The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 197: Brother Bai is a nice guy


At Xu time, the sunset had completely fallen.

At this moment, the willow branches are on the moon, and the shadows of the galaxy are moving.

In the summer night, the face of a pretty girl is so playful and charming, so rippling and moving.

However, under the bright moonlight, the West Lake is extremely lively.

I saw that on the shore of the West Lake, there was a long street full of small vendors.

And on these small stalls, there are those selling sugar water, some selling barbecue, and some selling fried side dishes...

There are so many varieties that it is dizzying.

Moreover, after coming here, the mouth-watering fragrance made everyone's stomachs growl.

Because she is a slave, Le Yaoyao naturally wants to be a coolie at this time, to buy some delicious food for everyone, and when she gets on the boat, she can enjoy the beautiful scenery and eat delicious snacks at the same time.

But later, Dongfang Bai saw her, and immediately accompanied her to buy food for everyone. In the end, even the seventh prince, who used to be extremely noble, was very active as a coolie for a while, and personally picked out some delicious food. of.

However, Le Yaoyao guessed that, in fact, he just wanted to choose some delicious snacks for himself.

At this moment, Le Yaoyao, Dongfang Bai, and Nangong Junxi walked ahead to buy some delicious food, while Leng Junyu and Nian Sulan followed behind them slowly.

Along the way, Nian Sulan looked very interested in everything she saw, and talked endlessly along the way, but Leng Junyu's answer to her was nothing more than 'En, oh, yes. ' A few words.

Even so, it didn't affect Nian Sulan's happy mood at all.

After all, being able to go shopping with her beloved cousin Yu like an ordinary couple is something she has been looking forward to for a long time.

Although there were three more people accompanying them, it didn't matter, since she had waited for Cousin Yu for such a long time, she didn't care about waiting any longer.

So, behind Leng Junyu and Nian Sulan, one was talking endlessly, while the other left silently. That scene was very strange.

Compared to them, the three of them, Le Yaoyao who was walking in front of them, were completely different.

"Wow, it's so fragrant, it looks delicious."

At this moment, Le Yaoyao was listening to a place to buy barbecue, looking at the barbecue that was burning on the stall, she almost couldn't help but cry.

When Dongfang Bai who was beside her saw it, he immediately hooked his lips and smiled.

"If you like it, buy more. Anyway, we have a lot of people, so it doesn't hurt to buy more."

As Dongfang Bai said, the eyes that fell on Le Yaoyao were even more doting and gentle.

That gaze was like the tenderness of a lover, but it's a pity that Le Yaoyao, who was so focused on the barbecue, never noticed it from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, after hearing Dongfang Bai's words, she was not polite, and said while pointing at the stall owner.

"Boss, grill us some leeks, chicken wings, lamb kebabs, fish balls... five servings each."

"Hehe, that's great."

Seeing customers coming to the door, the owner of the small stall laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, his hands were not idle, and he baked what Le Yaoyao just ordered with ease.

And at this time, Nangong Junxi, who was coming over from the cooking stall over there, also had several boxes of special side dishes in his hand.

Seeing Le Yaoyao standing in front of the barbecue stall, he asked Le Yaoyao what she bought.

Le Yaoyao spoke truthfully. Nangong Junxi nodded in satisfaction after listening, and said. U6Wv.

"Well, that's right, these are the things my prince likes to eat. Come to think of it, you are quite familiar with my prince's preferences."

After finishing speaking, he even raised his eyebrows at Le Yaoyao and smiled teasingly.

Hearing Nangong Junxi's words, Le Yaoyao unceremoniously gave him a supercilious look, and said speechlessly.

"These are what everyone loves to eat, okay?"

Really, she said it as if she paid close attention to his preferences.

Le Yaoyao was slandering in her heart, but Nangong Junxi didn't care about what Le Yaoyao said. Instead, he smiled and stood beside Le Yaoyao.

Because although it is night now, there are still people coming and going on the shore of the West Lake. He was afraid that the crowd would crowd the petite person in front of him, so he thoughtfully used his body to block the person in front of him. necessary trouble.

Le Yaoyao didn't know about Nangong Junxi's thoughtfulness. Because, her mind was all on the barbecue, seeing the dazzling array of things on it, and the scent wafting from time to time, made Le Yaoyao swallow from time to time.

It looks really delicious.

At this time, those barbecues were just cooked, after Dongfang Bai paid, Le Yaoyao immediately actively went to get the barbecues.

However, a slender big hand was one step faster than her.

"I'll take it."

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Bai."

Hearing Dongfang Bai's words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but bend her beautiful eyes, smiling with bright teeth.

I don't know if he knows the secret that she is a woman, Dongfang Bai is always so gentlemanly and considerate to her today.

