The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 102: Nangong Junxi is back


Because the incident was too hasty, and he didn't know what Le Yaoyao liked, so Leng Junyu was really unprepared for a while.

It's just that people quickly prepared some fireworks, trying to make this little man happy.

But Le Yaoyao was taken aback when she heard Leng Junyu's words.

I saw that just when I was in a trance just now, the man put on this string of bracelets on his hand.

Unexpectedly, Queen Daxia's solution made Nangong Junxi pee and hate Lulu.

After that, seeing that Lulu liked her son since she was a child, she paid more attention to it.

Then put it on Le Yaoyao's wrist.


Le Yaoyao suggested.

The cicadas on the tree are like batteries full of energy, and they keep barking endlessly, which makes people even more irritable when they are already hot and dry.

I saw these koi carps, with various varieties and colorful colors, swimming around in this sparkling pond, looking like a moving watercolor painting, which is very beautiful.

Then, after entering Xiao Xie, he immediately knelt down on the ground and said to Leng Junyu who was sitting at the desk reviewing official documents.

Speaking of this, Nangong Junxi was a little helpless.

Moreover, there is a big pond on the other side of the bamboo garden.

"Eldest brother, how can you be so hard-hearted?? If I am captured, I will live in dire straits, can you bear it

The scroll that he had originally held in his hand was also casually thrown on the stool beside him, without any intention of opening it to take a look.

However, that person was not her own son, but her adopted daughter, Princess Lulu.

However, since Ye Hong is here, it is not easy for him to do so.

The first one is not important, Nangong Junxi is most concerned about the last question.

After all, just listening to his words is enough to prove how precious and priceless this bracelet is. How can she want it?

Seeing this, Empress Daxia took Lulu by her side as her own.

Although, thinking this way made him feel that he was broken.

"My lord, it's not good, a group of people came to the palace just now, saying, they are here to look for, come to look for...

Could it be that someone came to Prince Rui's residence to make trouble?

But, God knows, if he wanted to marry her, would he rather never find her in his whole life

However, if this is the case, that person simply ate his ambition, and he didn't even ask where Prince Rui's mansion is.

"Eldest brother, you should have some kind of secret way here, let me use it, okay

In short, it must not be some stunning beauty or something

Today, Leng Junyu went to court early, but he still did not forget his business.

"This is the poison-avoiding pearl that Wei Guo paid tribute to this year. This poison-avoiding pearl, as the name suggests, can avoid all kinds of poisons.

"Ye Hong was ordered by his father and queen mother to take me back?? Hey, I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. I avoided anyone's eyes and ears, and you even knew that I was here.

really weird

Ye Hong was the emperor's first confidant, over forty years old, strong in martial arts, and loyal to the emperor, so he was highly valued by the emperor.

Just said to Ye Hong.

Looking at the originally sparkling pond, because of the input of bread crumbs, the appearance of the fish scrambling to eat, aroused a string of water drops in the pond, that picture is interesting to watch.

After all, based on what he knew about his mother, if she noticed his whereabouts, she would definitely send someone to arrest him immediately.

This time, Leng Junyu finally couldn't bear Nangong Junxi's begging, put down the brush in his hand, raised his face, and said in a cold voice.

Didn't expect this guy to have a day of being forced

Nangong Junxi couldn't help recalling in his mind when he was young, the little girl who was always following behind him, missing a front tooth, and constantly running two lines of snot. Thinking about it, Nangong Junxi couldn't help shivering.

After lunch, I came to Zhuyuan to deal with business.

Moreover, this is the first time he gave her a birthday present? She will definitely cherish it.

"The people who came in just now said they were looking for the Seventh Prince of Great Xia Kingdom


"Actually, since the Seventh Prince came here, the Emperor and Empress already knew about it.

Why did it come today, two months later?

"Ah?? Father, Queen Mother, they already knew?? But, why did they send you to find me now

That stable appearance, as if the sky is falling, will not even frown.

In that case, he doesn't have to be afraid of going back to the palace, and he doesn't have to worry that the queen mother will take him back and marry that annoying ghost

After sending Ye Hong away, Nangong Junxi was completely relieved.

It's a good thing for him that that annoying ghost is missing

For example, Nangong Junxi's escape from marriage

So, even if he doesn't look at the portrait, he still knows what she will look like when she grows up.

God bless, Ye Hong and the others must not find that annoying person, in that case, he will not be able to marry her.


The whole person is like a boneless snake, limp on the chaise longue.

However, he quickly shook his head and said.

After all, this daughter and son both hurt her.

This speed shocked Nangong Junxi.

Could it be that he has three heads and six arms?

Everyone knows the heart of Empress Daxia's love for her daughter. It is a very sad thing for Empress Daxia to give birth to a son but not be able to reproduce.

