The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 209: [Yixuan Chapter] 011 Waiting for the bath


Don't cry, why do you always like to cry? ? "

With a voice of sigh and pity, Xin'er's pretty face was startled, and then she turned her head and raised a pair of tear-filled eyes to look.

I saw, at some time, Leng Yixuan was already standing beside her.

The tall figure blocked the light outside, making her eyes dark.

Even so, he gave her the feeling that he was so tall and safe, as if the sky fell and could be lifted up for her.

Seeing this, Xin'er's heart skipped a beat.

For a long time, no one has given her such a sense of security.

Thinking of this, Xin'er's heart warmed up, her beautiful eyes flickered, and without thinking, she said to the man in front of her.

Why are you so nice to me? "

Is it really just because they knew each other before?

Xin'er was puzzled.

When Leng Yixuan heard Xin'er's words, she knew that she still didn't understand.

After all, her beautiful eyes are full of doubts, puzzles, and ignorance.

It shows that she has never understood love.

Regarding this, Leng Yixuan was both happy and worried.

The joy is that she, who doesn't understand love, is as innocent as a piece of white paper, her expression, in her heart before, she has never liked other men.

The worry is, will it take a long time for her to understand his affection for her?

However, he doesn't have to worry about this, does he?

After all, she is already by his side now. For the rest of his life, he has plenty of time for her to slowly understand his love for her. That was the promise he made to her in his heart at a very young age...

but now…

Facing Xin'er's suspicious gaze, Leng Yixuan chuckled and said.

Don't you need a reason for being nice to you? ? "

Uh, this…”

It seems that there is really no need? However, a person who treats you well for no reason seems to have a weird feeling.

Xin'er seemed to understand this feeling, but maybe she was not sure, which made her feel uneasy and entangled.

And Leng Yixuan looked at Xin'er's slightly furrowed eyebrows, perhaps knowing what she was thinking, so he didn't speak immediately.

Because, he wants to let her understand slowly.

However, Xin'er didn't dare to guess wildly now, she just sat there quietly, her pair of jade-like white hands were also tangled together due to nervousness.

For a while, no one in the room spoke.

Xin'er just lowered her head quietly, while Leng Yixuan stood there patiently, perhaps waiting for her to come up with an answer.

However, at this moment, the sound of trampling footsteps sounded outside the door, and then, a knock on the door came in through the wooden door.

Hearing this, Leng Yixuan turned around and walked out.

Because of the man's departure, Xin'er felt relieved.

But before she could completely relax, Leng Yixuan who had left suddenly came back and brought a piece of good news.

Xin'er, I found it all over the building. He is in Butterfly Valley now. Now, I will send your brother there? "

The strange doctor was found? ? "

Hearing Leng Yixuan's words, Xin'er was taken aback for a moment, and then, a burst of ecstasy rushed into her heart, regardless of whether a man or a woman would kiss or not, her hands tightly grasped Leng Yixuan's arm, and she was overjoyed The meaning is beyond words.

Because, now she is too excited.

As long as the strange doctor is found, then her brother will be saved, right?

Xin'er was ecstatic in her heart, her hands tightly grasped Leng Yixuan's arm, that delicate little face swept away the worries of many days, and she smiled happily.

Seeing this, Leng Yixuan was naturally happy for her. Said to miss someone.

After all, what he likes most is seeing her happy.

Zai Xin'er was happy for a long time, and finally calmed down, only to realize that she was carried away for a moment, and actually hugged Leng Yixuan's arm.

When she came to her senses, Xin'er was startled immediately, and then, as soon as she let go of her hands, she immediately let go of Leng Yixuan's arm, took a step back, and stood there.

Uh, just now, I..."

Xin'er lowered her head and faltered, with a blush still on her face.

Seeing this, Leng Yixuan just let out a low laugh and said.

I understand, you don't need to say anything, now, since I know where the Manlou people are, I will let your brother go there now. "

You send it yourself? "

Xin'er was surprised by Leng Yixuan's words.

After all, he was the richest man in the Tianyuan Dynasty, so she was really flattered to do such gifts.

Leng Yixuan just nodded when he heard Xin'er's words.

Yes, as a human being, I know best, if it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to heal him, so this time, I have to go there in person. "

Hearing this, Xin'er suddenly realized, and became even more grateful to Leng Yixuan.

Otherwise, I will go with you. "

No, Butterfly Valley is actually not far from here. I sent your brother there and came back. Are you obediently waiting for me to come back at the house? "

Leng Yixuan was like a husband who let his wife stay at home obediently, with a doting and gentle tone, which made Xin'er feel a little shy and slightly happy when he heard it.

After that, Leng Yixuan asked someone to prepare the carriage, and then took Rong Xiaobao and set off towards Butterfly Valley.

