The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 144: 191 Eat you directly


Waiting for a while, seeing that Le Yaoyao is like a stubborn little deer, she refuses to say what she wants.

Leng Junyu looked at it, feeling helpless and pity in his heart.

In the end, he still couldn't resist the pitiful and lethal beautiful eyes, he let out a low growl, and kissed Le Yaoyao's delicate lips again.

And his own fingers skillfully penetrated into the person below him, constantly messing with it.

Until the fingers are completely soaked, the people below can't help but let out a burst of panting, and get the peak...

"Little guy, are you satisfied?? If you are satisfied, it will be your turn to serve this king."

The hoarse voice with * made Le Yaoyao, who had just exhausted her body strength, shrank involuntarily.

He buried his little face deeply in the soft pillow.

However, at this moment, as soon as the man stretched out his big hand, he tightly grasped her little hand, and reached towards the huge part of his crotch.

When her little hand touched the huge bird, Le Yaoyao still couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and then swallowed her saliva with some fear.

Although this is not the first time she has come into contact with this big bird, every time she sees it, Le Yaoyao is always afraid.

Fortunately, I only use my hands and small mouth now, I can't imagine using her...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao blushed and her heart beat.

And this scene also vividly fell into Leng Junyu's cold eyes.

Seeing Le Yaoyao's shy and fearful appearance, Leng Junyu couldn't help but look at Le Yaoyao's slightly bulging stomach.

Sighed softly.

"If possible, this king really wants to eat you directly..."

"Well… "

Hearing the man's hoarse and aggressive voice, Le Yaoyao was so frightened that she trembled, her hands didn't hesitate anymore, and she tried her best to pull out the carrot to dispel the man's wrong thoughts.

Obviously, her trick was good. After a while, the man's perennially icy face was gradually stained with a blush, and his cold eyes narrowed slightly, full of enjoyment...

And Le Yaoyao worked even harder to pull the radish...

At this time, it was noon, the sun was shining outside, there were no clouds in the sky, and the summer wind was warm.

Indoors, in the light tent, the lingering beauty, the man's panting, and the woman's panting are intertwined, making people endlessly daydream...

After the passion passed, the room returned to calm.

Le Yaoyao just felt that her hands and mouth were sore, she didn't want to talk, and she didn't bother to move.

He just lay down on the man's broad chest, closed his eyes and rested.

Compared to Le Yaoyao's laziness, the man is still full of energy.

However, he didn't want to exhaust his little man, so he had no choice but to hold back the desire to vent.

Lying lazily on the big bed, holding the little man in his arms with one hand, gently stroking the smoother skin on the little man's back with the other hand, which is smoother than that of a baby.

At this time, the sun was already setting, watching the orange-red light softly pour in through the open window, adding a bit of inexhaustible charm to the surrounding scenery.

Le Yaoyao opened her eyes slightly, stretched her waist slightly, looked at the sunset outside the window, and couldn't help but feel as if she was a lifetime away.

Time passed quickly, it was still sunny at noon just now, and in the blink of an eye, night was coming.

Perhaps, doing what you love to do with the person you like, time will pass very quickly

When Le Yaoyao was thinking about it, she felt a big hand tightening around her waist, and then, that hoarse and charming voice sounded from above her head.

"woke up?"

"En." Le Yaoyao gently agreed.

"Are you hungry?"

the man asked again.

But this time, what responded to him was the 'grunt' sound from Le Yaoyao's stomach.

Hearing this, Leng Junyu smiled softly, but Le Yaoyao had a pretty face.

Her beautiful eyes were raised slightly, and she cast a coquettish glance at Leng Junyu who was smiling lowly.

"Don't laugh, I'm so hungry."

"Okay, okay, I don't laugh, my lord is going to get someone to prepare dinner now, you just wash up and come out, huh?"

Leng Junyu slowly reached out and rubbed Le Yaoyao's soft long hair before he reluctantly got up.

Seeing Leng Junyu getting up, Le Yaoyao quickly got up from the bed, planning to pick up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

Unexpectedly, Leng Junyu, who was dressing behind her, said as if he had discovered something strange.

"You have a red mole on your butt, you know that?"

"Huh?? Oh??"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao's pretty face froze for a moment, then she felt ashamed, and immediately put on her clothes to prevent Leng Junyu from looking straight at her ass again.

After all, even though the two of them have reached the current relationship, Le Yaoyao is still not used to being stared directly at her body by a man, that would make her very uncomfortable.

Le Yaoyao felt shy in her heart, and after quickly getting dressed, she turned around and looked at the man behind her.

At this moment, Leng Junyu was crossing his chest with one hand and touching his clean-shaven chin with the other, frowning and thinking about something.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but wondered, and asked puzzledly.

"Yu, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just saw the red mole on your buttocks, and suddenly thought of it, it seems that I heard someone mention that someone also has a red mole on their buttocks."

"Uh, I'm not the only one in the world who has this red mole on my butt, it's not unusual at all."

Le Yaoyao was a little speechless about this topic, and immediately changed the topic and said.

"Yu, am I really hungry?"