However, Le Yaoyao enjoyed Dongfang Bai's thoughtfulness very much.

Because, she has dreamed for a long time, to have a big brother like Dongfang Bai, who will pamper her, protect her, and be gentle and considerate, making people feel like a spring breeze.

For Le Yaoyao's thanks, Dongfang Bai just smiled.

On the other hand, Nangong Junxi, watching Dongfang Bai and Le Yaoyao looking at each other and smiling, felt a little uncomfortable.

And I was also wondering in my heart.

Bai is a kind person, he is so gentle and considerate to everyone, so he is loved and liked by the common people, and he knows this.

However, Bai's kindness to Little Pig seems to be a little different.

What is different in the end, but he couldn't tell why for a while.

However, what puzzled him the most was this little pig.

'He' also looks respectful to the elder brother, but treats him like an enemy from the previous life, but to Bai, 'he' is happy to get along with.

It seems that Bai's charm is really great.

However, thinking of this made him even more depressed...

After all, when will this little piggy treat him like a dialogue.

Just when Nangong Junxi was muttering in his heart, suddenly, a very foul smell wafted from a distance.

After smelling the stench, Nangong Junxi and Dongfang Bai couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Even Leng Junyu, who was following them, was no exception, frowning.

And Nian Sulan couldn't help covering her nose with a silk handkerchief, her brows were full of disgust.

Compared to the disgusted look on everyone's face, Le Yaoyao's eyes lit up immediately after smelling the scent, and then she exclaimed in surprise.

"It's stinky tofu."

After Le Yaoyao finished speaking, she immediately flew like an arrow, and with a 'swish' sound, she rushed towards the source of the smell.

Then he ran, sniffing vigorously with his nose from time to time, his appearance, like a puppy that has been greedy for food, made people laugh uncontrollably.

However, regarding Le Yaoyao's actions, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, expressing their incomprehension.

"Stinky tofu? What is that?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's exclamation just now, Nangong Junxi couldn't help turning his head, and asked Dongfang Bai beside him.

Regarding Nangong Junxi's doubts, Dongfang Bai just shrugged his shoulders, also puzzled.

Just wondering, stinky tofu? Isn't tofu delicious? How did it stink.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Bai's gaze fell on Leng Junyu involuntarily, as if asking silently.

However, Leng Junyu just pursed his red lips tightly, silent and puzzled, but his footsteps moved towards Le Yaoyao.

Compared to the puzzled crowd over there, Le Yaoyao had already found the stinky tofu she had been missing all along.

In the past, her favorite food, besides being spicy, was stinky tofu.

There used to be a place to buy stinky tofu near the school. She would buy a stinky tofu after school every day.

Although I have eaten it for many years, I never get tired of it.

Since she came to this Tianyuan Dynasty, she thought that there was no stinky tofu to buy here.

Now smelling this familiar scent again, Le Yaoyao couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, but excited.

"Boss, bring me a stinky tofu."

"Okay, brother, please wait, I'll give these guests a portion first."


Hearing what the old man selling stinky tofu said, Le Yaoyao immediately nodded in agreement.

After all, when she came here, in front of the stall selling stinky tofu, there were already several people who also came to buy stinky tofu.

Presumably this stinky tofu restaurant is very delicious, so there are many people who patronize it.

So, Le Yaoyao patiently stood aside and waited.

At this time, Leng Junyu and the others also came over, but they just stood far away, showing no intention of going over.

After all, they are all pampered people, where have they ever eaten such civilian snacks.

It's a pleasure. Seeing this, Le Yaoyao didn't say anything, she just waited for her stinky tofu to be ready, asked the boss to pack it up, paid the money, and walked towards Leng Junyu and the others.

Then he left, raised the oil-paper bag in his hand, and said with a smile on his small face like a flower.

"Hehe, well, we can go on board."

"Uh, let me say, little pig, what is that thing in your hand? Why is it so smelly?"

Seeing Le Yaoyao approaching, Nangong Junxi immediately pinched his nose with one hand, frowned, and asked with puzzlement and disgust.

Seeing Nangong Junxi's eccentric words and that bitter face that seemed to be rushing to the execution ground, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but pursed her lips and said.

"This is the famous stinky tofu. Don't tell me that you have never eaten it."

"Well, it's famous far and wide. It stinks to death."

Regarding Le Yaoyao's words, Nangong Junxi snorted a little.

Immediately, the whole person strode forward immediately, as if he was afraid of being fainted by the stinky smell.

Regarding Nangong Junxi's actions, Le Yaoyao just pouted, a little speechless towards Nangong Junxi.