Watching the luxurious carriage go farther and farther until it disappeared from her sight, Xin'er reluctantly withdrew her gaze and returned to the Baiyu Pavilion.

During this period, Xiaohuan came to have dinner with her, and it was already half an hour after they finished their meal.

Seeing that Leng Yixuan hadn't come back, Xin'er was anxious, and kept standing at the door of Baiyu Pavilion waiting eagerly, like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to come back.

However, Xin'er waited for a long time, but before Leng Yixuan came back, it was his servant, Lu Fu who came back.

However, seeing Lu Fu's face full of worry and sadness, Xin'er saw her and felt a 'thump' in her heart, thinking, could there be some accident?

Could it be that the strange doctor refused to treat her brother?

Thinking of this, Xin'er was anxious, so she rushed to Lu Fu's side in a panic, and asked anxiously.

Fu, what's wrong with you? ? Is it that strange doctor who refuses to treat my brother? ? "

At this point, Xin'er was about to cry.

When Lu Fu, who was originally anxious, heard Xin'er's words, he realized that Xin'er had misunderstood something, and immediately shook his head and said.

No, don't worry, as long as our master steps in, is there anything we can't do? ? "

Speaking of this, Lu Fu's face was even more smug.

When Xin'er heard this, her heart that had been hanging was completely relaxed. Immediately, he thought of something and asked.

Then, Fu, why did you look so worried and anxious just now? Did something happen? ? "

It was fine if Xin'er didn't say anything, but when he said it, Lu Fu's face collapsed, and he said anxiously.

That's right, someone came to my house just now, saying that my daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and I have to go back in a hurry. "

Ah, congratulations, then you go back soon? "

Xin'er heard the words and knew it was the matter, so she immediately urged her to come.

When Lu Fu heard this, he didn't feel happy at all, and sighed.

I also want to go home, but the master is coming back soon. Every day, I have to take care of the master to take a bath. If I leave, who will take care of the master to take a bath? ? "

ah? ? That's it, what should I do? ? Can someone else do it? ? "

Hearing this, Xin'er frowned, worried about Lu Fu.

Seeing Lu Fu anxiously about to cry, he couldn't think of anything.

However, at this moment, Lu Fu, who was originally worried, seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and then he grabbed Xin'er's hands with one hand, looked at Xin'er like a savior, and said. rBJo.

Xin'er, can you help me? Wait for the master to take a bath later, okay? ? "

ah? ? How? ? "

Hearing this, Xin'er was frightened.

Although she is serving Leng Yixuan's maid, she is so nervous to change Leng Yixuan's clothes today, not to mention serving him in the bath.

Besides, she is a woman

In fact, what Xin'er didn't know was that it was very common for many big families, whether they were young masters or young ladies, to let their maids take care of their baths.

It's a pity that Xin'er has never been a maid, so naturally she doesn't know about it.

However, seeing that Lu Fu was about to cry anxiously at this moment, she almost knelt down and begged her. Seeing this, Xin'er was in a dilemma, but in the end, she still couldn't stand Lu Fu's pleading, so she had to agree.

After all, although he didn't get along with Lu Fu for a long time, Lu Fu is still a good person

But what should she do now?

Do you really want to serve Leng Yixuan to take a bath?

Xin'er is in trouble...

After finishing Rong Xiaobao's work, Leng Yixuan rushed back without stopping.

Originally, he planned to see Xin'er, but he was exhausted after thinking about the long journey. After all, he had been busy all day today, and when he came back at night, he had to deal with Rong Xiaobao's affairs.

From here to Butterfly Valley, although the distance is not far, but he is not a hard-working person, and he will be tired if he keeps bumping on the horse.

So, the first time Leng Yixuan came back, he strode towards the bathroom.

Although he was the richest man in the Tianyuan Dynasty, rich as an enemy, in fact, he had to work ten times harder than ordinary people.

Therefore, what he likes most usually is to take a good bath.

A few years ago, when he discovered that there was a natural hot spring on the mountain, he asked someone to bring in hot spring water from the outside in the Baiyu Pavilion and build an artificial hot spring.

Every day when he comes back, he will soak here for an hour until all the fatigue on his body fades away, and today is no exception.

Quickly took off the clothes on his body, Leng Yixuan jumped into the smoky hot spring, stayed in the water for a while, and then slowly returned to the shore, straightened his hands, closed his eyes, leaned on the shore.

After staying for a while, after hearing the rustling footsteps behind him, Leng Yixuan didn't open his eyes, but just patted his sore shoulder and said.

Ah Fu, massage my shoulder? "

After Leng Yixuan finished speaking, a moment later, without hearing Lu Fu's response, he frowned, and planned to say something. However, at this moment, a pair of hands slowly landed on his shoulders, and then slowly Tap it up.