The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 148: Love in action


Perhaps because he knew what Le Yaoyao was thinking, Leng Junyu just slightly lifted his thin lips and said lightly.

"It's okay, it's just a small thing."

Although Huo Yan Luo's words were very soft and cold, but if you listen carefully, you will find that he is comforting Le Yaoyao.

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao felt even more guilty. In my heart, I also squeezed hard...

However, before she could say anything more, Xing had already called the doctor.

The doctor looked carefully at the burn on Leng Junyu's hand, and said that it was a minor injury, and it would be better to apply ointment for two days.

When everyone heard this, they were completely relieved.

However, Leng Junyu didn't delay his business because of this small injury. After dressing the wound, he quickly walked towards the crime scene with Mei and Xing to see if he could find out anything.

And Nangong Junxi was also tired. After Leng Junyu left, he was helped back to his Qingxiao Pavilion to rest.

After all, during these days, he kept hiding here and there, just because he was afraid of being caught by the guards sent by his mother, and then married that slug, which made him unable to eat or sleep for days.

It's hard to come here now, so it's natural to have a good rest. So there is no energy to fix Le Yaoyao.

And after everyone left, Le Yaoyao finished the work of Yafeng Pavilion, it was rare for her to relax, but she suddenly felt empty in her heart.

It feels like a corner is missing in my heart...

For this feeling, Le Yaoyao felt extremely uncomfortable, so she decided not to think too much, and went to go shopping with Xiao Muzi.

Although after the incident of beating the servant of the Ministry of Rites last time, the chief executive was a little dissatisfied with Le Yaoyao, but the chief executive had served the prince for many years, so he naturally knew that Le Yaoyao felt differently in Leng Junyu's heart, so the chief executive gave it to him. The sign of Le Yaoyao coming out of the house, but the gaze that looked at Le Yaoyao was even more interesting, Le Yaoyao's scalp became numb when she saw it, she hurriedly pulled Xiao Muzi and left in a hurry.

However, even Xiao Muzi, who has always been straightforward, seems to have noticed that the manager Li is different, and after stepping out of the gate of the palace, he can't help but say to Le Yaoyao in doubt.

"Xiaoyaozi, do you feel that the chief executive looked at you obediently just now?"

Regarding Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao just nodded slightly, and said with deep sympathy.

"I noticed it, but I don't seem to have done anything wrong recently?? It's so strange. Could it be that he has reached menopause??"

"What is menopause?"

Regarding Le Yaoyao's words, Xiao Muzi asked with a puzzled face.

Le Yaoyao was taken aback when she heard the words, and then realized that she had said a modern word, so she chuckled and said in words that Xiao Muzi could understand.

"Uh, this menopause is a disease that everyone will get sick when they get older, and their temper will become weird. Do you understand this?"

"Oh I got it."

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Xiao Muzi's face suddenly realized, and immediately, Le Yaoyao didn't want to pursue these issues, especially since they had already left the palace and wanted to have a good time

However, due to the limited number of events, Le Yaoyao and the others felt a little tired after shopping around and looking at some interesting trinkets. So, I randomly found a tea house and went in to drink some herbal tea before returning home.

I saw that the inn that Le Yaoyao and the others chose was cheap, but the environment was not too bad. Although it was not as good as those big inns, they were just young eunuchs, they had no money, so they could only go to For such a low class place.

After entering the inn, the waiter immediately raised a professional smile and walked towards Le Yaoyao and the others with a smile on his face.

"How many guests are there?"

"You two, just serve me two bowls of herbal tea."

After sitting down, Le Yaoyao immediately said to the waiter in the shop.

The waiter in the shop heard the words, smiled and said 'good', then left quickly, and soon, two bowls of herbal tea were on the table.

Now that summer is in full swing, the sun hangs high in the sky, and the charming sunlight slantly sprinkles on the earth, and even the wind that blows has a trace of heat.

Le Yaoyao and Xiao Muzi, who had been shopping for a long time, were both tired. After paying for the herbal tea, they immediately picked up the big bowl and drank it.

Originally, Le Yaoyao had planned that they would go back home after drinking the herbal tea, but at this moment, they heard the people beside them making noises, so she calmed down and planned to listen to some gossip.

After all, gossip is the most popular in these teahouses.

Even if so-and-so's mouse gave birth to a litter of mice, everyone will talk about it.

However, this time, what everyone is talking about is not so-and-so's mouse, but so-and-so's dead girl

Regarding this matter, it was like a missile in the tea house for a while, and it completely exploded.