However, don't blame him. After all, some people like to eat stinky tofu, so they think that stinky tofu smells delicious. Some people don't like to eat stinky tofu, so naturally they can't stand the taste.

She swept her beautiful eyes, and then secretly grabbed Yan Luo, who was standing by the side.

Huo Yan Luo only glanced at the oiled paper bag in her hand, and then quickly withdrew his gaze.

There was still no expression on that stern face. Even those gazes were without warmth.

Moreover, Huo Yanluo just glanced coldly at the oil-paper bag in her hand, and strode forward without saying a word.

Nian Sulan naturally followed behind him and chased after him.

In the end, only Dongfang Bai was left.

"Yao, brother, let's go."

Maybe he knew that Le Yaoyao was a woman, so Dongfang Bai suddenly felt a little awkward when he called Le Yaoyao.

Le Yaoyao was naturally aware of this, but she didn't say anything, just smiled at Dongfang Bai, revealing her bright teeth.


The West Lake at night is calm and calm, with a long mist and a vast expanse.

At this moment, the shores of the West Lake were brightly lit and full of voices, embellishing the pitch-black night like day.

And on the West Lake, there are several exquisitely painted boats sailing on it.

These painting boats are exquisitely built, and rows of bright red lanterns are hung on the outside of the boats. When the lights are on and night falls, they emit a bright red light.

The reflection of the red lanterns in the water makes the water sparkling, making the night more charming.

Because Dongfang Bai asked Xiao Tang to pack a painting boat long ago, so when Leng Junyu and the others came to the painting boat, the owner of the painting boat immediately raised a professional smile, and greeted Leng Junyu and the others very warmly. .

Le Yaoyao naturally followed behind them.

After letting the owner of the painting boat bring it to the deck of the painting boat, the owner of the painting boat immediately prepared a sumptuous food and drink, and then left.

At this time, Le Yaoyao also immediately arranged the things she just bought on the table one by one.

After Leng Junyu and the others sat down one by one, they stood behind Leng Junyu quietly.

After all, she was a servant of others, but she never thought that she would sit with them, enjoy the beautiful scenery and eat at the same time.

Although, now she is also starting to feel a little hungry.

In addition, the dishes on the table are so rich that people are salivating after seeing them.

And her stomach couldn't help "gurgling" and made a fuss.

However, Le Yaoyao still clenched her silver teeth, while swallowing the halazi, intending to wait for them to finish eating before taking her portion back to eat slowly.

Unexpectedly, just as Le Yaoyao was thinking in her heart, suddenly, a low-pitched voice sounded from her ears——

"It's rare to come out, so you don't have to be so restrained, just sit down and eat."


Le Yaoyao was even more surprised by Huo Yan Luo's words.

Meimou was also as big as a copper bell because of the shock, and she couldn't believe it, these words were spoken by Huo Yanluo.

Compared to Le Yaoyao's shock, Nian Sulan who was sitting beside Leng Junyu, after hearing Leng Junyu's words, her charming face was also tinged with surprise.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Le Yaoyao who had been waiting by the side.

However, Nian Sulan was only surprised for a moment, and soon her face returned to normal.

Moreover, regarding Leng Junyu's kindness to Le Yaoyao, he only thought that Leng Junyu valued the performance of a slave.

After all, she also knows that although Leng Junyu is cold, taciturn, and casual, he is still very good to his subordinates.

Since she is Leng Junyu's highly valued slave, Nian Sulan's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, and then she turned her head and smiled at Le Yaoyao, her tone was kind.

"Little brother, you have been walking for a day, please sit down and have a rest."

"Uh, thanks."

Le Yaoyao, who came back from the shock just now, smiled at Su Lan's overly friendly face last year, and for a while, Le Yaoyao felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, for the whole day today, this eldest lady has been sticking to Huo Yan Luo all this time, and has dismissed her from the ends of her eyes. Now that she is suddenly so enthusiastic about her, it is normal for Le Yaoyao to feel uncomfortable.

However, she did not refuse everyone's kindness. After all, although she is a slave, after walking for such a long time, she is not made of iron, so she will naturally be tired.

Moreover, it was not the first time that they sat together to eat with Huo Yanluo. After thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was not polite anymore, so she found a seat and sat down.

But at this moment, where Le Yaoyao was sitting, Dongfang Bai was on the left, Nangong Junxi was on the right, and Leng Junyu and Nian Sulan were sitting in front of her.

One table, five people, the location is just right.

The evening breeze is gentle, the cool breeze is refreshing, and the sound of silk and bamboo from the boats not far away is slowly drifting over.

The stars are twinkling in the sky, and the bright moon is in the sky. The pure white moonlight is even more like smoke and gauze, lightly sprinkled on the earth, reflecting the silver light of the lake, so beautiful.

