The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 194: [Yixuan Chapter] 027 Healing for him


Seeing the man's insistence, although Xin'er was worried, she also knew that the man might not want others to know his whereabouts, so she didn't let her find a doctor.

Therefore, Xin'er no longer forced herself, but quickly put aside all scruples and began to take care of the man's injuries.

After all, now that human life is at stake, she can't help but hesitate any longer.

It's just that the man's feet are also injured, although the injury is under the calf, obviously, he fell from a high place and was injured by those stones and branches. The pants under the man's body are dirty and tattered. Beggars don't dress much better.

At this moment, the man's lower body was also wet, so lying on the bed like this would definitely not be very comfortable.

After thinking of this, Xin'er hesitated for a moment, then faltered and said to the man.

"Well, you also have many wounds on your feet, can you take off your pants now" Oh, there is a quilt here, you take off your pants, cover your body with the quilt, and everything will be fine..."

After all, this kind of thing, Xin'er also stuttered when speaking.

That pretty little face also blushed immediately, and there was a look of shyness and embarrassment in her eyes.

After all, no matter what, the other party is also a man.

If it weren't for this situation, she wouldn't have said such things to him, my God, it's too embarrassing.

Compared to the shy Xin'er, when the man heard the words, his beautiful face immediately felt embarrassed, and a faint redness also flew onto his cheeks, making the face that was originally as pale as paper due to excessive blood loss look so much worse. A little bloody.

However, the man never hesitated, after hearing Xin'er's words, his phoenix eyes flickered, and then he nodded to Xin'er.

Seeing this, Xin'er immediately turned around, then walked to the bathtub, filled a copper basin with some warm water and a clean towel.

When Xin'er returned to the bed, the man had already taken off his trousers, and a thin quilt was placed between him, covering his most important part, revealing only his lower abdomen and lower legs. .

Seeing this, Xin'er looked embarrassed, and immediately picked up the towel, twisted it with warm water, and wiped off the dirt and blood on the man's body.

After the wound on the man's body was wiped clean, he picked up the bottles and cans beside him and applied it to the wound on the man's body.

As the white powder sprinkled on the man's wound, the man's brows were immediately knit together.

Although, from the beginning to the end, the man never cried out in pain, but Xin'er knew from his furrowed brows and tightly pursed lips that he was holding back.

On that pale face, it only took a while for a thin layer of sweat to emerge.

Seeing this, Xin'er knew that he was in pain, so without thinking about it, she opened her mouth and said.

"If you are in pain, just call out? I won't laugh at you?"

After all, if she had such a serious injury, she would definitely scream and cry in pain.

However, this man was stunned and didn't hum.

Come to think of it, this man is only about seventeen or eighteen years old, not much older than her

Now, seeing how the man is enduring the pain, Xin'er can't bear it.

However, after hearing Xin'er's words, the man still pursed his lips tightly, his brows tightened even more, and he looked at Xin'er with a look of disapproval.

It seemed that what Xin'er said completely insulted him.

A cold snort came out of the man's nose.

Although the man was covered in injuries and embarrassed all over at the moment, there was still an innate rebelliousness in his brows.

Seeing this, Xin'er stopped talking, just speeded up her hands, applied medicine to all the wounds on the man's body, and then slowly wrapped them up with gauze.

When she finally finished these things, Xin'er turned her head to look at the sky outside, and realized that the night was already dark before she knew it.

A feeling of drowsiness could not help but hit her heart, so Xin'er couldn't help stretching out her hand to cover her mouth and yawned.

At this time, she would have gone to bed long ago.

After all, since coming here, she has gone to bed early and woke up early every day, and her work and rest are very regular.

Tonight, because of this man's sudden appearance, her normal routine was disrupted. Moreover, this man's injuries were so serious that he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

There is only one bed, and the man is lying on it now. Fortunately, there is a chaise longue in the room, so she can just rest there tonight.

Xin'er thought to herself, then yawned and packed those bottles and cans.

After I planned to pack up, I went to rest.

However, when she swept her eyes away, she was shocked to see the man's phoenix eyes slightly raised, and his gaze fell on her body.

Seeing this, Xin'er was shocked, and then, she blinked her beautiful eyes in doubt, and asked.

"What's wrong"? "


Facing the puzzled Xin'er, the man spoke, his voice soft, with a hint of weakness and hoarseness.

