The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 236: [Yixuan Chapter] 014 Teach her how to practice calligraphy


Xiner is avoiding him

Regarding this point," Leng Yixuan noticed it early on

Since the last bathing incident, "every time Xin'er sees him" it's like a little white rabbit seeing a big bad wolf, "be wary of him" and if there is any trouble, he escapes faster than the little white rabbit Fast

Regarding this," Leng Yixuan expressed helplessness

But "he also knew" last time he was too impatient" to frighten her

Thinking about "these years" he is most proud of patience "unexpectedly" but now he has met his nemesis

Every time he meets her" he will lose his previous self-control

After all, "she is really a natural beauty", even a saint will be distracted after seeing her...

Now "Jian Xin'er has the heart to avoid him every day" although "everyday" she will serve him as a maidservant", but "the eyes looking at him" are full of timidity and defensiveness, making him feel helpless

So "every time he just pretended to be indifferent" and didn't dare to do anything "to scare her?"

Now "what he needs is time" to let her slowly dissipate her fear of him

So five days passed in the blink of an eye

After coming here for a while, "Xin'er is already very familiar with the surrounding environment" and "work"

And "her job" is to serve that person who scares her

But "except for that night" Leng Yixuan didn't do anything terrible to her anymore

But "she still has lingering fears about what happened that night" so "every time she serves him" she is always on guard

But "other than that" I have to say "her job" she really likes it

Because "she works here" and everything she does is very easy. "Every day" after she has served Leng Yixuan, she just cleans up in Baiyu Pavilion

Many free time" she would go to help Xiaohuan

Because younger brother Xiaobao was sent to Butterfly Valley for treatment, Xiaohuan was dropped to work in Library Pavilion

"Sunning books in Zangshu Pavilion" every day to clean up the dust on the books

Xin'er likes to go to Zangshu Pavilion to help Xiaohuan

For one thing, "Xiaohuan is the first friend she met" when she came here, and "their two surnames match well" and within a few days, the two of them will get better

Second, "Does she like to read books

Although "she hasn't read and practice calligraphy for a long time since the death of her mother" but "in her heart" actually "she really likes to read and write

So "every time I come to Zangshu Pavilion", after helping Xiaohuan with some work, she "will find a book" and read it slowly

Although "a lot of words" she can't read", but "seeing some of them she can" she will be very happy

Because there is no pen and ink, "every time" she would sit aside and "take up a branch" and "write the words in the book" on the ground one by one

Today" is no exception

Now" is a sunny afternoon

In the afternoon of early spring, "the sun is shining golden" and the warm sunshine "sprinkling on people" is always so comfortable and pleasant

The breeze is gentle" with a cool and refreshing feeling

After Xin'er was done with the work of Baiyu Pavilion, "as usual", she came to Cangshu Pavilion to help Xiaohuan, "almost busy", then habitually picked up a book in Cangshu Pavilion, "a quiet reader sitting aside

Xiaohuan knows that Xin'er likes to read "every time she reads it fascinated", so "whenever Xin'er is reading" she will not disturb her" but picks up her embroidery handkerchief" and embroiders flowers beside her

The breeze is blowing slowly" This afternoon "very quiet" neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere is very warm

It's just that "when Xiaohuan's embroidery was normal," he glanced at the end of his eyes, but he was surprised to see a tall and tall figure "suddenly appearing at the door of Zangshu Pavilion

Seeing this, "surprised", Xiaohuan hurriedly put down the things in her hands, "stand up", and planned to salute the visitor, but was stopped by the visitor who stretched out his hand to signal

Goodbye to the gesture of the person waving his hand, "Xiaohuan was taken aback" when he saw this, and then he looked at the person, "sweeping for a while, sitting under the big tree," Xin'er, who was reading the book with relish, "knowing it" and then smirking left

And Xiaohuan who was concentrating on the book "has no idea what happened behind her

At this moment "she is sitting under the big tree", holding a book in one hand, and holding a long and thin wooden stick in the other hand, "write out the words on the book" one by one

She is so quiet" and "between the brows" is even more serious and focused

She who is so serious is "a little less fragile than usual" and a little more inexhaustible charm

This scene "falling into the man's eyes" couldn't help being tinged with tenderness

I saw "the girl in front of him" wrapped in light gauze and white clothes, showing that slim figure vividly

That silky long hair "at the moment is just randomly tied into two thick braids" hanging on the shoulders