At this moment, it is noon.

However, it's only strange that he would look for it.

It has been many years since I left.

Compared to Le Yaoyao's thoughts, it is also Nangong Junxi's thoughts.

Perhaps, in the future, she might stay in this palace forever.

Thinking in his heart, Nangong Junxi took a deep breath, and then used a strong man to charge and kill the enemy, striding towards the outside with arrogance and arrogance.

However, Nangong Junxi was even more excited.

The emperor of Great Xia Kingdom has seven princes and more than ten daughters.

When Le Yaoyao saw it, she was immediately startled.

In that way, sons and daughters can be by their side for the rest of their lives, so great

However, when Le Yaoyao was thinking about these things, the man sitting opposite her lowered his head and thought for a while, then, as if thinking of something, he reached out and took the string of crimson bracelets on his wrists down.

"Okay, Ye Hong has worked hard over there.

When the queen knew about this, she was very sad and shed tears all day long. Later, thinking that the Seventh Prince was also here, he planned to ask the Seventh Prince to help him find it.

The Great Xia Kingdom is rich and powerful, and has had good relations with the Tianyuan Dynasty for generations. Moreover, many princesses of the Great Xia Kingdom and the Tianyuan Dynasty have made peace with each other to continue the friendship between the two countries.

"Oh my god? That follower is missing

"Yu, why don't we go to the front hall to have a look, okay

However, ever since Huo Yanluo expressed his love to her, and under his gentle treatment, Le Yaoyao found that she gradually fell in love with the man in front of her who looked cold but treated her extremely tenderly.

So, when she saw Nangong Junxi who had returned to her previous attitude, Le Yaoyao couldn't help bickering with him again. Suddenly, the relationship between the two returned to the previous incompatibility.


With this poison avoidance bead, all poisonous poisons dare not approach.

Leng Junyu thought so, and Le Yaoyao couldn't help feeling warm when she heard Leng Junyu's words and knew that he cared about her.

Hearing Leng Junyu's explanation, Le Yaoyao's pretty face was stunned, and then, she exclaimed and wanted to take off the bracelet in her hand.

However, the daughter has grown up and is going to marry after all.

"Could it be that someone came to the palace to make trouble?? Just right, I'm bored? Senior brother, I'm the only one to handle this matter

Thinking about it, I will definitely be taken back this time.

Leng Junyu heard the words, but he didn't raise his head, and the brush in his hand was still writing something on the notebook.

If she married someone else's family, she was afraid that her daughter would suffer, and seeing that Lu Lu liked her son since she was a child, she made up her mind that when her son grew up, they would make him a couple.

"Don't even think about running away, since your mother's people have come here, they naturally know that you must be here, and there must be a net outside, do you think you can escape

However, what surprised her the most was that since Nangong Junxi came back, his face had returned to the previous foolishness, simply put, it was a look that deserved a beating.

"This time, the subordinates came here not to bring the Seventh Prince back to the palace, but because Princess Lulu is missing

Emperor Daxia was eager to love her queen. Seeing that Empress Daxia was depressed all day long, she brought Lulu to the palace.

"Hehe, what's the matter, senior brother believes in my ability? I'll help you solve the external affairs, just concentrate on your business.

Princess Lulu was originally the orphan of Lu Chen, the great general who protects the country of Great Xia. The late emperor saw that Lu Chen was patriotic and loyal, and finally died for the country, so he felt great pity for the orphan of Lu Chen.

The originally suave seventh prince suddenly became frustrated.

He didn't want his mother to be sad, after all, her mother treated that annoying ghost the same as she treated him. I don't even think about which one is her own.

When Leng Junyu heard Le Yaoyao's words, he naturally knew that she wanted to watch a good show.

Thinking of this, if Nangong Junxi hadn't hindered Ye Hong from being here, he would have laughed three times.

"Ye Hong, haha, I haven't seen you for many years.

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future. If someone dares to hurt 'him' in the future, at least, having this poison avoidance pearl may be useful.

After all, the bamboo garden is full of bamboos of various varieties.

The little eunuch was probably out of breath from running, and he was out of breath halfway through the speech.

Besides, Lu Lu lost her mother since childhood, and Lu Chen was also an orphan. Once Lu Chen died, Lu Lu would have no other relatives.

I saw groups of koi in the pond.

Everyone in the Great Xia Kingdom's palace knew that Empress Daxia had a beloved baby.

Things will have to be resolved sooner or later, right?

Because of the hot weather, Leng Junyu's study was also moved to Xiaoxie's in Zhuyuan.

"By the way, why did she disappear?? Now, it's not found

Ye Hong's words, in Nangong Junxi's heart, were like a missile that exploded directly in his heart.