Hearing this, Xin'er was taken aback for a moment, and asked with some confusion.

"what why?""

Seeing from the girl's ignorant pretty face, the girl still didn't understand the meaning of his words, the man pursed his lips lightly, and then spoke.

"Why save me? In fact, with my injuries just now, you know I can't hurt you. You can escape, right?"

Facing the man's words, Xin'er just paused lightly, those clear eyes fell quietly on the man's face, and then she spoke.

"However, you are seriously injured. If I escape, what will you do?" Besides, you also saved me last time. This time, I should save you, right? ""

Xin'er said softly, the voice was soft and crisp, like big beads falling on a jade plate, clear and moving.

The man's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Those beautiful phoenix eyes were looking directly at Xin'er's clear and beautiful eyes.

Are these eyes really beautiful

It is like a pool of the cleanest spring water, and like the spring breeze in March, slowly blowing into people's hearts, making people feel that even in the cold winter months, they will feel a little bit of warmth.


How long has he not felt this feeling? "

Since the death of his mother and concubine, no one will really care about him anymore.

Although, he lives in that magnificent palace, wears silk and satin, eats delicacies from mountains and seas, and has the honor that others do not have.

In the eyes of others, he is like the wind with the wind, who wants rain and rain, but in fact, everyone doesn't know that what he really wants is other people's real... concern for him

It's not those who flatter him with flattering words, but keep stabbing him in the back.

Those hypocritical concerns will only make him feel sick.

However, the girl in front of him made him feel warm.

real warmth...

Thinking of this, the man's phoenix eyes flickered for a moment, but he just pursed his lips lightly, and the phoenix eyes were slightly lowered.

Seeing this, Xin'er thought he was tired, so she spoke.

"Are you tired too?" Rest first? Don't worry, you will be safe here, and I will not reveal your whereabouts. "

Knowing that the man does not want others to know that he is here, although Xin'er does not know the origin of this man, in her heart, she always feels that this man is not a bad person.

So, she wants to help him.

And, last time, he also saved her, didn't he? "

Xin'er thought to herself, after saying this, she planned to turn around and leave. However, at this moment, his wrist suddenly tightened.

"Well… "

Xin'er was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to take a look.

I saw that the man stretched out his big hand and was holding her wrist tightly.

Seeing this, Xiner's face froze for a moment, a trace of surprise and doubt flashed in her eyes, and she looked down at the man on the bed in bewilderment.

"What's wrong""

"This, that..."

Facing the girl's bewildered and clear eyes, the man faltered for a while, but was speechless for a while.

That beautiful face also became more and more red with his faltering actions.

Seeing this, Xin'er was even more puzzled.

After all, even though she hadn't been with the man in front of her for a long time, she still felt that this man was so rebellious, even in the most downcast time, he carried a sense of dignity and arrogance. , is he hesitating like this at this moment, hesitating to speak? "

Thinking of this, Xin'er became curious, and those big round eyes blinked a few times, and the doubts in the eyes were even stronger.

In the end, facing the girl's puzzled and curious eyes, the man said what he wanted to say. rBJo.

"Actually, there is a knife wound on the back of my buttocks..." I thought about it.

"Well… "

When Xin'er heard this, his whole body immediately petrified.

ass? "

God? kill her

After treating the wound on the man's buttocks, Xin'er's face was already red, and the man's was no exception.

Moreover, the two of them have never spoken, and the room is so quiet that it seems that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground can be heard.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward.

After knotting the gauze with both hands, Xin'er cleared her throat lightly before speaking.

"Ahem, that, I've bandaged it up, you sleep?"

Xin'er said in a voice as thin as a mosquito, but the man still heard it with sharp ears.

She nodded slightly, then immediately closed her eyes and turned her face away. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed of what just happened.

No wonder, though.

After all, in his seventeen years of life, this was the first time he was so close to a girl.

Moreover, this kind of closeness is in such a way.

However, while the man was shy, he couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

Because, although the young girl's hands were a little rough, one could tell at a glance that they were hands used to doing rough work. However, the movements of this pair of small hands were very gentle and gentle, which reminded him of his mother and concubine.

In the past, when he was young, every time he hurt himself mischievously, the mother and concubine would help him rub the medicine so gently...

Thinking of this, the man's eyes flickered, and he looked at Xin'er with a hint of kindness...