The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 32: wolf


Uh, Huo Yanluo is Huo Yanluo, his nature is really cloudy, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, I don't know if he has some schizophrenia.

Although Le Yaoyao was complaining in her heart, her eyes quickly fell on the bowl of egg noodle soup on the table again.

It smells so good, she really wants to eat it...

However, she certainly didn't believe that this bowl of noodle soup was specially cooked for her by this living Yan Luo. After all, would he be so kind?

While Le Yaoyao was slandering in her heart, she heard words that shocked her again.

"Eat it!"

It was still simple and shocking, cold and indifferent, but when Le Yaoyao heard it, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and her eyes burst into disbelief.


"Aren't you hungry!? Eat!"

Facing Le Yaoyao's constant blankness and disbelief, Leng Junyu couldn't help frowning slightly, and spoke again.

Hearing this, although Le Yaoyao had surprise and doubts on her face, the temptation of this bowl of egg noodle soup was too great, so she didn't think about anything else, after all, even if she was going to die, a full dead ghost is better than a starved dead ghost too much.

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao sat down on the stone bench all of a sudden, then picked up the chopsticks on the table, and began to eat noodles with big mouthfuls.

Le Yaoyao ate very quickly, almost gobbling it up, her appearance was really unflattering.

Especially the obvious 'Shu Shu Shu' sucking surface sound, especially clear in this quiet night.

Although, the way she ate noodles was very indecent, like a starved ghost reincarnated, which made Leng Junyu really surprised at the beginning.

After all, he was born with a golden key in his mouth since he was a child. As a prince, he has been taught various etiquette by his mother since he was a child.

Therefore, although Leng Junyu has a cold and ruthless temperament, his upbringing is excellent.

It was really the first time he saw a starving ghost reincarnated like Le Yaoyao, the corner of his mouth twitched.

However, Le Yaoyao, who was comforting her viscera, naturally would not pay attention to other people's eyes.

After all, she was starving to death, and what was more important than her eating now!

So, a bowl of egg noodle soup and a big stewed chicken leg were all wiped out by the starving ghost Le Yaoyao in a short time, except for the chicken bone, there was not even soup residue left.

Seeing Le Yaoyao after she was full, at the end, she still looked like a food marrow, sticking out the tip of her pink tongue and licking her oily lips, she looked like a cute kitten, With a bit of satisfaction and happiness, and a bit of laziness, it's extremely cute!

Seeing this, Leng Junyu couldn't help but flicker in his cold eyes, and then, with his red lips lightly raised, he said lightly.

"Are you full?"

"Well, I'm full."

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao nodded immediately and said. In the end, it seemed that what she said was true, and she even burped a lot.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao immediately covered her mouth with both hands, with some embarrassment in her eyes, she glanced lightly at the man beside her, only to see that the man had turned his back to her, as if he had never seen her just now Embarrassed, he relaxed a little.

"My lord, do you have any other orders?"

Cannibalism is soft, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Although, at the beginning, she was indeed very afraid of the man with his back to her in front of her, and now she is still afraid.