The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 120: 188 Both losers


"Oh my god? Yu, you, are you hurt??"

Seeing the blood dripping on her hands, Le Yaoyao narrowed her beautiful eyes, felt a pain in her heart, and immediately exclaimed.

Then he looked down.

Because Leng Junyu was wearing black clothes, she didn't notice it just now, but now, after a closer look, Le Yaoyao realized that Leng Junyu had been stabbed in the abdomen.

The warm blood flowed out from his wound.

Seeing such a shocking sight, Le Yaoyao's heart ached and broke.

That bean burst into tears, and quickly welled up in Le Yaoyao's eye sockets, kept turning and turning in her eye sockets, and finally turned into strings of crystal clear teardrops, which kept falling from her eyes .

"Yu, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for coming to save me, you wouldn't be hurt. It's all my fault. Oh my God, you were looking at me when you fell down just now. I pressed your wound. Does it hurt? I'm sorry." ,sorry… "

Every time Le Yaoyao said a word, tears would roll down her eyes.

Those crystal clear tears made her even more clear.

It also made Leng Junyu's heart hurt when he saw it.

Slowly stretched out his hand, gently rubbing Le Yaoyao's tender little face, Leng Junyu's pale handsome face due to excessive blood loss, slowly outlined a charming smile, lightly parted his red lips, hoarse Open your mouth and say.

"Fool, it's not your fault, don't cry, it doesn't look good when you cry." U6KT.


Seeing Leng Junyu comforting herself while being injured, Le Yaoyao was so moved that she cried even harder.

However, at this moment, not far behind her, there was a sudden 'bump' sound, like the sound of something heavy falling down.

When Le Yaoyao heard the words, she looked towards the source of the voice. Vocal music is also sword.

I saw Simuhan, who was standing there just now, fell to the ground at this moment.

However, his face turned to this side, staring at her tightly.

In those beautiful phoenix eyes, there is even more sadness, infatuation, sorrow, and various complicated expressions, which makes Le Yaoyao feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Leng Junyu's deep voice came from beside his ear.

"I was hit by his sword, but he is not much better?"

"Well… "

Hearing the disdain in Leng Junyu's tone, Le Yaoyao just pursed her red lips tightly.

However, at this moment, two figures rushed in from Meilin, Le Yaoyao turned her head and fixed her eyes, and it was Meihe Xing who hurried over.

"My lord, how are you?"

"My lord, are you alright?"

Mei Hexing asked anxiously, and when they saw Le Yaoyao's bloody hands and the knife wound on Leng Junyu's abdomen, they frowned.

In the end, Mei was the first to react, and then gave Leng Junyu some blood to stop the bleeding, then looked at Simuhan who was still alive not far away, drew her knife, stood up, and said.

"My lord, should I kill him now?"

"Yes, kill the leader of this cult, so as to eliminate harm for the people?"

Xing on the side also spoke, looking at Simuhan even more with gritted teeth.

After all, everyone in the world can punish the evil deeds done by the cult, and now that Simuhan is injured, now is the best time to kill him.

Everyone understands this point. After all, the leader of this cult has done all kinds of bad things, and he is very skilled in martial arts. Now this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and everyone doesn't want to miss it.

However, seeing Mei holding a sharp long sword and approaching Simuhan step by step, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but feel unbearable, especially seeing Simuhan lying on the ground, motionless, but those beautiful pair Feng Mou looked straight at her, as if treating everyone as air.

It doesn't matter that Mei is holding a long sword and approaching him step by step.

"No… "

Le Yaoyao exclaimed in a low voice.

Although, she knew that this man had done all kinds of bad things, but she couldn't just watch him die in front of her eyes.

Thinking back to the two days with him, his childlike smile, Le Yaoyao couldn't bear it.

However, Mei over there had never heard her words at all, and had already raised the long sword in her hand.

Seeing that, the sharp long sword was about to cut towards Simuhan.

Le Yaoyao couldn't help closing her eyes, not daring to look.

However, at the last moment, Le Yaoyao thought that what she heard would be a scream, but unexpectedly, it was a 'chuckle', like the sound of cold weapons being handed over.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao was startled, and immediately opened her eyes, looking suspiciously at the source of the handover of cold weapons.

I saw, at some time, there were two figures in Merlin.

And these two people are none other than Hong Luoshang and Qingfeng

I saw Qingfeng holding a big knife, entangled and fighting with Mei, while Hong Luoshang ran to Simuhan's side and helped him up, that gorgeous face was even more pale because of Simuhan's injury, and her black eyebrows were tight Frown, it can be seen that she cares about Simuhan very much.

"Master, are you okay? Master, don't scare me."

Simuhan turned a deaf ear to Hong Luoshang's panicked calls, and his beautiful phoenix eyes never moved away from Le Yaoyao's body.

