The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 1: Transmigrated to become a eunuch


Le Yaoyao only feels that she is now a cup (tragedy) placed on the tableware (tragedy), even if she keeps rubbing her eyes, the person reflected in the lake is still not her true appearance.

Although, the face reflected in the lake is very beautiful.

A palm-sized melon face, curved black eyebrows, pretty nose, thin red lips with perfect lines, plus a pair of shimmering, surprisingly big and beautiful eyes! It fits perfectly!

Even though Le Yaoyao has seen so many beauties on TV, they are not one ten thousandth of the face in front of her!

It took Le Yaoyao amazed for a while before she came back to her senses. However, although the person reflected in the water is very beautiful, what is the situation now! ? Who can tell her!

She was just going bungee jumping with her classmates during the summer vacation. Why did she jump with her eyes closed, and when she opened them again, she was in this strange place

What about her classmates? Where the hell is it? Where is she herself

What puzzled Le Yaoyao the most was, although her current body and appearance were very beautiful, why was this person wearing a dark blue eunuch costume? However, she also checked just now, the owner of this body is a woman! What is going on here? !

Le Yaoyao was startled, shocked, but after being stunned, she had to realize one fact, that is—

She crossed over!


Although she usually likes to read those time-travel novels when she is bored, and finds those time-traveling girls very exciting and interesting, but Le Yaoyao never thought that she would catch up with the trend and travel time-travel once.

After the shock, Le Yaoyao had no choice but to accept the fact, and gradually calmed down.

After all, her personality is like this, she is very easygoing, anyway, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and there is no big deal in this world. Now that you have crossed over, let's live well in this dynasty!

Although, I will never see my dear parents and classmates again...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao felt a little sad. However, it didn't take long for her to be sad, but a crisp exclamation suddenly came from her ear, which made Le Yaoyao jump in fright.

"Xiaoyaozi, so you are here, you are really easy for me to find!"

The person who came was a young eunuch about fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as Le Yaoyao, and also wearing a dark blue eunuch costume. She is pretty handsome, and her skin is moist and tender, which makes Le Yaoyao amazed.

After all, this eunuch in front of me is a real eunuch. I have seen it on TV a lot before, but it is real, but it is the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair!

Although, she is also a little eunuch now, but she is a fake version!

But who is this person? Although she traveled through this body, she didn't know anything about the memory of this body.

So, now that the little eunuch is right in front of her eyes, Le Yaoyao can't figure out who he is, so she has no choice but to learn all the tricks in the novel - pretend to have amnesia!

Think and do it!

Le Yaoyao's exquisite facial features wrinkled, and immediately stretched out her jaded hand, and covered her forehead with one hand, making a gesture of pain.

Thinking about it, she often participated in acting activities at school, so when she acted, she was not ambiguous at all.

"Hiss, my head hurts. Oh, who are you? Why can't I remember? Also, who am I?"

"Xiaoyaozi, what's wrong with you? I'm Xiaomuzi! Don't scare me!?"

Sure enough, seeing Le Yaoyao's pained face, Xiao Muzi was even more terrified, and the worried look in his eyes made Le Yaoyao feel a little guilty.

After all, he cared so much about him, but he still lied to him.

However, what he said just now is half true. She really doesn't know what the identity of her body is now. So I had to pretend to be amnesiac.

Moreover, her head is really hurting now. She also paid attention to the surroundings just now.

I saw that this place was very remote, and there was a high wall beside her, and the sound of people's voices boiling faintly came from outside the wall, and I thought, there should be a street beyond the wall. And here, it should belong to the backyard.

I don't know how the owner of my body is here, and there is a bump on my head, which hurts a lot.

According to Le Yaoyao's speculation, the owner of this body should want to sneak out from this wall, but she accidentally fell down, and for some unknown reason, she slipped into this body in a daze. up.

Where did the real owner of this body go, this is beyond her ability to know.

Now, she just wants to know, who is the identity of her body? So that she can live on instead of this body.

After all, she came here suddenly, so it's hard to get along if you don't investigate carefully.

When Le Yaoyao was thinking about it, Xiao Muzi, who was on the opposite side, panicked, suddenly, as if he had thought of something, suddenly his face froze, and he said formally.

"Xiaoyaozi, actually, you lied to me, right? You're pretending to be stupid, but in fact, you don't have amnesia at all, right!?"

"Well… "

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao was shocked, why is this dumb little eunuch in front of her so shrewd? Or, her acting skills are too bad? This can't fool him!

Surprised in her heart, Le Yaoyao didn't know how to explain it for a while, but she saw Xiao Muzi suddenly sighed, and said to her quietly, looking at her with an expression of incomparable sympathy.

