The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 261: [Yixuan Chapter] 017 Talent Show (2)


And "she is not a person who is ungrateful.

When she was in distress, "he saved her", how could she leave here for her own future

So "Even if Xin'er likes to dance" she is unwilling to leave.

What's more, she was unwilling to leave him "in private"...

Xin'er thought in her heart, "Zi Yi also observed the expression on Xin'er's face from the beginning to the end", so "even if Xin'er didn't say anything", she still knew the answer.

And "Zi Yi can see that" Xin Er also likes to dance very much, so "I don't have to wait for Xin Er to say something," Zi Yi said.

"You don't have to answer me so fast" I know you like to dance don't you? ? Now I don't force you to come to me "if you change your mind"? I welcome you anytime?

After Ziyi finished speaking, she "smiled at Xin'er" and turned to leave.

When Ziyi left, "Xiaohuan on the side just looked at Xin'er with envious eyes" and sighed.

"Xin'er" Director Zi is really kind to you? But "she is also a person who loves talents" Xin'er, you dance really well, right? If you go to dance on the third floor of 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death', it will definitely become a pillar." I believe you?

"Hehe" Xiaohuan "You think highly of me too much" I was just dancing casually.

Although Xin'er said "but", she was still a little disappointed.

Because "she actually really likes to dance...

And "I also want to show my dance to everyone" has been recognized by everyone.

But "this life" may not be possible...

Leng Yixuan was going to leave Shangjing for a while, "it was like a bomb" exploded in Xin'er's heart. It caught her by surprise.

In the study, "Ziyi happened to come to Leng Yixuan to discuss the talent show in eleven days" and heard Leng Yixuan say this.

"Because something happened in Shangzhou" I have to go over to deal with it." This year's talent show" will be left to you to take care of it.

Leng Yixuan who was sitting in the study "clutched his hands together" raised his head and said in a deep voice to Ziyi underneath.

Ziyi heard the words" and immediately said with a smile.

"Hehe" Master, "Don't worry? This is the first talent show held by 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death' in Shanghai." I will definitely help you to do it very well." Are you a household name for the promotion of our 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death'

Zi Yi said confidently.

Leng Yixuan just nodded lightly upon hearing the words.

After all, "every manager of the 'drunk life' dream" is a talent he "searched for" all over the world, so "for them" Leng Yixuan has great trust.

After all, "suspect doesn't need it? Isn't it?

So "Leng Yixuan never said anything to Ziyi" and only said that he would come back on the day of the talent competition.

After saying this," Ziyi was sent back.

After Ziyi returned, only Xin'er and Leng Yixuan were left "in the entire study room".

Because what Leng Yixuan said about leaving just now "shocked Xin'er", she didn't know whether "her personal servant girl" should stay in the mansion" or leave with him.

Perhaps knowing the doubts in Xin'er's heart, "Leng Yixuan turned his head" and said to Xin'er.

"I'm going to Shangzhou this time" is also something that was decided in the morning" and "things in Shangzhou" are a bit complicated" so "you don't want to go" and just stay in Fuchu.

Hearing Leng Yixuan's words," Xin'er was stunned for a pretty face.


Although Leng Yixuan said in a flat tone, "but "I don't know why," Xin'er felt a twinge in her heart, "a wave of worry" immediately came to her mind, "then she didn't even think about it" and asked.

"Will it be dangerous

As soon as Xin'er said this, "Leng Yixuan was slightly taken aback" and then the corner of his mouth curled up, and a cheerful and bright smile burst out.

"Hehe" Xin'er "Are you caring about me


Hearing this," Xin'er made a pretty embarrassing face.

Looking at the man's charming and handsome face, the "spirited" smile on the corner of the mouth is "three points of evil" and "seven points of joy" which looks "so heart-wrenching" and charming

Seeing this, "Xin'er's Heartbeat" couldn't help but miss a few beats.

How does this man look so good-looking

But "what he said" was right.

She seemed to "really... care about him...