"Okay, let's go out to dinner now."

Seeing Le Yaoyao stroking his belly and looking at him with a pitiful little face, Leng Junyu softened his heart and didn't think about other things. He wrapped his arms around Le Yaoyao's body With a small waist, the two walked towards the hall.

I thought that today's topic was nothing special, but the two of them never thought that this red mole hides a secret...

In the blink of an eye, time passed quietly through the fingers.

A month passed quickly.

In this month's time, Leng Junyu's injuries have recovered to a good degree.

Therefore, the marriage between Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu has once again chosen an auspicious day to hold.

And this auspicious day was chosen on the fifteenth day of the next month.

It is more than half a month from now.

And Le Yaoyao once again embarked on the journey back to Daxia.

After all, since the news of her reached Daxia, Empress Daxia breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time wanted to see Le Yaoyao soon.

However, because Leng Junyu was injured because of her, Le Yaoyao was worried about leaving Leng Junyu, so she stayed in Prince Rui's mansion, planning to wait until Leng Junyu recovered from his injury before going back to Daxia. Empress Xia said.

Although she had never met Empress Da Xia, she heard that Empress Da Xia treated her like her own daughter. Let Li see it tight.

After Le Yaoyao told Empress Daxia about her relationship with Leng Junyu and Nangong Junxi in detail, although Empress Daxia was surprised by 'Lulu''s empathy, Empress Daxia still loved 'Lulu' 'Yes, therefore, I also agreed to the marriage between Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu.

During the period, Leng Junyu also received a letter from Nangong Junxi.

It was said that Tong Ya'er was pregnant, and they planned to get married in one month after Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu got married. Now, he and Tong Ya'er are taking care of the beauty all year round, playing and relaxing, and only come back to attend the wedding when Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu are married.

Moreover, from Nangong Junxi's letter, it is not difficult to see that he is tempted by Tong Ya'er.

After learning about this, both Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu were surprised.

However, my heart is happy.

Although they didn't know what happened to Nangong Junxi and Tong Ya'er outside, there must be stories belonging to them.

Therefore, Le Yaoyao thought in her heart, after they came back, she must ask Tong Ya'er carefully to see how she captured Nangong Junxi's heart.

And right now, it's morning.

Prince Rui's Mansion was bustling with excitement early on.

The reason is that today is the day when Le Yaoyao returns to Daxia.

At this moment, Le Yaoyao finished dressing up, and stood at the gate of Prince Rui's residence, quietly watching the Chief Li direct the subordinates to work.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Le Yaoyao couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

I still remember that she was like this last time, sitting on the carriage going back to Daxia, but was kidnapped by the cultists on the way.

Although everyone was safe and sound in the end, the wedding was once again chosen to be held on an auspicious day. However, she was a little apprehensive.

Gently stroking her protruding, round belly with one hand, Le Yaoyao was worried, and even her pretty face was covered with a layer of sadness.

I don't know if there will be any accidents this time?

She didn't ask for anything, she just hoped that she could return to Daxia safely, and then wait happily for Leng Junyu to marry her. VgHu.

Hope, her wish can come true.

Just when Le Yaoyao was praying to God in her heart, suddenly, Le Yaoyao only felt that she was brought into a tolerant embrace.

In the nostrils, I smelled the familiar and pleasant ambergris, which made people feel at ease.

"What are you thinking?? My little lady?"

Gently resting his resolute chin on the top of Le Yaoyao's head, Leng Junyu opened his lips and asked.

Hearing the man's charming and sensual voice, Le Yaoyao pursed her red lips, and truthfully expressed the worries in her heart.

"Yu, I'm afraid..."

"Little fool, what are you afraid of?? There will be no more accidents. This time, the king has arranged three times more guards than last time to protect you back to Daxia. There are so many people protecting you that even flies cannot fly in." One, so you can rest easy."

Leng Junyu said, and knew that Le Yaoyao had lingering fears about what happened last time.

Especially seeing Le Yaoyao's worried brows, it made his heart ache.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu didn't care whether he was in public at the moment, he turned around Le Yaoyao's body, bent slightly, lowered his head and gently kissed Le Yaoyao's slightly frowning brows.

"Hey, don't think too much. If you think about it, the child will follow you."

Pressing his plump forehead against Le Yaoyao's smooth forehead, Leng Junyu scratched Le Yaoyao's pretty nose with his straight nose, and said softly.

At this moment, their behavior was so intimate that the servants who were working at the scene were all blushing and laughing while covering their mouths.

The manager at the side saw it, so he immediately put on a straight face and shouted sharply.

"What are you looking at, hurry up and do things. If you don't finish these tasks, don't you want to go to lunch?"

Under Chief Li's stern shout, the servants who had been peeping at Le Yaoyao's side all turned their heads and stopped looking at Le Yaoyao.

However, because of this, Le Yaoyao's whole face turned red.

Gazing at Leng Junyu fiercely, Le Yaoyao broke Leng Junyu's sentence with a look of shame turning into anger.

"It's all your fault? Let me go and let them watch the joke."

"Hehe, they can just watch it if they like? This king doesn't mind at all."

