The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 40: Looked all over (fine)


A long hair that was wet like a ribbon of water, the moment the water splashed out, it raised a perfect and beautiful arc behind her, accompanied by splashes of water.

That handsome face covered with drops of water, the facial features are exquisite and deep as if carved by the gods, the slanting sword eyebrows, the narrow and dark eyes narrowed slightly, the luster shining in the eyes, shining brightly, like the most beautiful girl in the sky Like a star, isn't it beautiful

Under the straight bridge of the nose, a pair of slightly thinner lips are slightly pursed, against the bronze complexion, the aloof and glamorous temperament, no matter how you look at it, how beautiful it is in the world

And following that handsome face, which is full of anger between man and god, is a perfect body that even the Greek gods would be jealous of.

Broad shoulders and narrow waist, full muscles, beautiful shape, eight-pack abs on the chest, clear lines, following his belly without any fat...

Damn, she saw it, saw it, saw it...

When her gaze fell on the man's firm belly, the cock that represented the male surname, Le Yaoyao felt her whole body froze like a thunderbolt on the ground.

Then, the blood in the whole body rushed up to the top of the head at an extremely fast speed.

Her cheeks were even hotter, even if Le Yaoyao didn't look in the mirror, she knew that she must be blushing right now.

God, how embarrassing

After all, she has lived for eighteen years, and she has never even touched a boy's little hand. Of course, when she was in the dormitory, she would gossip with those buddies about the name of the boy, but it was all in her head. She has never seen this realistic version...

But now, looking at the huge xx in front of her eyes, Le Yaoyao is rippling...

It turns out that a man's jj looks like this, uh, so ugly...

(Xiao Zui: Cough cough, hey, what is swollen and ugly??)

Just when Le Yaoyao was excited, Leng Junyu on the opposite side obviously saw Le Yaoyao.

When looking at the little eunuch standing on the shore, Leng Junyujun froze for a moment, and then his face returned to calm.

Just naked, slowly swam to the shore, then folded his hands and lay down on the shore.

"Why don't you come and serve the king?"

The hoarse voice sounded, Le Yaoyao, who was shocked by the beauty on her back, slowly came back to her senses, when she looked at the man lying lazily lying on the shore, there was some doubt in her eyes.


He was lying on the shore, why did he ask her to serve him?

Perhaps aware of Le Yaoyao's doubts, Leng Junyu looked at Le Yaoyao, as if looking at an idiot, and said helplessly.

"Wipe your back."

The cold tone, in a nutshell

"Back rub?? Oh, ok..."

After being slightly stunned for a moment, Le Yaoyao immediately came back to her senses, and hurriedly nodded her head and replied.

Although she is a pure child who has never been touched by a boy, it doesn't mean she doesn't have a rippling heart.

However, it's not her fault. Anyone who sees such a handsome man, with a figure that surpasses the perfect figure of a Greek god, even the Virgin Mary will be in a state of shock.

Not to mention, she looks pure, but actually has a heart that is not pure...

So, this time, Le Yaoyao walked over with her ass twitching.

Although the living Yama is still the living Yama, the living Yama without clothes is completely different from the living Yama wearing clothes.

Putting on his clothes, he felt a frightening sense of oppression all over his body, like a moving iceberg, with just one look, it could make people feel as cold as if they were in the North Pole.

But the living Yan Luo at this moment has no clothes to cover his body, revealing his extremely sensitive figure.

Inside the hot spring, the water is sparkling and the cooking smoke is curling up, making the surrounding scenery as beautiful as a dream.

And Huo Yanluo was lazily lying on the shore, revealing his wet and sexy upper body and that handsome face like a knife. No matter how you look at it, how perfect is it

I don't know, what does such a perfect man look like to the touch?

Will it be as perfect as his person?

Just when Le Yaoyao was thinking about it, she quickly took the towel that was placed aside, but when holding the towel in her hand, Le Yaoyao's hands trembled involuntarily.

This time, when she faced the living Yan Luo, she was not afraid for the first time, but she was nervous...

Looking at the man who was sleeping with his eyes closed, he was lazily lying on the shore, his long wet hair was still rolling with crystal clear water droplets, and under the illumination of the night pearl, it was exuding a soft luster.

And the drops of water on his skin, like beautiful diamonds, flowing on his body, sparkling...

