The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 67: Catch the big bird that lives Yama


Being stared at by Le Yaoyao with an unbelievable and shocked expression made Leng Junyu feel a little awkward.

In fact, he didn't know why he did this just now.

Seeing Xiao Muzi walking towards this side with a bowl of dark medicine, he actually asked someone to fetch a piece of honey for the first time, and was afraid that the little eunuch inside couldn't bear the pain of taking medicine...

Sure enough, what he thought was right, this little eunuch really couldn't take the bitter medicine, seeing the look of 'him' drinking the poison made him want to laugh, and, fortunately, he was prepared for it.

No, after the little eunuch finished eating honey, his bitter little face stretched out. It's just that at this moment 'he' looked at him with disbelief and shock in his eyes, which made him feel embarrassed and awkward.

After all, he, who is used to being indifferent in front of outsiders, has never, never done such a careful thing.

In the eyes of the world, he is a more frightening person than King Yama.

They feared him, respected him, and followed him, all of them terrified.

It seems that he is a scourge...

Moreover, looking at his eyes, don't be too vigilant.

But now, the little eunuch below, 'his' eyes are really beautiful, very clean, very bright.

It's like a spring water that is clean and crystal clear, so transparent and pure.

'He' is like the only clean spring in this ugly world, a pure land, never polluted by any filth...

It makes people look good and like and...envy...

After all, being born in the imperial family, others say that it is a blessing that has been cultivated in a few lifetimes, but whether it is a blessing or not, only those who were born in it know.

In fact, many times, he actually envied these ordinary people...

Just when Leng Junyu was sighing in his heart, suddenly, he saw Le Yaoyao who was lying on the bed, lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed.

Seeing this, Leng Junyu couldn't help frowning and asked in doubt.

"what you up to?"

"Uh, well, I thank you, my lord, for saving my life. Now that my fever is gone, I should go back to my room to rest."

Le Yaoyao lowered her head and narrowed her eyes and said.

After all, although she has not been in this palace for a long time, she also knows many things about this palace.

Wang's mansion is quiet, especially his own Yafeng Pavilion, except for those secret guards who are particularly valued by the prince, no one is allowed to live in it.

Even if the Yafeng Pavilion is cleaned on weekdays, everyone waits until the prince is not in the palace to clean it.

Now, her fever is gone, so naturally she won't stay here, it's better to speak up on her own initiative than to let others speak.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Le Yaoyao's words, Leng Junyu said with a flat face.

"In the future, you will live here?"

Leng Junyu's voice was low and slow, but his words sounded like thunder to Le Yaoyao's ears.


After hearing Huo Yan Luo's words, Le Yaoyao thought she had heard it wrong.

A delicate little face was full of astonishment and bewilderment.

Tou Jun lived for. After all, she seemed to have heard Huo Yanluo say just now that she should stay and live here.

But is this possible?

Huo Yanluo never let people live here before...

Le Yaoyao was puzzled in her heart, Huo Yan Luo seemed to sense the uncertainty in her heart, his handsome face was embarrassed, and then he coughed lightly, and said.

"You heard me right. Will you move here in the future?"

Thinking of the simple room Le Yaoyao lived in before made him very uncomfortable.

He didn't know why, but he didn't like 'he' living in such a poor place.

Perhaps, the pure aura emanating from 'him' made him feel distressed for 'him'?



Is he crazy?

To actually feel distressed for a little eunuch?

Leng Junyu himself felt unbelievable about the sudden strangeness in his heart.

However, his cold eyes swept away, and then he looked down at the petite and exquisite little guy in front of him.

Actually, this little eunuch is really cute and juicy

No longer entangled in the strangeness in his heart, and without waiting for Le Yaoyao to say anything, Leng Junyu has already walked out of the room and returned to his own room.

Looking at the closed carved wooden door, Le Yaoyao hadn't recovered from Leng Junyu's words just now.


She will live here from now on?

Although, this place is far from the small room I live in, and the clothes I use are much more advanced. However, the thought of Huo Yanluo living next to her, only separated by a carved wooden door, made Le Yaoyao feel very complicated.

Is this luck or... tragedy?

No matter what Le Yaoyao thinks in her heart, her living in Yafeng Pavilion has become a fact.

When Li manager learned about this the next day, the old man was still stunned, and then he said to Le Yaoyao with a serious attitude.

"From now on, you have to serve the prince well, you know?"

Le Yaoyao naturally agreed to Manager Li's words, but she was very depressed in her heart.

Although living in the Yafeng Pavilion, the living conditions are relatively good, but in the past, she served the prince only during breakfast time and after bathing with the prince, but now, living next door to the prince, if the prince calls , she has to be there at any time, is this really damn depressing

Because of Le Yaoyao's fever and illness last night, it was rare for Huo Yan Luo not to take care of her. After Le Yaoyao slept until she woke up naturally, it was already noon.

