The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 126: Take a bath together


After the conversation just now, Le Yaoyao didn't know whether Leng Junyu did it on purpose or not, in short, she was so frightened that she was in a cold sweat.

It just so happened that it was a hot summer day, and she was also frightened by the shock just now. She was so frightened that her wet clothes weighed heavily on her back, her head was sweating profusely, and her clothes stuck to her body, making her very uncomfortable.

So, after Le Yaoyao fled to her room, she quickly packed up some clothes and planned to take a shower in the backyard.

It was eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

The cunning rabbit is in the sky, and the stars are shining.

In ancient times, unlike modern times, there was a rich and colorful nightlife, so at night, everyone would wash up early and go back to the room to rest.

Yafeng Pavilion is very large, with pavilions and buildings well arranged.

Pavilions, flowing water, nine-curved corridors, carved beams and painted buildings, one scene and one object, all of which are very elegant and rich.

At this moment, Meihexing was never in the mansion, and Yan Luoren was still in Zhuyuan, and he should not come back until he finished processing some documents.

So, at this moment, Le Yaoyao is taking a bath in the backyard, not afraid of being seen at all.

In addition, she has lived here for two months, except for the accident that Meihexing came back suddenly last time, she has lived in peace at other times.

Moreover, she also knew that Huo Yan Luo would never come to the backyard at this time, so Le Yaoyao came to the backyard after taking clean clothes for a change.

In the backyard, a simple bathing place was built, which was never used by anyone before, but now, it has become Le Yaoyao's exclusive place.

Le Yaoyao hung up the clean change of clothes in the bathroom, and she carried the wooden bucket, fetched two buckets of water from the well outside, then brought it into the bathroom, and was about to close the door of the bathroom. Some people come here, and they will not see the scenery inside.

Unexpectedly, Le Yaoyao put her hand on the wooden door of the bathroom, and was about to close the wooden door of the bathroom. Unexpectedly, a slender big hand suddenly appeared, preventing her from closing the door.


For this sudden big hand, Le Yaoyao didn't react for a while, but her pretty face was startled, and then her beautiful eyes turned, and she followed that slender long hand.

When he saw clearly the owner of the big hand, his whole body felt like a thunderbolt on the ground, and he was shocked on the spot.

I saw that the night was charming at this moment, and the pure white moonlight gently enveloped the entire earth, causing endless ripples on the entire earth.

I saw a man in black, with a long body and unruly black hair scattered behind him.

The black clothes and black hair that almost blended into the night, and his facial features blended into the night, made him as mysterious as a ghost at a glance

At first, Le Yaoyao didn't adapt to the dark night, and was startled by the person coming.

After seeing the appearance of the person who came, he was even more frightened, because the person who came was not someone else, but the living Yan Luo who was supposed to be in the bamboo garden? Lived back.

Seeing Leng Junyu suddenly appearing in front of her, Le Yaoyao was a little puzzled after being shocked, and her beautiful eyes full of puzzlement and shock even looked at him without blinking.

"My lord, my lord?? Why are you here?"

Isn't this a place he never stepped into?

After all, this place is really remote and simple, so few people come back here, and it is night at this moment, so no one will appear here.

That's why Le Yaoyao boldly took her clothes to take a bath here.

Unexpectedly, the living Yan Luo unexpectedly appeared tonight.

Thinking about the weird Leng Junyu tonight, he seemed to have sensed something. After Le Yaoyao was shocked, he looked into the man's beautiful eyes, and gradually became more vigilant.

It's not that he didn't see the strangeness in Le Yaoyao's eyes, the man didn't take it seriously, he just hooked his lips slightly, and said to Le Yaoyao who was full of shock and vigilance.

"Doesn't the palace have a specific bath?? Why do you come to such a remote place to take a bath?"

"Well… "

Facing the man's words, Le Yaoyao was momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

Because what the man said is not wrong, there is a designated bathhouse in the palace, and the measures inside are quite neat and clean.

Do you still provide hot water in winter

However, the only downside is that there are too many people there

Especially now that it is summer, there is no air-conditioning fan here, many servants in the house can't stand the heat when they sleep at night, so they often go to the bathhouse to take a bath.

Before Le Yaoyao moved to Yafeng Pavilion, she often worried about taking a bath.

After she came here and discovered this remote place, she was so happy that she regarded this place as her own. Unexpectedly, this man who never came here would suddenly appear, catching Le Yaoyao by surprise.

For a moment, Le Yaoyao was confused, and Le Yaoyao didn't know how to answer.

However, seeing that the man was still staring at her, as if waiting for her answer, Le Yaoyao hesitated and said.