Thinking of "Xin'er's pretty face", a red cloud quickly flew up her cheeks, "making her face peach blossom" so beautiful?,

However, "she bowed her head in silence" but "those blushing cheeks" and shy and slightly annoyed eyes" had revealed her thoughts.

Seeing this," Leng Yixuan felt even happier.

That loud laugh "like the sound of gold and stone" kept escaping from his mouth.

"Haha" Do you really care about me? Haha" I'm so happy

Leng Yixuan laughed and said, "Then he stretched out his arm" and took a look at it.

Xin'er only felt a tightness around her waist" and then her whole body was pulled by a pulling force.

After she came to her senses, she was already sitting on the man's lap.


Regarding the posture of the two of them at this moment, "Xin'er made a pretty face", and then twisted her body "to leave.

However, "the man's big hands surrounded her from the beginning to the end" and she couldn't move.

"Xin'er" don't move "just like this" let me hold you quietly "for a while" okay? ?

See Xin'er's expression of resistance," the man said.

That voice was "low charming", hoarse, "sentimental" and "pleading."

Hearing that "I don't know why", Xin'er's heart softened and she no longer resisted.

When the beautiful eyes were raised, "it met" was the man's deep and narrow black eyes that were as dark as a pool.

When looking at the "tenderness for her" and reluctance in the man's eyes, Xin'er's heart moved.

Feeling flustered" and shy.

After all, the "man's gaze" is so focused and affectionate.

As if "he was looking at" his favorite woman...

favorite woman? ? VEx6.

Xin'er was startled by the sudden thought that came to her mind.

After reacting," I found it funny.

What the hell are you thinking about?

Like the man in front of me who is "powerful, rich, and handsome." In the future, "who can match him" must be a woman who has the same talent and appearance as him in family affairs?

Xin'er sighed in her heart. I only want you.

But "I don't know why", as long as she thinks that there will be other women beside him in the future, "sitting in his arms like they are now", Xin'er feels a little uncomfortable.

Just as Xin'er was thinking," the man's hoarse and low-key words suddenly came from his ears.

"Xin'er" I will leave Shangjing, "for ten days in Shangzhou", you will stay in the mansion well, if you need anything, just tell the housekeeper, and "what else do you need" I will bring you in Shangzhou come back to you.

Listening to the man's words before parting, "Xin'er always felt a little reluctant in her heart.

Although "she hasn't known the man in front of her for a long time", she also knows "the man treats her well".

So at this moment, when the man said this, "Xin'er shook her head while being touched" and said.

"I don't have anything I need.

"Haha" I knew you would say that.

Hearing Xin'er's words, Leng Yixuan curled his lips into a smile, then stretched out his finger, and gently scratched Xin'er's pretty nose.

To Xin'er, such a move is "somewhat intimate" and sweet.

For Leng Yixuan, "it seems to be like this for her" is a matter of course.

"The bright sunshine" slantly sprinkles in from the open carved windows.

It shines on the two of them." It's warm.

The atmosphere at the moment" is so harmonious.

Leng Yixuan seemed to be enjoying the tranquility and harmony of the moment.

So" I kept holding Xin'er and didn't let go.

Seeing this, Xin'er "never struggled" and just let the man quietly hug her.

The man is tall and straight "a height of more than 1.8 meters" to her who is only more than 1.5 meters "is simply insignificant.

And "his arms" are so generous and "gentle" that people feel "so safe."

It's like a majestic mountain "even if the sky falls", he will hold it up.

So her "little tree" can grow up happily under his protection with peace of mind.

This feeling is "really amazing" and very reassuring for her.

How long has it been since she felt so safe?

Since my mother was ruthlessly divorced by my father, my mother took the two siblings out of the house to make a living.

It is so hard for a thin woman "with two children".

Although she was young at the time, she also understood this.

Perhaps "also since then" she lost her sense of security.

After her mother died, she felt that she had to rely on herself for everything, and no matter how hard it was, she had to grit her teeth and go on.

At that time, she was "very tired.

