The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 170: 193 Yaoyao is blind


"No, no, impossible, he, how could he die??"

Hearing Mei's words, there were gasps of disbelief all around, Le Yaoyao seemed to have lost all three souls, her pretty face was as pale as paper, without any trace of humanity.

The beautiful eyes that used to be shining brightly are also dimmed at this moment.

The head with the phoenix crown kept shaking, the bead curtains collided with each other, and the sound emitted was so clear, as if something was completely broken...

Immediately afterwards, strings of crystal clear tears fell from Le Yaoyao's beautiful hollow eyes, staining her pale cheeks, making her look so fragile, as if, in the next moment, , it will disappear completely.

Seeing this, Xueping and Xueli at the side were shocked by the painful news brought by Mei, but they were more worried about Le Yaoyao's body.

Especially now, Le Yaoyao's pale and hollow appearance, and her precarious body, seemed to fall down in the next moment.

Seeing this, Xueli and Xueping immediately stepped forward, trying to support Le Yaoyao.

However, at this moment, Le Yaoyao, who was originally fragile and about to fall, suddenly rushed to Mei Mei's body like an arrow, grabbed Mei's collar tightly with both hands, and forcefully roared.

"You lied to me? You lied to me? Yu he won't die, he won't die? He said he would come to marry me, did he say that?"

Le Yaoyao yelled frantically.

He was obviously such a petite and fragile person, but he was able to pick up the burly Meidu and keep pushing and shaking him.

The people who watched were stunned for a while, and worried about her even more.

And Mei never moved a bit, just let Le Yaoyao vent.

After all, this incident was a painful blow to each of them, let alone Le Yaoyao...

However, when everyone was distraught, they saw Le Yaoyao who had gone crazy, as if all her strength had been emptied in an instant, she rolled her eyes and fell straight down...

The wedding that she had been looking forward to for a long time, what she was waiting for was the news of the death of her beloved man. The greatest pain in the world is nothing more than this.

In the Tianyuan Dynasty, the well-known Prince Rui unexpectedly fell off a cliff and died in a fight with the remnants of the cult before his wedding, which shocked the entire Tianyuan Dynasty even more.

Although the remnants of the evil sect were all wiped out in the end, they still shocked the people of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

After all, Prince Rui has always been a god-like existence in the hearts of the common people. He is powerful in martial arts, powerful, and favored by Sheng Nong. He was originally thought to be like a towering mountain that would never collapse. …

Therefore, when Prince Rui passed away, the whole country of Tianyuan mourned for three days in silence.

Because Prince Rui fell off the cliff, his body could not be found, perhaps it had already been eaten by other wild beasts, therefore, the items placed in Prince Rui's coffin were all items that Prince Rui used during his lifetime.

It was also because Prince Rui had done many things to eliminate harm for the people during his lifetime, so on the day of Prince Rui's funeral, the common people stopped what they were doing one after another and came to bid farewell to this great national hero.

The summer sun is always so hot and dazzling.

The temperature is very high, and the sun hanging high in the sky exudes a hot temperature with incomparable enthusiasm, like a big furnace, roasting the whole earth.

There was a faint layer of heat waves on the ground, and the originally lush and green treetops couldn't bear the high temperature, and the leaves all rolled up one after another, and then drooped their heads...

The cicada on the tree, but at this moment, seems to be filled with endless power, and it keeps "cicing it" endlessly, which makes people feel more upset and angry.

However, in the scorching hot season, Le Yaoyao felt that it was colder than the twelfth lunar month of winter.

She couldn't feel any warmth, her whole body seemed to be soaked in a cold ice cave. It was so cold that her blood seemed to be congealed.

Le Yaoyao didn't know how long she had been hiding in her room, she shut herself tightly in the room, not wanting to see anyone.

Because, she doesn't want to see other people's pity or sad eyes, then she will remember that Yu is dead, he is completely dead, and... can't come back...

"No, how did this happen?? Yu, you lied to me, why did you lie to me?? You clearly promised me that you would come back and marry me, and I have been waiting for you. Why, now, you want to leave me go??"

Le Yaoyao was so distraught that she couldn't bear to live.

The heart, as if being torn apart by someone's hands, is so bloody.

Le Yaoyao buried her face deeply in her knees, and hugged her knees tightly with both hands, as if only in this way could she have the strength to support her.

keep her alive...

And Le Yaoyao didn't know how long she had maintained this action, all she knew was that the voices of Empress Daxia and Xueping and the others kept coming from outside the door, but she held her hands tightly. Close your ears, don't want to hear what they say.

Now she doesn't want to see anyone anymore, she just wants to stay in the room quietly by herself, like a wounded little hand, quietly staying in the corner, licking her own wound...

And her tears kept falling endlessly.

The eye sockets are red, and the scene in front of him is even more blurred, and he can no longer see the real thing clearly.

Le Yaoyao only noticed that the light around her was black and then white, white and dark again, so hazy that she couldn't see clearly.

Perhaps it was because she cried too much.

Just as Le Yaoyao was thinking, there was another knock on the door.

