The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 185: [Yixuan Chapter] 026 Save People


Obviously, Xin'er and the man also heard this movement, and then they immediately looked at each other for a moment, both surprised

Engraved Yixia. Immediately, before Xin'er had time to yell something, her small mouth was covered by a big hand again, and the man's face also quickly leaned over, whispering in her ear but with a deep voice. Nong said with a warning.

"Don't let others know that I'm here, is this what you owe me?"

The man opened his mouth, and Xin'er heard the words, knowing that the man was referring to the fact that he saved her once on the night of the talent show last time.

Thinking of this, Xiner looked at the soft face of the man leaning over.

I saw the rebellious, arrogant and noble young man that day, now he was seriously injured and embarrassed, but his beauty was not damaged at all.

However, the man's frowning brows and pale face all showed that he was actually holding on to the pain and didn't speak out.

Although, this man broke in suddenly, and she didn't know his origin and identity, but...

Xin'er's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally, still under the man's gaze, she nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the man slowly let go of his big hand covering Xin'er's small mouth.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside the door had already arrived, followed by a crisp knock on the door, and Leng Yixuan's unique low voice with worry and anxiety.

"Xin'er, are you there?"

Hearing this voice, Xin'er was startled and froze.

After all, these days, because of what happened that night, she has been avoiding him, unexpectedly, today, he came to find her on his own initiative

Thinking of this, Xin'er's slightly surprised water eyes flickered, but she happened to see the man opposite, staring at her intently, as if she was afraid that she might say something wrong, something that shouldn't be said or something.

Seeing this, Xin'er pursed her lower lip lightly, and then she opened her mouth to the wooden door, cleared her voice, sorted out her confused mood, and spoke.

"I, I'm here, what's wrong?"

After Xin'er finished speaking, Leng Yixuan's voice came from outside the door again.

"It's like this. A guard said just now that a thief seemed to have broken into the house, so for safety reasons, I sent people to search the whole house. Only your side was not searched. I was afraid that the thief would come here. Xin'er, can you open the door first? Let me in?"

When the man spoke, his tone was filled with concern and worry slowly.

Hearing this, Xin'er was moved.

However, I was helpless.

After all, the so-called thief that Leng Yixuan was worried about had already broken in, and now, he was staying in the same bathtub with her...

Thinking of this, Xin'er couldn't help but sneak a glance at the man beside her.

After hearing Leng Yixuan's words, the man was afraid that Leng Yixuan would really come in, so he tightened the hand that was restraining her, and there was a warning look in his eyes.

It seems that if she dares to act recklessly, she will be rude to her.

Seeing this, Xin'er felt a little timid, so after hearing Leng Yixuan's words, she immediately spoke in a panic.

"No, Xuan, don't come in, me, am I okay?"

Xin'er yelled, but in her tone, there was an unconcealable panic.

Standing outside the door, Leng Yixuan's ears just caught this point, and his handsome eyebrows couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Xin'er at the moment, could it be...

Thinking of this, Leng Yixuan's heart tightened, so, without even thinking about it, he stretched out his arms and pushed with his big hand, and immediately pushed open the tightly closed carved wooden door.

With the sound of 'bang' and the loud sound of pushing the door, the tightly closed carved wooden door immediately opened in front of Leng Yixuan.

Because he was afraid of something unexpected happening to Xin'er, Leng Yixuan didn't care about anything else, and rushed into the room at full speed, unexpectedly, what he saw was this scene——

Light gauze curtains, swaying bead curtains, behind the screen, in the bathtub, light smoke curls up, above the water, petals rippling, pleasant aroma, is it ripples? rBJo.

The most eye-catching one is the stunning girl in the bathtub

I saw that the girl was soaking in the bathtub, only a small head was exposed.

At this moment, after seeing him break in suddenly, he was obviously frightened.

On that alluring little face, the expression was even more horrified, and the beautiful eyes were wide open. At this moment, she couldn't believe that she was holding him tightly...

Seeing this, Leng Yixuan's handsome face was embarrassing.

After all, he had no idea that there would be such a scene in the room.

I thought that Xin'er was inside, except for something, but unexpectedly...

Leng Yixuan was annoyed, seeing Xin'er's frightened and hesitant little face at the moment, thinking that her actions had frightened her, a trace of apology flashed in her eyes.

With a glance at the end of his eyes, seeing the guards waiting outside the door, planning to come in and search, Leng Yixuan's heart tightened, and he immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

"Get out for me?"

Leng Yixuan's voice was hasty and harsh.

The guards who wanted to rush in, although they were all puzzled, still retreated one after another.

When only Leng Yixuan and Xin'er were left in the room, Leng Yixuan coughed lightly, turned slightly to the side, withdrew his gaze from Xin'er, and spoke.

"Ahem, this, Xin'er, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just that I heard your voice was wrong just now, that's why, I'm going out now..."

After Leng Yixuan finished speaking, he immediately turned and left.

