The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 221: [Yixuan Chapter] 031 Xin'er is captured


"Returning to the master, is it the eldest prince?"

The answer from outside the car made the handsome man inside the car snort coldly with disdain, and narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes even more, with a fierce light shining in them.

The red lips parted slightly, and the cold voice slowly escaped from the man's mouth—

"Okay, good? Since you are so ruthless, you can't blame me for being cruel?"

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon, a month passed.

During this month, Xin'er's life was as usual.

Every day, after cleaning the Baiyu Pavilion, at noon, as usual, I went to the study to practice calligraphy every day, and Leng Yixuan would always look at the ledger and work not far from her.

Time passed as usual, but it was so warm.

For Xin'er, it's only been two short months since she came to this mansion, and she hasn't known this man for a long time, but now it feels like she's lived here for a long time, and she also knows him. This man has lived so long...

"Xin'er, let's go to the market later?"

It was noon, after Xiaohuan finished her work, she came to Xin'er and suggested.

Xin'er, who was sweeping the fallen leaves in the front yard of Baiyu Pavilion, was stunned and said.

"Why are you so excited to go to the market today?"

"Hehe, anyway, today's work is done, and the manager promised to give me half a day off to rest. Thinking about it, I haven't been to the market for a long time, so I just went for a walk outside, and bought some fabrics for my parents and brothers. clothes."

Xiaohuan said with a smile.

When Xin'er heard the words, she immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

Because, she knew from Xiaohuan's mouth that Xiaohuan's family was not well off, so it was his father who did some carpentry outside to support the family.

Her mother is in poor health and has been bedridden all year round, so she was bought here to help the family subsidize.

And Xiaohuan is a very family-friendly girl, she gives her monthly salary to her family, and she is usually not willing to add a thing for herself, she keeps buying and adding things for the family.

So, hearing Xiaohuan's words at this moment, Xin'er immediately agreed.

The streets of Shangjing, because they are at the foot of the emperor, are full of bustling and prosperous scenes.

The afternoon sun is always so bright.

The golden sun shines on the human body, warm and harmonious.

The gentle breeze makes people feel refreshed.

On Shangjing Street, there are many shops, inns, restaurants, brothels, silk rouge and gouache workshops, everything that one expects to find.

In front of the shop, there are many small vendors.

At this moment, it is the time when the crowd is the busiest. There are countless people coming and going on the street, and there are countless fragrant cars and BMWs.

The owners of the small vendors even lost no time in yelling to attract customers.

In a short time, the shouts became more and more one after another, intertwined with various sounds on the street, and in a short time, the whole street became even more prosperous

Xin'er and Xiaohuan, holding hands, walked down the crowded street.

Because Xiaohuan had a lot of things to buy, Xin'er accompanied Xiaohuan around all afternoon.

In the end, after walking for several hours, the two got tired, so they found a fairly clean tea house, planning to have a sip of tea soup before returning home.

Because it was close to dusk, the inside of the tea house was not considered full.

So Xin'er and Xiaohuan found a seat by the window and sat down.

After asking the owner of the teahouse for two bowls of tea soup, Xin'er and Xiaohuan sat there to rest.

Just to enjoy the sunset outside.

Thinking about it, it was really rare for them to be able to sit quietly and enjoy the sunset like this.

Fortunately, Leng Yixuan had something to say and said he would come back at night, otherwise, Xin'er wouldn't be able to come out and have a good shopping with Xiaohuan.

At this moment, Xin'er was drinking tea soup, while chatting with Xiaohuan casually.

However, at this moment, the words of the person sitting at the table behind them caught the attention of Xin'er and Xiaohuan.

"Have you heard?? Many young girls in Shangjing have disappeared for no reason recently, and their whereabouts are still unknown?"

"No?? How do you know about this??"

"You don't know about this. The son of my cousin's third aunt works in the yamen. It is said that Mr. Zhiyuan has been very busy these few days because of those missing girls."

"No?? Then do you know where all those missing girls went??"

"Hehe, you can figure it out with your toes. The missing ones are all young girls. You can tell at a glance that they were abducted and sold to some brothels to make money..."

Following the discussion of the people at the table behind them, Xin'er and Xiaohuan obviously heard it.

The brows of the two couldn't help frowning slightly.

In addition, gossip is a woman's surname, so when Xiaohuan heard the words, she immediately whispered to Xin'er.

"Did you hear that, Xin'er? Isn't the law and order in Beijing always very good?? But, at the feet of the emperor, there are people who are so rampant, abducting and selling women from good families, my God? It's terrible, we should go back early?"

