow eyes, but he did not lose his pretense. As long as Mo Bei was around, he could do all kinds of operations.

As soon as Mo Bei disappeared, the soldiers came and took away a set of skills.

Both the tanks in their team and the fighters on the opposite side have discovered that this ADC is really a bit problematic.

But the soldier didn't dare to say anything anymore, he was afraid that if he opened his mouth again, the assassin on the opposite side would directly kill him and make him doubt his life.

Are the little brothers with girls so cruel now

This girl is also very good at pretending.

It's obviously a good game, but you have to pretend to be very good.

What kind of tricks are these

Do you want the little assassin brother to treat "her" with pity

For passer-by fighters, it is a bit ignorant.

Feng Nai didn't pay attention to other people's senses at all, calling for help was just to see someone's style of play more clearly.

The trace of Bey is gone, is it really just his illusion before

Feng Nai lowered his eyes, and then glanced at the figure on the phone skimming the game map.

With the destruction of the enemy's city.

The word victory appeared on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, there was a voice message from the other party: "Come here first today, and play with you tomorrow."

Feng Nai just wanted to reply.

The message was refreshed again, and there was only one sentence: "Yeah, Ann."

(end of this chapter)