Every night "she doesn't sleep peacefully" every day "goes out early and returns late" just to have food and clothing with her younger brother.

As for her future," she really didn't know.

But now" she really felt safe.

Because the man in front of her was "like a mountain protecting her" and gave her all the sense of security. As if she could let go of all her troubles...

His arms" were so wide, and it was so comfortable to be held in his arms."

And "the faint scent of magnolia coming from him" is unique to him...

Smell" is reassuring.

And that powerful heartbeat "like a lullaby" is hypnotizing her...

Gradually, "Xin'er only felt a sense of drowsiness" and his mind gradually went blank.

In the end, "the man seemed to say something in her ear" and she couldn't hear it anymore, just sleeping quietly in her dream...

Feeling the small body in his arms gradually relax, "I heard" her gentle breathing, "Even if he didn't look at it," Leng Yixuan knew that "the little girl in his arms" had fallen asleep.

Seeing this," Leng Yixuan's faint smile "even in his black eyes" was somewhat soft.

After all, "she actually fell asleep in her arms" that proves that "her wariness and vigilance towards him" has gradually disappeared." Is this a good sign

After all" since meeting this little girl again.

He knew that "she was very insecure" and she was "like an ostrich" and immediately retracted into her nest when "something happened".

Therefore, "the last time he acted too hastily" made her worry and fear, and "was always on guard against him" which made him very uncomfortable.

From then on, "he treats her" even if he wants to hold her in his arms and "love her well", he dare not be too anxious.

Afraid of scaring her again.

But when will "this little girl" understand his heart for her

Leng Yixuan felt helpless, "sighed lightly", but "when he saw the sweet sleeping face sleeping in his arms," he still couldn't help it" and said softly in her ear.

"Fool" I love you...

Leng Yixuan left for two days

Xin'er suddenly "felt her heart" become empty.

It's as if "She's Lost Something" isn't complete anymore.

Every day, after cleaning the Baiyu Pavilion, "Xin'er" came to the study to practice calligraphy habitually.

Although Leng Yixuan is not at the residence," but "daily calligraphy practice" is his permission.

But "I don't know why", since Leng Yixuan was gone, "Xin'er felt like she was bored in everything".

She doesn't even care about her favorite calligraphy practice in the past.

Every day "she would come to the study as usual" but "when she picked up the brush" she didn't start writing for a long time, "eyes" also looked directly in front of her "the place where Leng Yixuan used to work.

Imagining things that he would sit with every day.

Every time I stay in a daze, an afternoon passes, and when Xiaohuan comes to call her, she realizes that "she has spent the entire afternoon in a daze", and the paper in front of her "only leaves a pool of ink", but not a single word.

"Xiaohuan even teased her about this" and said that it was because she missed her master too much.

Is she missing him?

"Maybe" is a little bit...

But so what?

It has only been two days since "he still has eight days" to come back?

eight days?

Why does time seem to pass more and more slowly?

Just when Xin'er was sighing in her heart, "suddenly" a clear and anxious voice sounded from behind her.

"Xin'er" so you are here" let me find it easily

Hearing this familiar voice, "Xin'er heard the words" and immediately turned around, "When she saw Ziyi walking towards her in a hurry", she couldn't help being stunned.

"Sister Ziyi

Xin'er just opened her mouth, "seeing that Ziyi was already close in front of her eyes" and then "took her hands" and said anxiously.

"Xin'er" this time "You must help sister Ziyi with this favor

"Ah?? Help?? What does Sister Ziyi want Xiner to help you with

Hearing Ziyi's words," Xin'er was a little dazed.

After all, "in her perception" Ziyi is a very talented woman, what else does she need her for

Seeing Xin'er's full of doubts, Ziyi explained his purpose of coming here in a hurry.

It turns out that the group of dancers trained by Ziyi this time, "Na Wu" is also rehearsed, "71788" only to be performed on the night of the talent show.

However, "at this time" Qinger, the pillar of the dance performance, "accidentally fell off the stage" and twisted her foot.

