The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 344: [Yixuan Chapter] 105 Xin'er's Strangeness


However, Xin'er knew that if she encountered this kind of thing next time, she would still do the same. Shu Lu Nu Loop

After all, she can't just sit back and do nothing, can she!

Of course, she would not tell this man these words, lest he worry.

However, although Xin'er didn't say anything, Leng Yixuan knew what she was thinking from the look in her eyes.

There was only helplessness in my heart, but I also thought it would be like this.

After all, this little girl is so pure-hearted and kind-hearted, she just won't let her die.

Isn't that what he likes about her!

Leng Yixuan sighed helplessly in his heart, then saw the little blood on Xin'er's body, frowned, and then spoke.

"Now take a bath first, then eat!"


Hearing the man's words, Xin'er couldn't help but nodded, and planned to turn around and go back to sleep.

Who knew, before she could turn around and take a step, she was hugged by the man at the waist.

"Ah! Xuan, what are you doing!?"

Startled by this sudden move, Xin'er subconsciously wrapped her hands around the man's neck, then she glanced at him with her beautiful eyes, and said.

Hearing this, Leng Yixuan just picked out the good-looking handsome, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Take a shower! What else can you do!?"

"Uh, I went back to take a shower by myself, you let me down!"

"Hehe, don't let it go, because I remembered that I didn't take a bath either, so let's wash together!"

When Leng Yixuan said this, there was a bit of teasing and hint in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xin'er couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Because, having experienced that kind of thing a long time ago, Xin'er certainly understands the dark desire in the man's eyes.

Seeing this, Xin'er felt shy and embarrassed.

Seeing this, the man couldn't help hugging the woman, bowed his head and kissed her forehead fiercely, then raised his handsome face and laughed loudly.

Finally, when Xin'er and Leng Yixuan came out of the bathroom, it was already two hours later.

After being tired all day, Xin'er was as tired as a cow after coming back to be tortured severely by this wolf-like man.

However, the stomach is more hungry.

Therefore, Leng Yixuan quickly asked someone to serve dinner.

Because summer is here.

The lotus blooms by the lake, and the green lotus is fragrant.

And it's cool and cool there.

Therefore, Leng Yixuan ordered someone to deliver the dinner to the clear water pavilion so that they could have dinner together and enjoy the picturesque scenery together.

After taking a bath, Xin'er put on a light blue gauze and dropped off.

The style of this skirt was carefully crafted by Leng Yixuan, and it is unique in this world.

Not only this Luo skirt is unique, this time, Leng Yixuan specially asked the best silk and satin shop in the capital to tailor a lot of clothes for Xin'er.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, there are more than a dozen styles of skirts in each season, and the colors and designs of each style have their own advantages and disadvantages. 14965940

Of course, the price is also expensive.

However, Leng Yixuan never paid attention to these expenses at all.

After all, he has nothing but the most money.

Moreover, it is natural to want the best for the woman you love.

Because it is a carefully crafted skirt, no matter the material or handwork, it is the best, so when worn on Xin'er, it will vividly show Xin'er's slim and graceful figure.

Long hair is like a waterfall, flowing springs are pouring down, face is like an autumn moon, crescent eyebrows are indigo daisy, and Qiong nose and cherry lips are perfectly matched and exquisite.

Autumn water is divine and jade is the bone, and the most dazzling and beautiful thing is the pair of sparkling water eyes, looking forward and looking, the beauty is peerless, soul-stirring!

The man standing beside Xin'er and walking together was wrapped in a black python robe, looking handsome and outstanding.

Antique bronze, exquisite facial features, every arc seems to be carefully carved with beautiful jade, which is rare in the world.

His sword eyebrows are flying, his nose bridge is straight, his black eyes are wise, and his red lips are like water chestnuts.

From top to bottom, there is wisdom and arrogance that only a superior person can have!

It is not to be underestimated!

For such a handsome and beautiful couple, along the way, I don't know how many servants I envy.

And along the way, Leng Yixuan's big hand held Xin'er's small hand from the beginning to the end, regardless of other people's ambiguous and envious eyes.

After all, to Leng Yixuan, he is holding his beloved woman in his own house, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Only when Xin'er faced all kinds of envious and ambiguous eyes around her, her blush never diminished along the way.

But in my heart, it was sweet, as if filled with honey.

When the two of them held hands and arrived at the clear water pavilion, the pavilion was already filled with many exquisite dishes.

At this moment, the lights are just coming on, and inside the clear water pavilion, the fragrance of wine and vegetables wafts out the gluttons in Xin'er's stomach. 10nk8.

Knowing that Xin'er is not used to being waited on by others, so after Leng Yixuan and Xin'er entered the gazebo, Leng Yixuan stretched out his hand and waved.

The two servant girls who had been serving at the side immediately retreated to wait ten meters away from the gazebo.

"Come on, Xin'er, are you hungry!? Eat quickly!"