"I don't like places with too many people."

"Oh, why?"

Regarding Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu continued to ask.

"Uh, this..."

Le Yaoyao didn't expect that a man who usually doesn't gossip, seemed to want to break the casserole and ask the bottom line today, and suddenly her scalp felt a little numb.

She was usually eloquent, but at this moment her tongue seemed to be taken away by a cat, and she couldn't come up with a reason.

However, the man waited for her for a long time, never heard her answer, but did not force her either.

Instead, she turned her cold eyes and landed on the two buckets of clear water beside her, then smiled and said.

"It just so happens that the king didn't take a bath today, why don't we take a bath together?"

"What?? One, together, take a bath??"

Hearing the man's words, Le Yaoyao was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, her brain 'boomed', she was almost smashed into a paste.

And in her shock, before she could react, she saw the man pulled his hands, and the belt around his waist was immediately removed by him.

The man just threw it casually, and the belt was thrown to the ground, and he took it off casually. The black python robe that was originally wrapped around his body was immediately taken off, revealing the thin obscene clothes inside him.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao was even more frightened, when she suddenly woke up and wanted to stop her, she saw that the man had quickly taken off the only obscene clothes on his body, revealing his strong and generous chest.

At this moment, the bright moon was in the sky, and the summer moonlight was like the face of a charming girl. Even without using a lamp, the bright moonlight could clearly illuminate the surrounding scenery.

In addition, Le Yaoyao had already hung a palace lantern beside her.

The bright yellow light illuminated the surrounding scenery clearly.

I saw the man in front of me take off all his clothes in two or three strokes, leaving only a pair of thin obscene trousers.

The speed of undressing was unmatched, and it was too late for Le Yaoyao to stop it.

Immediately afterwards, Le Yaoyao heard the sound of "wow" pouring water, and saw that the man in front of her had already picked up the bucket at her feet with both hands, and poured it over her head.

Suddenly, water splashed everywhere, because Le Yaoyao was very close to the man, so naturally most of the water splashed on Le Yaoyao.

Le Yaoyao exclaimed, it was too late to escape.

I thought that the man did it unintentionally, but who knew that when Le Yaoyao raised her eyes and met the man with thick and playful eyes, did she know that he did it on purpose

"Little rabbit, why are you still here in a daze, come? Let's take a bath together? Can this king wipe your back for you?"

"Uh, no, no need, Yu, you wash it first, I, I'll just wash it myself later, it doesn't have to be so troublesome..."

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao was so shocked that her hair would explode.

Wipe her back?

God? Just kill her

However, when Le Yaoyao was terrified, the man thought she was just being polite to her words, so he said with a smile.

"No trouble, just now, didn't you say that you were tired?? It's just right, I can wipe your back for you, can you relieve the pressure for you?"

If other people heard what the man said, they would definitely be flattered.

After all, who is Leng Junyu?

He is the majestic Prince Rui of the Tianyuan Dynasty, holding great power, one man is under one man and over ten thousand people, and only others serve him. How could anyone have that kind of vanity to be served by him?

But at this moment, Le Yaoyao was more surprised than favored when she heard Leng Junyu's words.

After all, she is a fake eunuch. If Yan Luo wiped her back, wouldn't that mean her identity as a woman was exposed?

Although Huo Yanluo said that he liked her, but she couldn't guarantee whether Huo Yanluo would be angry if she revealed that she was a woman at this time.

After all, liking is not love. She doesn't know how much Huo Yanluo likes her, and if he likes her more, can he forgive her for hiding it from him?

For this point, Le Yaoyao has no confidence.

She is afraid

She cherishes the time they have together now. However, her identity was a thorn in her heart. She was afraid that if her identity was exposed, Huo Yanluo would be angry because of it, and he would never want to see her again.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was flustered. She was afraid, terrified, nervous, losing this man...

It turned out that before she knew it, this man already had a certain place in her heart...

However, just as Le Yaoyao was thinking, seeing the man with ape arms, he wanted to pull her over to take a bath together. Le Yaoyao was so frightened that she almost didn't raise her throat.

Immediately, Le Yaoyao jumped back quickly as if a spring had been installed.

Le Yaoyao said in a flustered look at the man's slightly surprised raised eyebrows.

"This, this, my lord, I forgot that there is one very important thing that I haven't done. You, you wash yourself first?"

After Le Yaoyao finished speaking in a hurry, she no longer dared to look at the man behind her, and rushed forward as if flying, as if there was a ghost chasing her behind.

