The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 164: 209 Yu Didn't Die (Climax)


"Still not found."

Following Dongfang Bai's heavy words, although Le Yaoyao had already been prepared psychologically, she was still disappointed.

Didn't find it?

It's been three days and three nights, hasn't it?

"No, brother, let's look for it again and send more people to look for it, okay?? I beg you, Yu just fell into the river. He understands water and won't die. Besides, his martial arts are not very good ?? So, he must still be alive?"

Le Yaoyao yelled loudly, loudly, as if she was convincing others or herself.

Seeing Le Yaoyao's excited appearance, Dongfang Bai felt distressed, but he still had to speak.

"Yaoyao, you give up? Even if he finds Yu, he won't be able to save him."

"Brother? What do you mean? Why do you say that even if you find it, you can't save it??"

Hearing Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, then paused, then as if thinking of something, both hands tightly grasped Dongfang Bai's hand, and said excitedly.

"Brother, have you met Yu a long time ago, and you must have known something and didn't tell me, right?? Otherwise, why did you appear there at that time, and why did you find me?"

Faced with Le Yaoyao's various questions, Dongfang Bai knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, he sighed heavily, first pulled Le Yaoyao to sit on the bed, and then spoke.

"Yaoyao, calm down and listen to me first, yes, I have actually met Yu a long time ago, and he came to look for me the night you left No. 1 Villa."

"What?? On the night I left the First Villa??"

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao's heart was shocked, her eyes widened, and she was even more annoyed.

It was that night, why did she leave at that night, otherwise, she might have known Yu earlier.

Perhaps, because he knew that Le Yaoyao was upset, Dongfang Bai couldn't help persuading him when he saw this.

"Yaoyao, even if you didn't leave that night, Yu wouldn't see you?"


Hearing Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao was startled, and her tear-filled eyes looked at Dongfang Bai closely. Seeing this, Dongfang Bai had no choice but to tell all about Yu.

It turned out that when Leng Junyu was fighting with the remnants of the cult, he was accidentally knocked off the cliff. Later, Leng Junyu, with his martial arts skills, survived the catastrophe, but was injured by the branches and hard rocks of the cliff. tired.

And at the bottom of the cliff at that time, there was no human habitation, there were only poisonous snakes and beasts.

Although Leng Junyu did not fall to his death, there are many poisonous substances and ferocious beasts under the cliff. rBJo.

He is a person who has been injured a lot, even if he was a person with strong martial arts before, he will inevitably lose to him.

In addition, he was hungry, so at that time, Leng Junyu kept eating the fruits under the cliff, while trying to resist poisonous snakes and beasts, while looking for a way out.

However, this cliff was like a labyrinth. He searched under the cliff for five years before finally finding a way out.

Originally, the first thing he did when he came out was to find Yaoyao, but who knows, at this moment, he discovered that his body was unwell.

The blood that flowed out was even more purple, which was a sign of poisoning.

After coming out from the bottom of the cliff, he tried to see the doctors, but every doctor said that there was nothing he could do. After that, he went to Dongfang Bai, thinking that Dongfang Bai was the number one genius doctor, and there would be a way to save him.

who knows…

"Brother? What kind of poison is Yuta?? Can't even save you?"

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao burst into tears.

Because Dongfang Bai told about all kinds of things about Yu at the bottom of the cliff, there were many poisons, and he was injured a lot.

How did he, who has always been honored like a heavenly man, survive? He actually suffered so much.

Now, she just remembered that when he was catching fish in the Immortal Lake, his exposed skin was covered with scars, and none of them was perfect.

In the past five years, what kind of life has Yu lived

The more she thought about it, the more Le Yaoyao felt sorry for that man.

When Dongfang Bai heard Le Yaoyao's words, he let out a long sigh, shook his head, and said.

"The poison in Yuzhong, I have never heard of it before. I only know that he will not live for a few days."

"That's why he didn't want to recognize me, because he was afraid that I would be sad if I found out?"

Hearing Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao understood everything.

"Yeah, Yu said, you hurt once, it's enough, I don't want you to watch him die again, he misses well."

"Hehe, live a good life?? He is dead, how can I live a good life?? And how can I live a good life?"

Speaking of this, Le Yaoyao's eyes were blank, as if someone had taken away three souls and seven souls, seeing Dongfang Bai, she was even more flustered.

After all, he was also sad about what happened to his brother, but he was more worried about what happened to his sister.

"Yaoyao, don't do this. If you do this, brother and parents will be very sad. Yu he... Even if he leaves, he won't feel at ease."

Regarding Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao seemed to ignore Dongfang Bai's words, her eyes flickered for a moment, and then, as if thinking of something, her eyes burst out with a brilliance that she hadn't seen before.

He gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"No? If I want to find Yu, I must find him? In life, I want to see people, and in death, I also want to see corpses?"

Time flies in the blink of an eye, a month has passed—

"Yaoyao, give up? Don't look for it anymore, Yu is dead?"

A voice laced with anger and worry came from the usually gentle Dongfang Bai.