According to the doctor, "Qing'er's foot" is broken to the bone, "even if she wants to dance again", she will have to recuperate for three to four months.

But "how is this possible

For this talent show, "Zi Yi has selected 50 candidates since half a year ago" and this group of dancers was also carefully selected by her.

And "Qing'er" is also the one she admires the most among this group of dancers.

After all, Qing'er has been learning to dance since she was a child, "that figure" is very good.

Not bad looking.

Who knew that "such a thing would happen at this time", but Zi Yi was so anxious.

After all, "before Leng Yixuan left", she patted her chest to promise that "this time the talent show" would be a success and she would not embarrass him

who knows…


After Ziyi told everything, he sighed heavily, "that charming and charming face" was also full of anxiety and worry.

After all, this talent show "has a lot to do with Drunk Life Dreams"

If she screwed it up" she would have no face to stay here.

Hearing what Ziyi said," Xin'er was also very worried.


"Sister in Ziyi" Since Qing'er sprained her ankle, "then you can dance with someone else." Last time I saw those sisters dance" is also very good

"Hey" those dancers "although they dance well" but "none of them are the best" so "I thought of you Xin'er

Hearing Ziyi's words, "Xin'er was taken aback" and pointed at herself in some doubts, " said.

"Me?? What can I do for you

Regarding Ziyi's words, "Xin'er was blindsided.

Seeing Xin'er's puzzled look, "Zi Yi hooked the corner of his mouth" and gently rolled up Xin'er's bangs that had been blown off by the wind with one hand, "pull it to the ear", and then said.

"Xin'er, you danced last time" I saw it." Although "you have only seen them dance a few times" but "you can dance without a single mistake" and "that dance" is better than Qing Is it even better? At that time, I was amazed by your dancing posture "Xin'er" You are "the most talented woman in dancing" I have ever seen, although "You said you don't want to come to 'Drunk Life Dreams' to be a dancer" but "this time" I was also out of helplessness "If I screw up this matter" "Drunk life and dream death" will definitely lose" and "I also have no face to stay here" so "Xin'er" this time, please treat it as Ziyi sister, please" Just do me this favor? OK

Seeing Ziyi's face full of begging, "Xin'er couldn't bear to see it.

Although Ziyi doesn't have a deep relationship with her, "Ziyi usually treats her" is also gentle and polite.

Now "she puts herself down so much and begs her" that she wants to refuse, but she can't bear it.


"Isn't there still eight days before the talent show? I" I'm afraid I can't do it? ?

Thinking of the urgency of time," Xin'er became frightened.

After all, "although she has loved dancing since she was a child," she has never been trained.

Besides, "There are only a few days left." Can she do it?

She's afraid she'll screw it up...

Thinking of this" Xin'er was afraid and nervous.

Maybe it was knowing Xin'er's worries, "Zi Yi held Xin'er's hands tightly" and said with a firm expression on his face.

"Okay" you must do it?

Because of the short time before the talent show, "Xin'er moved to the place where the dancer of 'Drunk Life Dreams' lived.

This is a courtyard with a good environment" Leng Yixuan bought it specially "for these dancers to stay" and use it for daily dance practice.

And "in this courtyard" there is a ground dance room dedicated to dancing.

The inside of the dance practice room was also designed by a special person, and the surrounding area of the big dance practice room was covered with bronze mirrors.

So "as long as it's the dance I'm dancing" I can see it clearly.

Because Qing'er sprained her foot and "can't dance anymore", Xin'er became the mainstay of this talent show.

"Those dancers" are more or less dissatisfied with Xin'er's appearance.

Because "they have all been specially trained by Ziyi for several months" and all of them have good aptitudes." Then thinking about "this time Qing'er had an accident", everyone was thinking "Xiaojiu" and "Everyone wants to be the pillar of this time" Who knew that "now this coveted position was snatched away by this sudden person?

However, "everyone's dissatisfaction" completely quieted down after Xin'er danced a dance.

After all, Xin'er is the best in terms of appearance and dance.