Way back. After Xiaohuan heard this, she was a little scared.

After all, it was already dusk, and it would soon be night.

As the night deepened, the streets that used to be crowded with people gradually became less crowded.

Seeing Xiaohuan's frightened look, Xin'er nodded immediately. After paying the boss, the two immediately got up and walked towards the mansion.

I saw that at this moment, it was dusk, the sun was setting in the west, and the orange-red sunset, through the thick clouds in the west, slanted across the entire land, covering the entire land with a layer of orange-red. brilliance.

At this moment, when the lights came on, there were fewer pedestrians on the street.

After all, at this time, most of everyone was rushing home to eat.

There are only some inns and restaurants, and the business is still in full swing.

It takes an hour to get back to the mansion from Shangjing, so Xin'er and Xiaohuan walked very quickly.

It's just that she bought a lot of things in Xiaohuan, including fabrics and various daily necessities, all of which she bought for her family.

Because there are too many things, Xin'er naturally shares some with Xiaohuan.

So after walking for half an hour, the two of them were a little tired.

Especially now that it's getting late, everyone wants to go home earlier.

However, at this moment, Xiaohuan, who was walking beside him, suddenly changed his expression slightly.

Seeing this, Xin'er couldn't help asking with concern.

"Xiaohuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, my stomach hurts so much. I don't know if the bowl of tea soup I drank just now was not clean. Now I want to go to the toilet. Oh, I can't hold it anymore."

While Xiaohuan was talking, that delicate little face was wrinkled together because of forbearance.

Seeing this, Xin'er was both funny and helpless.

Meimou glanced and saw an inn not far away, so she immediately took the things in Xiaohuan's hand and said.

"Xiaohuan, there is an inn over there, there must be a hut there, you go quickly?"

"Oh, okay, Xin'er, you must wait for me here, I'll be back soon?"

While talking, Xiaohuan let go of her feet, and after a while, she disappeared from Xin'er's sight.

Seeing Xiaohuan's pained expression, Xin'er couldn't help but find it funny.

However, Xin'er was holding a lot of things in her hands, standing quietly on the street, waiting for Xiaohuan's arrival.

However, from the setting sun to the west, until the setting sun completely fell to the west, the lanterns were first lit, and the bright moon was in the sky, Xiaohuan hadn't come back yet.

Xin'er was a little worried after waiting, wondering if something would happen to Xiaohuan.

Actually, I have had diarrhea for an hour, and if I continue to have diarrhea, will I collapse?

Xin'er was worried in her heart, so she took a step and planned to walk in the direction where Xiaohuan left just now, and planned to look for Xiaohuan to see how she was doing now.

However, just before Xin'er walked a few steps, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seemed that behind her, someone was walking towards this side in a hurry.

When Xin'er heard the words, she was puzzled, and then she wanted to turn her head to look away.

However, before Xin'er could turn her head away, her drunken nose was immediately covered by a piece of cloth.

Xin'er was startled, couldn't help gasping for breath, and wanted to struggle, but for some reason, a wave of dizziness hit her the next moment, and within a few seconds, Xin'er passed out completely , and the things in her hands were scattered all over the ground...

A moment later, Xiaohuan finally ran over with her skirt in hand.

"Xin'er, I'm fine, it's really killing me, let's go back? Hey, Xin'er, where are you??"

Looking at the things on the ground, they were all bought by him just now, but Xin'er, who was standing here waiting for her, was gone. When Xiaohuan saw it, her heart was shocked, and her eyes widened...


It was so dark that people opened their eyes and thought they were born in a hell that would never see the sun.

He slowly touched the surrounding area with his hand, and what he touched was the wet ground, which was icy cold.

It's still spring, and the nights are always so cool.

Lying on the ground, even though there is a piece of fabric, the biting cold air still penetrates into the bottom of my heart through the fabric.

cold, so cold

What exactly is this place?

Just now, she was obviously standing on the street waiting for Xiaohuan, but after waiting for a long time, Xiaohuan never came back. She wanted to find Xiaohuan. Later, she heard footsteps behind her, but she had no time to look at her. Whoever it was, his mouth and nose were immediately covered with a cloth, and then...

Could it be

Thinking of this, Xin'er seemed to have thought of something, and immediately sat up from the cold ground with a sudden sound.

However, due to the fact that she sat up too violently, she became dizzy, and she couldn't help but fell down on the cold ground again. It was not until Xin'er struggled for a few times that she finally sat up from the ground.

And already adapted to the relationship of the night, Xin'er swept her beautiful eyes and got a vague overview of the surrounding scenery.

I see, this should be a dungeon