Le Yaoyao and Xiao Muzi were even more shocked when they heard the words.

It turned out that since the daughter of the family in the west of Shangjing was found dead in his room this morning, at noon, another girl was found dead in his room in the southwest of Shangjing. The method of death is the same, and the age is also the same. They are all girls who have not left the court at the age of sixteen.

Two murders happened in a row in one day, and the way of death was so horrifying.

A mummy whose heart was dug out? Can it not be scary?

Moreover, the way these two girls died was so strange that it was soon rumored that it was the work of a ghost, and all the families were panicked.

At the moment, there is a middle-aged thin man in the teahouse. He is recognized as a know-it-all, and he will know all the news at the first time, so many people come here every day to listen to his affairs.

At this time, Baishitong was also talking about this matter, and he was shaking a big folding fan in one hand, and while fanning, he was talking about the two murders that happened today.

"It is said that the emperor already knew about these two things today, and he was still furious at the court. Long Yan asked people to investigate this matter as soon as possible. These two innocent girls.

A few months earlier, there were more than a dozen heart-gouging incidents in Shanxi, but the Shanxi Institute of Conscientious Zhiyuan, fearing that the court would find out about this and would blame him for not doing things well, so they asked people to All these things were suppressed. And I heard that in Shanxi, the dozen or so girls whose hearts were dug out were the same as the two girls whose hearts were gouged out in Shangjing. Ah, what a pity, so, which one of you has a daughter who has not left the court, hurry up and get married? What a pockmarked, buck-toothed guy, it doesn't matter what conditions are good or bad, after all, life is the most important thing? "

Baishitong's last exclamation made everyone present feel heavy, especially those whose families had young girls who had not left the court, their faces turned blue in panic at this moment.

After all, it is inevitable that such a terrible thing will not happen to my daughter. For the sake of my daughter's life, should I marry off earlier

As a result, those who had daughters at home all stood up and paid the money to leave, probably to prepare for the marriage of the daughters at home.

Hearing such things, Le Yaoyao and Xiao Muzi felt a little panicked.

"Xiaoyaozi, why do these girls die so badly? How pitiful? Fortunately, we are not a girl's family, but who is so cruel to kill these innocent girls like this? Tell me, could it be a ghost? of??"

No wonder Xiao Muzi would think so, after all, in the conservative ancient times, these ghosts and gods were the most taboo. Many people can't find the reason, and they will say that ghosts did it.

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao just shook her head in puzzlement, feeling heavy in her heart.

Then look at the sky outside.

I saw that the sun was shining brightly just now, but now, it is covered with dark clouds.

The blackness weighed heavily in mid-air, making people feel a little breathless when they saw it.

"Xiao Muzi, shall we go back?"

I was in a bad mood just now, so I planned to go out for a walk to relax. Who knew that after coming out here, I heard even worse things, which really made me feel uncomfortable.

Maybe Xiao Muzi was in the same mood as Le Yaoyao, so after hearing what Le Yaoyao said, he just nodded, and then they went back to the house together.

When she returned to the palace, Le Yaoyao knew that Huo Yan Luo had already returned, and he was in the study.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao ran towards the study under the slightly reproachful gaze of the chief manager.

I saw that although it was not yet sunset, the sky was dark because of the dark clouds in the sky, so the lights in the Yafeng Pavilion had already been lit.

Le Yaoyao first went to the tea room to make Huo Yan Luo's favorite tea, and then carefully carried it towards the study.

There is a white light shining from the study, showing that someone is in the room.

The door was only ajar, but when Le Yaoyao came outside the study, she reached out and knocked lightly on the door as a signal.

After the slightly low knock on the door, there was a low and charming voice in the room, which was unique to Huo Yanluo—

"Come in?"

Hearing this voice, Le Yaoyao couldn't help trembling slightly.

For some reason, they had only seen each other for half a day, but she could hear a trace of tiredness from Huo Yanluo's voice. Did she hear it wrong, or is it really tired to live Yan Luo?

While thinking in her heart, Le Yaoyao opened the door and went in.

The study room occupies a large area, and there are several bookshelves for books, so when you open the door and enter, you can smell a faint scent of books.

Next to the desk is a golden cauldron. At this moment, in the cauldron, there is a curl of green smoke, which is the smell of tranquilizing incense.