It was as if he, who was dying to live a few days ago, never existed at all.

Nangong Junxi looked pitiful, and pulled Leng Junyu pitifully, expecting him to save him.

Nangong Junxi knew that this man was his father's confidant, and he was loyal to his father, so naturally he didn't dare to accept Ye Hong's gift.

Originally, this poison-avoiding bead was a stone, so I made it into a bracelet. It just so happens that it really matches you.

Le Yaoyao just smiled at Leng Junyu's helpless words.

Listening to Ye Hong again, the queen mother didn't mean to force him to go back, but just wanted him to help find it.

After Leng Junyu finished speaking, Nangong Junxi, who was originally full of excitement, was stunned for a moment, and his beautiful peach eyes were full of puzzlement.

However, the world is so big, he lived in the imperial palace since he was a child, and later in Tianshan, he didn't know many people, and he had very few friendships.

"Ah, this, isn't this too expensive

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was slightly startled. It turned out that she had gradually accepted this man unconsciously. Thinking of this, even Le Yaoyao herself was surprised.

Later, after meeting Taoist Tianshan, in order to get rid of this follower, Nangong Junxi resolutely left the palace and went to study art with Taoist Tianshan in Tianshan.

"Haha, Ye Hong doesn't pay much attention.

Bamboo attracts the wind, even in this hot summer, it can bring you a cool breeze.

I don't know what day it is today, Nangong Junxi who disappeared for several days finally came back.

"Okay? I'll take care of this matter, Ye Hong, just rest assured.

However, while Nangong Junxi was overjoyed, he did not forget his curiosity, so he asked.

However, Le Yaoyao wanted to take it down, but Leng Junyu stretched out his hand to stop it.

After taking Ye Hong's picture scroll, and listening to him say that the person in this portrait is that annoying ghost, Nangong Junxi wished to throw it away.

"What?? They, are they looking for me??"

"Right now, I am very satisfied and have nothing else to ask for.

"Then this subordinate will tell you what to look for first. In the recent days, this subordinate will be staying in the Ruyi Inn here in Shangjing. If the Seventh Prince has any news about Princess Lulu, please tell this subordinate as soon as possible.

I thought that if he had been hiding for three to five or seven years, the queen mother would plan on him marrying that annoying ghost, but unexpectedly, he had only been hiding here for two months, and the queen mother's people came to the door? I am the day after.

And Le Yaoyao is also busy with the work of Yafeng Pavilion at this moment, she has just had lunch, and she has to serve Yan Luo.

However, in this leisurely afternoon, suddenly, a little eunuch ran towards this side in a hurry.

For Nangong Junxi's begging, Leng Junyu refused without changing his expression.

When Nangong Junxi was thinking, Ye Hong heard Nangong Junxi's question, and immediately said the truth.

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Nangong Junxi knew that what he said was true, his face that was originally full of excitement suddenly turned into a pitiful one, and he turned his head and said to Leng Junyu who was still reviewing the documents.

However, Nangong Junxi hastily stopped him.

However, she also knew that every time Yan Luo dealt with official business, he would devote himself to the whole process.

She was also idle, so she took some bread crumbs and threw some into the pond to feed the fish.

After learning the news, Nangong Junxi immediately turned around and fled.

Since it was his wish, she accepted it.

I thought that the empress mother would change her mind after he left these years. Unexpectedly, when he went down the mountain to return to the palace, he realized that the empress mother was already waiting for him in the palace, and also wanted to choose an auspicious day to make a marriage for him and that follower. right.

Nangong Junxi seemed to be afraid that Leng Junyu would not deal with this matter for him, and immediately patted his chest to answer.

Although he knew that he was doomed, Nangong Junxi still had luck in his heart. When I saw this big man who hadn't seen him for many years and was still resolute, I laughed.

Nangong Junxi came back, but he has always been a person with nothing to do. At this moment, he is leisurely lying on the imperial concubine chair, facing the cool breeze blowing gently, with the fan in his hand, very uncomfortable.

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Nangong Junxi was very surprised.

Hearing this, Nangong Junxi's expression became even more sad.

On the other hand, Le Yaoyao who was on the side saw her and became curious. U6Y9.

Perhaps knowing that Nangong Junxi was confused, Ye Hong did not hide it, but revealed the purpose of coming here.

However, Nangong Junxi felt conflicted when he thought that the empress would be sad if he couldn't find that annoying ghost.

"This is

Looking at Nangong Junxi's appearance, Le Yaoyao couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

In the end, he could only hide in the elder brother's mansion.

Therefore, Nangong Junxi just finished the portrait, but was not interested in opening it.

In the past, I only wanted to make money and leave the palace, and then live a good life outside.

However, pets belong to pets, but Nangong Junxi is not allowed to mess around.