After all, because of what happened that night, Xin'er has been angry with him for several days, and every day, he seems to live like a year.

He obviously missed her in his heart, but he was afraid that she would still be angry, so he let her avoid him.

She thought that one day when her anger subsided, she would naturally stop avoiding him.

Leng Yixuan thought in his heart, finally, he took another deep look at Xin'er, left the room, and closed the door by the way.

Looking at Leng Yixuan with regret and reluctance, in fact, Xin'er's anger has already dissipated.

To be honest, in the past few days, she was more shy and embarrassed than angry.

If possible, in fact, she wanted to call him, but...

As the steady footsteps outside the door gradually went further and further away until they disappeared, Xin'er shyly moved her fettered wrist.

Immediately, a person emerged from the tub immediately.

Immediately, water splashed and petals fell, and a drenched man appeared in Xin'er's sight.

"Everyone has already left, can you let me go??"

Looking at the drenched man in front of her, Xin'er frowned and said.

Although her hands were tightly shackled, she still tried her best to sink her body into the water until only the part above her chin was exposed.

That pair of eyes with panic, shyness, embarrassment, and vigilance tightly grabbed the man.

That appearance was both pitiful and frightening.

Like a poor little white rabbit.

Such a pitiful girl, even a sage couldn't bear to see her.

Seeing this, the man's phoenix eyes flickered, and then, with one big hand, he let go of Xin'er's hands, and then, he stood up from the bathtub, and then stepped out of the bathtub.

Following the man's actions, the water droplets on his body kept slipping off his body, er, the water dripping on the ground was even more blood-red, it was warm water mixed with fresh blood...

Seeing this, Xin'er frowned.

Seeing the man about to leave, he was relieved, but at the same time couldn't help worrying about the man's injury.

Although this man suddenly broke into her room in the middle of the night, but from the last time the man rescued her, she also saw that this man did not seem to be a bad person...

Now, he was seriously injured again, and he didn't know if he would be chased and killed by his enemies after he got out of here. At that time, he would not be able to escape?

Xin'er was thinking in her heart, when suddenly, she only heard a 'touch' sound, and the man who was about to leave fell straight in front of her to the ground...


Seeing this, Xin'er exclaimed, seeing that the man had fallen to the ground, but there was no sign of getting up, and at a glance, he knew that he must have passed out.

That's normal too

After all, the body is not made of iron, and it is unbearable to suffer such a serious injury and shed so much blood.

Thinking in her heart, Xin'er quickly stepped out of the bathtub, put on her clothes quickly, and then came to the man's side, stretched out her hand and pushed the man's body tentatively, calling out.

"Hey, wake up, wake up..."

Xin'er called out in a low voice.

It's a pity that the man has already passed out at this moment, unable to respond to her words.

Seeing this, Xin'er frowned, bit her lower lip tightly, and didn't know what to do.

In the end, he glanced left and right, and planned to move the man to the bed first. After all, although it was early spring, the ground was cold, and the man had suffered such a serious injury. Letting him lie on the ground would surely add to the injury.

Thinking of this, Xin'er immediately pulled up the man's arm, intending to drag him over.

However, the man was tall, with a full height of 1.8 meters.

In addition, although he looks lean, he has a lot of weight.

No matter how hard Xin'er exerted her breastfeeding strength, she couldn't hold him back.

Fortunately, in the end, perhaps sensing Xin'er's movements, the man slightly opened his overly slender phoenix eyes, and glanced at Xin'er, his pretty eyebrows immediately frowned slightly, as if he was wondering about something.

Seeing the man wake up, Xin'er breathed a sigh of relief and said with joy on his face.

"You finally woke up? Can you stand up? I want to drag you to bed to rest. The wound on your body also needs to be treated, doesn't it?"

Hearing Xin'er's words, a trace of surprise flashed across the man's eyes.

Perhaps, it was because she never thought that Xin'er would want to bandage his wound. After all, to her, he was just a stranger with unknown identity and origin...

Although the man thought so, in the end he still managed to stand up, but because of lack of physical strength, as soon as he stood up, he immediately shook a bit, showing signs of falling.

Seeing this, Xin'er immediately grabbed the man's waist. Steady his body.

Seeing this, the man's beautiful phoenix eyes flickered, and his red lips were pursed tightly, but he never spoke.

He just put most of his body weight on the girl's thin body, because he really didn't have much strength...

And Xin'er is small, so it is undoubtedly not difficult to support a person who is so much taller and heavier than her.

However, she still used all her breastfeeding strength to help the man onto her bed step by step with difficulty.

When finally let the man lie on the bed, while Xin'er breathed a sigh of relief, she only felt that the mountain that was pressing on her had been moved away.

However, Xin'er only took a short break, and then stood up again to get busy.

After all, the man still has many wounds on his body. Now, the most important thing is to help the man bandage the wound.

Fortunately, there are a lot of medicines for iron damage in her room.

Because she accidentally sprained her foot last time, Leng Yixuan cared about her very much, so she immediately had many expensive medicines prepared.