Looking at the man in front of her, Le Yaoyao only thought of one word, and that was—

Beautiful and delicious

Swallowing the hala that almost didn't flow out, Le Yaoyao slowly poked the towel towards the man's thick and strong back with trembling little hands.

When she touched that firm and elastic back, Le Yaoyao became even more excited


Well, such elastic muscles...

oh oh oh oh oh...

Good, smooth skin...

Soft and delicate like silk.

Damn it, how can a man's skin be so ridiculously smooth, how can it make other women feel so embarrassed?

Le Yaoyao shouted in her heart, she was even more amazed at the silky touch of her hands.

After all, she really never thought that this seemingly indifferent and ruthless Yan Luo actually has silky and incredible skin

Thinking in her heart, Le Yaoyao didn't realize that the gaze she was looking at Leng Junyu at the moment was so hot, that gaze that was eating fruit was like a tigress that was crying, just wanting to The stunner in front of me was skinned and boned...

However, just because she didn't notice it, doesn't mean others didn't notice it.

The cold eyes that were originally closed slightly lifted slightly, and looked at the little eunuch who was squatting on the shore, wiping his back with a towel in one hand, and looking at him undisguisedly with fruity eyes, let Leng Junyu's beautiful cold eyes could not help flickering slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed across them.

After all, if he is not mistaken, the little eunuch in front of him is looking at him with hungry eyes, as if, as if he is the meat on the cutting board, making 'him' salivate...

It was the first time in his life that someone looked at him with such eyes, which made Leng Junyu a little stunned and awkward, but it was incredible that he didn't feel disgusted at all

You know, there is no woman around him, and he also avoids women, but he knows that he is still a normal man, and he has no feelings for other men.

But, why, why did he have some strange feelings for this man in front of him, er, the little eunuch who didn't seem to be a man, but only half a man?

Regarding this point, Leng Junyu was very puzzled and puzzled.

However, even if he is as smart as him, it would be very easy to think clearly if he changed other things, but for this matter, he racked his brains and couldn't think of any thoughts...

Just when Leng Junyu was wondering, suddenly, his whole body was shaken violently like an electric shock, and then, a tingling electric current quickly penetrated his whole body from his back.

For such a numb touch, Leng Junyu suddenly opened his cold eyes, and looked behind him.

I saw, on his broad and bronze-colored back, a soft little hand lingered unscrupulously in it, with an inextricable posture.

Moreover, only now did Leng Junyu realize that the little eunuch beside him was not only petite and exquisite, but even his little hands were soft and boneless, like a woman's hands, small, extremely slender, and very smooth.

The place where her little hand caressed was like a feather with electricity gliding gently, carrying a trace of numbing electricity, which almost made all the bones in his body numb.

Moreover, in his heart, it was more like jumping into a kitten, constantly scratching the itch...

The most terrible thing is that he also felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling at this moment, and finally, all the heat rushed towards the point below him at an extremely fast speed...

Although his lower body was in the hot spring, Leng Junyu also noticed that the national flag must be flying under him...

Although, a man, especially at his age, is at the time when he is full of blood and must have physical needs, these are very normal.

It's just that, now, he's thinking about a little eunuch who is only half a man. What, what is this?

Regarding this point, Leng Junyu was both annoyed and puzzled.

Could it be that because he didn't have a woman by his side, he had thoughts that he shouldn't have towards a young eunuch with a stunning appearance?

Or, should he listen to Brother Huang's opinion, is it time to find a woman and come back?

However, thinking of those vulgar fans, for some reason, made him feel sick.

Because what he hates the most is the smell of rouge, which is very pungent, unlike the little eunuch in front of him, with a white and tender face, clean skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, and there is no perfume on him, but , faintly, there seems to be a faint smell, like the fragrance of roses, and like the innate body fragrance...

The more he thought about it, even Leng Junyu himself didn't know that the way he looked at Le Yaoyao gradually became more of something called lust...

If the lazy appearance just now was like a beast that just fell asleep with a lazy face, then at this moment, he is like a very hungry beast, with a pair of scorching cold eyes, spitting out longing He was waiting for an opportunity, and threw down the little white rabbit in front of him, then peeled the skin and gutted it to the bone, leaving nothing...

