The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 175: 178 Yaoyao was attacked


Le Yaoyao's convoy going back to Daxia traveled overland. Along the way, along the way, they saw beautiful mountains and rivers, towering green mountains and picturesque scenery.

Although it is summer, the wild flowers in the wild are in full bloom. Taking advantage of the green grassland, it is as beautiful as a carpet embroidered with hundreds of flowers, not charming

Le Yaoyao, who had been depressed for half a month because of leaving Leng Junyu, finally felt better after seeing the beautiful scenery of nature on the way.

Is she that obvious? ? Everyone knows what she is thinking.

Was this wild boar hunted by Xing himself when they passed through the woods just now

"Don't keep teasing me, aren't you the same?? Don't think, I didn't know you liked Xing?"

"It looks delicious, it smells so good..."

Of course, the premise is that the child in the stomach must be born.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was impatient and worried.

"Hehe, it's nothing, Xing, have you finished your work over there?"

Seeing the figure of the man in black like an arrow, and the speed of the wind, people were caught off guard. When Le Yaoyao saw it, her whole heart was almost in her throat.

After all, Xueli and Xueping were specially hired by Leng Junyu to serve her.

"Okay, stop messing around. I'm so hungry that I can eat a cow. Let's go eat quickly?"

After all, she took care of it independently, and since she was a child, she has done all her own things herself, and never pretended to others.

However, after hearing the words of the two sisters, Xing immediately came back to his senses, and his eyes flickered with sadness.

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Xue Li's eyes widened, a little embarrassed and shy as if someone had broken her mind.

At this time, Le Yaoyao discovered that Xueping actually knows martial arts

Hearing Xue Li's words, Le Yaoyao's pretty face was embarrassed, and she felt a little helpless.

Le Yaoyao sat in the carriage all morning, although the carriage was very spacious, even if three people slept there, it would be enough. Moreover, although the sparrow inside was small and complete, Leng Junyu made the preparations very thoughtful.

Seeing that the man in black was so close at hand, Le Yaoyao was so frightened that she yelled "Ah", thinking that she was bound to die. However, at this moment, seeing Xueping who was supporting her, her body immediately became as if Like a spring, he rushed over quickly, and wrestled with the man in black.

It just so happened that she felt a little tired, so Xueping immediately made tea for her.

"Haha, there is no way, who told us that our future princess looks too charming."

"Uh, uh, ok..."

The facial features are exquisite, pink and jade-carved, the skin is like snow, can be broken by blowing bombs, the eyebrows are curved, the eyes are full of autumn water, the most attractive is the pair of bright red lips, when she smiles, it reveals the neat row The white teeth make the lips red and the teeth white, really beautiful

Le Yaoyao smiled at Xueli and Xueping.

After all, a man who can train such an ordinary guard must be an extraordinary person, and this extraordinary person will soon become her husband...

Moreover, that martial arts is not bad.

While thinking, Le Yaoyao ate the last piece of pork on the plate.

Just right, the amount of pork that Xing cut for her just now was just right.

Moreover, this wild boar weighs more than a hundred catties, which is enough to feed dozens of people again.

After all, among the two sisters, Xueli and Xueping, Xueli is the most lively, while Xueping is the most considerate.

"Uh, you, how do you know??"

And at this time, those guards will use the plates in their hands to pick them up.

After all, no matter what happened, even if the sky was about to fall, as long as he was around, she would not be afraid of anything.

And on her face, the words "she really wants to eat" are engraved on her face at this moment.

He is too concerned about himself.

Seeing this, Xing Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This time, Leng Junyu sent a full 30 guards to protect Le Yaoyao back to Daxia. Moreover, these guards were all trained by Leng Junyu, so not only martial arts and discipline, but also first-class.

"Okay, let's go then."

In the end, Sydney just stomped her feet and got out of the way.

Especially, when Xue Li, who was originally guarding her, also joined in the fight after a man in black pounced on her, Le Yaoyao's heart was like fifteen buckets up and down.

I saw Xing constantly directing something ahead, asking everyone to stop and rest, and wait until they had eaten before going on their way.

She didn't even know when the quilt in her hand fell to the ground.

Seeing Xing swinging the knife at such a fast speed, Le Yaoyao almost never saw how he did it, only felt the light of the knife waved, and immediately, the meat of the whole roasted wild boar was cut neatly by him , one piece per person, plus what's on her plate, it's exactly thirty-three yuan.

"Well, thank you, do you want to drink too?"

Fortunately, they are twins, and they even speak in such a tacit understanding.

She didn't notice it before, but now seeing her draw out the slender long sword from her waist like magic, Le Yaoyao was shocked again.

The smell of barbecue came out from time to time, causing the stomachs of the people around to growl.

Although it was not the first time she had seen such a hot scene, but now that it happened again beside her, Le Yaoyao was even more terrified.

Now that Le Yaoyao is pregnant again, she will definitely have someone to wait on the way, Leng Junyu is worried about her. Originally, he planned to ask Li to send more skilled maids, but Le Yaoyao refused.

