The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 235: [Yixuan Chapter] 086 Wanted Xiner (fine)


Hearing Ao Tianxue's words and her unbelievable expression, Leng Yixuan immediately understood what was going on

All along, he knew that the woman in front of him was very scheming, so he didn't want Xin'er to have more contact with this woman

Today, he didn't want to come here, but he couldn't refuse Xin'er? When he came here, everything was so cautious, unexpectedly, he still fell into this woman's way

Fortunately, at the last moment, his rationality controlled the power of the medicine, and he came to his senses

Thinking of this, Leng Yixuan's black eyes widened, looking at Ao Tianxue with raging anger, he opened his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, eh

You actually drugged me? "

I, I, I didn't? "

But look gradually body? Hearing Leng Yixuan's words, Ao Tianxue was shocked, but she still gritted her teeth and denied it

However, she didn't know that her flustered expression had already revealed her thoughts

Seeing Leng Yixuan, his black eyes swept away, and then his eyes fell on the cauldron furnace with green smoke floating slowly

Smelling the strong scent of roses, Leng Yixuan only felt that deep within his body, there was a ferocious beast screaming uncontrollably

After feeling this place, Leng Yixuan immediately went up briskly, and then waved his hand

He only heard the sound of 'clang', and the golden cauldron was immediately swept to the ground by him

Hearing this huge noise, Ao Tianxue was completely startled

Goodbye to the man in front of him, his eyes are scarlet, his cheeks are flushed, his muscular chest is heaving and falling, is it scary

Seeing this, Ao Tianxue was terrified in her heart, she even shrank her body into a corner

You, what do you want to do? ? You, don't mess with me..."

Ao Tianxue said in a panic

Just now, she was fully expecting this man to mess with her, but that was when he was unconscious

But at this moment, seeing the man's eyes scarlet, full of hostility, walking towards him step by step

That appearance, like Shura who came from the 18th floor of hell, is it frightening

At this moment, Ao Tianxue was really scared...

However, when Leng Yixuan walked up to Ao Tianxue, he stopped. Then, he bent slightly, stretched out his ape arm, and pinched Ao Tianxue's chin tightly with his fingers, hooked his red lips, Said in a cold voice

You want me to mess with you? ? Do you deserve it? ? snort? "

Leng Yixuan snorted coldly, then stood up, turned around and left without hesitation

Looking at Leng Yixuan's figure who turned around proudly, did Ao Tianxue's originally lofty heart finally drop

However, at this moment, a feeling of humiliation rushed towards her like a raging flood

Come to think of it, in her life, has she ever been wronged like this?

And this humiliation was given by that bitch? so…

Bitch, I want you to die? "

Leng Yixuan performed lightness kung fu and returned to Zhaoxia Palace all the way as fast as lightning

Then go straight to Xin'er's room

Because, he just fell into the Tao, and when he woke up, Xin'er disappeared

He was worried that Xin'er would be hurt

So a heart is all in Xin'er? After leaving the Hall of Soul, he ran all the way to Xin'er's room

Until, in Xin'er's room, when I finally saw the little man lying on the bed soundly asleep, Leng Yixuan's originally lofty heart finally settled down

However, a heart is stable, but because of his luck just now, his blood boiled, and even the medicine he had so hard to calm down just now was raised up again

Especially, in front of his eyes, where is that stunning person lying

The moonlight was pure and clear, and it slanted in from the half-opened carved window, illuminating the room in sevens and eights, making the night even more rippling.

The pure moonlight also sprinkled softly on the little person, completely enveloping the little person in the soft light of innocence, making her look so charming, like a banished fairy, as beautiful as Poetry is like fantasy...

When he saw the little person who was sleeping soundly on the bed, she was so sweet and lovely, like a freshly ripe peach, exuding a sweet fragrance, which was tightly attracting him , so that he couldn't help but approach her step by step

And he did the same

Leng Yixuan slowly lowered his body, although he had been suppressing the turbulent emotion in his heart, he still couldn't help it, approaching this little man, and getting closer...

Looking at the little man's small mouth, it was so cute, he couldn't help but lower his body slightly, wanting to be so sweet as the usual little mouth

And he, did he do that

Leng Yixuan couldn't help sighing when he felt the sweet softness in his mouth

These small mouths are really extremely sweet, like a sweet peach, which makes people linger and forget to return

Gradually, the kiss that was originally a superficial kiss became more and more uncontrollable

Leng Yixuan only felt that there was a fire in his body, which was constantly burning, and there was a tendency to burn more and more vigorously...