And this little white rabbit didn't know what kind of danger it was in, it was staring closely at the smooth skin under its hands with its beautiful eyes that were eating fruit, and it almost blew out.

It wasn't until a deep and hoarse voice suddenly sounded from her ears that Le Yaoyao suddenly recovered from her beauty—

"Have you touched enough?"

Sensual voice, a little hoarse, as if he was holding back something, but even so, is it damn charming and nice

However, after hearing the man's words, Le Yaoyao had a pretty face, and the little hand that was caressing the man's back quickly pulled away like an electric shock.

The beautiful eyes that looked at the man were shining, and when looking forward, the eyes were full of light, with a hint of timidity, like a child who had done something wrong and was discovered by an adult, with a bit of hesitation and apprehension.

However, a certain person didn't know that he was so alluring when he fell into the eyes of a certain man with a timid appearance

Busily stuttering with a trembling voice, he murmured timidly.

"Uh, this, my lord, slave, slave..."

Le Yaoyao was racking her brains to explain something, but after much deliberation, she didn't know what to say.

After all, when someone told her to wipe her back, she actually 'molested' him, and now she is still an 'eunuch'

I don't know what people think when they see her, and if they think she is a little perverted and has bad habits.

After all, I heard Xiao Muzi say it last time, because some eunuchs gradually fell in love with some men after cutting off their lifeblood.

And such a person, in the eyes of others, is perverted and despised

I don't know, if Jing Yanglie saw her obsessive appearance just now, would she also be classified as that kind of pervert?

Le Yaoyao was tangled in her heart, a little annoyed.

But she didn't know that her thoughts at this moment were being unabashedly expressed on her delicate little face.

Looking at the little eunuch in front of him biting his red lips in frustration for a moment, and frowning his brows into a tangle in confusion for a while, his appearance was vivid and cute.

Seeing it, he couldn't help but soften his heart, but suddenly he had the idea of playing tricks on this little eunuch.

Thinking of this, Leng Junyu suddenly jumped ashore from the hot spring.

Because of his large-scale actions, huge ripples were set off in the originally sparkling hot spring, followed by water splashes and warm smoke curling up...

Le Yaoyao, who was entangled and annoyed at first, had no idea that Leng Junyu would suddenly jump onto the shore, her body trembled in fright, her feet went limp, and she fell limply to the ground.

Those big beautiful eyes stared at the handsome man in front of him without blinking, and what's more, the man's unabashed behavior made his mouth open, his face full of astonishment. .

Because, Huo Yanluo was actually right in front of her, so he jumped onto the shore shamelessly, and, besides, he was eating fruit...

The huge bird was unabashedly swinging in front of her eyes...

Looking at it, Le Yaoyao felt dry mouth and tongue for a while, and a puff of hot air surged up to the top of her head, only a few wisps of blue smoke came out of her head...

God, he, he, he, he, he... What the hell is he going to do?

Doesn't he feel ashamed at all?

To be so exposed in front of a 'eunuch'? Could it be that he doesn't even know that people will be impulsive when they see each other?

Compared to Le Yaoyao's agitated mood, Leng Junyu's expression was very calm. He didn't know whether it was because he was very proud of his figure or something. He didn't plan to use anything to cover his bird, after all, both It's 'man' isn't it?

Although the little eunuch in front of him is only half a man, at least he was once a man. Therefore, Leng Junyu didn't feel anything at all, but looking at the red face of the little eunuch in front of him, which looked like a freshly cooked shrimp, made him feel funny, and, interesting

Also raised the idea of playing tricks on 'him'? SXKT.

So, after Leng Junyu jumped up from the hot spring, he fell down on the ground condescendingly, looking up at the little eunuch who was full of shock and astonishment, his red lips parted slightly, his voice was a little hoarse, lazy.

"Help me rub my calf?"

After saying that, the man was already lying on the ground with his hands behind his head and his eyes lightly closed. He looked like a lazy beast with a relaxed expression on his face.

That end was wet with water drops, beautiful like a waterfall, some were tightly attached to the side of his face, behind him, some were hanging down in the hot spring, rippling in the water...

Such a scene where the beautiful man closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, was so beautiful and picturesque, it was amazing

However, if one ignores the fact that he eats Guoguodi between his legs xx...

It seems that the man is really very proud of his figure. After all, at this moment, he is lying on the ground like this, with a casual posture, but he is full of seductiveness everywhere.

