The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 151: 176 Preparing for the wedding


Compared to Leng Junyu holding Le Yaoyao in his arms, handsome man and beautiful woman, that picture is as beautiful as a painting, envious of others

And Dongfang Bai, who was sitting opposite them, seemed a little lonely

The heavy rain outside is still falling endlessly? And after Leng Junyu finished talking about his marriage with Le Yaoyao, he changed the subject and said

"By the way, I seem to have heard about your sister recently, but is it true?"

"Well, according to people who have come, my sister is missing in Daxia. It seems that I didn't know who took my sister away. Now I have sent people to look for her. I hope I can find her this time?"

Dongfang Bai said in a deep voice? The light in the eyes is shining, there is hope, there is sadness

After all, after searching for years, every time when he had great hopes, the disappointment was always greater

However, Dongfang Bai still never stopped looking for his sister

After all, he was the one who let go of her sister's hand during the flood. Now, he has to get her back? Use him as an older brother to make it up to her

Seeing Dongfang Bai's dejected expression, Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu also knew what Dongfang Bai was thinking

"Brother Bai, as long as you hold on to hope and don't give up, your sister will always find it?"

Le Yaoyao said to Dongfang Bai as if giving support and encouragement

After all, she really likes this big brother, and she really hopes that this good man can get his happiness

Dongfang Bai listened to Le Yaoyao's words, and looked at the bright and bright smile on her face. That smile, like the sun full of energy, completely dissipated the gloom in his heart

Seeing this, Dongfang Bai looked at Le Yaoyao and smiled, said


The heavy rain stopped after a full hour

And at this moment, is it already dusk

Looking at the sunny weather outside, Le Yaoyao is also tired, with a tired face

With a momentary face? After all, Le Yaoyao has to take a nap every day, and today she didn't take a nap for shopping, so now, is she exhausted

Seeing this, Leng Junyu proposed to return home? Le Yaoyao naturally agreed

And Dongfang Bai had to go back to the clinic, so the three of them parted ways

Walking on the wet street, breathing the fresh air, Le Yaoyao's little hand was shackled by a strong hand, walking slowly on the street, looking at the passers-by on the road

Feel how ordinary and happy they are at this moment

"Yu, I really hope we can go on like this forever, plain, happy, happy?"

"Hehe, is that natural?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu turned his eyes and said to Le Yaoyao affectionately

As the sun sets, looking for the clouds in the sky, that faint orange-red light even slanted down, dyeing the land red

The breeze blows slowly, blowing Le Yaoyao and Leng Junyu's clothes and hair

And their hands were held tightly all the time. This scene was as beautiful as poetry and painting, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it

However, this scene fell into someone's eyes, but it was a thorn that hurt her eyes severely

After Leng Junyu and Le Yaoyao gradually disappeared in the street, did a slender figure slowly come out from the corner of a shop

Apparently, this guy has been standing there for a long, long time

Not only is the hair all wet, but even the bright red skirt is dripping water from time to time

And that face is as pale as paper

The face is still stained with water droplets

The woman looked like she had just been fished out of the water, she was in a mess

However, her gaze was even more ferocious like a demon, with the cold and fierce light in her pupils flickering endlessly, making people dare not get any closer

And this woman is none other than Nian Sulan

When she saw Le Yaoyao in women's attire and Leng Junyu walking hand in hand, Nian Sulan's eyes were filled with shock, unbelievable, unwillingness and viciousness

"Cousin Yu is mine, who dares to rob Cousin Yu from me, I want her to die?"

An inexplicable uneasiness surged into her heart, just like the sudden thunder just now, causing Le Yaoyao to tremble all over, and then she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, waking up

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare??"

When Le Yaoyao was panting heavily and woke up in a panic, before she could recover from the fear just now, a low-pitched and worried voice sounded from her ears

Hearing this familiar voice, Le Yaoyao turned her beautiful eyes still full of hesitation, and when she saw the man beside her, she immediately hugged him tightly like a drowning person seeing driftwood


Calling softly, asking for peace of mind

"Fool, is this king here? It's just a nightmare, don't be afraid?"