A month has passed, and this man who has always been refined is now full of vicissitudes and emaciation. After all, during this month, he suffered a lot for his sister.

However, no matter how much he persuaded, his sister was still as stubborn as ever and never gave up.

"Enough, brother? Yu is your good friend, why do you curse him like this? Perhaps, he is not dead?"

Until the last moment, without seeing Yu's body, Le Yaoyao would never believe that her Yu died like this.

No, Yu he won't

Le Yaoyao was resolute in her heart, but she didn't know that at this moment, she looked haggard, and if she continued to search in person in this month, she would have been so thin that a gust of wind could blow her down.

Seeing her haggard day by day, how could Dongfang Bai not feel bad after seeing her?

"Yaoyao, I am your brother and Yu's good friend. If possible, I also hope that he will live a long life and stay with you forever. However, the facts are the facts, so you just accept the facts? Look at you now , In the past month, you have been going out to search continuously, and you have lost a lot of weight because you don’t think about food and drink. If this continues, will your life still exist??”

Although Dongfang Bai has a good temper, but sometimes he gets angry, especially when he sees Yaoyao not cherishing his body so much, he feels distressed when he sees it.

Le Yaoyao knew that Dongfang Bai cared about her, but she really had to look for Yu, if she just sat at home every day waiting for news, she was afraid that she would go crazy.

It's been a month, a whole month, Yu, are you really dead? ? What should I do if you die?

What should Xuaner do?

The more she thinks about it, Le Yaoyao's heart thumps hard, it hurts a lot.

However, at this moment, her tears had long since been shed.

She just felt heartbroken, but she couldn't shed any tears.

It turns out that when tears really flow...

The more she thinks about it, Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes are slightly lowered, her pale complexion, accompanied by her lost and desperate appearance, looks like a fragile doll, which is really sad.

And Qi Yingying, who came here a month earlier, felt uncomfortable seeing her.

After all, she knows what it's like to love someone, so she naturally understands Le Yaoyao's feelings.

If something happened to her beloved, she would have collapsed by now.

However, she also didn't want to see Le Yaoyao looking for someone like crazy every day, so she thought about it, as if thinking of something, she said to Le Yaoyao.

"Sister Yaoyao, I believe that auspicious people have their own celestial features. I heard that there is a very efficacious Guanyin Temple here in Dali. Why don't we go to pray to the Bodhisattva, and we should peace for Brother Yu."

"Avalokitesvara Temple??"

Hearing Qi Yingying's words, the heartbroken Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment. Although she didn't believe this for a long time, she had been looking for Yu for a long time, but she couldn't find Yu. She doesn't know whether Yu is alive or dead, maybe she should beg the Bodhisattva, beg her, and bless Yu.

Just as Le Yaoyao was thinking about it, Qi Yingying at the side, from the look on Le Yaoyao's face, knew that Le Yaoyao's heart was moved, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Dongfang Bai pulled Qi Yingying over and said in a low voice.

"What the hell are you thinking again, Yaoyao is already sad enough."

"Uncle, what do you mean?? Are you the only one who cares about Sister Yaoyao? Moreover, with Sister Yaoyao's current situation and mood, if this continues, Sister Yaoyao will go crazy. So, even if you know that Brother Yu may be... But when people are in despair, they always want to have a hope so that they can live well... "

Qi Yingying's young and mature appearance made Dongfang's white and black eyes flicker, but in the end, she could only let them go.

The next day was a sunny day, it was already early summer, and the weather was gradually getting hotter.

The scorching sun was shining brightly in the sky, and Cicada was also on the treetops Cicada Cicada endlessly.

I saw a carriage slowly driving forward, and finally, it stopped under a high mountain.

After a while, two beautiful women jumped out of the carriage.

I saw a woman wearing a light blue pair, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a delicate appearance.

As for the other woman, she was wearing a white gauze skirt, her face was like a lotus, with icy skin and jade skin, and her facial features were exquisite. Even if she just stood there quietly, she could no longer hide her beauty.

Therefore, when these two beautiful women stood at the foot of the mountain, they naturally attracted the attention of passers-by.

And these two women were none other than Le Yaoyao and Qi Yingying who planned to come to the temple to pray to God.

Raising her beautiful eyes, Le Yaoyao looked at the green mountains.

It is said that this Guanyin Temple is very famous in Dali, so many people come to visit it.

And this Guanyin Temple was built in this high mountain.

Looking around, you can see that there are continuous mountain peaks all around, and the mountain course is winding. From a distance, it looks like a silver belt falling from the clouds. Sometimes I look for it.

At this moment, the mountain road was already filled with many people who went up and down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are also people coming and going, very lively.

Seeing this, Qi Yingying at the side couldn't help sighing.

"Presumably this Guanyin Temple must be very spiritual, so it attracts so many people to come to offer incense."

When Le Yaoyao heard the words, she just opened her mouth and said.

"Spirit? I hope so."

Seeing Le Yaoyao coming here, still looking devastated, Qi Yingying sighed inwardly.