And the thing between his legs doesn't need to be covered by anything, just like this, eating Guoguodi is exposed in front of Le Yaoyao's eyes.

The distance is so close that Le Yaoyao can almost count the curly hair on it...

"Well… "

As a pure girl, Le Yaoyao must cover her with both hands immediately when encountering such a situation.

After all, my father taught me before that seeing a man's butt will cause needles to drip

What's more, now she can see not only the buttocks, but also the whole body.

God, she must have a needle eye

Le Yaoyao howled in her heart, but what she can do now is not to cover up.

After all, she is a 'eunuch' now

Therefore, no matter how embarrassed and shy she is, she must overcome the obstacles in her heart and do what a 'eunuch' should do.

That is, serve your master well

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao looked at the man's eyes with twinkling, and the original stunned look was replaced by scorching heat.

I don't know if she is more shy now, or more nervous, looking up or looking forward to... Eyes?? Angry? Xiao Zui: Aww... (The cheating father was shot away...))

In short, in the end, Le Yaoyao got up from the ground, stretched out her trembling hands, and used all her concentration to ignore the man's legs, but shifted to the man's calves.

I saw the man's legs, which were very slender and straight, as if they were faintly carrying infinite strength.

The bronzed healthy complexion, and the curly hair on the legs...

A beautiful man is a beautiful man, even a pair of legs are so sexy...

Just when Le Yaoyao was sighing in her heart, her hands were already on the man's calf.

Although, their family used to be an upstart and very rich. However, her dad likes to let her massage him.

She also knew that it was his father who wanted to promote the relationship between the two fathers and daughters. So when he has nothing to do, he will take the initiative to give his father a massage.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and her massage skills are also developed in this way? Every time, her father would be full of praise for her massage skills, bluntly speaking, even the master foot massagers outside are not as good as hers.

Therefore, Le Yaoyao is also very confident in her massage technician.

So, she kept pressing and pressing, and from time to time, she would secretly pay attention to the expression on Huo Yan Luo's face to see if her strength was right for him.

Obviously, Huo Yanluo feels pretty good.

Because, Le Yaoyao noticed that Huo Yan Luo's face, which was originally as cold as ice for thousands of years, gradually became warmer.

Even the frown that was usually frowned from time to time was completely relaxed at this moment.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao was actually very happy in her heart.

After all, she is now the little eunuch next to Huo Yan Luo, and she has to serve him for a month. That meant that her little head was always hanging in the air. If one day Yan Luo was not happy with this job, her life would be lost.

However, if she does well and the living Yan Luo who serves her is comfortable, even if she does something wrong in the future, the living Yan Luo will kill her a lot. Is that the best

Le Yaoyao's wishful thinking in her heart jingled, and the strength of her hands was extremely serious. After all, for her own life, she put all her efforts into helping him massage.

Even if it was her father before, she had never massaged so seriously before

However, just when Le Yaoyao was trying her best to please Hu Yan Luo, she never noticed that Hu Yan Luo, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and meditating, narrowed his narrow cold eyes slightly. Quietly looking at the little man squatting at his feet.

I don't know if it's the water vapor or what.

I saw that the little eunuch who was squatting at his feet, his originally fair and pink cheeks were gradually stained with a layer of blush.

Makes her look like a freshly ripe peach, extraordinarily attractive

The dark blue eunuch's uniform was still a little loose on 'him'. I don't know if the little eunuch next to him is too petite or something, but the man's handsome eyebrows could not help but frown slightly.

I just thought, the little eunuch in front of me is really too petite, I need to mend it...

Otherwise, when others see him in the future, they will think that he has the tendency to abuse servants.

Thinking of this, Leng Junyu didn't even realize that he seemed to care too much about a little eunuch...

It's something he's never had before...

Now he just feels very comfortable, really... very comfortable

Feeling the soft and moderate strength of the calf, Leng Junyu was so comfortable that he almost cried out in amazement, and he was also a little surprised at the little eunuch beside him.

After all, those small hands were obviously so petite, as if they would shatter immediately if they were squeezed hard, but the strength seemed to be born for him.

Not only that, what surprised Leng Junyu the most was those soft little hands. Is it really what a slave should have?

Although he was born with rich clothes and fine food, but he is not a person who only wants to enjoy himself.