Seeing the figure leaving in a hurry, Leng Junyu just pursed his red lips lightly, his cold eyes flickered for a moment, then he opened his lips lightly, muttering to himself thoughtfully.

"Little guy, how long are you going to escape??"

Tonight's Le Yaoyao was frightened by Leng Junyu again and again, she had already been frightened and flustered, her heart was in a mess, and she was in a panic.

At this moment, when he returned to his room, he quickly closed the doors and windows, and murmured to himself in fear.

"My God? Did he notice something?? Why is Yu tonight so weird?? But, shouldn't he be aware of it?? Could it be that I showed a flaw somewhere?? Let me think about it , um, is it because my breasts have grown recently, so Yu can see it??"

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao quickly walked to the front of the bronze mirror, constantly fiddling with her posture, her eyes always stayed on her chest.

Recently, she found that she seemed to be.

Not only the food intake increased, but also the chest was swollen and painful from time to time, and it was a little painful when touched. If you observe carefully, you will find that your chest is much bigger than when you first came here.

In the past, when she first came here, her entire chest was like an airport one. Now, at least a pair of small bamboo shoots are gradually revealed.

For this reason, Le Yaoyao was both happy and worried.

Of course, the joy is that my breasts are bigger. After all, she is a woman. Although she is still a fake eunuch now, she can't live with this fake identity for the rest of her life.

In the future, when she leaves the palace, she will definitely return to her daughter's body. At that time, is it possible that she still wants to be an airport?

However, what is worrying is that her breasts are getting bigger day by day.

Less than two months? It showed the shape of a small bamboo shoot, and she will stay here for three years before the contract is terminated. I don't know if she can continue to keep this secret with the current situation of Yan Luo.

Paper really can't contain fire

Le Yaoyao looked at her breasts, and found that she couldn't see anything now, and she didn't know from which point Huo Yanluo noticed what.

However, she thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of it, so she didn't want to.

That's all, anyway, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.

If you still can't escape, just face it directly

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's better than being always in fear now.

Thinking of these, Le Yaoyao felt relieved.

Thinking about being frightened again and again just now, I was so frightened that I was sweating coldly, the clothes were heavy on my back, my back was wet, and the sweat was sticking to my clothes, making my whole body uncomfortable.

She wanted to take a bath just now, but Yan Luo suddenly appeared, causing her to not take a bath yet.

It's hot summer now, even though it's night, the weather is still sultry, and even the wind that blows through is irritating and sultry.

If she doesn't take a bath tonight, she will definitely not be able to sleep.

So, Le Yaoyao opened the wooden door, poked her head out to have a look, and found that Huo Yanluo had not come back, she quickly fetched two buckets of water from the well outside and came back, then closed the doors and windows, wiped her body and hair in the room.

After putting on clean clothes, Le Yaoyao felt much better all over.

Seeing that her hair was still wet, Le Yaoyao took a clean towel and sat in front of the window by herself, enjoying the moonlight and summer breeze, while wiping her hair while admiring the night outside the window.

In summer, the weather is hot, so the hair will dry in a short time.

Le Yaoyao also felt extremely tired at this time, she stretched out her hand and yawned, then stood up, planning to go back to bed to rest.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a strange sound came from outside the window.

I don't know if Le Yaoyao has been frightened by Leng Junyu several times tonight, and she is particularly sensitive to these subtle sounds.

When she heard the sound outside the window, Le Yaoyao thought it was someone, so she immediately became very vigilant, her beautiful eyes fixed on the window, her red lips parted slightly, and she let out a low drink.

"Who is there??"

Following Le Yaoyao's low drink, there was no response from outside the window.

Le Yaoyao was standing there, but she still kept her eyes on the movement outside the window. After staying for a long time, it was still quiet outside the window.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's originally tense nerves slowly eased, and then she curled her lips into a wry smile, and said to herself.

"I'm so stupid. There is no one outside the window. It seems that I became nervous because I was frightened by Huo Yanluo today. Hey, let's go to bed first?"

After Le Yaoyao finished murmuring, she shook her head and planned to go back to bed to sleep.

Who knew, at the moment she was about to turn around, suddenly, a black shadow jumped in at a fast speed.

Because it was night, the black clothes moved very fast, Le Yaoyao never saw clearly what it was, but, being frightened by the black shadow, she let go of her throat and yelled without thinking.


Le Yaoyao's scream was so shrill, it was especially clear in the quiet night.

Not only Leng Junyu in the next room heard it, but even the whole palace heard it.

And following Le Yaoyao's shrill scream, the next moment, there was a 'jump' sound, and the sound of someone breaking into the door.

"What's wrong?"