There is no beautiful decoration on the head, but "but" makes the girl a bit more simple and pure

What "attracts him the most" at this moment is the seriousness between the girl's brows that "shows" her desire for learning

Look at the words written by the girl with a slender stick, "although the writing is not very good" and crooked", but the scene of "I don't know what" makes the man's heart move

Standing behind the girl all the time, watching the girl write quietly

Until "I don't know how long it took" the girl finally finished writing "Tired of writing too? Can't help but put down the book" and then "raised her head" and stretched lazily

It's obviously a lack of elegance" but "the girl does it" but it doesn't look artificial" How cute is it

Seeing this, "Leng Yixuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly" and finally couldn't help but speak

"Do you like to write??"

Although it was an interrogative sentence "but" Leng Yixuan asked with certainty

And Xin'er heard that "I haven't recovered yet" just said casually

"Yeah" I really like writing? Too bad "no pen and paper...uh..."

I thought the "talking to me" was Xiaohuan sitting not far from her

But "when Xin'er said it to the end", she suddenly felt a little weird, "then" she slowly turned around, "holding those beautiful eyes with a bit of doubt" and looked behind her

When she saw the man standing behind her at some point, "the whole person immediately felt like a bolt from the blue", shocked on the spot

"Uh" Xuan? ? How "how are you??"

When she saw the man behind her was actually Leng Yixuan, "Xin'er's beautiful eyes" were even bigger than copper bells, and the "disbelief and surprise" in her eyes were beyond words

Regarding Xin'er's expression, "Leng Yixuan just raised her handsome eyebrows slightly", is she not unhappy, or "just parting her red lips" and asked

"Why can't it be me??"

The soft "soft" voice of the man is like a pleasant spring breeze, but "I don't know why" fell into Xin'er's ears, but it made her scalp feel numb

Surprised in my heart, "then" Xin'er immediately stood up from the ground, "shaking her head like a wave" and said to the man

"Uh" no "no" I'm just wondering "Xuan, didn't you go out? Why did you come back so early today?"

And "it's still here" is really surprising

Xin'er thought "Actually", what she didn't know at all was that "her daily whereabouts" would actually be reported to Leng Yixuan

So "after finishing work early today, Leng Yixuan walked towards Zangshu Pavilion" because "he knew" that she would be here

Sure enough" he guessed right? rBJo

It's just that "what he doesn't know is that "Xin'er likes to read so much", just by looking at her serious expression just now, can people know

That's why he asked this question

What disappointed him was "Xin'er is still so afraid of him

Looking at the panicked little face in front of him, "Leng Yixuan's black eyes slowly closed" and landed on Xin'er's tangled hands

Those beautiful black eyes couldn't help flickering." He didn't answer Xin'er's question just now, "stretched his big hand" and pulled Xin'er's jade-like little hand


"Drink?? Go" Xuan "Where are you taking me??"

Maybe it was because of the incident last time that Xin'er immediately panicked because of Leng Yixuan's sudden actions at this moment

That pretty and delicate face "was a bit pale with fright" and was about to break free and shout "but" after hearing the man's words, he was stunned

"What?? You said" teach me to read? ? "

Hearing the man's words, "Xin'er was startled" and then "I couldn't believe it

"Yeah" Didn't you say that you like to write "I will teach you to write now?"

Faced with Shang Xin'er's unbelievable little face," Leng Yixuan smiled brightly

The man's smile "revealed his white teeth", looked so clean, "refreshing", like the bright sunshine, "let people see", and his heart was also warm

The spring breeze "slowly" blew the man's black hair scattered behind his shoulders, "several strands of silky long hair" were mischievously stuck to the side of the man's face, making the man's chiseled face "suddenly softened." gentle

I saw "Today's Man" wearing a light gray robe with dark patterns, a jade belt around his waist, and embroidered auspicious cloud shoes on his feet

The well-fitting robe "envelops the man's lean body" and makes his figure even more elongated. "Perfect

Looking at this handsome and noble man in front of him, and the bright smile on his face, "without a trace of evil spirit," Xin'er's heart throbbed involuntarily

That numb feeling "like an electric current" came from the bottom of my heart

She doesn't know what it feels like" but" she doesn't hate it at all

Even "when the man pulled her" and strode towards the study, "she seemed to be fascinated" and "let the man hold her hand" and walked to the study

Is this a very large study

The area inside the study is more than one hundred square meters

In the study room "is there a big bookcase on three sides

On the bookcase" are some thick books neatly placed

In the middle of the study, there is a large desk made of rosewood. On the table, the "Four Treasures of the Study" are neatly placed...

