The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 217: Le Yaoyao's Birthday


"Yeah, Xiaoyaozi, you don't know that's all. Recently, you always like to smile silly. Did you encounter any happy event? But it's strange, I heard that the prince seems to be in a good mood recently, and everyone often Did you see the prince smiling? I don’t know if the prince also encountered some happy event... "

When it came to the end, Xiao Muzi was full of doubts, but he had to say that he was a little happy.

After all, it's a good thing for the master to be happy, isn't it? ? Especially their prince, who used to be casual and cold, but now it's different.

The lord laughed. After the news of the news from the palace, everyone was shocked.

However, in the shock, I also feel that this is a happy event. After all, as long as the prince is happy, life will be easier for them as slaves.

Just when Xiao Muzi was thinking about it, Le Yaoyao felt even sweeter in her heart.

Live Yan Luo, he is happy, is it because of her


Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao's heart is as sweet as if filled with honey.

It turns out that this is what love feels like...

No wonder the sisters in the dormitory used to go out to date boys every holiday. It turned out that there was a reason.

Just when Le Yaoyao was thinking about it, she suddenly thought of something, and she screamed in shock.

"Yeah, by the way, what day is today??"

"Uh, Xiaoyaozi, what's the matter with you, you almost scared me, today, today is fourteen, what's the matter?"

Xiao Muzi, who was startled by Le Yaoyao's sudden exclamation, patted his beating chest and said doubtfully.

"It turns out that today is already fourteen..."

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao muttered to herself before speaking.

"Tomorrow is my birthday?"

"Scared?? Tomorrow is Xiaoyaozi's birthday. Why haven't you mentioned it before? Xiaoyaozi, since it's your birthday tomorrow, what gift do you want? I'll give it to you, but hey, don't pick too expensive ones." , I, I have no money..."

When it came to the end, Xiao Muzi stretched out his hand and swept the back of his head in embarrassment, and smiled innocently.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao just pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"I don't want any presents. With you as a good friend, I am already very satisfied."

Knowing Xiao Muzi's family background, Le Yaoyao naturally would not ask him for gifts.

Moreover, what she just said was the truth, having a good friend like Xiao Muzi was actually the best gift he gave her.

Hearing Xiaoyaozi's words, Xiao Muzi smiled innocently, then patted Le Yaoyao's shoulder with one hand, and said.

"Haha, actually, I think so too. How happy am I to have you as a good friend, Xiaoyaozi?"

Compared to Xiao Muzi's joy, Le Yaoyao was not flattened by his slap.

Immediately, Le Yaoyao wrinkled her pretty face, and said bitterly to the laughing Xiao Muzi.

"I said, Xiao Muzi, you have grown taller recently, and your strength has also increased a lot?"

"Ah?? I'm sorry, Xiaoyaozi, I, I was too excited just now."

Seeing Le Yaoyao's bitter face, Xiao Muzi panicked.

There was also an expression of chagrin on his face, after all he had gained a lot of strength recently, but he forgot that Xiaoyaozi was still so thin, this slap would definitely hurt 'him'.

Seeing Xiao Muzi's apologetic face, although Le Yaoyao's shoulder hurts, she didn't pursue it further.

Instead, he thought in his heart, tomorrow is her birthday, I don't know, does Huo Yan Luo have time to accompany her?

During dinner time, Leng Junyu returned home. Le Yaoyao served him meals as usual.

However, because she was hiding something in her heart, Le Yaoyao had been secretly looking at the man in front of her all the time, trying to find an opportunity to ask him something.

Also because of Le Yaoyao's frequent stares, it is difficult for people to ignore her.

Gently put down the chopsticks in his hand, Leng Junyu waved lightly, and someone quickly removed the food from the table. Seeing this, Le Yaoyao immediately handed the freshly cut tea to Leng Junyu.

"My lord, please drink tea."

"There is no one now."

Regarding Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu just spoke lightly.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao's pretty face twitched slightly, and then she realized what Leng Junyu said.

With her small face drooping slightly, Le Yaoyao hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth and calling softly.

"Yu, drink tea?"

"ah… "

Le Yaoyao had just finished speaking, but she felt her waist tightened, and she was immediately pulled into his arms by the man, and her buttocks even sat on the man's lap.

This posture, this movement, is so ambiguous and intimate that Le Yaoyao was frightened for a moment.

Immediately, her pretty face was ashamed, her body twisted, and she wanted to struggle.

However, the man's words sounded from her ears at the right time.

"You've been staring at me for so long, don't you have something to say to me?"

"Well… "

Hearing the man's words, Le Yaoyao's pretty face was startled, and then she bit her red lips lightly.

"So, you found out..."

It's not bad that he is a living Yama, what about his sharp observation skills

"Now, what do you want to say to the king?"