When he was young and ignorant, he often bullied this little follower who followed him all day.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao just thought that Nangong Junxi should have figured it out after leaving for a few days.

However, when I think about finding that annoying ghost...

However, he couldn't refuse 'his' request.


In the end, what kind of woman is it that makes Nangong Junxi so disgusted that he does not hesitate to escape here to escape marriage

"Eldest brother, you have to save me, so I don't want to marry that follower

We have been away for two full months, and we only know that Princess Lulu may have come to Tianyuan Dynasty. However, we can't find out the specifics.

When Ye Hong got up and stood aside, Nangong Junxi took a look at Ye Hong before sighing and said.

For this reason, Le Yaoyao was very surprised.

He also wished that the bastard would never be found.

Her beautiful eyes were lowered, and she looked away lightly.

Knowing that what Leng Junyu said was not unreasonable, Nangong Junxi only sighed heavily when he heard the words, and then said quietly.

I saw that the bracelet was strung together by crimson beads, and the workmanship was very delicate. Moreover, the bracelet exuded a faint fragrance, which smelled very good.

Thinking about it, Nangong Junxi's scalp was numb, and his face was even more helpless.

In addition, now that she is in the palace, she is eating well and using well. Gradually, the strong idea of leaving here has gradually faded a lot.

Nangong Junxi exclaimed, and then he was overjoyed.

Le Yaoyao sniggered, she looked like a triumphant little tabby cat, Leng Junyu at the side just smiled helplessly when she saw this.

"Don't take it off, wear it properly? This thing is only for decoration on this king, but if you wear it on your body, don't worry, my king.

Therefore, when Nangong Junxi saw that it was Ye Hong who came here, he knew that he was in trouble.

"It is said that Princess Lulu left a letter and left the palace one month before the Seventh Prince came back. It is said that she wanted to find the Seventh Prince. Later, after we found out, we immediately went out of the palace to look for it, but it was only in the hands of some bandits. I found some salutations of Princess Lulu, and later, after extorting a confession through torture, I found out from the mouths of those bandits that they robbed Princess Lulu, but when they were about to bring Princess Lulu back to the cottage to become the wife of the cottage , but was accidentally escaped by Princess Lulu.

Having said that, Ye Hong took out a scroll from his arms, handed it to Nangong Junxi with both hands, and continued.

As for Nangong Junxi, the Seventh Prince of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the birth of the Great Xia Empress, and because he was the youngest son, he was extremely favored by the Great Xia Empress.

The sun was scorching outside, the sun was shining brightly, there was no cloud in the sky, even the wind that blew past was extremely high temperature, and there seemed to be a layer of green smoke floating on the ground.

When Ye Hong heard the words, he just spoke lightly.

Unexpectedly, Leng Junyu, who was sitting in front of the desk, seemed to see through Nangong Junxi's desire to escape, so he just said coolly.

Hearing Nangong Junxi's words, Leng Junyu slowly raised his aloof and stern face, first glanced thoughtfully at the excited Nangong Junxi, and then lightly opened his red lips, Said.

"Okay.? Since 'he' wants to see it, let 'him'

Moreover, he only serves the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, and he will not listen to other people's words.

"Exactly, this matter is related to you, it would be better if you handle it.

Empress Daxia, after giving birth to the seventh prince, was told by the imperial doctor that she was infertile.

"Then let me ask you, if you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime? If you really don't like that woman, then everyone will explain everything openly and frankly. If you are determined, is it possible that your mother will hold a knife against you?" Do you want to marry me on the neck


When Ye Hong saw Nangong Junxi appearing, his resolute and heroic face turned around, and he wanted to salute Nangong Junxi.

Uh, even after so many years, the image of that annoying ghost still hasn't changed in his mind.

Because she was so curious.

"Here is the portrait of Princess Lulu, please take a look at the Seventh Prince.

The fruit picked by force is not sweet, and the relationship that knows there is no result, if it continues to develop, it will only be self-harm.

Hearing this, Leng Junyu just twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said.

"Are you really going to do it

"not good.

After being shocked, he planned to see where he could escape from.

Just at this time, the little eunuch who came in to report finally got his breath, and continued to speak under Nangong Junxi's puzzled expression.

After Nangong Junxi finished speaking, he stood up without thinking, rubbed his fists together, his face was full of excitement.

Just at this time, Le Yaoyao, who came to watch the show, saw that there was only Nangong Junxi in the hall, and there was a teacup on the side, so she knew that the visitor had left.

He never took Nangong Junxi away, and came and went in such a hurry that she couldn't even make her want to watch a good show.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's face was a little disappointed, after flattening her red lips in boredom, her beautiful eyes swept away unintentionally, and her eyes were attracted by the picture scroll thrown aside.