The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 214: [Yixuan Chapter] 048 Intimate behavior


Just when Xin'er was wondering, but seeing the man's graceful movements, he first tore off a piece of fish gently, and then carefully picked out the fishbone inside.

Immediately, he raised his head and smiled at Xin'er.

The man's smile is as elegant as the wind, refreshing and charming. Just like the warm sunshine, so warm and dazzling.

For a while, Xin'er was stunned.

Immediately, the man took half of the fish in one bite, and stretched out his arms to take a look.

Xin'er only felt the back of her head tighten, and immediately leaned forward.

Immediately, her small mouth became even hotter, and all the smells in her nose were fish.

For a moment, Xin'er was taken aback, but her small mouth opened consciously, and bit half of the fish into her mouth in one bite.

Feeling the sweetness and deliciousness of the fish in his mouth, Xin'er couldn't help chewing it a few times.

However, before she could swallow it down, her pretty face immediately became embarrassed when she thought of what happened just now.


This, this, this is too sensational?

Xuan he actually used mouth to mouth method to feed her fish in broad daylight, oh my god...

Thinking of this, Xin'er only felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, her mind 'boomed', and suddenly went blank, unable to think of anything.

Because of embarrassment and shyness, that delicate and pretty face quickly blushed, making that smiling face rosy, truly charming

Compared with Xin'er's embarrassment and shyness, Leng Yixuan was chewing the fish in his mouth lightly, and those black eyes with playfulness and doting fell directly on Xin'er's face, and put Xin'er's face His shy look was vividly captured in his eyes.

Hehe, what a shy little girl, and he just loves her current, silly appearance.

So simple, clear and lovely.

Like a fluffy and innocent little white rabbit

Contrary to Leng Yixuan's wicked thoughts, after recovering from her senses, Xin'er just met Leng Yixuan's playful black eyes. Suddenly, she felt her cheeks were burning hot, as if they were boiling. Like boiled water.

Even if she didn't need to look in the mirror, Xin'er knew that her face must be red.

Regarding this, Xin'er was shy again, and stomped her feet a little out of shame, then bowed her head to Leng Yixuan and said.

"Xuan, how can you bully people like this?"

"Hehe, am I bullying you like this?? In that case, I would rather bully you a little more?"

After finishing speaking, Leng Yixuan stretched out his big hand, and pulled Xin'er, who hadn't escaped in time, into his arms.

With a big hand, it shackled Xin'er's small chin, and a hot kiss precisely covered Xin'er's small mouth.

The man's kiss came so suddenly that Xin'er was not prepared at all. Turn your head when you mouth.

When she came back to her senses, the tip of the man's tongue had already driven straight into her mouth, and was deeply entangled with the little lilac she dodged.

Feeling the man's kiss, so hot, so familiar, with the smell of grilled fish, Xin'er was so shy, she kept twisting her head and struggling.

This time, the man didn't force Xin'er either.

After another moment of kissing, Leng Yixuan slowly left the pair of small mouths that made him crazily obsessed.

Seeing that Xin'er had already collapsed in her arms, panting coquettishly, her black eyes were tinged with dark desire and pampering.

Especially, when his black eyes fell on the pair of lips that were still full of crystal clear honey, he couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple, planning to taste this pair of sweet lips deeply.

However, after Xin'er saw the strangeness in the man's eyes, she quickly moved away from the man's arms, and hid far away by the way.

After all, this man is like a starving beast. As soon as her little white rabbit gets close, there is a possibility that he will eat nothing left at any time

Fearing that Leng Yixuan would mess with her again, Xin'er couldn't help showing a pitiful look, and said aggrieved to the man.

"Xuan, don't be like this, me, am I hungry?"

"hehe… "

Seeing Xin'er guarding against him like a big bad wolf, Leng Yixuan felt helpless and ridiculous.

Is he that scary?

However, it's not his fault at all. Who told her to be so beautiful and have such a sweet little mouth

As long as she stays by his side, her every move will always attract him deeply.

And that sweet little mouth, since he tasted it once, he has been deeply infatuated with it.

Many times, I couldn't help kissing her, savoring the sweetness of those small mouths.

However, seeing Xin'er looking at him with such a pitiful expression at the moment, Leng Yixuan couldn't help thinking to himself.

It seems that I was a little impatient, did I scare this little white rabbit

Thinking of this, Leng Yixuan quickly gathered his thoughts, hooked his red lips, and coaxed Xin'er in a low voice.

"Okay, then shall we eat grilled fish?"

Knowing that Xin'er was frightened, Leng Yixuan immediately pretended to be a good gentleman and said softly.

Seeing this, Xin'er finally let go of her hanging heart.

