The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 237: 185 Pleading for mercy (second update)


"No, I was taken advantage of by this little fox, so you must make it up to me!"

Simuhan had a resolute expression on his face, like an angry little boy, vowing not to give up, but there was only playfulness in his phoenix eyes but no trace of anger.

When the words fell, Simuhan stretched out his hands, and snatched the little fox from Le Yaoyao's arms, then leaned his upper body towards Le Yaoyao, and he was bound to kiss Le Yaoyao for it.

Seeing his child-like jealous appearance, Le Yaoyao felt both funny and helpless.

Of course, she won't be kissed by him, so she just ran forward with a 'cluck', and Simuhan followed closely behind.

In this beautiful world wrapped in silver, plum blossoms are fragrant and white snow is shining. There is only a woman and a man chasing after each other with smiles on their faces. This picture, it seems, is so beautiful.

However, it also hurt someone's eyes!

I saw, since Le Yaoyao and the others left, from behind a big tree in the woods, slowly walked out an enchanting, enchanting woman in red.

I saw that this woman was very beautiful, with beautiful features, and was in her twenties. That blood-red red dress made her even more enchanting.

However, at this moment, the woman's charming eyes burst out with raging anger and fierceness, like a poisonous snake, closely following Le Yaoyao's figure, as if wanting to peel her off bone-in-belly…

And Simuhan, who was playing with Simuhan, suddenly shivered all over his body, and his feet immediately stopped.

"What's wrong? Xin'er?"

Sensing something strange about Le Yaoyao, Simuhan couldn't help asking worriedly.

There was a worried look on that handsome face.

Facing the man in front of him who cared so much about him, the concern on his beautiful face was not false.

However, Le Yaoyao still suppressed the sudden uneasiness in her heart, shook her head at him and said.

"I'm fine."

"Are you really all right? Look at your face is pale. No, I will ask Qingfeng to ask the doctor to come and have a look."

After saying that, Simuhan wanted to turn around and look for someone, but in the end Le Yaoyao stopped him.

"Look at you, I'm not a delicate person, I'm fine, I'm just hungry."

In order not to worry Simuhan, Le Yaoyao had no choice but to speak.

In fact, what he said was not false. Now, she is really hungry.

Pregnant women eat a lot, and one body supports two people, so they are naturally hungry!

Hearing this, Simuhan heaved a sigh of relief.

The brows that were originally tightly furrowed gradually relaxed, and the smile was so bright that it was alluring.

"Haha, so that's the case, my little baby is hungry too, so daddy will go get someone to prepare food immediately."

Simuhan laughed loudly, that look of high spirits, so happy and joyful.

Looking at the man in front of him who was laughing loudly, Le Yaoyao couldn't help thinking.

If she hadn't met Leng Junyu, would she have fallen in love with this man!

Of course, there is no answer to this.

After returning to Muxin Pavilion, Simuhan had already asked his servants to prepare a large table of sumptuous dishes.

Moreover, the dozen or so dishes today have not kept up with the repetitions several times.

I saw that what was prepared in the kitchen today was hot pot.

Moreover, it is still a very spicy soup base.

I saw that big pot of red and bright chili soup base, and that burst of spicy and spicy taste, which is enough to make people salivate.

On the table, there are many freshly sliced thinly sliced fat beef, pork, fish fillets, shrimp, crab, etc., as well as various fresh vegetables.

Looking at a large table of dishes in front of me, there are so many ingredients, it is dizzying and dazzling.

He also hooked out the greedy worms in Le Yaoyao's stomach.

Involuntarily sucking the saliva that kept flooding in her mouth, Le Yaoyao swallowed her saliva and sat down honestly.

"Xin'er, eat quickly, these are the things you used to love to eat, you may eat spicy food."

"Hehe, yes, I really like spicy food."

Le Yaoyao told the truth, and then honestly picked up the jade chopsticks, picked up a piece of fat beef and put it in the boiling pot that was emitting light smoke.

After the chopsticks paused for three seconds, Le Yaoyao immediately picked up the piece of fat beef, dipped some chili vinegar and ate it.

"Well, it tastes really good."

Le Yaoyao couldn't help squinting her eyes and let out a sigh of admiration when she felt the spicy, spicy and tender meat in her mouth.

Seeing that she was eating happily, Simuhan kept looking at her and smiling happily.

As if, just watching her eat is the happiest thing in the world.

It's not that she didn't notice Simuhan's loving and doting eyes, but Le Yaoyao knew that she couldn't respond to his love.

Because, she is not his Xin'er, and she doesn't want to be his dead lover's heart.

Therefore, Le Yaoyao just kept her head down and ate the hot pot, never looked up at Simuhan's face, and never said anything.

