The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 142: Picking the Carrot (Second Update)


"Little guy, this king is like this now, tell me, what exactly does this king want to do?"

It's like the subtext that the big bad wolf wants to eat Little Red Riding Hood, Le Yaoyao heard it, and her heart immediately went to her throat "

Moreover, after the man said this, the hard object under her body deliberately bumped between her legs "

So in the end, there is only one way."

"Well… "

For her own body, she can only sacrifice her hands"

Bastard, it happens every time, and she won't do it again

In fact, the man was only wearing a very thin obscene clothes. He probably fell asleep last night, but he was surprised by himself, so he rushed over without even thinking about it."

Because, the originally hot and hard bird became bigger and hotter in her hands, and she could still feel the beating of the arteries in the palm of her hand...

Moreover, if you look carefully, you will know that he has been suppressing and enduring "

However, if she chooses with her own body and hands, she will definitely choose the latter without even thinking about it."

Before she could see clearly who was coming, Le Yaoyao only felt a pain in her shoulder." Immediately afterwards, an extremely nervous voice rang in her ears—

Because, what else could she do?

In fact, the current him really doesn't want his self-control to be so good. If so, he will definitely eat up the people below him without any other bites."

It's even more perfect and good-looking than the bodybuilder's before

I thought to myself, I can't think of such a handsome as Yan Luo, but that thing is so ugly, it's really unbelievable."

Actually, Le Yaoyao thinks that thing is very ugly

And Le Yaoyao always puts whatever is in her heart on her face, she is as smart as Leng Junyu, like a roundworm in her stomach."

"Now, I promise not to move you, but now I'm working very hard, so, you should know what to do?? En?"

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's teeth itch "

Just when Le Yaoyao was amazed in her heart, her gaze was involuntarily attracted by the thing under the man's crotch."

So hard, real, and ready to go, Le Yaoyao panicked."


Pink, huge, with exposed veins, it looks very hideous and frightening"

The strangeness in the hands made Le Yaoyao suddenly feel dry and hot all over her body."

Seeing this, Leng Junyu's heart softened, he sighed, and said, "

That gaze was full of curiosity and shyness...

However, just when Le Yaoyao was hesitating, someone saw this and groaned dissatisfiedly, "

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's eyes were a little dazed, "

Le Yaoyao has never tried sex with men and women, so naturally she never knows what it feels like."

Le Yaoyao was startled, and when she raised her beautiful eyes, she saw someone's gaze was firmly on her body. Those cold eyes, which were burning with lust, made people think of starvation at first glance. The ferocious beast wants to eat up the prey it sees in front of it, so that there will be no dregs left."

Yan Luo, whose face was originally full of anger, immediately changed into "Yan Luo" when she grabbed it with both hands.

"You belong to this king. From now on, you are only allowed to like this king alone, and you are only allowed to do what you just did to this king? Do you understand?"

"You, are you a man or a woman??"

In the end, I couldn't help looking at the changes in my hands secretly."

This time is different, because it is broad daylight, the light is very strong, asking her to do that kind of thing in broad daylight, oh my god, really lost a person


Hearing the man's words, Le Yaoyao immediately woke up, and was startled, thinking ""

However, she didn't dare to look at the thing in her hand, because she thought it was ugly, ╮(╯▽╰)╭

After all, it's broad daylight, asking her to do that kind of thing, my God, how embarrassing

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao took a deep breath, as preparation in advance "

After all, with a beauty in her arms, would that man be impulsive?

At this moment, when the thin obscene clothes were taken off, what was the strong and muscular chest exposed

Looking at the blush on his face due to lust and pleasure, it made him less cold than before, and had a charming charm that made people blush and heartbeat, which made Le Yaoyao's cheeks feel hot, and never again Dare to look at the face of Yan Luo"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, and looking at his lustful eyes, Le Yaoyao pressed her hands tightly against his chest, afraid that he would make the next move."

Contrary to her, Huo Yan Luo has a full face, bright and beautiful, and after dressing up well, he goes up in high spirits."

So he turned over and lay back to the original position, motionless, posing as if the meat was on the chopping board, letting the mermaid eat."

Until, Le Yaoyao didn't know how long she had been pulling out the radish. In the end, she only heard the man suddenly let out a painful muffled sound, followed by that urging voice. Although Le Yaoyao felt that her hands were sore It doesn't look like my own, but in the end, according to the man's words, I started to move quickly "

How could she have forgotten, this thing will eventually... U6Y9"

And the well-defined pectoral muscles, the broad and strong shoulders, the pink dogwood on the chest, and the belly with no fat at all...