No matter how much envy, jealousy, and dissatisfaction everyone has, they can only hold it in their stomachs.

Who is inferior to others in skill?

Later, "Coupled with Xin'er's gentle and courteous conduct", and every time she danced, she "dedicated herself wholeheartedly" almost to the point of forgetting herself.

Time is running out before the talent show, "Xin'er is afraid because she messed up" so "almost every second is racing against time for dance practice.

Every day, "she is the first person to come to the dance studio" and she is also the last person to leave.

Doing dance practice for more than ten hours a day "even other dancers who are used to dancing can't do it" but "she did it.

Although "after these few days of ecstasy" rehearsal against time, "Xin'er's dance skills" are better than others.

However, "whatever you gain, you will lose" in just a few days, "Xin'er has lost a lot of weight.

The Ziyi on the side who looked at it was grateful" and guilty.

Thinking that after this talent show is over, "I must make up for Xin'er?"

I don't know if "someone came back" and saw Xin'er who had lost a lot of weight" would feel distressed and blame her

Think about it." Zi Yi was also a little apprehensive.

After all, "she is also a person who understands" her master's thoughts on Xin'er, and people with a discerning eye can also see it.

Moreover, "she has been with her master for several years" and has never seen her master caring about any woman. However, "for Xin'er" is not the same

Maybe" only the little girl Xin'er doesn't know.

Thinking of this, "Zi Yi was feeling anxious" but also looked forward to it.

After all, Xin'er's dance" is the best she has ever seen.

She is simply a dancing genius

The dance that jumps out is "elegant" and "smart" and "comes out of the dust" to banish immortals.

On her body, "there is always a clear and spiritual smell" that makes people think that she is a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Really an amazing woman

I don’t know how I will feel when my master comes back and sees the amazing dance of my beloved one”

Think about it." Zi Yi is full of anticipation

And the time "also passed while Xin'er was constantly rehearsing", Zi Yi was full of apprehension and anticipation.

Today's "talent show" is about to start

Today's "sunny, cloudless, and spring breeze" is really a pleasant weather for traveling

And today "on the most famous Taizi Lake in Shangjing" is a bit busier than before.

Because "Here Today" is about to have a long-awaited talent show.

On the open space above Taizi Lake, a high platform was built early, and below it, there were also rows of benches for the common people to watch.

Around Taizi Lake, there are also quite a few vendors who buy snacks, pack up snacks, etc., and take the opportunity to occupy their positions there early.

The loud yelling" came one after another.

Compared to the "Taizi Lake" which is full of people's voices, in a certain courtyard in Shangjing—

"Sister Ziyi" are you kidding me? ? I can't wear this "this dress"?

A gasping exclamation "rang early in the courtyard" came from Xin'er's mouth

At this moment, "Xin'er got up early" and "Zi Yi came to look for her" after freshening up, and "he still had a set of dresses in his hand" and asked her to change into them.

However, "When Xin'er picked up that bright red light gauze skirt and took a look at it", she almost wanted to die

I saw that "this bright red skirt" is embroidered very beautifully, whether it is a weaver or other convenience.

However, "what dissatisfied Xin'er the most" was that the chest part of the scarlet skirt was embroidered very low.

If she wears this dress, doesn't that mean it will be leaked

So "Xin'er picked up this big red skirt and looked at it" and immediately exclaimed "and then threw her back to Zi Yi's face" with an appearance that she would not even be able to wear it if she was killed

Regarding Xin'er's unbelievable and dissatisfied look on her face, Zi Yi found it both funny and helpless.

It’s been a long time in this line of business. “Such clothes” are nothing to Zi Yi.

But "she also knows" is quite different for other conservative people "such as Xin'er".

Even so," but "her outfit" was specially designed for this talent show.

If the core is not worn, how can it be

So" Ziyi kept persuading Xin'er with good words. Finally, "he didn't hesitate to turn his body again" and begged Xin'er bitterly.

Xin'er belongs to the kind of person with soft ears." I can't see others begging her so humbly.

So "even though I didn't want to" in the end" I obediently put on the red skirt.