At that time, it only took a few days for her foot injury to heal, so she left a lot of medicine. Now, it just comes in handy.

Xin'er thought to herself, and immediately took out those ointments, gauze and scissors from the drawer beside the bed.

Xin'er still knows how to bandage wounds and treat simple wounds.

After all, as her elder sister, since her mother passed away, she has been taking care of her younger brother both as an elder sister and as a mother.

The younger brother is naughty, and is always injured every day, so she also prepares some gauze and medicine at home, just in case.

At this moment, when Xin'er had prepared everything, she glanced at the man's eyes, and saw the man's eyes closed tightly, and his hands clenched into fists, as if he was holding back something.

Perhaps, sensing Xin'er's gaze, the man's originally closed phoenix eyes slightly opened, and looked straight at Xin'er.

I have to say, the man is extremely beautiful

Even at such a time of scars and embarrassment, the man's body exuded a kind of innate nobility.

Although his brows were furrowed and he was enduring the pain, it was vaguely obvious that he didn't show his rebelliousness and arrogance

It can be seen that this man must not be an ordinary person.

After all, if it is an ordinary person, how can there be such dignity and arrogance?

Xin'er thought in her heart, seeing the man opened his eyes to look at her, so, holding a gauze and scissors, she motioned to speak.

"Here, I'll help you bandage the wound now."

Hearing Xin'er's words, the man didn't say a word, but just gave a soft 'En', which meant he agreed.

Seeing this, Xin'er immediately put down the things in her hands, stretched out her small white jade hand, and planned to untie the man's clothes.

After all, there were many wounds on the man's body, and the clothes were tattered, and there was still a lot of blood coming out of them. Therefore, in order to help him bandage the wounds, she had to take off the clothes on the man's body.

However, judging by the man's appearance at the moment, it is already strong enough for him not to pass out, but he might not have the strength to take off his clothes.

Therefore, this matter naturally fell on Xin'er.

Although it is not the first time for Xin'er to help others, facing a strange man still makes Xin'er hesitate.

However, the next moment, Xin'er gritted her teeth tightly, and didn't think too much about whether a man and a woman can accept or not kiss.

After all, now that the man is seriously injured, it's not the time for her to think about that.

Thinking of this, Xin'er took off the man's clothes in one go.

During the period, perhaps because she accidentally touched the man's wound or something, she only heard the man grunt. Although he had tried his best to endure it, Xin'er was still surprised and apologized.

"sorry Sorry… "

Regarding Xin'er's words, the man just pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

I don't know if he didn't mind, or if it was because he was in so much pain that he couldn't make a sound.

In the end, when Xin'er managed to untie the man's clothes, her pretty face was flushed even more, as if it could bleed.

In addition, at this moment, her hair is soaked, and it is all scattered behind her. A few mischievous bangs are attached to the side of her face. Although it is a little messy, it makes her look a little more charming than a girl should be. And emotional surname.

Seeing this, the man's phoenix eyes flickered for a moment, but he didn't speak, but his gaze was firmly fixed on Xin'er without moving away.

Compared to the quiet man, Xin'er couldn't help but gasp immediately after taking off the man's clothes and seeing the wound on the man's body.

That little face that was flushed red from embarrassment suddenly lost all color.

"My God? Are you hurt so badly?"

Xin'er exclaimed, her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw that the man had seven stab wounds on his body, five of which were in the arms and one in the back. However, these were considered minor injuries, and the most serious one was on the man's chest.

The one that slides directly from the left chest down the right lower abdomen.

Moreover, the wound was extremely deep, and indistinctly, the bright red blood was continuously mixed out from the wound.

Seeing this, Xin'er was terrified.

After all, she has grown up so much, and she has never seen someone injured so badly.

Although she can bandage and treat wounds, she can only treat minor injuries. Now that the man is so seriously injured, she is not a doctor. What if he died because of the serious injury?

Thinking of this, Xin'er was startled, and immediately stood up from the stool, exclaiming.

"No, your injury is too serious, I will go to the doctor to treat your injury now?"

After Xin'er finished speaking, she immediately turned around and planned to leave.

However, before she even took a step, her wrist tightened suddenly.


"Don't startle anyone."

The man spoke, his voice was seven parts weak and three parts firm.

Hearing this, Xin'er frowned and said.

"But, your injury is too serious, if you don't let the doctor see it, you may die?"

Xin'er spoke, her tone was full of concern.

And the man also heard from Xin'er's tone that she cared about him, and his beautiful face was immediately taken aback.

After all, although he was born rich and honored, and has the honor that ordinary people don't have, since the death of his mother and concubine, no one has really cared about him, but this girl in front of him cared about him...

Thinking of this, the man's phoenix eyes couldn't help flickering, and his heart was even more moved by the girl's concern...

A moment later, the man came back to his senses, his phoenix eyes swept away, and after sweeping the ointment a few times, he parted his lips lightly and spoke lightly.

"I can't die, help me bandage the wound? Otherwise, will I really die?"