However, in order for Le Yaoyao to be happy, she kept talking and chatting with Le Yaoyao, and the two walked up together.

After all, this Guanyin Temple was built halfway up the mountain, and horse-drawn carriages could not go up the mountain, so everyone walked up the mountain one by one.

Le Yaoyao and Qi Yingying didn't think much about this.

After all, everyone is a martial arts practitioner, and a mere road is nothing. Why bother with the good air on the mountain and the scenery on the mountain by the way.

An hour later, Le Yaoyao and Qi Yingying came to the Guanyin Temple halfway up the mountain.

I saw the incense burning in the Guanyin Temple, and the inside of the temple was even more crowded. Before I went in, I was smoked by bursts of incense and burst into tears.

After the two of them had offered incense and prayed to the gods, they didn't stay in the temple too much, but just walked around the Guanyin Temple, and then went down the mountain on foot again.

People say that going down the mountain is easy and going up the mountain is difficult.

After a while, Le Yaoyao and Qi Yingying walked down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many people who want to go up the mountain to pray for God, and there is an endless stream of fragrant cars and BMWs.

And there is a tea shop at the foot of the mountain.

After walking for such a long time just now, Le Yaoyao and the others were a little tired, so seeing a tea shop here, Qi Yingying suggested going there to have a sip of tea before going back. Le Yaoyao naturally is willing.

After all, she was tired and thirsty after walking for such a long time just now.

However, because this tea shop is the only one selling tea at the foot of the mountain, the business is particularly good. When you walk into the tea shop and look up, there are already no seats left.

Fortunately, at this time, someone had just left. Seeing this, Le Yaoyao and Qi Yingying didn't mind taking the stage with others, as long as they had a place to do it.

In particular, there were still two men sitting with them.

Do you want to do it with such delicate beauties as Le Yaoyao and the others

Therefore, after Le Yaoyao and the others sat down, they kept thinking about the topic and wanted to strike up a conversation. However, Le Yaoyao was in a bad mood. They talk, and it is impolite not to talk, as long as they talk for a while.

Soon, the tea soup ordered by Le Yaoyao and the others was served, Le Yaoyao drank a few sips of tea, then sat there, waiting for Qi Yingying.

However, at this moment, a delicate voice was heard from the table behind her.

"Brother Leng, are you thirsty? Come on, finish your tea first."

"Brother Leng, look at your sweaty head, come, let me wipe it off for you."

Hearing what this woman said, even if he didn't turn his head to look, he knew that this woman must love her brother Leng very much.

After all, only if you love someone, will you care about that person in everything.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao's heart moved slightly.

Because, once upon a time, like the woman behind her, she fell in love, and then stayed with the man she loved.

Always care about the man you love deeply.

At that time, Yu was by her side. At that time, she thought that she was the happiest woman in the world.

Moreover, at that time, she also thought that her future would be as happy, happy, and happy as she was then, but...

The happy days were so short, and the bad luck caught people off guard, so Yu left her like this.

Five years have passed, I thought, my heart no longer hurts. She thought that Yu was dead, but God brought Yu to her side again, into her life. However, God tricked people, and before she could recognize Yu, Yu...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart hurts like a knife.

Yu, her Yu, where are you?

Just when Le Yaoyao was grieving, she heard another clear female voice behind her.

"Sister, you only care about your brother Leng now, and your younger sister doesn't care. Sister, I'm thirsty too, and I'm sweating on my head. I don't see you wiping it off."

Listening to this somewhat coquettish voice, it sounded somewhat familiar, however, Le Yaoyao forgot where she had heard this voice for a while.

However, just when Le Yaoyao was wondering in her heart, the next voice reached her ears, but it shocked her whole body like a thunderclap, and she was shocked on the spot—

"Naseya, drink this cup of tea first."

A short sentence, with a somewhat hoarse and deep voice, so familiar, after the man finished speaking, Le Yaoyao could no longer hear other people's voices.

It was as if my heart had been hit hard with a hammer, and it shook violently.

Le Yaoyao didn't know when she turned around and when she stood up, but when her eyes fell on the man behind her, she was completely dumbfounded.

I saw this man with a tall and straight figure, imposing manner, slanted eyebrows, deep cold eyes, a straight nose and thin lips, a well-defined outline, like a dragon and a phoenix.

Although he is dressed in commoner clothes, it is difficult to hide his noble temperament from where he lives

And this one, none other than—

"Yu? It's you, is it really you?"

Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, she was muttering in a low voice, but in the end she almost exclaimed.

Those beautiful eyes that were originally ashen ashes were slowly filled with joy at this moment.

And those trembling lips were even more drawn out because of joy.

"Yu, it's really you, I finally found you?"

Le Yaoyao was overjoyed and excited, and immediately stretched out her arms, she wanted to hug the man in front of her tightly, because she wanted to make sure that he was real, that he was alive, that he was not dead

However, all the joy of Le Yaoyao completely froze in the man's next sentence—

"Who are you?? I know... you??"