Moreover, I wish everyone knew that they were in love.

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao was both funny and helpless.

However, because of such annoyance, the worries just now were all thrown away.

Just at this time, the team is also ready.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but tighten her heart.

I don't know if it was the time of parting, she felt uneasy and reluctant.

In the end, Le Yaoyao didn't care whether it was in front of the public, her hands tightly hugged Leng Junyu's narrow waist, and she buried her small face in the man's chest, deeply absorbing the good smell that only he had. Salivary fragrance.

For Le Yaoyao's reluctance, Leng Junyu naturally understands, because at this moment, he is also very reluctant in his heart.

He looked down at the little girl who only reached his chest.

Today's Le Yaoyao was wearing a bright yellow gauze skirt, which complemented her fair complexion and was flawless.

Perhaps because Leng Junyu has been giving her nourishment lately, Le Yaoyao has become much fatter than before, and her pretty face is also much rounder.

And the breasts are noticeably bigger. And that waist is much thicker than before.

However, although Le Yaoyao is fatter than before, her beauty is not damaged at all.

Maybe it's because she is about to become a mother, her face exudes a kind of gentle light that only about to become a mother all the time, making her look even more dazzling, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off .

Looking at the beautiful little person in his arms, Leng Junyu's heart moved, his cold eyes scanned the surroundings, and the servants who were peeking at this side immediately lowered their faces in fright, and stood there respectfully, not daring to Look here again.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu withdrew his gaze in satisfaction, then, with a flick of his finger, he raised Le Yaoyao's pointed chin, and tightly restrained Le Yaoyao's back of the head with one hand, and then, those thin diamond lips, Then he precisely sucked Le Yaoyao's pink mouth.

"Well… "

Seeing that Leng Junyu was so bold that he actually kissed her in full view of everyone, Le Yaoyao's eyes widened, and he immediately pushed and slapped Leng Junyu's chest with both hands in protest.

However, in Leng Junyu's eyes, how much she protested was so insignificant.

Leng Junyu kissed deeper...

The wet tip of the tongue pried open Le Yaoyao's tender lips, and the white teeth drove straight in, tightly entangled with the tender little lilac, constantly sucking and sweeping, like thirsty in the desert. The people of water, after finding the water source, continue to absorb the sweet spring water...

It was not until a long time later that the kiss finally ended.

At this time, Le Yaoyao's cheeks were flushed from the kiss, her eyes were blurred, and all the strength in her body seemed to be emptied.

If it wasn't for Leng Junyu's support, Le Yaoyao would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

Compared to Le Yaoyao, Leng Junyu's eyes were hot, with red eyes, his lips were slightly raised, and he was panting lightly.

Cold eyes fell tightly on Le Yaoyao's face, looking at Le Yaoyao's red and swollen mouth from his own kiss, Leng Junyu's face was stained with satisfaction.

In the end, reluctantly sticking out the tip of her tongue to lick the honey remaining at the corner of Le Yaoyao's mouth, she left contentedly.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's time for you to go."

After Leng Junyu finished speaking, he knew that Le Yaoyao was weak all over, so he wrapped his arms around Le Yaoyao, picked her up, and then walked towards the carriage.

Being hugged tightly by Leng Junyu, Le Yaoyao's gaze fell on Leng Junyu's resolute face, as if she wanted to engrave this handsome face deeply in her heart.

Because, since the farewell, it will take a month for her to see him.

She has not left yet, and she has already begun to miss him.

Does she really not want to leave him

Moreover, for some reason, at this moment, a feeling of uneasiness would sprout in her heart.

This uneasiness is stronger than the last parting time, as if something bad will happen.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart thumped hard, it hurts a lot.

As if, she was about to lose her most precious thing

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao tightly grabbed Leng Junyu's skirt with both hands, pursed her red lips tightly, and said hastily.

"Yu, you're really going to marry me, aren't you??"

Le Yaoyao asked nervously, Dai's eyebrows were also wrinkled because of the uneasiness in her heart, the brows were full of uneasiness and reluctance.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu couldn't help twitching his mouth, stretched out his hand to scratch Le Yaoyao's pretty nose, and said in a soft voice.


The tone is very simple

When Le Yaoyao heard this, her uneasiness still persisted.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu couldn't help but speak again.

"Okay, don't think about it, think too much, it's not good for your body. Didn't Bai say last time that pregnant women will be a little sentimental when they are still alive? So don't think too much. Don't worry, This king will definitely marry you? We promised, hold your hand, and grow old with you."

"Yes, hold your hand and grow old with you."

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao firmly repeated.

Yes, she must be thinking too much.

Maybe it's because she is pregnant now, so she is more sentimental. So now she is thinking too much.

Moreover, in this world, where are there so many accidents?

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao slowly calmed down, and the original uneasiness has dissipated a lot.

In order not to worry Leng Junyu, Le Yaoyao twitched the corner of her mouth, and said with a reassuring smile on her face.

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you?"

Waiting for you to marry me, waiting for you to give me happiness

However, just when Le Yaoyao firmly thought in her heart that she would be happy, she never thought that this time a farewell would be...