The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 155: 208 Truth (Climax)


But, God knows, at this moment, how he would have to suppress the reluctance in his heart to leave so gracefully.

After all, his time is running out, moreover, he knows that Yaoyao is already suspicious.

If you don't leave now, only Yaoyao will hurt you the most.

Therefore, once hurt and hurt once is enough, he doesn't want her to hurt again.

Yaoyao, forget him

Okay, find someone... Married

Leng Junyu suppressed his reluctance and clenched his silver teeth, even the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

The hands hidden under the sleeves were slowly tightened, and the nails were inserted into the palms, and he didn't know the pain yet.

Because, at this moment, his heartache has long overshadowed everything else...

Compared to the man's grief, Le Yaoyao just stood there stupidly, staring at him blankly, walking further and further away from her sight.

As for his heart, at this moment, as he walked away step by step, the tear gradually became bigger and bigger, and the pain became more and more painful.

Could it be that he was really let go like this?

Will they really not meet in the future?

She still doesn't know who he is, after all, is it Yu


Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao suddenly came back to her senses and thought to herself.

Yes, even if he wants to leave, let her see what he looks like before leaving, otherwise, she will have doubts or regrets in her heart for the rest of her life...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao immediately ran towards the direction the man was leaving. However, when Le Yaoyao took only a few steps and saw what happened not far away, she was so frightened that she almost lost her heart broken.

I saw that the man who was walking straight and unrestrained actually fell straight down from the hillside—


Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes widened, her heart was burning with pain, she opened her small mouth, and only had time to shout out such a word.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person displayed lightness kung fu and flew over like an arrow...

At this moment, Leng Junyu, who was falling on the hillside, naturally heard that terrified scream in his ears.

Even so, he has no ability to stop his body from rolling down the hillside, because now he is weak all over his body, as if all his strength has been taken out, and the pain is even worse. From the bottom of my heart, spread inch by inch throughout my body.

He knew that he was finally poisoned...

What Bai said is not wrong, he has not lived long...

He is not afraid of death.

After all, for so many years, he has lived in the shadow of swords and swords, and he has long put life and death aside.

However, since this little man appeared, he wanted to live longer.

After all, only in this way can he properly stay by her side.


The opposite happened, when he put life and death aside, he couldn't die, and when he didn't want to die, he couldn't win the sky...

Leng Junyu's heart was full of grief, but he couldn't control the figure rolling down the hillside. However, just when he thought he was about to fall into the turbulent river, a slender hand, at the very moment, Tightly grasped his wrist.

"Take my hand tight, don't fall down?"

With all her strength and lightness kung fu, Le Yaoyao finally grabbed the man's wrist at the critical moment.

However, this hillside was too steep. Although she had strength, she couldn't support the weight of a man.

Even so, she never dared to let go, because there was a rough river below, and there were many gravels below the river. If she fell, if she didn't drown, she would be seriously injured by those sharp and hard stones

Just when Le Yaoyao was anxious and worried, at exactly this time, a violent mountain wind howled past, blowing their clothes and hair fluttering, and at the same time, it also took away the black gauze that the man had been wearing all the time. Blow up.

The moment she saw the man's true face, Le Yaoyao was completely shocked like a thunderclap. Men see tight.

I saw that the moonlight was pure and white, sprinkled on the entire land like gauze, making the entire land even more charming and charming.

The surrounding scenery is also fully illuminated.

As for Le Yaoyao's eyes, when the black veil was blown away, revealing the man's face, she couldn't move her eyes away.

Because, that handsome and familiar face...

The thick and slanting eyebrows are so familiar, the narrow and deep eyes are so familiar, and the resolute nose, the thin lips are tightly pressed, everything is familiar to her and cannot be more familiar of.

This is the man who made her miss five years, grieve for five years, miss her for five years, and hurt her heart for five years. It turned out that it was really him...

"Yu, is it really you, is it really you?"

When she saw that familiar face, Le Yaoyao was surprised and delighted, excited and puzzled when she came to her senses.

However, she also knew that now was not the time to ask him to explain, the most important thing now was to rescue him.

Because, she has so many things to say to him

"Yu, grab my hand and come up quickly?"

Seeing that the man didn't move at all, Le Yaoyao felt anxious and puzzled.

After all, if Leng Junyu used to be so skillful, he would definitely be able to jump up this steep hillside without any effort, so there's no need for her to help him.

If it wasn't that he wanted to die, or he was injured, that's why he couldn't do anything.

Thinking of the latter, Le Yaoyao's heart tightened immediately, and she also noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the man at the moment, as if he couldn't use his strength all over, and there was also a thick smug look on that handsome face. Painful, it hurt her heart to see it.

"Yu, don't worry, I will definitely pull you up, sure?"