"Xin'er often comes to this room on weekdays" but "she comes here" also for cleaning? But "today" is a little different

"Come" This is how to hold the brush "No" That's how it is "Okay" You take the brush" and write on the paper to see "Hold your posture" Hold it straight..."

After coming to the study room," Leng Yixuan continued to guide Xin'er to write

It is unbelievable for Xin'er that I can really pick up the brush and start writing again

After all, "since mother died", the two siblings depended on each other for life? The hardships of life made Xin'er give up many things she likes to do? Like writing and reading

Now "her identity" is nothing more than a maid, but "but she can pick up a brush again" and learn to read well

Thinking of these "Xin'er's elation" only feel that "the current her" is dreaming

But "she cherishes the opportunity to be able to write very much" so "what did the man teach her?" she immediately listened seriously

But "I don't know if it's because I'm too excited." The hand holding the brush "has been trembling" and the "written characters" are also crooked "like caterpillars", which makes Xin'er very annoyed

Is the "her" writing pen more beautiful than it is now

Presumably, "I haven't practiced calligraphy for many years", she is really rusty a lot

Xin'er was thinking "Unexpectedly, it's right next to her ear", but suddenly there was a low laugh

"Hehe, are you writing" or are you drawing a caterpillar??"

The man's voice is deep and hoarse, "with a touch of sensuality" that makes people feel palpitated after listening to it

However, "the man's words at this moment" fell into Xin'er's ears" is simply a blow

To say she wrote caterpillar "this" is so shocking?

Although "what he said" was indeed good, "even she herself felt a bit like a caterpillar", but "these words came from his mouth" made Xin'er's pretty face embarassed, "a blush" even flew up her cheeks quickly

Annoyed and shy in her heart, "Let Xin'er just want to find a hole in the ground and go straight in?"

After all, is "her handwriting" really ugly

Thinking in my heart, "Xin'er even put down the brush" and intends to "destroy the corpse and wipe out the trace" that I wrote just now

However, "a hand" picked up the words written by her faster than her, "folded it a few times" and put it into his arms


For the man's actions, "Xin'er was a little puzzled

"This word is ugly" you give it back to me? "

"Hehe" the word is ugly" but "this is the first time you wrote it" so "I will stay" and then take it out after you have practiced more "to compare and see if you have improved?"

Leng Yixuan looked at Xin'er's puzzled little face, "curling his lips and laughing

Hearing that "Xin'er just lowered her head" and gave a soft 'oh', she picked up the brush again and practiced calligraphy

But "she has practiced several characters" but she can't always write well "every character" is so ugly" makes Xin'er a little frustrated

That delicate little face "slowly" also covered with a layer of frustration and sadness

Come to think of it, is she really not suitable for reading and writing

I was thinking "in my ear" but the man's hoarse and low-key words came out

"No one can reach the sky in one step" I just practiced a little bit" and then I was disappointed." Could it be that "your liking" is only so little? ? "

Hearing the man's words, "Xin'er was taken aback" and then said "without even thinking about it"

"No" I really like reading and writing? "

Xin'er said "very sure

After finishing speaking, he "looked up" and looked towards the man behind him "just in time" to meet the man's beautiful eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling

Men's eyes" very good-looking

The lines are perfect, "deep", the pupils are as black as the night, and they reveal endless shrewdness and wisdom. "Looking at them" will always unknowingly "indulge in these dark pupils" and cannot extricate themselves...

Just when Xin'er was thinking, "I suddenly felt that my whole body was brought into a generous embrace" and her hand holding the writing brush was also tightly held by the big hand that had always been generous

"Well… "

The man's move was "too sudden" and caught people off guard." After realizing it, Xin'er's heart beat violently immediately" and then struggled "without even thinking about it" and exclaimed

"You" what are you going to do? ? "

Holding her for no reason" Could it be...

The scenes in the hot spring that night "flooded into Xin'er's mind again" made Xin'er shiver uncontrollably? And "the more I think about it, the more afraid I get," Xin'er couldn't help but began to struggle in the man's arms

Maybe it was because he knew what Xin'er was thinking." The man just opened his mouth and said" in a somewhat helpless and bitter tone

"Don't move" you keep moving "How can I teach you how to practice calligraphy?"