It was as if he was taken away by his master, and then he lived with him in Tianshan Mountain. At that time, he did all the laundry and cooking, mending clothes and carrying water, etc. by himself. Therefore, his originally delicate palms gradually became callused in those rough jobs.

Later, with the practice of martial arts, wielding a sword and so on, his palms felt rough even when rubbing against his own skin.

But is this all normal

However, why is the palm of the little eunuch next to him so soft? Isn't he a child of a poor family? ? Arguably, this doesn't fit the bill at all...

Leng Junyu is a delicate person, although, while enjoying Le Yaoyao's massage, he did not forget to grasp this point and think carefully.

Perhaps it was because his gaze became more and more probing, even Le Yaoyao, who had been focusing on his calf just now, was aware of it.

When she noticed Huo Yan Luo's inquisitive cold eyes, as if she had discovered something, Le Yaoyao's heart skipped a few beats in vain.

I was a little panicked in my heart, and even the strength in my hands couldn't help but get a little heavier.


Why did Huo Yan Luo look at her with such eyes?

Could it be that he noticed something coming?

However, she didn't seem to show any signs?

Or, does he have clairvoyant eyes, able to see through her identity as a woman?

If this is the case, as Xiao Muzi said, it can be seen how much Yan Luo hates women. If Huo Yan Luo finds out that she is a woman, will he think that she is a nympho or has some purpose to approach him?

At that time, what if he gets angry?

You know, if Yan Luo gets angry, the consequences will be very serious

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao was terrified, and she didn't realize that she was helping Huo Yan Luo to massage, but in the end, she tightly grabbed Huo Yan Luo's calf...

Although Huo Yan Luo only thought it was a kitten itching for the strength in Le Yaoyao's hands, Huo Yan Luo was keenly aware of the panic that flashed across Le Yaoyao's eyes, as if 'he' was afraid of something of…

Moreover, he also had regrets in his heart, so Huo Yan Luo didn't hide it, but looked at Le Yaoyao and asked directly.

"Are the hands of children from poor families as smooth as yours?"

"Well… "

Hearing Leng Junyu's words, Le Yaoyao's pretty face froze for a moment, and then, as if thinking of something, her eyes flickered.

Could it be that Huo Yanluo's probing gaze just now was because he felt that her hands were too slippery?

His powers of observation are too strong

However, I don't blame him, Le Yaoyao has already noticed this.

Although Xiao Muzi said that she was sold to be a eunuch because of her poor family in the past. However, if it is the hands of a child from a poor family, it will definitely be very rough.

Didn’t there used to be a saying like this, the children of the poor are the head of the family early

Because the family is poor, I must have done all kinds of rough work since I was a child, and those little hands must also be covered with calluses.

Look at her body instead.

Not only is the skin on her body fair and delicate, like the finest silk, it is also flawless and elastic.

Those small hands were also tender and tender, and even she herself liked it very much.

However, because of her pair of delicate and fair little hands, Huo Yanluo had the desire to explore, which was totally wrong.

What if she didn't answer well later, causing Huo Yanluo to become suspicious and ask someone to find the family members of this body?

Although, she also wanted to know what the identity of this body was. However, if Yan Luo follow the clues and find out the identity of her daughter's family...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao felt uneasy. It's just that Le Yaoyao is not an idiot, although it was only for a moment, she figured out the fatality in her heart, so her eyes flickered, and a thin layer of water mist rushed into her eyes at an extremely fast speed, and then His nose twitched, as if he was suppressing something sad.

Although Le Yaoyao didn't have a mirror in front of her eyes, she wasn't worried at all that her acting was fake. After all, she was the leading role in some performing arts activities held in school before? That acting skill is well practiced.

Sometimes, if she did something wrong at home, her father would soften her heart when she resorted to this trick.

Just like at this moment, although Huo Yanluo's face seemed calm, the probing elements in his eyes were clearly reduced a lot.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao couldn't help raising a V-shape in her heart, but her face looked like she was about to cry, and after a while, her nose was all red from her pumping.

Le Yaoyao was brewing for a while, and then seeing that the time was almost up, she held a pair of beautiful watery eyes, and pulled Yan Luo's handsome face timidly, and then quickly closed her eyes, her tone became more Be cautious.