Gently hugging the little person in his arms, Leng Junyu said softly

After staying for a long time, Le Yaoyao slowly raised her head from Leng Junyu's arms. When she saw Leng Junyu's outfit, Le Yaoyao realized that it was already morning

I still remember that when they returned to the house last night, she was already exhausted. After eating something, she immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep after a while

At this moment, seeing the sun shining outside, Cicada seems to be full of power in the treetops, Cicada is endless

That golden sunlight slanted in from the outside, illuminating the whole room brightly

And the man in front of him is standing by the bed at this moment, looking at him dressed up, he has been awake for a long time, and he is already dressed

Today's Leng Junyu was wearing a purple python robe with dark patterns, and the collar and sleeves were embroidered with golden and silver threads with auspicious clouds, which made him look extravagant

A gold belt around his waist, with a suet jade pendant

The black hair was neatly tied up like silk, and the golden crown tied the hair, making that face even more resolute and perfect, as if it had been meticulously carved by a godsman

Clearly the world's best

Eyebrows like black swords, eyes like cold stars, nose like a knife cut, lips like diamonds

Looking at the handsome man in front of him, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but feel relieved, and immediately rubbed that slightly pale face in that generous embrace? That appearance, like a coquettish kitten, is it really pitiful

When Leng Junyu saw it, he just stretched out his hand to gently smooth Le Yaoyao's slightly messy long hair, the pity in his eyes was undisguised

Moreover, he didn't care that Le Yaoyao's curly hair had wrinkled his clothes

Just opened his mouth and said in a voice of great pity

"Are you still sleepy? If you are sleepy, sleep for a while?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore, is it time for Yu to go to court??"

Regarding Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao just raised her small face and asked the man in front of her

"En? Yes, but this king will come back to accompany you earlier today?"

Speaking of this, Leng Junyu paused, then continued

"And you, get up and eat breakfast obediently later, don't do heavy work, if you are bored, just read a book, my lord has someone bought some interesting story books a few days ago, and you can use them to pass away Time? Or embroidering flowers at home, viewing flowers and so on?"

Although the man's voice was deep, but his tone was very soft, as if he could wring out water

And Le Yaoyao never interrupted the man's words, just quietly listened to the man finish, then grinned and said

"Yu, so you can talk so much? Hehe..."

Le Yaoyao's tone of joking is undisguised

After all, the former Leng Junyu had always been taciturn, but recently, Le Yaoyao found that he could speak more and more, as if he wanted to make up for all the things he didn't say before

Leng Junyu naturally heard Le Yaoyao's jokes, but in the end Leng Junyu just stretched out his finger and scratched Le Yaoyao's pretty nose, and smiled helplessly

"You are skin..."

"hehe… "

In the end, Le Yaoyao joked with Leng Junyu, and Leng Junyu hurried to court

After all, there are still many major events waiting for him in the court

After Le Yaoyao got up, the two new girls, Xue Ping and Xue Li, had already entered the room with the toiletries

I saw these two little girls, although they are not very old, only twelve or thirteen years old, but they are very capable and familiar with their work

One is in charge of twisting the towel, and the other is in charge of taking it and handing it to Le Yaoyao

Le Yaoyao is still not used to being served by others

After all, it's just brushing your teeth and washing your face. If you have hands and feet, you can do it yourself

However, Le Yaoyao also knows that these are their jobs. If she doesn't want them, then she doesn't know if the two sisters will fall to their knees like last night, begging her not to. Do something

Hey, sometimes the humbleness of the ancients really makes Le Yaoyao a little ashamed and at a loss

Although, she has been in this Tianyuan Dynasty for almost three months

Le Yaoyao thought to herself, is she already sitting on the dresser

Come to think of it, since I regained my daughter's body last night, I don't need to wear those eunuch costumes anymore, and I can't just have a simple braid on my head

Come to think of it, no matter in modern times or in ancient times, Le Yaoyao never took care of her hair, nor did she know how to style it

So Le Yaoyao handed over the dressing and dressing to the two sisters behind her. After sitting down, she said to the girl standing on the lower left of her

"Uh, well, Sydney, why don't you wear a simple bun today?" After all, she doesn't like too colorful and grand buns, so Le Yaoyao just likes simple ones

However, after Le Yaoyao finished saying this, she only heard the girl she called Sydney smiled and said respectfully to Le Yaoyao

"Returning to the girl, the servant is Xueping, and she is Xueli?"

"Well… "

After hearing Xueping's words, the corners of Le Yaoyao's mouth twitched. She also forgot how many times did she call the two sisters' names by mistake today

There is no way, this pair of sisters not only have their appearances carved out of the same mark, but even their hairstyles and clothes are exactly the same, so it's no wonder that others will be reversed, even their biological parents will be reversed?

Le Yaoyao thought to herself, then smiled at Xueping, said

"Haha, I'm sorry, you two sisters really know each other too well, how about this, so as not to always turn you upside down in the future, how about this?"

Le Yaoyao paused at this point, then glanced around the dressing table, then took out two pearl hairpins from the jewelry box, and handed each of them to Xue Li and Xue Ping

"Xue Li, yours is the pear hairpin, Xueping, yours is the Bihe pearl hairpin. From now on, you will wear this pearl hairpin on your head all the time. Then I will not mistake you when I look at the pearl hairpin on your heads. Who is it?"