Gently provoking the petite chin of the little man in his arms, Leng Junyu opened his lips and asked in a deep voice.

The chin was raised, revealing Le Yaoyao's blushing little face full of faltering, and seeing Le Yaoyao's shy face, beautiful eyes twinkling, a pair of small hands pointing fingers constantly, hesitating for a long time, before speaking slowly.

"Uh, this is tomorrow, I don't know if Yu is free?"

"Tomorrow?? What's up tomorrow?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu's cold eyes flickered with doubt, and he asked.

After all, Le Yaoyao has never hesitated like this before. Moreover, seeing the hesitation on 'his' little face, it's obvious that he has something to do tomorrow.

But Le Yaoyao didn't know how to speak after hearing Leng Junyu's rhetorical question.

Is it her birthday tomorrow? Although it is not the birthday of this body, it is his real birthday.

It was her first birthday since she came to this strange dynasty, so she wanted to spend it with the person she likes.

However, now that Huo Yanluo asked her this question, she really didn't know how to speak. Could it be that tomorrow is her birthday, and she asked him to accompany her?

He is not an ordinary person, but the prince of the Tianyuan Dynasty. He has a high position and authority and has many affairs. What if he has something important to do tomorrow?

Can't she delay his business because of herself?

After thinking of this, Le Yaoyao thought for a moment before speaking.

"Uh, it's not really a big deal, but, Yu, if you don't have anything to do tomorrow, can you go home early?"

Hearing Le Yaoyao's words and seeing her hopeful eyes again, Leng Junyu just stared at her quietly, and never spoke immediately.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's whole heart immediately rose to her throat.

Because the man's eyes are so unpredictable at the moment, people can't see what he is thinking.

Moreover, his eyes are wise, and he has sharp observation ability. After being watched by her for a long time, it seems that his heart will be seen through by him.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao's heart began to beat violently, and her small face slightly retracted, not daring to look directly into the man's eyes.

It's just that the little white hand resting on her knee kept churning into a twisted shape at this moment, showing her uneasiness.

After a long time, just when Le Yaoyao thought that the man would not agree, the man spoke up.

"Okay, tomorrow, the king will return home early."


Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao's beautiful eyes, which were originally eclipsed, suddenly seemed to gather the brilliance of the world, and the light in the eyes moved and scorched.

That small face the size of a slap instantly burst into a bright smile, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu nodded and smiled.

"Naturally, how could this king break his promise?"

"Hehe, Yu won't break his promise, I, believe you..."

Because Yan Luo promised last night that he would come back early today, Le Yaoyao was in a very happy mood early in the morning.

After serving Yan Luo and going to court, he immediately went to clean the Yafeng Pavilion.

At lunch time, Xiao Muzi specially bought longevity noodles, red eggs and so on for her.

"Xiaoyaozi, I don't have much money, so I can't buy expensive gifts for you, so don't dislike these things?"

"Hehe, how could I dislike Xiao Muzi's intentions??"

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao said with a smile. Then, to save face, he ate all the things Xiao Muzi gave her.

Anyway, she has a good appetite recently, even if she eats all of these, can she still have another bowl of rice

Seeing this, Xiao Muzi who was sitting opposite her just laughed.

"Xiaoyaozi, can you really eat? However, you have eaten so much recently, and you haven't seen any growth. Besides, your appetite is the same as that of my cousin's daughter-in-law?"

"Ah? How can your cousin and daughter-in-law be so edible??"

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao was also puzzled.

In fact, she also feels that she is growing up recently, so she can eat so much. However, she has eaten so much recently, but she still doesn't see any growth. Is it really strange

Now, seeing what Xiao Muzi mentioned, Le Yaoyao asked casually.

Xiao Muzi heard the words, took a bite of the rice, and said the truth.

"My cousin and daughter-in-law are pregnant. It's only two months, but they can eat a lot? In the morning, I eat two big steamed buns, a big bowl of porridge, four bowls of rice at noon, and four bowls of rice and supper at night. I go to sleep when I’m full, but I don’t see any gain in weight, my cousin said, because my cousin has a baby in her belly, and the child ate all the food, so why does my cousin eat so much?”

"Uh... Xiao Muzi, you are so serious, your cousin and daughter-in-law are naturally different when they are pregnant, and now you are comparing me to her, are you joking about how much I eat??"

Hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao pulled her face, pretending to be angry.

However, Xiao Muzi knew that Xiaoyaozi was deliberately scaring him, so he smiled and said straightforwardly.

"Hehe, it's just a metaphor, I don't have any other meanings, Xiaoyaozi, you eat, eat more to gain strength, hehe..."

Seeing Xiao Muzi's honest and straightforward appearance, Le Yaoyao didn't get angry with him, but just ate another bowl of plain rice...