Hearing Leng Yixuan's words, Xin'er couldn't help but nodded, and immediately picked up the chopsticks, and with her beautiful eyes, she even scanned the dozen or so dishes on the table.

I saw that there were ten dishes and one soup on the stone table.

Because Leng Yixuan is not a wasteful person, although there are many dishes, the portion of each dish is not much.

On the top, there are garlic pork ribs, braised squab, spicy chicken, stewed bird's nest, abalone, etc...

Every dish is really delicious! When people saw it, they couldn't help but whet their appetites and move their index fingers!

In fact, Xin'er was really hungry just now, and she wished she could eat a cow.

But at this moment, when she picked up the chopsticks, she looked helpless.

Because these dishes are very delicious at first glance, but when she saw them, she didn't want to eat them.

"What's wrong!?"

Leng Yixuan, who had been paying attention to Xin'er, saw that Xin'er just picked up the chopsticks but didn't pick up the food for a long time, his face was immediately stained with worry, and he asked.

When Xin'er heard this, she just shook her head slightly.

While biting her chopsticks, Dai's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and her beautiful eyes kept scanning back and forth to the exquisite dishes on the table, but there was nothing she particularly wanted to eat.

Seeing this, Leng Yixuan froze for a moment on his handsome face, then asked as if thinking of something.

"These dishes are not to your liking!?"

Leng Yixuan asked tentatively.

Xin'er heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly.

In fact, she didn't want Xuan to think that she was picky.

In fact, she was really not picky eaters before.

Moreover, a good meal is a bad meal. In the past, when she took her brother with her, sometimes she had no money, not even money to buy a steamed stuffed bun!

Therefore, Xiner eats whatever is available.

However, now I don't know what happened.

Is it the reason why she is living a good life now!

Why did she have no appetite when she saw these exquisite dishes!

Moreover, I especially want to eat sour things.

Thinking of this, Xin'er was also puzzled.

Leng Yixuan at the side saw Xin'er nodding.

Although he was a little surprised, he still spoke immediately.

"Fool, just tell me if the food doesn't suit your appetite, I won't let you eat it. Tell me, what do you want to eat now!?"

Hearing Leng Yixuan's words, Xin'er thought for a while and then spoke.

"I really want to eat hot and sour noodles now."

"Hot and sour powder!? That's it!?"

Hearing Xin'er's words, Leng Yixuan couldn't help raising a pretty eyebrow.

After all, there are countless delicacies on the table, but she wants to eat hot and sour noodles...

This is really strange.

However, Leng Yixuan didn't think much about it, but immediately ordered his servants to get Xin'er a bowl of hot and sour noodles.

Xin'er at the side listened to Leng Yixuan telling his servants to make hot and sour noodles for her, and immediately added a sentence at the end.

"Remember to make the kitchen more hot and sour."


The servants took the order to go, and soon, they came with a bowl of steaming hot and sour noodles.

When it was placed in front of Xin'er again, Xin'er's eyes lit up.

I just feel that the halazi in my mouth is flowing out.

Seeing Xin'er's greedy appearance, Leng Yixuan couldn't help but smile, and then asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you not like hot and sour food before? Why do you want to eat it again now!?"

"I don't know, I just want to eat today."

As for Leng Yixuan's doubts, Xin'er is also puzzled.

It's just that Xin'er doesn't think too much about this issue at the moment.

Because, when she saw the hot and sour powder in front of her, looked at the red pepper in the bowl, and smelled the sauerkraut, her saliva almost flowed out.

Seeing this, Leng Yixuan didn't ask any more questions, but just smiled.

"Eat quickly, little greedy cat!"

While speaking, his tone was full of deep pampering.

Hearing this, Xin'er couldn't help sticking out her pink tongue in shyness and embarrassment, and didn't show courtesy to Leng Yixuan, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

A large bowl of hot and sour noodles ended up in Xin'er's stomach.

Leng Yixuan, who was watching from the side, was even more surprised.

After all, he knows that Xin'er doesn't eat much, and he doesn't usually eat much.

So, now that Xin'er actually ate all the hot and sour noodles in this big bowl, he was very surprised.

However, seeing that Xin'er ate so much, Leng Yixuan was only a little startled for a moment, and then he spoke.

"Well, if you eat a lot, you will have better fertility in the future!"

"Well… "

Hearing Leng Yixuan's words, Xin'er couldn't stop laughing.

However, this meal, she ate a bit too much.

However, Xin'er thought that it was because on this day, she had been shopping all day, and then she was tossed by Xuan when she came back, which consumed a lot of energy.

So, I didn't think much about anything else.

However, she didn't know that all the same things about her today were all because, in her stomach, there was already a crystallization of love between her and Xuan...

The night is late, the lights are on, the stars and the moon are charming, and the night is intoxicating!

It's time to feel full, warm and lustful again...