Le Yaoyao said

These two pearl hairpins are not high-quality, they were just bought by her shopping with Leng Junyu yesterday, but they are exquisite and beautiful

Obviously, the two sisters, Xueli and Xueping, liked the two pearl hairpins very much. After receiving the pearl hairpins, they expressed their gratitude with joy

After washing up, Le Yaoyao came to the hall, Xueping and Xueli followed behind her

In the hall, all kinds of dishes and snacks have been placed on the table long ago, making Le Yaoyao's stomach growl when he saw it

However, what surprised Le Yaoyao the most was that the little eunuch serving in the hall was actually Xiao Muzi

Seeing Xiao Muzi, Le Yaoyao's pretty face was startled

After all, Xiao Muzi is in charge of the kitchen, and usually just delivers food, but today he stayed in Yafeng Pavilion

Come to think of it, was this deliberately arranged by Leng Junyu?

He knew that she was bored in Yafeng Pavilion, and in the palace, she didn't have many friends, and she was better with Xiao Muzi, so he let Xiao Muzi come to work in Yafeng Pavilion

Le Yaoyao thought to herself, Xiao Muzi, who had been standing there all this time, was shocked when he saw Le Yaoyao walking slowly on lotus steps, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky

Maybe it's because he was too surprised to see Le Yaoyao in women's attire? That delicate face, the eyes that are as big as copper bells, and the mouth that is wide enough to fly into a sparrow

Seeing Xiao Muzi's exaggerated expression, let alone Le Yaoyao, even Xue Li and Xue Ping who were following her couldn't help covering their mouths and sniggering

"Hehe, close your mouth soon? Can a bird fly in?"

Le Yaoyao looked at the little Muzi with exaggerated expression, and couldn't help jokingly say

Hearing Le Yaoyao's jokes, Xiao Muzi, who had an expression of disbelief, came back to his senses in a daze, and then asked cautiously in an unbelievable tone

"Are you really Xiaoyaozi?? Are you really... a woman??"

"Hehe, if it's fake?"

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but wink at Xiao Muzi slyly, and subconsciously straightened her slightly protruding breasts that hadn't been wrapped with a chest cloth

For Le Yaoyao's move, Xiao Muzi immediately blushed, maybe it was because she was shy and Le Yaoyao didn't seem like a girl's bold move at all? U6KT



However, after the shyness passed, Xiao Muzi smirked again, and said

"Hehe, no wonder I thought it was weird before. Xiaoyaozi doesn't look like a eunuch at all, and he doesn't look like a man's vulgarity. When he takes a bath, he asks me to watch outside. I thought Xiaoyaozi was shy and didn't like others to look at her. When you take a shower, it turns out that you are... hehe... "

When it came to the end, Xiao Muzi looked happy and straightforward

Seeing that Xiao Muzi didn't change her opinion of her because she was a girl, and getting along with her was as usual, comfortable? Let Le Yaoyao's heart warm

After all, Xiao Muzi was her first best friend in this dynasty. She didn't want to lose such an important friend

Thinking in her heart, Le Yaoyao glanced at her beautiful eyes, and saw that there were only Xiao Muzi and Xueping Xueli in the hall, and there was no one else, and the head manager wasn't there

That's natural, after all, the Wang's family has a big business, and the head of the house only dedicatedly reports what happened in a day when Leng Junyu came back. He is very busy the rest of the time

However, Le Yaoyao is also happy and relaxed when the manager is not around

Although, when Leng Junyu told Manager Li her identity, Manager Li still looked gloomy and constipated towards her

Perhaps, only in front of Leng Junyu, Manager Li's complexion is slightly better, and everyone else's face has changed drastically? ? Le Yaoyao doesn't want to care about this

And seeing that Li Boss is not around, she is also happy and at ease

Then, looking at the dazzling array of dishes on the table, all of which are delicious in color, fragrance, and taste, it makes people's index fingers twitch

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's stomach is even more unceremoniously making a fuss

While stroking her belly, Le Yaoyao immediately sat down, then waved to Xueli Xueping and Xiao Muzi and said

"Since there are only a few of us now, you don't have to be polite to me, and you all sit down to eat? Anyway, there are so many on the table, I can't finish it all by myself?"

Le Yaoyao looked at the three people in front of her and said

But, hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Xueli and Xueping immediately shook their heads and said in unison

"How is this possible? This is against the rules, and the chief executive knows about it, but will he blame us?"

"Anyway, the Chief Li is not here, so you don't have to be afraid?"