Usually, Le Yaoyao always feels that a day is actually very easy to pass.

Get up early, serve Huo Yanluo to go to court, then clean the Yafeng Pavilion, then have lunch, do some things at noon, take a nap, serve Huo Yanluo at night, take a bath, and then go back to the room to sleep. The time passed like this.

But today, after lunch, Huo Yan Luo hadn't come back yet, Le Yaoyao was anxious.

The work at hand was already finished, she could only wait helplessly in front of Yafeng Pavilion, waiting for that familiar man to appear.

However, as time passed, the man did not wait, but the sun in the sky climbed higher and higher, and the temperature gradually became hotter.

Staring at the big sun, Le Yaoyao was too hot, so instead of standing outside the door of Yafeng Pavilion, she went to sit in the gazebo.

This gazebo is located on the lake, surrounded by water, and the wind that blows through it is also cool.

Moreover, sitting here, if anyone from Yafeng Pavilion comes in, they can see them immediately.

So, Le Yaoyao sat in the gazebo, gnawed melon seeds, and looked at the gate of Yafeng Pavilion without blinking.

However, at this moment, Le Yaoyao doesn't know at all, the current self is like a wife who has been waiting for her husband to return after going out.

The summer wind blows away the water of a lake.

The water is sparkling and shimmering. In the lake, groups of fish are playing and frolicking freely, so happy.

There are mountains in the distance, towering into the clouds.

The sky is blue and white clouds, the sun is shining brightly, and the sky is clear for thousands of miles.

The cicadas on the tree seemed to be full of endless energy, and they kept barking endlessly.

Sitting in this exquisite white jade gazebo, the surrounding scenery is like a poem, but at this moment, Le Yaoyao is not in the mood to enjoy the scenery at all, only feeling extremely irritable.

"Why hasn't he come back??"

Last night, he clearly said that he would come back early, and it's almost afternoon now. Could it be that he was delayed by something?

That's true, he is the majestic prince of the Tianyuan Dynasty, so he has a lot of affairs? It is understandable for him to come back after some time, but he must not come back too late.

Le Yaoyao was complaining in her heart, while thinking of reasons to comfort herself, just like that, time passed by, and Le Yaoyao was tired of waiting.

After all, at this time of day, she is taking a nap

So not long after, Le Yaoyao fell asleep on the stone table.

Le Yaoyao didn't wake up until she didn't know how long she slept. When she opened her eyes and looked at the sky, she sat up from the stone table all of a sudden.

Because, after she fell asleep like this, it was already sunset time

God, she has been asleep for so long?

But, now, where is Living Yama? ? Has he returned home?

Confused and anxious in her heart, Le Yaoyao hurriedly stood up and wiped the drool on her face with her sleeves, then rushed towards Yafeng Pavilion in a hurry.

After she went around Yafeng Pavilion, she didn't see the person she wanted to see, but she almost bumped into Xing who was walking towards her.

"Hey, Xiaoyaozi, look at you in a hurry, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Seeing Le Yaoyao running out of breath and flushed, Xing couldn't help asking curiously.

Le Yaoyao, who almost bumped into Xing, managed to control her pace. When she heard Xing's words, she thought that Xing had been following Huo Yanluo to serve her, so she immediately grabbed Xing's sleeve and said hastily.

"Xing, are you back?? Is the prince also in the mansion?"

"My lord, my lord hasn't come back, what's wrong?"

Seeing Le Yaoyao grabbing her sleeve and asking so anxiously, Xing Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but blushed even more.

Because, he remembered what happened in the hospital last time...

However, Le Yaoyao put her whole heart on Leng Junyu, and never noticed the strangeness on Xing's face at all.

After knowing that Leng Junyu had never returned home, the little face that was looking forward to Xiyi suddenly turned away, and there was a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"My lord, he hasn't returned home yet..."

When Le Yaoyao said this, the frustration in her tone was beyond words.

Then, as if comforting himself, he murmured.

"Hey, I can't help it. The prince has a lot of work to do, so he should come back late..."

Speaking of these, Le Yaoyao sought comfort by herself, and finally found some comfort in her heart.

Unexpectedly, although the volume of her words was low, Xing Nai is a martial arts practitioner, so her ears are naturally good. After hearing Le Yaoyao's words, she spoke without thinking.

"No, there is no major event in today's court. The prince has surrendered very early. However, on the way back, a horse suddenly went crazy and ran amok on the street. It almost..."

"What?? Is the prince injured?? How is his injury? Is it serious?? Is the prince in the hospital now?? Then I will go find him now?"

As soon as she heard Xing's words, Le Yaoyao's heart skipped a beat, her heart was in a state of confusion, her mind was even more 'boom', and suddenly went blank, unable to think of anything.