Walking over, took the grilled fish handed by Leng Yixuan, and began to eat it in small bites.

After Leng Yixuan and Xin'er were full, they simply washed up, and then they lay down on the soft grass, closing their eyes and feigning sleep leisurely.

Xin'er cherishes and enjoys such a leisurely time.

Because, since her mother passed away, she has been going out early and returning late every day in order to make a living, to support her younger brother and herself, so that they can eat enough and not go hungry.

After every day, I was as tired as a cow. How could it be like this? After eating enough, I would lazily lie on the grass and sleep late.

Especially in this small forest, it is really beautiful.

The sky is sunny, cloudless, and the sky is blue and blue. Occasionally, a few birds happily cross the sky, which adds a bit of vitality to the sky.

There are also high mountains, green and green, continuous, as if there is no end in sight.

Beside them, there are centuries-old towering trees with luxuriant branches and luxuriant leaves, covering seventy-one seven eighty-eight out of the sunlight outside, leaving only the star-like sunlight that gently shines down.

And in front of them was a very clear river.

After the sun shines on the surface of the river, it exudes a layer of golden light, twinkling, so beautiful

Seeing this situation, Xin'er couldn't help but feel happy.

Moreover, there was a feeling of strangeness and familiarity in my heart.

It was as if she had been here before.

Xin'er felt strange about this feeling of deja vu.

Xin'er thought in her heart, but her eyes couldn't help turning her head to the man lying beside her.

I saw the man beside him, who was extremely handsome.

From the angle where Xin'er was lying down, he happened to see the man's side face.

Do you only think that the man's silhouette is as perfect as it has been carefully crafted

The full forehead, the eyebrows slanting into the temples, the straight and perfect bridge of the nose, and the lips carved like diamonds...

The eyes, ears, mouth and nose match perfectly

Following the man's perfect handsome face is the slender and muscular figure.

Wrapped in a dark purple robe, it perfectly wrapped the man's tall and slender figure.

Broad shoulders and narrow waist, lean body, slender legs...

Even if this man is just lying quietly on the grass, the noble aura inherent in his body, as well as the peerless elegance that resembles a celestial being, make the beautiful scenery around him eclipsed, and he gradually becomes filthy...

For a while, Xin'er couldn't help looking at it.

What a handsome man

However, this excellent man said that he likes her...

Thinking of this, I have to say that Xin'er's heart is warm.

After all, apart from mother, this man is the second person who has treated her so well since she was a child...

If it weren't for their identities being suspended, perhaps she would have agreed to him...

Thinking of this, Xin'er felt like an overturned five-flavored bottle, with all kinds of flavors in her heart.

However, at this moment, Xin'er only felt a darkness in front of her eyes.

The man who was lying next to her turned over straight and jumped onto her body like a noble leopard.

The man's movements were nimble and quick, but when he lay on top of her, he didn't hurt her at all, he just pressed her whole body under him, using his tall body to tightly restrain her.

Seeing this, Xin'er was completely taken aback, and when she came back to her senses, a man's hoarse and pleasant voice came from her ear.

"Sneaking at me?? Eh?"

"Well… "

Hearing the man's words, Xin'er's pretty face couldn't help but embarrassment, as if she had done something wrong and was caught by an adult, her face was full of guilt.

"I, I don't have it?"

"Hehe, no?? You little liar, how can I teach you a lesson?"

Hearing the man's words, the first thing Xin'er thought of was that the man was going to kiss her again.

Thinking of this, Xin'er stretched out her hands, and immediately covered her small mouth, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at the man vigilantly and with some complacency.

It looked like a little fox that ate the farmer's chicken and was complacent.

Seeing the secret joy and pride in Xin'er's eyebrows, Leng Yixuan showed no sign of being unsuccessful in his plan, but touched his chin with one hand, and those black eyes that were full of mischief and a bit of evil were even tighter. It fell on Xin'er, and Xin'er's heart was fluttering when he saw it.

Before Xin'er could react, she just felt itchy under her armpits.

With a sound of "puchi", Xin'er immediately put down her hands, and laughed coquettishly.

"Haha, Xuan, don't, itch... Haha, Xuan, Xuan..."

"Hehe, you little girl who loves to lie, are you afraid to see how I punish you?"

Seeing Xin'er under him, smiling coquettishly, Leng Yixuan said triumphantly.

What's more, the movements of his hands never stopped, making Xin'er keep twisting her delicate body under him, laughing coquettishly.

That silver bell-like laughter kept escaping from the girl's cherry-like mouth, so beautiful. rBJo.

And the girl's face is even more beautiful with a smile like a flower, flushed red, too beautiful

Leng Yixuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed the girl's tender little mouth fiercely...