When Xin'er changed her clothes and "looked at the infinity exposed on her chest", she was still extremely shy.

Daunting behind the screen "until Zi Yi repeatedly urged" and then slowly walked out from behind the screen with his head bowed.

What I heard" was Ziyi's unbelievable gasp.

"Oh my god? Xin'er" You are so beautiful?

Zi Yi was amazed "that pair of charming eyes with slender eyeliner" couldn't hide her amazement even more.

I saw the girl in front of me "wrapped in a bright red gauze skirt" and the exquisite embroidery "fitting clothes" showed the girl's slim curves vividly.

The girl was born to be stunning "at this moment", but seeing the girl's long black hair "not tied in any way", it is all loose and "long to the waist" behind her, making that small face "more delicate and delicate."

The eyebrows are like distant mountains "curved without drawing", a pair of black and bright eyes revealing coquettish anger "Gu Pan shines brightly.

Under the upturned nose, "a pair of small cherry lips" are pink and attractive

Following that peerless face "is that slender neck" and "sensual collarbone" and "below" is that snow-white round...

Although the breasts of girls are not so great that they are amazing.

But "it's because of her white complexion

That snow-white and flawless skin "like a newborn baby" can be broken by blows, and against the bright red dress, it is even more breathtakingly beautiful

Looking down along the roundness of the chest" is the slender waist that can't be grasped.

Zi Yi has never seen a woman's waist so soft, "as if it would break if it was slightly folded".

However, "it's this thin waist that can't be grasped" will often make her the most amazing "unbelievable and perfect arc...

Then look down along the slender waist, "it's the girl's pair of slender legs that are looming under the skirt...

Such a design" is what she came up with after drawing for a month.

This kind of clothes "not only deeply outlines the beautiful figure of a woman", but "it is not the kind of full exposure", but faintly visible", which makes people infinitely reverie...

At that time, "when Qing'er changed into this set of clothes that she carefully designed", she felt that she looked very good-looking.

However, "when the girl in front of me puts on this dress," Zi Yi is amazing.

It's as if "the suit in front of me" was born for the girl in front of me

beautiful? Is it too beautiful

She really is a natural born stunner

"She looks so stunning" at such a young age, although "she has never made any provocative actions", just a glance "can make people amazing" "Unforgettable forever

It's no wonder that my master is also tempted

Just when Ziyi was amazed in his heart, "Xin'er over there" never knew what Ziyi was thinking.

Because "she at this moment" feels uncomfortable all over.

After all, is it the first time she wears "so little fabric and such light clothes"

And "look at the big piece of snow-white skin on her chest", even if Ziyi is in front of her, she is so shy that she wants to die, not to mention "I will perform in front of so many people later."

Thinking of this," Xin'er became extremely timid.

He crossed his hands "protecting his chest" and said to Ziyi "begging."

"Sister Ziyi" Can I change into other clothes "This dress" is really...

Speaking of this" Xin'er didn't know how to go on.

He just bit his lower lip tightly, with a shy and bewildered look on his face.

However," she doesn't know how charming "the present self" is

That delicate little face "although no powder or daisy has been applied" is so beautiful and charming.

At this moment "the coquettish and shy look on her face" made her cheeks flush "just add color

Don't say it's a man who knows what's going on, "even seeing Ziyi who has seen countless people" is also very heart-wrenching.

Tsk tsk tsk" is she really a beauty

If she was born as a man, he would definitely be fascinated by her

Ziyi thought in her heart "but" her attitude towards Xin'er's request was so firm.

"Xin'er", the suit on your body" was designed by me as a surprise for this dance. "Dance and dance clothes" are indispensable? Since you have promised to help me, "I'll help you to the end." Sister Ziyi, please?

While Zi Yi said, "the face even made a pleading look", and those charming eyes "even issued a layer of mist" which made her look "delicate and pitiful.

See you, Xin'er" but panicked.

After all, "she is most afraid of other people being sad", especially the purple-clothed sister in front of her.