All she knows is that now she seems to see him, she really misses, really misses...

Thinking in her heart, Le Yaoyao's feet seemed to be conscious, and she ran forward.

That speed was like a gust of wind, which surprised people even after seeing it.

Seeing this, Xing planned to chase after him, still talking about what he hadn't finished just now.

"Hey, it's not that the prince is injured, it's Miss Nian, Xiaoyao... Oh, my stomach hurts, don't forget, I'm planning to go to the toilet?"

Xing clutched his stomach, and the footwork that he planned to chase after him immediately turned in the same direction and rushed towards the latrine.

I thought even more in my heart, anyway, he will do light work, and chase after him after going to the latrine? Anyway, Xiaoyaozi's short feet couldn't run fast.

Xing thought in his heart, so he didn't care about anything, it was important to go to the toilet first.

However, he did not expect that when people are anxious and nervous, their explosive power cannot be expected... U6Y9.

When Le Yaoyao rushed to the No. 1 Medical Center in one go, she was sweating profusely and gasping for breath. Akiko is as young as a child.

The First Medical Center, as usual, was full of people coming and going. Although Dongfang Bai hadn't come back yet, the Medical Center had hired many doctors with good medical skills, so the business of the First Medical Center was getting better and better. There are so many people who come to see a doctor every day.

However, when Le Yaoyao rushed into the first medical center, a pair of beautiful eyes full of anxiety and worry quickly looked towards the hall of the medical center. When she didn't find the person she found, she panicked even more.

However, at this moment, I happened to see Xiao Tang passing by, so without thinking, I stretched out my hands, grabbed Xiao Tang's arm tightly, and asked in a hurry.

"Xiao Tang, Wang, is the prince here, isn't he?"

"Ouch, my uncle, take it easy, it hurts me so much, you?"

Xiao Tang was caught by Le Yaoyao's arm, and immediately cried out in pain.

Hearing this, Le Yaoyao immediately let go and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Tang, I'm too anxious, tell me, is the prince here?"

"Yes, your prince is here, isn't he in the first room? And... Hey, I haven't finished yet?"

Xiao Tang yelled at Le Yaoyao, but Le Yaoyao had already left like an arrow, so why did she still listen to him.

Only Xiao Tang who was full of doubts was left behind.

"Little Yaozi, what happened today? So flustered..."

Xiao Tang complained that Le Yaoyao didn't know about it, because her whole heart was in the first room right now.

Room No. 1 is the second floor of the medical building.

There, it is a place to rest for those who are seriously injured and cannot move freely.

Now, the living Yan Luo is inside, he must have been hit by a carriage on the street just now, my God? how so?

Le Yaoyao was anxious in her heart, her whole heart was barely in her throat.

Because of the panic in her heart, those beautiful eyes full of worry were soon covered with a layer of mist. The nose is also sour. However, she has been holding back.

Until she finally came to the door of the First Medical Center, without even thinking about it, she pushed open the lightly covered carved wooden door with both hands.

With the sound of 'jumping', Le Yaoyao originally thought that what Le Yaoyao saw would be the scene of a man lying on the bed injured, but unexpectedly, things were far beyond her expectations.

When she saw the scene in front of her, Le Yaoyao was shocked like a thunderbolt on the ground—

I saw that in this room filled with the faint scent of medicine, there was a man and a woman hugging each other tightly.

I saw the only girl in the man's arms, with gauze wrapped around her ankle, obviously injured.

But at this moment, she threw herself into the arms of the man, her beautiful and charming face was crying like pear blossoms with rain, so charming.

And this woman is none other than Nian Sulan

Look at the man who was hugged tightly by Nian Sulan.

Wearing a gold-plated python robe, wearing a jade crown, tall and straight, broad shoulders and narrow waist, clear face, deep features, handsome and extraordinary, isn't it the man she has been worrying about, who else?

But what happened now?

Just now, didn't Xing say that Huo Yan Luo was hit by a carriage? ? But isn't Living Yama doing well now?

Moreover, what is going on now, Huo Yanluo, why is he holding Nian Sulan?


There were many doubts in her heart, Le Yaoyao's heart felt as if it was being pressed by a heavy boulder, and she almost couldn't breathe.

Moreover, in the scene in front of you, if you were someone else, you would definitely say that she is a beautiful woman, and she is a perfect match.

After all, this man is handsome and the woman is charming, no matter how you look at it, it is pleasing to the eye.

However, seeing the scene in front of her, Le Yaoyao only felt very dazzling. Moreover, the heart hurts, hurts? It was like being cut with a blunt knife.

Today is her birthday, and the man she was thinking of, is hugging another woman at this moment. It's really, ridiculous, sad...