"Although the slave's family is very poor, the slave's parents have loved the slave very much since he was a child, and he did not need the slave to do any rough work. In addition, the slave's physique was poor since he was a child, and he used drugs to hang his life. For the sake of the slave's body, the slave Parents have spent a lot of money. Although the servant's health has improved a bit in the past two years, but seeing that his family is getting worse, there are still a few younger siblings to support, and his parents are getting older... "

At the end, Le Yaoyao deliberately paused, her nose twitched again, a tear fell from her eye socket, and finally fell into Jing Yanglie's big palm with a 'pop'...

Although Le Yaoyao's tears were very light, but for some reason, Leng Junyu felt that they weighed a thousand catties.

Because, this drop of tears carries someone's sorrow, pain and sadness...

Therefore, Leng Junyu felt that the small tear in his hand was so hot, as if a cluster of small flames were burning on it, scalding his hand...

Moreover, I have to say, in fact, he was envious of the little eunuch in front of him.

Although 'his' family background is not good, 'he' will always be a treasure in the eyes of his parents, and he is their most beloved son, so what about him?

Although he was born with a golden key in his mouth, since he was a child, he has been well-clothed and well-fed, and has everything he needs. However, he didn't feel happy at all.

Moreover, in the royal family, family affection is the cheapest. Just like his mother-in-law...

Thinking of his unbearable childhood, Leng Junyu couldn't help frowning his brows, and then he closed his cold eyes tightly, completely covering up the painful look in his eyes.

Because, he never wanted others to see his Shang...

It was the darkest memory buried in his heart...

Look at yourself more. At that time, at a young age, how much he longed for the love of his mother and concubine, but at that time, the concubine mother...

Thinking of that unbearable past, the man couldn't help but clenched his hands together, as if he was suppressing something.

However, it was only for a moment, and he let go of his hands again, and his face was still calm, making it impossible to guess what was going on in his heart.

I only heard that when he closed his eyes tightly, he spoke in a hoarse voice.



Le Yaoyao, who was sniffing her nose and pretending to be pitiful, was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then, when her eyes fell on the man's face, she was delighted to see that the man had already retracted her gaze and looked at her.

Because, she knew, she had already escaped.

What did she say? With her excellent acting skills, how could anyone not be recruited?

You know, she had thought about going to the entertainment industry before, but it's a pity that she didn't see her dream, so she came here...

Le Yaoyao sighed in her heart, but her hands were not idle. When she looked down at herself pinching the fleshy flesh of Yan Luo's calf at some point, she was so frightened that her hands immediately loosened.

Damn it, when did she actually strangle Huo Yan Luo's calf?

Shocked in her heart, she raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Yan Luo who was still resting with her eyes closed. After seeing that there was no trace of anger on his face, Le Yaoyao slowly let go of her fears, and then followed her again. Hard work of serving.

In this way, she kept massaging Huo Yanluo's calf, and her hands were barely cramped, but Huo Yanluo still didn't want her to stop.

Because the boss didn't speak, she, a hard worker, could only continue to work hard.

However, she looked at Huo Yanluo from time to time, not to mention how sad...

Ah hello, you guy who only knows how to enjoy, don't you know that she is a human and not a robot, if you press it like this, can she still have her hand in the future?

Le Yaoyao was helping Huo Yanluo with a massage, but looking at Huo Yanluo was even more sad.

Of course, at this moment, she could only keep slandering in her heart, but she didn't dare to hum a word in her mouth.

However, maybe her eyes were too sad, or God finally heard her pleading for help. She closed her eyes tightly, like a living hell who had fallen asleep, and finally trembled slightly with the disc fan, and then slowly opened them. A pair of beautiful cold eyes.

This pair of cold eyes, at this moment, faded from the coldness of the past, with a bit of sleepiness, as if he had fallen asleep just now, so the gaze looking at Le Yaoyao was even more blurred.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao felt her heart beating faster, her whole body seemed to be hit by an electric shock, a tingling electric current quickly penetrated through all limbs...

God? Huo Yan Luo's eyes are really too lethal, too, too, too emotional...

She can guarantee that if there is any battle or the like here in the future, as long as he stands there and glances at him with his sensitive eyes, he will surely fascinate a large number of men and women...

When Le Yaoyao was sighing in her heart, she saw Huo Yan Luo's perfectly lined thin lips squirmed slightly, and spoke—