"What?? So" you want to teach me how to practice calligraphy? ? "

After hearing the man's words, Xin'er immediately stopped struggling, her beautiful eyes widened, and she asked the man in disbelief

When the man heard the words, "Facing the girl's surprised little face," he just raised his pretty eyebrows slightly, and asked deliberately

"Otherwise" what do you think I want to do? ? "

"Well… "

Hearing the man's words, "Xin'er's face is embarrassing

It turns out that she misunderstood just now

Thinking of this, "Xin'er felt a little guilty towards the man for what happened just now" but "she didn't say anything" and just lowered her head and bit her lips lightly

Seeing this, the man "just pretended to let out a long sigh" and said

"It turns out that "I am in your mind" is so unbearable?"

Speaking of this, "Leng Yixuan's handsome face" even made a sad and disappointed look

Seeing this, "Xin'er was startled immediately" and also started to panic

"No" it's not like this "Xuan" listen to me explain "you are not bad" are you very good? "

Xin'er is telling the truth

After all, she has never met her before, but she has helped their two siblings once and twice. This kindness alone, "how can she pay it back" is not enough

So "seeing Leng Yixuan's sad face" Xin'er immediately began to explain

And "that delicate little face" was also stained with a bit of panic, "as if afraid that Leng Yixuan would not believe what he said" and sighed sadly

Compared to Xin'er who was explaining with a flustered face, "Leng Yixuan's handsome face" showed a look of joy, "curled his lips and smiled

"Is what you said true?" You have a heart

"En" is naturally true? "

Seeing Leng Yixuan's joyful look," Xin'er immediately nodded affirmatively

However, "the joyful look of the man in front of him" lasted less than a moment, and then he sighed again and said

"But" why "you're always so scared of me" keep avoiding me? ? Is it because of "the last time??"

What Leng Yixuan was referring to was "what happened in the bath last time

When Xin'er heard the words, "his body shook immediately" and then "immediately lowered his head" and didn't speak

But "her action" expressed her acquiescence

Seeing this "this time," Leng Yixuan's eyes "can't help but be tinged with shame," said "sorry"

"I'm sorry" what happened last time" I was wrong" I apologize to you" and "I promise you now" in the future" will never happen like last time" please believe me" forgive me too, please? ? "

When it comes to the end," Leng Yixuan's tone was also somewhat cautious

After all, "these days" he has been blaming himself

This girl in front of her is "not like everyone else" who is greedy for vanity? What if other women would come to your door immediately "as long as he hooks his fingers"

But "those people" only value "his appearance" and "his power" and the various etiquettes he can bring to them

For the kind of people who love vanity" he has always been disrespectful

But "the girl in front of me" is completely different

Although she has no money" but "doesn't covet wealth" and love vanity

If "she became his" that night, he would never treat her badly

"In the future" will she become the master of the palace

But "she didn't do that

She kept avoiding him "Avoiding him

In her eyes, "what she saw" wasn't his wealth

A pure "woman who doesn't love vanity" like her is like a green lotus that emerges from the mud and is not stained." How can he not be moved?

So "only such a woman" is worthy of his attention and worth his cherishing

He wants to love her well and "cherish her" so that she can get the best in this world

The same "he doesn't want" to be afraid to see "is she avoiding him" afraid of him" makes him sad this time

So now" is Leng Yixuan sincerely begging Xin'er to forgive what he did to her last time

Avoiding him because "he's had enough of her fear"

For Leng Yixuan's sincerity, "actually" Xin'er also saw it

Looking at this noble and handsome man in front of her, Xin'er's heart moved

This man "possesses endless rights to wealth." Is he a big shot standing on a high peak? Make people envious, "jealous" and worship

He who is so superior "would apologize" to such a lowly servant like her and beg her for forgiveness

This thing" is really unbelievable

So "Xin'er has a little bit of good-looking towards this man in front of me"

After all, "in the past few years" she has been working for a wealthy family and "sees" all those rich people who "just rely on their own money" so they don't treat people as human beings? Even if they themselves did something wrong" and never apologize

After all, "they think they are high-class people" and they "are just lowly people"

Thinking of the vicious faces of those people, then looking at the man in front of him who sincerely apologized to him in a low voice, Xin'er's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, and then "beautiful eyes curved instantly" under the man's expectant gaze, and said with a smile like a flower

"Since you sincerely apologize" and admit your mistakes "that's okay? I forgive you?"