Moreover, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but feel proud when she saw the well-trained guards in front of her, whether they were eating or not.

Although Xueping is young and petite, her skills are good.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but smile.

Oh, how nice

At this moment, it is noon.

Le Yaoyao was eating the roasted pork with relish, while looking at the acrobatic picture in front of her, she couldn't help but feel a little happy.

The sun is shining outside, the sky is clear and cloudless, the blue sky is as clear as a piece of jasper, so beautiful, looking at this beautiful blue sky will make people feel more comfortable.

In the convoy, only three of them were women, and the rest were guards.

Could it be that she really couldn't escape today? ? Daoli and harmony.

When Leng Junyu saw her persist in the end, he didn't say anything in the end, but sternly told Xue Li and Xue Ping to take good care of her.

Just as she was thinking, the voices of sisters Xue Li and Xue Ping came to my ears.

Hearing Xing's words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but politely smiled at Xing Zhan and said.

Just when Le Yaoyao was thinking in her heart, Xue Li's joking words came from her ears.

Under the big tree, a big shelf was piled up, and a wild boar was leaning on it at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the women of this dynasty were so precocious.

However, just when Le Yaoyao was feeling sad for those sacrificed guards, suddenly, she only felt a black shadow flash in front of her eyes, and a burly man in black appeared outside the carriage.

Feeling grateful in her heart, Le Yaoyao picked up the tea, intending to drink it to moisten her throat.

In addition, in this spacious carriage, she is not alone, there are two sisters, Xue Li and Xue Ping.

"Girl, no matter what happens later, don't leave the carriage?"

"Well… "

However, thinking of Leng Junyu's kindness to her, Le Yaoyao's heart warmed up.

"Serving the girl is our task, can we be careless??"

Seeing Le Yaoyao's unpretentious, salivating appearance, not only Xueping and Xueli were covering their mouths and snickering, even Xing couldn't hide his smile, and laughed straight away.

The more she thought about it, the more Le Yaoyao felt inferior, and seeing that everyone sacrificed to protect her.

but now…

Not far in front of her, a group of unknown men in black suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Moreover, each of them held a long sword and looked murderous.

It's rare to see Sydney, who is usually carefree, blushing, Le Yaoyao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and smiled at Xue Li, who was blushing like a monkey's butt, with a playful look.

The breeze blows slowly, blowing the woman's hair up, and her clothes fluttering.

After all, ever since she came to Prince Rui's Mansion, she always took the same place with her.

Now Le Yaoyao also got off the carriage, let the two sisters Xue Li and Xue Ping carefully help her down.

"Girl, are you thinking about the prince again?"

Although Prince Rui's Mansion has beautiful scenery and magnificence, one will get tired of it after looking at it for a long time. So now looking at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers in nature, Le Yaoyao's mood gradually improved a lot.

However, this gloomy look was so fleeting, so fast that people couldn't catch it. Seeing that Xing has returned to his previous dandy appearance, he said with a smile.

However, her eyes never moved away from Xing from the beginning to the end.

"Ah?? Guess??"

At this moment, under a towering tree, Le Yaoyao and the others stopped here to rest.

"This is not easy, I guessed it? Haha, I guessed it right?"

Moreover, the weapon she used was a slender long sword, which was pinned in the belt around her waist.

And his look just happened to fall into the eyes of Xueping and Xueli, and the two sisters couldn't help but joked immediately.

Seeing the guards who were eating roast pork together just now fell down one by one, Le Yaoyao felt chilly as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

However, Le Yaoyao didn't know how beautiful the smile on her face was.

Moreover, at this moment, she really wanted Yu Neng to be by her side.

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Xing couldn't help but nodded and said.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart tightened, she was so frightened that she shrank into the farthest corner of the carriage.

However, before she thought about it for a moment, Xue Li, who was beside her, had already pulled her into the carriage.

Unceremoniously taking the plate from the star, Le Yaoyao smiled and said to everyone. After saying this, Le Yaoyao found a random place, sat down and ate.

Now, although she is pregnant, she feels that it is enough to have sisters Xue Li and Xue Ping by her side.

"Come on, since you're hungry, eat quickly."

"Hehe, that's right. I said, Xing, don't be fascinated by the girl. The girl is the prince's future princess?"

However, seeing Xue Li's playful appearance, Le Yaoyao felt a little ashamed again.

"Yeah, come on, are you all hungry? There is a barbecue over there, and it will be ready soon, let's go and have a seat first?"

"Look at how cautious you are, I'm not a big belly, do you need to be so careful?"

"Three beautiful girls, what are you talking about so happy??"

Originally, Xueping and Xueli were just joking. After all, they also knew that Xing had a cheerful surname and was good at joking.

Thanks to the fact that those guards are not weak in martial arts, otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to handle Xiang Xing's technique so fast.

Also because of the sudden sound, Le Yaoyao was so frightened that she stopped drinking tea, and quickly looked forward with her beautiful eyes full of confusion. When she saw the scene ahead, she was shocked like a thunderbolt on the ground. Living.