After Le Yaoyao finished speaking, she continued to pull up the man hanging on the steep hillside with all her might.

But at this moment, although Le Yaoyao is not the weak woman before, but she is not strong enough, it is not easy to pull this tall man up, especially, the current Le Yaoyao just drank too much, Now I can't use any more strength.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu must have known it. So, when she saw Le Yaoyao saw his face, she was excited and happy, and then anxiously pulled him up, so she immediately spoke.

"Yaoyao, let go quickly? Otherwise, you will fall too?"

Anyway, with his current situation, even if he is pulled up, he won't last long, so why bother to involve others?

However, Le Yaoyao didn't know what Leng Junyu was thinking, at this moment, she just wanted to pull Leng Junyu up.

After all, this man is the man she loves the most.

Five years, five full years, she missed him, loved him, and missed him.

She thought that he was dead, and she was heartbroken. I can't wait to go with him, good company.

Fortunately, God took pity on him and sent him in front of her. No matter how dangerous the front was, at this moment, she had already held his hand, and she would never let go.

Die, everyone die together

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao not only did not let go, but also continued to exert all her strength, even though the corner of her mouth was bitten tightly, blood flowed out.

There was even a layer of sweat on the plump forehead.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu felt very distressed.

Moreover, he also knew that Le Yaoyao didn't have much strength, if she continued to be stubborn like this, she would definitely fall down, so he became even more anxious and shouted.

"Yaoyao, let go soon?"

"Will you let me go? I will never let go even if I die?"

Gritting her teeth tightly, Le Yaoyao also lay down in front of the steep hillside, holding the man's wrist tightly with both hands, but refused to let go.

Even her body, unable to bear the weight of the man, has already started to slide down slowly.

However, even if she died, she would not let go. Because, the pain of losing him once is enough, how can she lose him a second time?

"Yu, please, please use some strength, I'm almost... out of strength,"

Le Yaoyao spoke intermittently, and the tears kept pouring out of her eyes.


God wants to treat them like this?

Now that Yu was sent to her, why did he treat them like this now?

She doesn't want Yu to fall, doesn't want Yu to die

"Yu, please, hurry up, hurry up and hold my hand..."

"Yaoyao, give up? I can't do it anymore."

"No? I will never give up? Finally seeing you again, I will never let you leave me again, never again?"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao immediately spoke, with a firm and pleading tone.

Seeing her stubborn appearance, Leng Junyu knew that she would never let go even if she died, so he gritted his teeth and said.

"Yaoyao, I've been poisoned to such an extent that I can't survive. Even if you pull me up, I can't survive. So, please let go. It doesn't matter if I die. I don't want to risk your life." on..."

Although he didn't want to say it, Leng Junyu had to say it under the current situation.

And after Le Yaoyao heard his words, there was a 'boom' in her head, and there was a moment of blankness.

"What?? Already poisoned?? Can't survive??"

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao was completely stunned.

However, I also understood why Yu Mingming didn't dare to recognize her when he came back these days.

It turned out that he was afraid that she would be sad again, so he didn't go to meet her, thinking that in his limited time, he would be with her again...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart froze, and tears, like pearls with broken strings, kept bubbling down from her eye sockets, staining her cheeks.

When Leng Junyu saw this, his heart ached even more, but he continued to speak.

"So, Yaoyao, you let go?" If you want to die, one is enough.

"No, even so, I will never let go, if I die, we all die together?"

Le Yaoyao's heart tightened, she bit her lips tightly, and said through gritted teeth.

After all, she had had enough of being apart from him.

So, if you want to die, everyone will die together?

Anyway, she is not afraid of death, but—

"You're dead, what about our Xuan'er?"

Knowing that Le Yaoyao is stubborn and not afraid of death, afraid that she will be overwhelmed and die with him, Leng Junyu's heart tightened, and he immediately spoke.

When Le Yaoyao heard this, her heart ached.

Yes, if she died, what would Xuan Er do?

He is still so young, he already has no father, if he doesn't even have a mother now, what should he do?

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart ached, but she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

However, at this moment, her strength has long been exhausted, and the hand that was holding Leng Junyu slowly let go, and she no longer has any strength.

"no, do not want… "


Looking at Le Yaoyao who was crying so hard, Leng Junyu sighed, but he was also helpless.

In the end, when their hands were completely separated, Leng Junyu's body rolled straight down the hillside.

"No, Yu—"

Seeing the body that rolled down, Le Yaoyao was heartbroken, fell to the ground and roared to the sky. rBJo.

In the end, my heart skipped a beat and I wanted to jump down.

However, just as Le Yaoyao took a step and was about to jump into the steep slope, her waist tightened, and a force pulled her back tightly.

"Yaoyao, are you crazy? How can you jump down?"