Under the beautiful scenery of such a beautiful day, drinking delicious tea and eating delicious dishes, life is like this, so happy.

"Come on, Brother Yao, you're hungry too, let's eat some food first."

After Le Yaoyao sat down, Dongfang Bai immediately picked up the jade chopsticks and put a piece of crispy chicken in Le Yaoyao's bowl.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao immediately turned her head and smiled back at Dongfang Bai.

"Thank you, Brother Bai."

"Hehe, eat quickly."

Facing Le Yaoyao's smiling face like a flower, Dongfang Bai just pursed his lips and smiled.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao was not polite anymore, so she picked up chopsticks and started eating.

However, while she was eating the crispy chicken, Nian Sulan, who was sitting opposite them, took in the scene where Dongfang Bai served Le Yaoyao just now, and immediately said with a smile.

"Hehe, the relationship between Doctor Dongfang and the little brother is really good."


Hearing Nian Sulan's words, Le Yaoyao just looked up and smiled at her, saying.

"Hehe, yes, Brother Bai is a very nice person, and he usually takes good care of me."

Le Yaoyao told the truth.

Moreover, for Le Yaoyao, if others treat her well, she will treat others well.

Therefore, if Dongfang Bai treats her well, she will naturally remember it in her heart.

Unexpectedly, after she finished speaking, Nangong Junxi on the side spoke with a displeased face.

"You are heartless, are you just being nice to you for nothing? Isn't this prince treating you badly?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's continuous praises to Dongfang Bai, Nangong Junxi felt sore.

Moreover, the words he spoke had a sour taste, but unfortunately, he himself didn't know it.

When Le Yaoyao heard Nangong Junxi's words, she just pursed her lips and didn't speak.

After all, she has seen Dongfang Bai's kindness to her, but besides bullying her, this seventh prince, she really can't see that he is kind to her.

So, Le Yaoyao didn't say a word, just kept eating to fill her stomach.

Seeing that Le Yaoyao didn't dump him, Nangong Junxi couldn't help gnashing his teeth, but in the end he couldn't do anything, so he had to drink dull wine at the side.

Leng Junyu, on the other hand, never spoke a word from the beginning to the end, just drinking quietly.

The cold eyes were lowered, and the slender eyelashes completely covered the expression in his eyes, making it impossible for people to guess what was going on in his mind.

Seeing that Leng Junyu was just drinking wine but not eating a mouthful of food, Nian Sulan couldn't help but frowned, her worried expression was palpable.

"Brother Yu, drinking will hurt your health. Don't just drink too much, you have to eat something to fill your stomach first. After drinking, your body will be damaged, what should you do?"

As for Nian Sulan's worrying nagging, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she has affection for Leng Junyu.

But Leng Junyu, I don't know if he can't feel that Nian Sulan is interested in him, or if he knows but doesn't pay attention to it, that handsome face with distinct features is still cold and aloof.

I saw him pinching a glass of sake, and regardless of Nian Sulan's earnest nagging, he planned to drink another glass, but unexpectedly, Nian Sulan stretched out her snow-white catkin to stop it.

"Brother Yu, don't drink anymore, if you drink again, I won't obey you..."

The pink, greasy, crispy and charming voice is so sweet that people listen to it, but it's almost crispy to the bone.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu didn't say anything, but Nangong Junxi who was on the side saw it and couldn't help coaxing from the side.

"Hey, senior brother, you are really blessed. But I am envious of my junior brother."

Facing Nangong Junxi's ridicule, Leng Junyu just slightly pursed his lips, and then his eyes fell on the catkin holding his big hand, and his beautiful brows could not help but frown slightly...

Nian Sulan never noticed Leng Junyu's expression.

Because, when she heard Nangong Junxi's words, she immediately lowered her cheeks pretending to be shy, and those clean cheeks soon became bright red, making her look like a budding flower Red roses are so charming and beautiful.

Such a stunning and charming beauty, if it were another man, the whole person who had been happy for a long time would float up.

Unfortunately, except for Leng Junyu.

Seeing Nian Sulan's shy, charming appearance, his handsome face remained the same, without any disturbance.

On the other hand, Le Yaoyao at the side, watching Nian Sulan still holding Leng Junyu's hand and not letting go, her heart felt as if stuffed with a large piece of cotton wool, clogged.

Even the delicious dishes in front of me suddenly became dull...

That pretty little face was slowly covered with a layer of sadness. Even she herself hadn't noticed the change in herself.

On the other hand, Dongfang Bai at the side had a smiling face at first, but when he saw Le Yaoyao's dejected expression, the smile on his handsome face froze for a moment, and his gaze flickered as if looking at Le Yaoyao. think…