Le Yaoyao tried to persuade them, but Xueli and Xueping wouldn't eat even if they were beaten to death, Le Yaoyao didn't force them, so she asked them to wait outside the door to watch the wind, and then let Xiao Muzi sit down

Xiao Muzi was a little shy and uncomfortable at the beginning? Although he and Xiaoyaozi usually eat at the same table in the cafeteria, this is not a cafeteria after all, but this is the lobby of Yafeng Pavilion

How could someone of his status not be able to bear eating in such a magnificent hall

However, later Le Yaoyao pretended to be serious and said

"Aren't we friends?? Friends don't distinguish between high and low? If you don't eat with me now, are you starting to misunderstand me as your friend?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Xiao Muzi didn't hesitate anymore, and sat down to eat with Le Yaoyao

Seeing this, the gloom on Le Yaoyao's face immediately disappeared

After all, in her view, everyone is equal

Although, if she marries Leng Junyu in the future, she will be the hostess and concubine of the palace, but for Xiao Muzi, their relationship will never change, are they friends

So now, Le Yaoyao is sitting there with Xiao Muzi, feasting on the sumptuous breakfast at the table

Le Yaoyao's food intake has increased significantly recently. After all, one mouth feeds two people, so after eating, her mouth doesn't stop

Xiao Muzi is also gaining weight recently, after all, it's time to eat a lot of food, so it's natural to eat a lot, so the dozen or so dishes on the table, in the end, Le Yaoyao and Xiao Muzi have nothing left. In the belly

After eating to her heart's content, Le Yaoyao was like a lazy kitten, licking some greasy tongue, a little sleepy

However, Le Yaoyao still plans to walk around first, after all, she sleeps when she is full, and she is not a pig

In addition, if you eat too much and go to bed, is it not good for your body

So, after eating a full meal, Le Yaoyao walked around the backyard of Yafeng Pavilion, admiring the flowers, looking at the fish, and went back to the room to rest when she was tired

And Xiao Muzi is cleaning in Yafeng Pavilion, taking over Le Yaoyao's previous work

After knowing that Le Yaoyao is pregnant now, Le Yaoyao is not allowed to do anything. Is Le Yaoyao regarded as an old Buddha

For Xiao Muzi's carefulness and concern, Le Yaoyao's heart warmed even more, and in the end she was obedient, and went back to her room to sleep without doing anything

This sleep, did you wake up at sunset again

When Le Yaoyao woke up leisurely, her beautiful eyes were still sleepy

After Lazily stretched out her hand and yawned, a playful and doting voice sounded from her ear

"Little lazy pig, are you up?"

Hearing this familiar voice, even without looking, Le Yaoyao knows who is coming

So, he couldn't help rubbing his body into the man's arms, adjusted a comfortable position, and then asked lazily

"Yu, when did you descend?"

"I went down an hour ago. Seeing that you are still sleeping, I don't want to wake you up?"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao's pretty face was slightly startled, and she said

"So I slept so late today?"

"Hehe, it's okay. Sleeping more is a good thing for pregnant women?"

Speaking of this, Leng Junyu paused, and then said

"Junxi sent someone a letter today, saying that he plans to marry Ya'er as his concubine. Of course, he will tell his mother about your affairs?"

"Huh?? Seriously?? That's really great?"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao immediately burst into a bright smile, and felt completely relieved

Although they knew that Nangong Junxi would definitely be responsible for Tong Ya'er, but now that they finally heard the news of him, it finally made them feel more at ease

Just when Le Yaoyao was delighted, she heard Leng Junyu say again

"I also told Brother Huang about our matter today, so I plan to choose an auspicious day within these two months to hold our wedding?"

"Within two months??"

Also too fast?

However, Le Yaoyao also knows that now she is pregnant with a baby. Although the child belongs to Leng Junyu, if people see her getting married with a big belly, it won't sound good to spread the word

So it's better to finish this matter as soon as possible

Does Le Yaoyao have any objection to this

Moreover, Le Yaoyao doesn't know the customs of this dynasty at all, so these things are all left to Leng Junyu, she just needs to be a beautiful bride and marry the man she loves

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao raised her head and looked at this handsome man like a god, she still couldn't believe it

Three months ago, she was just a senior high school student, and she was still thinking about her studies

Unexpectedly, in just a short time, she was pregnant and about to get married

Are things really unpredictable

However, Le Yaoyao knew that she would definitely not regret marrying this man

Because, he loves her, and she loves him, so, is that enough

Le Yaoyao originally thought that she and Leng Junyu would be happy forever, just plain

Unexpectedly, this is just the calm before the storm