After a meal, Le Yaoyao ate it fiercely, and Simu Hanmeng thought it was over.

After the servants removed the leftovers from the table and replaced them with some exquisite fruit tea, Simuhan spoke to Le Yaoyao. The words are but if.

"Xin'er, let me show you something."

"Oh? What is it?"

Hearing Simuhan's words, Le Yaoyao asked curiously while taking out a hot wet towel to wipe her hands and small mouth.

Simuhan heard the words, but smiled and said nothing, and then saw him clapping his little hands suddenly, and with the sound of the clear applause, several people came in from the door.

Because those people turned their backs to the light, Le Yaoyao couldn't see who they were for a while.

All I saw was that there seemed to be two men walking in with one person escorted.

After walking in, the two men let go and pushed the person they were holding down to the ground.

"Report to the leader, the person you want has been brought."

"Yea, very good."

Simuhan nodded in satisfaction.

And at this time, Le Yaoyao, who was sitting there, couldn't help but look at the person who was falling to the ground and couldn't stand up for a while.

After seeing the appearance of that person clearly, a pair of beautiful eyes could not help but stare.

The people on the ground were wearing a fox fur vest and a skirt made of silk and satin.

However, at this moment, her body was dirty, her hair was messed up, the makeup on her face was also smudged, and her face was frighteningly pale, but Le Yaoyao still recognized the woman on the ground at a glance.

"It's you, Nian Sulan!?"

That's right, the women on the ground are full of embarrassing women, it's Nian Sulan!

But at this moment, following Le Yaoyao's exclamation, the woman who fell on the ground, after her whole body was shaken, slowly raised her eyes full of bewilderment.

After seeing clearly Le Yaoyao sitting there, Nian Sulan said in disbelief.

"It's you!? Why aren't you dead yet!?"

"Well… "

Seeing Nian Sulan in an accident, before Le Yaoyao could react, she was stunned speechless by Nian Sulan's next words.

"Why should I die?"

After a long time, Le Yaoyao asked in confusion.

Come to think of it, she and Nian Sulan haven't seen each other for quite a while.

Because last time Nian Sulan had the audacity to prescribe sour plum soup, unfortunately Nangong Junxi drank it, and after making him have a relationship with Tong Ya'er, Leng Junyu ordered that Nian Sulan not be allowed to enter the mansion.

Therefore, she has not seen Nian Sulan for a long time.

Unexpectedly, meeting again would be under such circumstances.

Just when Le Yaoyao was shocked and wondering, Nian Sulan on the ground probably felt that she was too embarrassed now.

As proud as she is, she doesn't want to be so embarrassed in front of other people, especially in front of her rival in love.

So, after struggling for a while, Nian Sulan finally got up on the ground.

Although, Nian Sulan is full of filth and mess at the moment, and her hair is messed up, but there is still talent between her brows, and she looks at Le Yaoyao with undisguised violence and disgust.

Especially after seeing the man sitting next to Le Yaoyao, his eyes flickered, and he said to Le Yaoyao in disgust.

"You bitch, you're disgusting! Now that you have Cousin Yu, you're actually hooking up with other men. You're really a watery woman!"

Hearing Nian Sulan's harsh words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned her beautiful black eyebrows, knowing that she had misunderstood and wanted to explain something.

However, she hadn't waited for her to speak yet. Simuhan, who was sitting beside her, frowned.

The man in black standing on the left of Nian Sulan stepped forward at lightning speed and slapped Nian Sulan hard.

Following the sound of 'pa' and loud applause, Nian Sulan's face was immediately deflected, and her thin body fell to the ground again.

However, because the ground is covered with snow-white wool fur, it won't hurt at all if it falls on it.

However, the loud applause just now still made Le Yaoyao's heart tremble.

After all, although she didn't like Nian Sulan, seeing her being beaten like this, she couldn't help but feel soft, so she immediately frowned and turned her head to look at Simuhan.

"you… "

"Xin'er, do you want to plead with her?"

Before Le Yaoyao could speak out, Simuhan was one step ahead of her, expressing her thoughts.


Hearing this, Le Yaoyao nodded immediately.

"I don't know why you brought her here, but please let her go?"

Le Yaoyao turned her head and asked Simuhan.

After all, she doesn't like Nian Sulan, but now she has fallen into the hands of the evil sect. These people are all ruthless people. If she doesn't intercede, Nian Sulan will be tortured severely by them.

Besides, she asked Simuhan to let Nian Sulan go, but she was actually selfish.

Because, if Nian Sulan was let go, she might tell Leng Junyu that she was captured by a cult.

Although, this possibility may be very small.

However, hope is better than no hope, isn't it!

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