"Xiaoyaozi, no matter what method you use, you can't avoid it. Whoever made you unlucky enough to draw the lottery to serve Prince Rui, you are destined to serve Prince Rui for a month. Wait until next month to draw lots. You draw well, maybe You won't be so unlucky to serve Prince Rui again..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Muzi sighed again, but his words made Le Yaoyao puzzled.

Blinking her big eyes, Le Yaoyao asked doubtfully.

"Is Prince Rui scary?" No matter what he said, it seemed that Prince Rui was a monster with three heads and six arms.

And when he heard Le Yaoyao's words, Xiao Muzi was stunned for a moment with an exaggerated expression, and at this moment, he finally believed what Le Yaoyao said just now.

"My God, Xiaoyaozi, have you really lost your memory? Who is Prince Rui? Don't you really not remember?"

Xiao Muzi exclaimed. Le Yaoyao shook her head truthfully.

Seeing this, Xiao Muzi had no choice but to tell everything about Prince Rui and the identity of Le Yaoyao's current body, as long as he knew about it.

It turned out that this dynasty was called the Tianyuan Dynasty, a dynasty that never existed in history!

The new emperor is called Leng Juntian. He is a good emperor who is diligent and caring for the people, and is deeply loved by the people.

And the emperor has only one younger brother, and that is the current master of Prince Rui's residence, Prince Rui Leng Junyu.

Although Leng Junyu and the emperor were not born of the same mother, they had a very good relationship since childhood.

Even so, the personalities of the Emperor and Prince Rui are vastly different! One day, one place!

If the emperor's cold sky is a ray of sunshine in March, then Prince Rui is the cold wind blowing in the twelfth lunar month, which is biting and frightening!

And Xiao Muzi and the owner of her body were both sent to Prince Rui's residence two months ago.

It's just that they have been doing some sweeping and miscellaneous work in the outer courtyard, and have never really seen the legendary Prince Rui, but even so, they have heard a lot about this Prince Rui.

It was rumored that this Prince Rui was handsome, handsome and resourceful like Pan An.

It's just that although Prince Rui has both talent and looks, his personality is very cruel and ruthless, with uncertain weather.

As long as he was upset a little bit, it would be too easy to hit the board, and they couldn't even save their lives.

After all, in the palace, the lives of servants and servants are as cheap as worthless. Even if they die, they can just be thrown away in a mass grave.

Last month, there was a new eunuch who accidentally knocked over a cup of tea in front of Prince Rui, and Prince Rui killed him on the spot.

The little eunuch's head still rolled from the gazebo into the lotus pond, and the head manager ordered people to fish for a day and a night before getting it back.

Later, that gazebo began to be haunted.

A few days ago, someone passed by the lotus pond at night and heard the dead little eunuch's voice, searching for his head, which frightened the entire Prince Rui's residence into panic.

In the end, the people who served Prince Rui were also cautious, not daring to take a breath. Therefore, several young eunuchs were frightened crazy.

Seeing this, the manager is helpless, no one dares to serve Prince Rui!

So the manager had no choice but to come up with a method, that is, everyone draws lots together every month, if they get the lottery to serve Prince Rui, they have to serve Prince Rui for a month, and then draw lots again next month.

And this month, Le Yaoyao, the master of this body, was very unfortunate to get the lottery to serve Prince Rui. Perhaps, it was also for this reason that she was afraid and wanted to run away, but unfortunately fell off the wall and bid farewell to this world.

Of course, these are all analyzed by Le Yaoyao after listening to Xiao Muzi's words.

However, when Le Yaoyao was listening to Xiao Muzi's message and slowly analyzing it, Xiao Muzi looked at the sky and couldn't help panicking.

"Xiaoyaozi, we can't stay here anymore, it's almost noon, you have to go and deliver lunch to the prince!"

"Ah? Why did I give it to you? Is it okay if I don't want it?!"

Although Le Yaoyao's personality is usually carefree, with a personality that is not afraid of anything, but after hearing what Xiao Muzi said about Prince Rui just now, she couldn't help putting that Prince Rui in the shoes of a dangerous person. ranks.

Can a devil who may take human life at any time not be frightening!

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao became a little timid!

For Le Yaoyao's thoughts, Xiao Muzi knew, but he could only cast a look of sympathy and pity.

In fact, he has a very good relationship with Xiaoyaozi, if possible, he would also like to replace her, but he is afraid that if he accidentally offends Prince Rui and knocks him off, then what will his family do!

It was because his family was not well off, and he had five younger siblings to support, that his parents cut the pain and sent him to be an eunuch. Therefore, he can't die, and he is still waiting to use the monthly silver to support his family!

Thinking of this, Xiao Muzi is helpless, and can only pray to God in his heart, so that Xiaoyaozi can spend this month in peace.

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Muzi also walked towards the main hall of the palace with a reluctant Le Yaoyao.

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