These days, this knock on the door does not know how many times. Le Yaoyao who knocked thought that the wooden door would break due to the unbearable knocking.

In fact, people outside could rush in through the wooden door, but no one dared. She just kept trying to persuade her outside, but Le Yaoyao couldn't listen to a word.

Because, now she is really too tired, too tired...

Tired, she seemed to just fall asleep like this, never waking up again, maybe, in this way, she could be with Yu, together forever...

When Le Yaoyao woke up leisurely, she only felt that there was someone beside her, because there was a faint and pleasant smell of medicine beside her, so familiar.

"Are you awake?"

Perhaps the visitor noticed that Le Yaoyao had woken up, so he asked.

That voice, soft-spoken, is unique to Dongfang Bai.

"How did you come?"

Hearing this gentle voice, Le Yaoyao opened her mouth softly, but found that the words she said were so unpleasant, like the sound made by a blunt hammer slowly rubbing against the ground.

Moreover, the inside of her throat was burning with pain as she spoke, as if there was a fire burning in her throat.

However, it was also the unbearable pain that let Le Yaoyao know that she was still alive.

Before she fell into a coma, she knew that she was weak and thought that she would die like this.

Death, for her now, was a relief.

Because, when Yu died, her world seemed to have lost all its colors, and if she was alive, she was just a corpse. What's the point of that?

Therefore, when she realized that she was still alive, Le Yaoyao felt lost.

Perhaps sensing Le Yaoyao's thoughts, Dongfang Bai, who was sitting next to Le Yaoyao, couldn't help but frown beautifully, and his face was full of worry.

However, he still didn't speak immediately, but poured a cup of warm tea for Le Yaoyao, and then helped up Le Yaoyao who was weak all over with his own hands, before speaking softly.

"Come on, drink a glass of water first? Is your throat sore? I have already prepared the medicine. You should drink a glass of water to moisten your throat first, and then drink the medicine?"

Dongfang Bai's voice is soft and soft, no matter what time it is, it is like a March spring breeze, slowly blowing into people's hearts.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao just nodded lightly, feeling the hard object on her lips, which was a teacup, she lowered her head and took a sip.

After the hot feeling in her throat no longer hurt so much, Le Yaoyao realized that something was wrong.

After smelling a strong smell of medicine, Le Yaoyao couldn't help wrinkling her nose.

"Come on, Yaoyao, I'll feed you medicine."

Dongfang Bai's words came slowly, Le Yaoyao couldn't help blinking her eyes when she heard the words, and saw that everywhere she went, everything was pitch black, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see a single light.

Suddenly, Le Yaoyao's heart skipped a beat, and she understood what was going on.

Stretching out her weak and boneless catkins, slowly caressing her eyes, Le Yaoyao opened her mouth.

"My eyes... am I... blind now??"

Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes were wide open, and her tone was somewhat unbelievable and surprised.

After hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Dongfang Bai was silent for a moment before agreeing.

"It's just a temporary blindness. You cried in the room for three days and three nights. You couldn't get a drop of water, and your eyes were blind from crying. But don't worry, as long as you treat it well, you will recover your sight." rBJo.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Le Yaoyao would be afraid, Dongfang Bai explained.

But when Le Yaoyao heard Dongfang Bai's words, she didn't feel anything in her heart, her whole body seemed to be numb.

Those empty eyes had lost their previous brilliance, they were expressionless, so empty and dejected.

And her face was even more pale as paper, without human color.

The light lip color made her even more fragile, and Dongfang Bai, who was watching from the side, felt hard in his heart, and it hurt a lot.

However, Le Yaoyao couldn't see Dongfang Bai's sad and worried expression, and only spoke quietly after a moment of silence.

"Actually, whether I can see it or not is no longer important to me now."

Because, without Yu, her world has long been dark.

Therefore, whether she can see or not is no longer important.

However, when Le Yaoyao finished speaking, Dongfang Bai, who was still worried about Le Yaoyao's sadness because she couldn't see it, almost wrinkled his handsome eyebrows this time.

"Yaoyao, I won't allow you to think like this?"

This time, Dongfang Bai no longer spoke softly, but with a serious tone, but with undisguised worry and concern.

"What do you mean 'you can't see it, it doesn't matter anymore'?? I know, because Yu's death hit you hard, you are sad, you are desperate, but, Yaoyao, you have to know, for Yu's death Death is not only you who are sad and sad, but also Yu's family, the emperor, the queen mother, they are all very sad, but if you are sad, will Yu come back?? And, do you know that you are now How selfish are you?? Now you are not at all like the optimistic, cheerful and considerate Yaoyao before."

Dongfang Bai said in a cold tone, upon hearing his words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help being startled, and asked in a low voice.

"I'm selfish??"

"Yes, you are selfish? Do you know that? These days, you locked yourself in the room and didn't come out for three days and three nights. How worried are your mother, queen, father, and the emperor?" After coming, your mother and concubine passed out from crying for countless times, and her eyes almost went blind from crying like you. If you don’t think about yourself, shouldn’t you think about your father and queen?? Poor world Parents, they love you, don't they feel sad to see you dying like this?? And, you are about to become a mother, you know, because you give up on yourself, your child almost lost Is it?? Right? Yu is dead, but you can’t give up on yourself like this. Besides, what about the child?? If you give up yourself, do you want to give up even the child? If Yu Zaitian’s spirit, he will be happy to see you Is it like this now??"