At this moment, Huo Yanluo was sitting obliquely on the imperial concubine chair, propping his forehead with one hand, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

And on the wall behind him, hung a huge night pearl.

I saw that the night pearl was exuding soft white light, and the whole room was illuminated like daytime.

The soft light shone on Huo Yanluo's body, and also vividly displayed Huo Yanluo's slender figure.

With a slender figure, wide shoulders and narrow waist, straight legs, the mysterious and noble black, under the illumination of the luminous pearl, faintly flows with a round luster, which makes the man with his eyes closed and rested a little more. Inexhaustible enchantment

The jade crown on his head has been untied by him at this moment, and the silk-like blue silk is even more slanted down, draping softly on his shoulders, and the side of his face, making that face even more graceful and beautiful To be wrathful

At this moment, Huo Yanluo was sitting there quietly, with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep. However, Le Yaoyao knew that he never fell asleep.

Because, the obvious creases between his brows showed that he was troubled by a distressing thing.

Even those beautiful thin lips were slightly pursed into a straight line.

This seems to be the behavior of Yan Luo every time he is unhappy.

So, seeing this, Le Yaoyao immediately woke up. After all, Huo Yan Luo is in a bad mood? She must serve her well, and she must not do anything wrong to anger him.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao walked very lightly, without making any sound to interrupt this master's meditation.

However, just as she placed the teacup on the black rosewood coffee table next to Huo Yanluo, Huo Yanluo, who was resting with his eyes closed, spoke.

"Where did you go out just now?"

"Well… "

Le Yaoyao was startled when Huo Yanluo asked her suddenly, and her pretty face froze slightly.

Mei Mou raised slightly, only to see that Huo Yan Luo still closed his eyes tightly, and never opened them, but he was asking her this question

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao first stuck out the tip of her tongue and licked her dry lips before speaking truthfully.

"If you go back to the prince, the servant just went out of the mansion for a stroll."

"Oh, what did you hear?"


Originally, Le Yaoyao didn't know why Huo Yanluo would suddenly ask her this, but now that he heard Huo Yanluo's words, maybe he wanted to find out if the heart-gouging incident was rumored on the street.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao immediately told the truth about everything she had heard, leaving nothing behind.

Thinking about it in my heart, it seems that Huo Yanluo is troubled by this heart-poaching incident at the moment

That's true, now that such a big incident has happened, people outside are panicking. This Tianyuan Dynasty belongs to the Leng family, so it's only natural that Huo Yanluo would be so concerned.

Now seeing Huo Yanluo's worried appearance because of this matter, Le Yaoyao sighed slightly in her heart.

I have never really come into contact with Huo Yanluo before, so I am very afraid of this person.

However, if you really get along with him, you will actually find that Huo Yanluo is not as ruthless as the rumors say.

At least, he will also care about the common people, which is much better than those corrupt officials.

Besides, would he still care about her, a little eunuch

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao seemed to have thought of something, she immediately woke up, and when she turned her beautiful eyes, she landed on Huo Yan Luo's big hand resting on her thigh.

I saw that the big hand was still tied with a bandage at the moment, but she heard the doctor said with her own ears in the morning that Huo Yanluo's scalded hand must be changed twice a day to recover quickly. SXKT.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but asked tentatively towards Yan Luo, who was closing his eyes and recuperating.

"My lord, your's time to change the dressing..."

Following Le Yaoyao's words, Huo Yan Luo, who was closing his eyes to rest his mind, first trembled slightly with his slender and thick eyelashes, and then opened his slightly tired eyes.

Moreover, when the cold eyes fell on Le Yaoyao, there was a trace of strangeness.

Le Yaoyao couldn't figure out what the strangeness in Huo Yan Luo's eyes meant, but being stared at so quietly by Huo Yan Luo made her heart skip a few beats, and she felt a little nervous.

After all, there were only Huo Yanluo and her in the whole room, and the surroundings were very quiet. Huo Yanluo didn't speak, but just looked at her quietly, which really made her feel a lot of pressure.

Just when Le Yaoyao's scalp felt a little numb from being looked at, Huo Yan Luo finally withdrew his gaze from her, then hummed slightly from his nose, and spoke in a low voice.

"The medicine is in the drawer."

In simple words, it has always been the style of living Yama.

Le Yaoyao froze for a moment when she heard the words, and then she understood what it meant to live with Yan Luo.

Does he want her to help him change his medicine?

