The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 51: Step into Yafeng Pavilion again


Following the memory of last night, Le Yaoyao soon came to the gate of Yafeng Pavilion.

At this moment, it is early morning. The sun was slowly rising from the east, and the sun passed through the thick clouds, casting a layer of warm golden light on the entire land.

It's April at the moment, the weather is neither hot nor cold, the morning wind blows slowly, with a cool smell, very pleasant.

Although it was early in the morning, the palace was gradually becoming lively.

I saw a lot of palace people shuttling around, all of them behaved with restraint.

Around the palace, there are many guards in iron armor patrolling, which is enough to see that the palace is heavily guarded, and it is really difficult to escape here.

The more she thought about it, the more helpless and heavy Le Yaoyao felt in her heart, and when her feet stopped in front of the Yafeng Pavilion door, they felt as heavy as mercury, and she couldn't take a step.

In the end, he glanced at the end of his eyes carefully, and looked at Manager Li who was coming from not far away. It seemed that Manager Li was also worried about coming over to have a look.

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao took a few deep breaths, then put on a valiant and high-spirited look, and walked towards Yafeng Pavilion.

Inside the Yafeng Pavilion, it is exactly the same as the one she came here yesterday, even the bluestone floor in the front yard has been cleaned long ago, without the slightest trace of the fierce fighting last night.

When Le Yaoyao came to the door of the exquisite room, she saw that the carved door was only ajar, as long as she pushed lightly, she could open it.

However, Le Yaoyao felt a little apprehensive when she thought that as soon as she opened the carved wooden door, she would have to face that uncertain man again.

In the end, should she push it away?

Or, turn around and run away now!

Hey, it's really hard to choose...

After hesitating for a long time, Le Yaoyao still accepted her fate, gritted her silver teeth, and pushed gently with both hands.

With the sound of 'babbling' and the sound of the wooden door rubbing against the ground, she had already pushed the carved wooden door open.

Full of energy, Le Yaoyao clenched her hands together, and stepped into the room like a strong man charging to kill the enemy.

When entering the room, a pleasant smell of sandalwood came to the nostrils quickly.

Le Yaoyao sniffed lightly, her eyes couldn't help flickering.

After all, this fragrance is not unfamiliar at all, she has smelled it on someone before.

With a sweep of her beautiful eyes, after Le Yaoyao entered the room, soon, her gaze fell in a certain direction, and she paused immediately.

I saw that the carved window was wide open, and from the opened carved window, one could see the big pond outside.

The morning sun, so bright, sprinkled on the pond, causing layers of golden light to shine on the pond.

The gentle breeze wrinkled the spring water in a pool.

That picture is beautiful!

However, all the beautiful scenery, as long as there is that man, will all become the background!

I saw golden sunlight pouring in softly from the half-opened carved window, and shining obliquely on the man's body.

The white clothes were like snow, and the long hair was like a waterfall. The gentle breeze blew the man's sleeves flying, and a few strands of slender black silk raised a graceful arc behind him.

The man stood there quietly like this, but his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a ball of golden light. Even so, it was still shockingly beautiful!

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao felt as if her whole body was being electrocuted, and her heartbeat seemed to miss a few beats.

Those bright and beautiful eyes, since falling on the man, can no longer be removed.

As if aware of the gaze of the people behind him, the man who had his back to Le Yaoyao couldn't help but look slightly sideways.