Following the sound of that charming and familiar voice, Le Yaoyao was wrapped into a generous and strong embrace.

Being hugged tightly by this familiar chest, Le Yaoyao's originally flustered heart felt a sense of security.

It was like a man who almost drowned and finally found a piece of driftwood.

Wrapping her hands together, she hugged the visitor tightly, that little face that paled with fright was deeply buried in the visitor's chest, Le Yaoyao was too frightened to raise her head to look out the window. Just buried his face in the man's arms, pointed to the window with one hand, and stammered.

"There, there, there, there..."

Following the direction of Le Yaoyao's finger, the man glanced coldly, and saw a black figure, who seemed to be frightened by Le Yaoyao's miserable scream just now, and quickly ran away.

Under the moonlight, it is very conspicuous, is that a black wild cat

It is not surprising that wild cats appear here.

After all, there is a deep back mountain behind Yafeng Pavilion. Although the back mountain is separated by a high wall, occasionally some wild cats will jump over the wall, intending to see if there is any food here.

Moreover, wild cats are not like domestic cats. Domestic cats are not big, but wild cats are different.

That huge body is several times that of a domestic cat

In addition, it was night now, the wild cat was completely dark, and its movements were quick. It was not surprising that Le Yaoyao couldn't see clearly just now and was frightened.

After thinking this through, the man's originally tense face finally eased down.

Seeing that Le Yaoyao was still hugging herself tightly, and her little face was buried deeply in her chest because of fear, was this the first time she hugged herself

Seeing this, Leng Junyu's heart softened. However, knowing that Le Yaoyao was still afraid, she couldn't help lowering her volume, patted Le Yaoyao's slightly trembling back with her big palm, and said comfortingly.

"Okay, it's all right."

"Yu, Yu, you're here, oh my god? It's scary, what the hell was that just now? I, I only saw a dark figure, so fast? I jumped in after a blink of an eye..."

Thinking of the scene just now, Le Yaoyao still had lingering fears, and she didn't realize that she was still hugging the man tightly at this moment

And Leng Junyu didn't point it out

Just now, in the backyard, after this little man ran away in embarrassment, he was a little disappointed.

However, I also know that there are still many doubts about this matter, so he is no better than her.

He believed that one day, she would explain everything to him in person. Now, they just need time.

Thinking of this, he planned to go back to his room to rest, but who knew, just lying on the bed, he heard such a shrill scream from the next door.

The volume of the scream was so familiar that his whole heart rose to his throat in an instant.

Also because of the fear in his heart, he broke into the door without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, it turned out to be just a false alarm.

However, after the false alarm, being thrown into the arms of the person he likes is a good thing for him

Although, the little person in his arms is like a frightened deer at the moment, making him feel extremely distressed? UG4W.

Just when Leng Junyu was distressed, the little face buried in his chest finally lifted slightly, and immediately, that little face full of fear was immediately exposed in his sight.

The thin obscene clothes wrapped her slender and thin body, and her black hair like silk was untied, and all fell loose, making her palm-sized face even more delicate and compact.

The facial features are beautiful, and the face is like a crown jade.

Her black eyebrows are like a crescent moon, her eyes are rippling, her nose is straight and her lips are delicate.

Although, at this moment, her face was slightly pale, but this made her even more charming and pitiful.

This cute and charming little face is exquisite and delicate, not to mention human, even a saint will hold her in the palm of his hand when he sees her, and protect and cherish her

Leng Junyu looked at the cute little man in his arms, and his tone became more and more gentle, almost coaxing, he said softly.

"Hey, don't be afraid, it was just a wild cat just now."

"Ah?? So it's a wild cat?"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao blinked her beautiful eyes, and then recalled what happened just now.

The black shadow just now was fast, its whole body was pitch black, and its movements were swift and swift. Because it was night, she couldn't see clearly. Now, listening to what Leng Junyu said, my flustered heart gradually stabilized.

"I think this wild cat just entered here by mistake. Now that you know it's a wild cat, don't be afraid?? Or, tomorrow, my king will have all the wild cats in the back mountain killed."

Seeing Le Yaoyao's pale face, he knew that she was quite frightened just now. While Leng Junyu felt distressed, he began to hold a grudge against the wild cat.

After all, it's his baby, whether it's a human or a beast, if he frightens her, he will never forgive her

Thinking of this, the cold and violent look in Leng Junyu's eyes flashed away. However, it was still captured by Le Yaoyao.

Moreover, she also knew that Leng Junyu said one thing, if he really had such a plan, I'm afraid those beasts in Houshan would definitely not survive the day after tomorrow?