Xueping and Xueli couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and then said in unison.

Le Yaoyao sucked in her saliva, and never took her eyes off the roasted wild boar.

Sydney is only thirteen years old this year, and she has started to like men. However, this is not surprising, men and women in this dynasty all married early.

Facing Xing's exaggerated laugh, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but blush. Then he didn't play around with them, but while stroking his flat stomach, deliberately showed a pitiful look, and said.

Le Yaoyao thought while touching her face.

After all, she actually has a thin face...

Xue Ping said to Le Yaoyao with a serious expression on her face, and together with Xue Li, she brought Le Yaoyao to the carriage.

Thinking of Leng Junyu's stern face at that time, and how frightened Xue Li and Xue Ping were, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but find it funny.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao was even more scared to death.

"Hehe, girl, don't smile at him anymore, you see, Xing is dumbfounded."

After all, she was just a little girl who had just begun to fall in love, so she blushed all of a sudden.

Just at this moment, seeing Le Yaoyao finished eating the pork, Xueping immediately handed the freshly brewed tea to her eyes.

Just at this time, Xing, who had rectified the team, rushed over to buy it, seeing Le Yaoyao and the other three smiling, he couldn't help asking curiously.

Facing Le Yaoyao's words, Xue Li's beautiful eyes widened, only later did she realize that Le Yaoyao had played tricks on her on purpose, and got out of her mind, for a moment, she was annoyed and shy at the same time.

Just at this moment the convoy stopped, and now, the person in charge of leading the convoy is Xing.

However, at this moment, a man in black saw the movement here, and rushed towards Le Yaoyao quickly.

Handing the dish in his hand to Le Yaoyao, Xing smiled and said.

If she survived the catastrophe this time, she must learn martial arts well.

Moreover, Zaixing waved the dagger in his hand, and the pork that he had just cut out was immediately picked up by him.

Moreover, it was the first time that Le Yaoyao realized that she was so useless

Knowing that Le Yaoyao was pregnant, her appetite increased greatly, and everyone stopped messing around, so they took Le Yaoyao and walked towards the barbecue place together.

At critical moments, everyone is protecting her.

Come to think of it, if Xing didn't work as a bodyguard, selling pork must have a bright future? Le Yaoyao thought a little badly.

Heart, even more flustered.

At this moment, the wild boar had already been gutted and roasted on a thick stick.

Looking at the countless casualties around, although those bodyguards were carefully selected by Leng Junyu, if they were in the past, they would definitely be able to defeat ten with one, but these men in black are not weak in martial arts, and their number is even larger than those of the bodyguards. Many. Le Yaoyao was even more flustered when she saw her.

"Girl, it's dangerous here, let's get on the carriage quickly."

Seeing this, the guards drew their swords out of their sheaths one after another, and fought with those men in black whose origins were unknown.

After all, Yu is not by her side every day, just like now, she is in danger, but she has no ability to protect herself.

However, the only downside is that they are very quiet. Even if there are 30 of them piled up together, when they talk, their volume is extremely low, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

'Swish swish', people listened, frightened.

After all, she is an ordinary person who is afraid of death, not to mention that she is still pregnant with a baby in her stomach

"Hehe, thank you, Star."

"Girl, drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat first?"

Therefore, compared with them, Xing is an outlier.

Seeing him walking, Le Yaoyao stopped laughing and asked Xing.

The green mountains and beautiful waters behind the woman make the woman look like a fairy in the mountains, without a trace of smoke and dust.

"Hehe, thank you, you eat too?"

Even so, Le Yaoyao got tired of sitting in the carriage for so long.

Seeing Xue Li and Xue Ping being so cautious, Le Yaoyao couldn't help feeling amused.

I saw that Xing's hands didn't stop for a moment, and he kept waving on the roasted wild boar.

Then, I saw Xing picked up a sharp dagger from his waist, raised and lowered it with one hand, and a piece of roasted fragrant wild boar fell on the plate in his hand.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao was completely terrified.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sound of exclamation accompanied by vigilance sounded, and the next moment, it was the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

Le Yaoyao found it funny when she saw Xue Li's shy look like her little daughter's.

All of a sudden, the sound of swords and swords being exchanged, and the sound of cold weapons being exchanged, continued continuously, accompanied by the sound of cold weapons piercing into the body, the scene of blood splattering, and the fallen figures one by one...

Seeing Xueping being so careful, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but smile gratefully at Xueping.

At this moment, Le Yaoyao was already scared to death.

After taking Le Yaoyao there, Xing took a look at the roasted wild boar. It happened that the wild boar had just been roasted, and the skin was also roasted to a golden golden color, and the fat continued to sizzle on it. The sound of zizi', accompanied by the smell of barbecue, as soon as Le Yaoyao walked over and took a look, she almost burst into tears.

His hands tightly protected his stomach, and those beautiful eyes full of fear fell on the man in black without blinking.

Seeing the man in black approaching her step by step, Le Yaoyao was so frightened that her whole body trembled.

However, she can't sit still like this, after all, she is not alone now? She still has a baby in her stomach