An angry voice sounded, Le Yaoyao heard the words, raised her tearful eyes to look, when she saw the familiar face in front of her, she couldn't help it anymore, her eyes went dark, she passed out...

Black, the darkness in front of the eyes, this black, like the mouth of a ferocious devil, makes people frightened by hearing it.

Le Yaoyao stood alone in this dark place, and her heart felt chilly. She wanted to leave this place, but she had an obsession in her heart, that is, to find Yu, to find him

"Wu, where are you?? Yu, please, come out, Yu?"

"Yaoyao, am I here?"

Perhaps hearing her call, the tall man walked out of the dark place.

When Le Yaoyao saw it, she was overjoyed, and she ran over desperately.

However, when she wanted to hug the man, what she hugged was a piece of empty air.

"This... why is this happening??"

Le Yaoyao's shocked eyes widened, and she turned her head to look at the place where the man was standing in disbelief.

And the man still stood there without moving, but she couldn't touch him anymore, why, could it be...

"Yaoyao, forget me? I'm dead..."

The man's face was pale, and his brows were full of sadness and helplessness that could not be concealed.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao's heart felt as if she fell from heaven to hell in an instant.

"No? I forbid you to say that, you are not dead, you are not? Yu, please, come back? Come back to me, okay, please don't leave me?"

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, I'm dead, I can't go back, I can't go back again, please take good care of yourself, live a good life, take care of my share, and take good care of Xuan Son, the child is still young, he no longer has a father, so he can't be without a mother..."

"No, I don't want to do this, Yu, please, don't leave me..."

"Yaoyao, I don't have much time, I have to leave, we, see you in the next life..." After saying that, the man's body drifted farther and farther away.

When Le Yaoyao saw him, she kept crying and chasing after him, but no matter how hard she chased, she couldn't catch up until the figure of the man completely disappeared from her sight, completely disappeared.

"No, Yu, don't, don't?"

"Yaoyao, wake up, Yaoyao?"

An anxious and worried voice sounded, which made Le Yaoyao wake up completely from the darkness.

The moment she opened her eyes, Le Yaoyao felt lingering fear, and couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream.

When he saw a man sitting beside him, without thinking, he stretched out his hands, and immediately grabbed the man's hands tightly, and shouted anxiously.

"Don't go, don't go?"

"Okay, brother don't leave, Yaoyao don't panic."

After hearing Le Yaoyao's words, the man couldn't help comforting him softly.

This is a gentle and clear voice, which makes people feel like spring breeze after listening to it.

However, after hearing this voice, Le Yaoyao's heart felt as if she had completely fallen from heaven to that bottomless abyss.

"Brother? Is it you??"

The vision gradually changed from blurred to clear. After seeing the man sitting next to her clearly, Le Yaoyao came back to her senses completely, and murmured.

Moreover, the disappointment in his tone couldn't be concealed.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bai couldn't help flickering with sadness and loss in his beautiful star pupils.

In the end, he could only sigh slightly.

Le Yaoyao hadn't noticed Dongfang Bai's expression before, after she came to her senses, she spoke anxiously again as if thinking of something.

"Brother, Yu is not dead, he is not dead, but he fell under the torrent on the hillside, shall we go find him?"

After Le Yaoyao finished speaking, she immediately lifted the quilt and planned to go out to find someone.

However, her feet just stood on the ground, but her whole body seemed to be sucked out of strength in an instant. Yes, she couldn't exert any strength at all. In the end, she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Dongfang Bai made a timely move and caught her. body.

"Yaoyao, you have been in a coma for three days and three nights with a fever, and you just woke up now, why don't you take a good rest?"

Hearing Dongfang Bai's words full of worry and distress, Le Yaoyao's whole mind went 'boom', and there was a momentary blankness. After a long time, she spoke in disbelief.

"What?? I have a fever? I've been in a coma for three days and three nights??"

"Yes, Yaoyao."

"Then, did Na Yu come back?? I want to see him, what's going on with him now??"

As long as it is about Yu, Le Yaoyao is anxious. He turned his head and kept asking Dongfang Baifa.

However, regarding Le Yaoyao's question, Dongfang Bai's handsome face froze, and after that, he hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's heart thumped even more, and a burst of cold air rose from the soles of her feet to the top of her head inch by inch.

"Brother, tell me the truth, how is Yu doing now?"

"Yaoyao, calm down and listen to me, okay?"

Seeing Le Yaoyao's pale face because of worry and anxiety, Dongfang Bai felt distressed.

However, at this moment, how could Le Yaoyao be calm?

"Brother, tell me what's going on with Yu now, okay?? Has he found it now, or hasn't he found it? Is he alive, or..."

Before Le Yaoyao uttered the last word, she was already sobbing.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bai frowned, and finally spoke.

"This, Yuta..."