After all, that thing, but she waited for a very difficult task

When Leng Junyu said this, his eyes fell on Le Yaoyao's hands thoughtfully."

Sending her back to "And, the warning signal in the man's eyes is showing that if she doesn't take action, then he will take action

However, it's not the time yet, and she doesn't want to

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao felt a little timid, but in the end, she stretched out her little hand and slowly pulled "

Finally, as she moved her hand, a huge monster was completely exposed to her sight"

The bronzed skin is full of healthy color"

Sure enough, men are animals that rely on the lower body"

However, when Leng Junyu saw the little face that turned pale with fright and was extremely shy, in the end, he endured it by force."

Although, in fact, I still don’t want to.”

However, at this moment, she is riding a tiger, if she refuses to obey, she will be eaten up and wiped out."

She wanted to cry, but Le Yaoyao didn't dare to delay any longer."

Tsk tsk tsk, it's no wonder that you are a martial arts practitioner, and you maintain a great figure

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu expressed his satisfaction "

"Uh, woo…"

"You are not allowed to think of other men?"

The cold eyes narrowed slightly, and the chestnut lips were pursed tightly. The expression was similar to pain and joy."

She was afraid in her heart, so Le Yaoyao didn't even think about it, grabbed it with both hands, and planned to use the carrot to divert the man's attention."

For a moment, Le Yaoyao only felt that the whole person was like a thunderbolt on the ground, stiff as a fossil on the spot—

However, the person he likes is right under him, how can he say that he can be suppressed when he is pressed down?

Is this man really the roundworm in her stomach? ? How could she even know what she was thinking?

However, it should be very good to see that Yan Luo is very keen on this matter?

Until, after the man let out a beast-like muffled sound, Le Yaoyao only felt a heat in her palm and her cheeks as well, as if being sprayed by something."

Unexpectedly, when she picked up the broom and was sweeping the fallen leaves in front of the yard, suddenly, a water-blue figure rushed towards her at a lightning-fast speed."

Naturally, she also sensed Le Yaoyao's thoughts, her originally shy but calm handsome face suddenly darkened, her voice also had some hoarse and gloomy "

In the end, after she finished pulling out the radish, her hands were so sore that she felt like beating an eggplant with frost.

However, Le Yaoyao could only grieve her teeth with hatred. In the end, she rested on the bed for a while, and after her hands were no longer so sore, she had lunch and planned to go to Yafengge "

Surprised in her heart, Le Yaoyao was afraid that the man would get angry, and she didn't know what he would do to her at that time."

Thinking of this, Leng Junyu took a deep breath and tightly suppressed the evil thoughts in his body."

Afterwards, Huo Yanluo hugged her, his flush was still the same, his voice was hoarse, and he kept saying in Le Yaoyao's ear, "

Le Yaoyao is not an idiot, especially it's not the first time she has done something like that."

"No, no, Yu, you said you wouldn't do something I don't like, didn't you?"



The eyes looking at the man are round and wet, like a frightened fawn, how pitiful

However, the first two times happened at night. One time, Yan Luo was drugged and she had no choice but to do so. The second time, she fell into a drowsy sleep and caught fire on someone's body. "

Listening to Dahuo Yan Luo's words, Le Yaoyao could only nod her head "

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's face was full of tears, wanting to cry but without tears"

"Little guy, you are so charming, this king really wants to eat you in one bite?"

After she was ready, she stretched out her trembling little hands to take off the man's clothes."

Originally, Le Yaoyao didn't want to watch it, but the change in her hands made her curious."

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu's face was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't do anything out of the ordinary to Le Yaoyao."

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao...resigned to her fate

I have to say that no matter how many times she looks at this body, she never gets tired of looking at it. She can't wait to make this body into a specimen and let herself watch it several times a day."

she hates

Especially since he already knew she was...

Because, on that handsome face, a thin layer of sweat has long been covered, one can imagine how hard Leng Junyu endured at this moment"

But, Le Yaoyao thought, who is the fish at this moment?

However, I don’t know if other men’s are the same, they are all so ugly.”

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao felt that there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky. At that moment, she was stunned, her heart was startled, her beautiful eyes were raised, and she met Nangong Junxi's nervous, anxious and excited face


Why did he ask such a question, did he know something?