So, that kiss, gradually, became more and more fiery

The long tongue skillfully pried open the lightly closed lips, easily pried open the cute white teeth, and then drove straight in, constantly sweeping the honey in the sandalwood mouth, and then tightly entangled with the sweet and soft little lilac Together…

Leng Yixuan's kiss is so passionate, like a tourist in the desert who lacks water, after finding the source of water, he keeps sucking it wildly

Gradually, the person who had slept soundly was awakened by this movement

Well… "

Xin'er, who was originally sleeping, only felt a wet, er, thing constantly entangled in her mouth

I thought she was dreaming

Because, at this moment, her mind is still hazy, as if she has been asleep for a century and has not yet woken up

However, gradually, she felt that something was wrong

So, he couldn't help shaking the disc fan slightly, and opened those beautiful eyes that were slightly sleepy

The goal is pitch black

It made Xin'er a little unclear what was going on

However, when she gradually got used to the darkness, and under the moonlight, she could see everything around her clearly, especially when she saw that enchanting face close at hand, Xin'er was even more frightened. There was a thunderclap, and there was a 'bang' in the mind, and it went blank

Those sleepy beautiful eyes are even as big as brass bells at this moment


God, is she dreaming?

Why would Xuan press on her?

And, also... Kissed her?

Xin'er was shocked, feeling that the other person's tongue was still stretching and stretching in her mouth, so she couldn't help but twist her head, trying to avoid the man's kiss

Uh, Xuan, what's wrong with you..."

Xin'er, my Xin'er..."

Hearing Xin'er's words, Leng Yixuan knew that Xin'er had woken up

He also knew that Xin'er was struggling, and he also knew that at this moment, he should stop, but he didn't know whether it was the domineering desire in his body that was controlling him, or whether he was really He wanted the beautiful and sweet girl in front of him very much, so it made him unable to control himself even more

Xin'er, I want you..."

The man's voice is hoarse, and the words he speaks are even more hoarse and deep. In this dark night, he seems to be sensitive and aggressive

Like a ferocious beast waiting for an opportunity in the dark night, at this moment, it has caught its prey and is planning to enjoy it, and Xin'er is, uh, dinner in his mouth at this moment...

As for Xin'er, she also noticed this, and she was even more frightened and flustered

Because, tonight, she felt that Xuan was weird, but just now she couldn't tell what was wrong with Xuan

Besides, didn't she just enjoy the flowers in the yard with Princess Aotianxue?

Why is she here now?

And Xuan, why did it become different? ? ZSVh

From his domineering kiss, his panting breath, and the domineering aggression from his body, there is a clear signal, that is——

He wants her

Realizing this, Xin'er was startled, and then kept struggling

However, the body touched by the hands is so warm, as if it is a vigorously burning stove, although it is separated by several layers of fabric, since it can burn people's hands

Consciousness like this makes Xin'er feel more confused and panicked

Why is Xuan's body so hot? ? Also, Xuan's anomaly tonight

In the past, Xuan would not have walked into her room for no reason, and then...


Xuan, you, have you been drugged? ? "

Xin'er just tentatively asked, but unexpectedly, the man nodded truthfully, said

Well, Xin'er, I'm working so hard now, I want, it seems to be... "

The man spoke hoarsely, as if his mind was not clear

At this moment, uh, Leng Yixuan, just feel that he is about to explode

The whole body seemed to be in the oven and kept roasting and roasting. He was going crazy because of the heat

And deep in his body, that ball of fire is constantly boiling and burning

At this moment, the only thing he has to do is vent his anger...

And this sweet girl in front of him is like a cool stream, able to extinguish all the fire on him

Holding her and kissing her like this made him feel much cooler

However, these are not enough, he wants more, more...

Leng Yixuan thought in his heart, the fiery kisses, like raindrops, kept falling on Xin'er's face, body

For Leng Yixuan's aggressive kissing attack, Xin'er couldn't help dodging

Xuan, no, don’t…”

Xin'er, I'm really uncomfortable, very uncomfortable..."

For Xin'er's struggle, will it only make Leng Yixuan feel more excited

He clearly should know that he should stop, but when he looked at the sweet girl below, what he smelled in his nose was the unique sweet direction emanating from her, as if he couldn't help but go crazy …

Xin'er, I love you..."

Leng Yixuan opened his mouth and said, and then stretched out his big hand, only to hear the sound of 'tearing', Xin'er only felt a chill in her chest, and her clothes were all torn...