However, she is not a professional doctor, and she has never bandaged other people's wounds before, and she is afraid that the bandage will not be good.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was about to tell Huo Yanluo to ask the doctor to bandage him, but at this moment, after Huo Yanluo finished saying that, he closed his cold eyes again.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao just slightly flattened her delicate mouth, turned around and walked towards the drawer.

I thought to myself, just take the medicine when you take the medicine? And bandaging should be easy

After figuring this out, Le Yaoyao quickly got the ointment left in the morning, scissors, gauze, etc., and walked to Huo Yanluo.

Seeing that Huo Yan Luo still maintained the action just now, with one hand resting on his forehead and the other resting on his thigh, Le Yaoyao couldn't help parting her red lips, and said softly.

"My lord, let the slaves change the medicine for your lord?"


Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, opened his long and narrow eyes again, and then he raised his head and glanced at Le Yaoyao, before stretching out his big injured hand towards Le Yaoyao .

Although it was just a light glance, Le Yaoyao still saw the bloodshot and sleepy eyes of Huo Yan Luo, and realized that Huo Yan Luo actually fell asleep just now when she was just taking the medicine.

This proves how tiring living Yama is...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but feel a little pity for this man.

However, this kind of strangeness came out of her heart, and Le Yaoyao was shocked in her heart, her beautiful eyes widened, and her heart was horrified.


Is she crazy? ? How could she feel pity for this man?

Everything now. Who is this man? ? Is he a living hell? A terrifying man who could crush her to death with a single finger, with an unpredictable surname, she, she, she...

Just when Le Yaoyao was shocked by her own thoughts, Leng Junyu over there, after seeing Le Yaoyao for a long time, didn't do anything, couldn't help but slightly raised his cold eyes again, opened his thin lips lightly, and said in a hoarse voice .

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... no, no, now the slave will give the prince medicine?"

After hearing Huo Yanluo's words, Le Yaoyao realized that she had been distracted in front of Huo Yanluo just now. Seeing this, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, and immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at Huo Yanluo's face again , but concentrate on changing the medicine for him.

I saw that Huo Yan Luo's big hands were bandaged with gauze, and the way of bandaging was very solid and neat, and it was obvious at a glance that it was bandaged by an expert.

When Le Yaoyao was removing the gauze for the living Yan Luo, she also carefully paid attention to this bandaging technique, and planned to bandage the wound in the same way later.

However, after she removed all the gauze from Huo Yan Luo's hand, looking at the originally slender and beautiful hand and the large area of redness and swelling on the back of the hand still made her heart twitch violently.

That pair of beautiful eyes widened instantly, and there was a trace of shock in them.


How hot was the tea in the morning to scald his big hands like this?

I saw that large area of redness and swelling. Although the swelling has subsided a lot now, Huo Yanluo must have been very painful at that time, but at that time his expression remained the same, as if nothing happened, and even comforted her...

Thinking of this, is it a lie to say that you are not moved

After all, if a man treats you like this, someone else would be so moved? What's more, this person is a living Yama...

He is dignified, powerful and powerful, but she is just a humble slave, but for a slave, he will bear everything that he shouldn't have to bear...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's nose became sore. There was also a trace of emotion in my heart, because the man in front of me...

Maybe it was because of the awareness of Le Yaoyao's thoughts, and the mist in her eyes, that made Leng Junyu Jun slightly stunned, and then, those calm cold eyes suddenly softened, and then stained even his own Unknown tenderness.

The red lips lifted slightly, and said.

"It really doesn't hurt anymore."

Leng Junyu's voice is low and charming, in this quiet moment, it is exceptionally clear, with a hint of inexhaustible magnetism, like that old wine that has just been opened, it makes people almost drunk .

And hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but twitch her nose, and then raised her head to look at the living Yan Luo above her head.

When she saw the handsome face that was staring at her closely, she had to say that her heart was truly amazed.

I don't know if it's because Ye Mingzhu's light is too soft at this moment, or if there is a hazy relationship in her eyes, she discovered that the eyes that Huo Yanluo is looking at her now seem to be, a little, really a little... gentle?

Is she wrong? or is it true?

Living Yan Luo actually knows how to be gentle? ? Moreover, the object is still her

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart skipped a beat, and then her heart beat faster.

The heartbeat of 'bang bang bang' is so intense, it's like jumping into a sika deer, the excitement is endless...

And Leng Junyu on the opposite side, seeing Le Yaoyao's twinkling beautiful water eyes, only felt that there seemed to be a soft spot in his heart...