There is also the loneliness between his brows and the sadness in his eyes, making him look like a wounded little beast, Le Yaoyao couldn't bear to see it.

Perhaps sensing Simuhan's strangeness, Hong Luoshang followed Simuhan's gaze, and when it fell on Le Yaoyao, there was a huge hatred in her beautiful eyes.

That hatred is like a poisonous snake that rots its bones, it is constantly spitting out its words, it is frightening to watch.

It's not that Le Yaoyao has never been aware of Hong Luoshang's hatred for her, after all, Hong Luoshang likes Simuhan, and seeing Simuhan's appearance now, she can be forgiven for hating her.

However, her terrifying and vicious eyes still made Le Yaoyao feel pity.

However, at this moment, Hong Luoshang over there finally couldn't hold back his hatred, held a long sword, and rushed towards Le Yaoyao at lightning speed.

"Bitch, am I going to kill you?"


Seeing Hong Luoshang's actions, Le Yaoyao was shocked.

However, before she could react, Xing sneered at Hong Luoshang and said disdainfully.

"The red poisonous woman? If you want to hurt our princess, pass me first?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that Xing's body was like a sword, graceful like a swimming dragon, and quickly entangled with Hong Luoshang.

Hong Luoshang has weird skills and fierce shots, but Xing's martial arts are also extraordinary. After all, he is one of Yan Luo's most powerful subordinates, so it's hard to lose against Hong Luoshang

Ever since, Xing and Hong Luoshang exchanged dozens of moves in an instant, and one of them was very successful.

She didn't have time to take care of the four people who were fighting over there, because at this moment, Le Yaoyao's whole mind was on Leng Junyu.

Although the bleeding was stopped just now, Le Yaoyao still vaguely saw the deep wound, faintly, as if she could still see the intestines inside, it was still scary.

It is conceivable that Simuhan's move just now was intended to put Leng Junyu to death.

Although Leng Junyu narrowly avoided him, he was seriously injured and couldn't stop moving.

In the past, Le Yaoyao never knew what a master's move was, but now she finally understood that the most important thing in a master's fight is to prepare quickly, and kill with one blow

Leng Junyu and Simuhan are both masters of masters, so their shots are naturally much better than ordinary people.

Seeing how Leng Junyu was injured, Le Yaoyao's heart was about to break.

Although Leng Junyu never showed any pain on his face, but from his slightly pale and weak face, Le Yaoyao knew that he was actually in pain, but he was just enduring it.

After all, whoever was cut, and it was so deep, who would not feel pain?

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart became even more ruthless, it hurts

Those tears, more like a flood from a broken gate, kept falling down, one by one, falling on Leng Junyu's body.

"Don't cry, I'm fine."

"Wuwu, you still said it's okay, you're all hurt so badly, it's all my fault, you shouldn't have come up, otherwise, you wouldn't be hurt..."

Seeing that Leng Junyu was seriously injured, Le Yaoyao blamed herself very much. The tears cried even more fiercely.

Seeing Le Yaoyao crying like pear blossoms with rain, so charming, Leng Junyu looked at it with pity and heartache.

"Fool, if this king doesn't come, will this king regret it for the rest of his life?"

The man's voice was hoarse and deep, even with such a serious injury, he was still emotionally seductive.

It's like a bottle of old wine that has just been opened, making people intoxicated

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao's heart was even more moved, and she looked at Leng Junyu with teary eyes, but she couldn't conceal her touch and love.

Does this man really love her

Love her more than your own life

How can she, Le Yaoyao, be so loved by such a good man? She is really blessed by burning incense and accumulating virtue in her previous life

Le Yaoyao was moved in her heart, she wanted to meet Leng Junyu's eyes, with a concubine love, this scene, looks so beautiful and moving

It's like a beautiful picture, amazing

However, in someone's eyes, such a beautiful scene is so dazzling

Looking at the scene where the four eyes met, you and me, Simuhan only felt a fishy smell in his throat that was about to be sprayed from his throat.

The heart is more like being torn in half by someone.

Ever since, Simuhan gently parted her red lips, and whispered softly.


Bringing back the call of fragility and sorrow, like Meng Jiangnu looking for her husband a thousand miles away, it is so sad that people are moved by hearing it.

However, after hearing Simuhan's words, Le Yaoyao looked sideways slightly, met Simuhan's beautiful phoenix eyes full of anticipation and sorrow, couldn't help pursing her red lips, and then said cruelly.

"Simuhan, you have misunderstood the person. I am really not your Xin'er. I am Le Yaoyao. The person I love is him, not you? Wake up?"

"No, Xin'er, I did not admit the wrong person? You are Xin'er, my favorite woman, Xin'er, did I do something wrong?? Please forgive me and come back to me? I will love you very much of? Are you back?"