Dongfang Bai said so much in one breath, like setting off firecrackers, without interruption in the middle.

After hearing this, Le Yaoyao felt her throat tighten and her heart was startled.

Like a blow to the head

Yes, Yu is dead, but she still has family, she still has children, her children...

"Brother Bai, you just said... son, what happened to my child?? Is he okay?? I beg you, you must keep my child?"

Yu is gone, she doesn't want to lose her child.

Because this is the only blood between her and Yu, she can't let Yu's blood be cut off in her own hands.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart tightened, and she kept waving her hands forward, as if trying to catch something.

The eyes that were originally empty were filled with deep worry and tension at this moment.

Knowing that what he said was a blow to Le Yaoyao's head, Dongfang Bai was a little relieved, so he immediately stretched out his arms and asked Le Yaoyao to hug her tightly.

"Brother Bai, I beg you, you must hug me and Yu's child, Yu is gone, this child, my only bloodline of Yu..."

Speaking of this, Le Yaoyao's eyes became hot, and the eyes were quickly stained with a layer of mist.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bai immediately took out a handkerchief, wiped away the tears from Le Yaoyao's eyes, sighed softly, and said in a low voice.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, as long as you don't give up on yourself and your child, no matter what, I will hug you both? Be good, don't cry, your eyes are crying, you must not cry anymore, you have to Otherwise, your eyes will really go blind, and if you go blind, you won't even know what the child looks like in the future." It's like nothing.

Dongfang Bai patted Le Yaoyao's shoulder lightly, as if coaxing a child, and said comfortingly.

His voice is so gentle, like clear water and warm spring breeze, let Le Yaoyao's desperate heart suddenly cast a ray of sunshine, making her dark heart no longer dark and lonely...

"Well, Brother Bai, I will listen to you in everything. I live a good life and raise Yu's and I's children well, so that Yu will feel at ease watching from the sky?"

Yu, without you, I have to live well by myself.

Take good care of yourself, take good care of your children.

However, you promised me, and you must do it.

You said you would marry me.

Before we were alive, we couldn't be husband and wife, so you must wait for me at Naiheqiao to complete our wedding.

I love you, forever, never change

From Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao no longer gave up on herself and came back from the dead.

Because, she wants to live a good life, for her relatives who care about her, and even for her children.

This is her and Yu's bloodline

For Le Yaoyao's change, everyone was completely relieved.

Especially the queen, she no longer shed tears every day.

Also because of Leng Junyu's affairs, Nangong Junxi also returned to Daxia. Naturally, Tong Ya'er was by his side.

Originally, the two of them planned to have a good time in Dali and come back when Le Yaoyao got married. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened at this time.

While everyone was grieving, they also continued to comfort and persuade Le Yaoyao.

Tong Ya'er is by Le Yaoyao's side every day.

At this moment, Tong Ya'er is also pregnant, so when she and Le Yaoyao were together, they naturally talked about the joy of becoming a mother soon, and shared the happiness of pregnancy with each other.

Because Tong Ya'er has a cheerful personality and can chat well with Le Yaoyao, so, with Tong Ya'er, many times, Le Yaoyao will forget her sadness.

It's just that, in the dead of night, she will miss the man who will always be engraved in her heart...

Today, the sun is bright and the sky is cloudless. Tong Ya'er will appear in Le Yaoyao's palace at certain times of the day to play with her.

Seeing the nice weather outside, Tong Ya'er suggested to take a walk outside.

And during this period of time, under Dongfang Bai's careful treatment, Le Yaoyao's eyes have recovered, so seeing Tong Ya'er's proposal in high spirits, she naturally agreed.

So the two shunned the extra maids, and only let the two sisters Xueping and Xueli follow, and walked slowly towards the imperial garden.

Although it was a scorching summer day, a hundred flowers were still blooming in the imperial garden.

The clusters of brightly colored flowers are in different poses and with different charms, competing for splendor and beauty, so beautiful.

In the end, Le Yaoyao and the others felt tired after admiring the words for a long time.

After all, both of them are pregnant women, so they are particularly prone to sleepiness.

Just not far from the Royal Garden, there is a lake.

The lake was built on top of the water, and the pavilion was surrounded by green lotuses.

It is hot summer now, and it is the season when the lotus blooms. So, before Le Yaoyao and the others even walked to the gazebo, a pleasant scent of lotus blossoms wafted over their nostrils.

Smelling the pleasant scent of lotus made Le Yaoyao feel happy, and she couldn't help walking faster.

However, at this moment, on the path they were advancing, a water snake suddenly appeared

This happened so suddenly that everyone was shocked.

And Le Yaoyao was most afraid of snakes since she was a child. Seeing this, she screamed in fright and fell straight to the side. Beside her was a slanted staircase...