After listening to Manager Li's earnest teaching, Le Yaoyao went to the dining hall to eat.

Unexpectedly, when she first went to the dining hall, the originally noisy dining hall was suddenly silent.

One by one looked at her with a pair of shocking eyes at first, and after seeing her scalp numb for a while, she regained the enthusiasm just now.

Even so, everyone still sneaked their eyes on her from time to time.

From their gazes, Le Yaoyao could tell that some were envious, some were jealous, and all kinds of expressions made Le Yaoyao very puzzled.

In the end, after seeing Xiao Muzi not far away, he immediately picked up his meal, walked over to sit down, and asked straight away.

"Xiao Muzi, what happened today? Why do everyone look at me strangely??"

Regarding Le Yaoyao's question, Xiao Muzi first looked at her in surprise, and then asked back.

"Xiaoyaozi, do you really not know or pretend you don't know?"

"Nonsense, if I really know, do I still need to ask you?"

Regarding Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao unceremoniously gave him a blank look, and only after Xiao Muzi smiled innocently did she solve the confusion for Le Yaoyao.

"Xiaoyaozi, congratulations first, I didn't expect us to come to the palace to do business at the same time. You think that you are being reused by the prince. You don't know that in Yafeng Pavilion, except for the prince's secret guards, the rest are not eligible to live in. Yes, now, since the lord lets you live in, it means that the lord wants to value you, and when you become famous in the future, don't forget Xiao Muzi, okay?"

"Ah, the prince wants to value me??"

After hearing Xiao Muzi's words, Le Yaoyao couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

She knew about the Yafeng Pavilion. Yesterday, she was also a little surprised why the prince let her live in it. After thinking about it, maybe the prince thought that letting her live there was convenient for her to serve him

However, unexpected such an errand, falling into the eyes of others, is a great blessing.

No wonder everyone looked at her strangely after she came in here just now, that's why.

Moreover, before Le Yaoyao didn't think it would be good for her to live in Yafeng Pavilion, but now she heard Xiao Muzi's words, it seemed to live in Yafeng Pavilion for a moment, although she had to face Huo Yanluo all the time, which made her very stressed.

But think about it from another angle.

Now, she travels through this body, but she has no memory of this body, and she doesn't know what the identity of this body is.

If she wants to stay in this dynasty in the future, and won't see her relatives in this body in the future, she has to plan carefully how she will live in this dynasty.

Although, she is a little eunuch, but no matter what, she is a copycat version. In the future, after three years, she will definitely leave here.

But after leaving here, where else could she go?

In addition, in the palace, she is just a small eunuch, with two taels of silver per month, and only seventy-two taels of silver in three years, not counting the usual daily necessities and the like

However, if she is reused by the prince, she will serve him carefully, and if she is happy to serve him, she will reward her with some silver and other things...

The more she thinks about it, Le Yaoyao also feels that being able to live in Yafeng Pavilion is actually not a bad thing.

After all, no matter where people go, they always climb up. Even if she is a little eunuch, she must be an excellent eunuch

Yes, that's the decision

(Xiao Zui: -_-|||What a majestic ambition...)

Because she figured this out, Le Yaoyao no longer struggled with having to face Yan Luo every day, and she also ate an extra bowl of rice than before.

Although Huo Yanluo didn't ask her to get up to serve in the morning, it didn't mean she didn't have to do today's work.

So, after eating and drinking, Le Yaoyao returned to Yafeng Pavilion in a hurry, doing her own work.

However, because she is the prince's personal eunuch, other people do the rough work in Yafeng Pavilion. Every day, she only needs to wipe the wooden tables and chairs of Yafeng Pavilion, clean the flowers and plants, the study room and so on. Those light jobs.

At this moment, after working for an hour, Le Yaoyao finally watered all the flower pots in the front yard of Yafeng Pavilion, and wiped all the wooden tables and chairs in the hall clean with a dry cloth.

In the end, there was only the study room left that hadn't been cleaned.

When Le Yaoyao pushed open the carved wooden door of the study room and looked at the large study room, she couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

After all, this study room occupies a large area, and there are many tall and huge bookshelves.

There are thousands of books on the shelves. The variety is dazzling.

I don't know if this living Yan Luo is pretending to be a facade or what, but the study is like a small library, which is amazing.

But amazed, Le Yaoyao still walked into the study while carrying the towel and bucket.

First, take the broom and sweep the study, then wring out the towel and wipe everything in the study.

However, because this study is cleaned every day, it is basically very clean and does not need much cleaning.

However, Le Yaoyao saw that it was still early, Huo Yanluo was still in the court at this time, and he was idle when he was idle, so he looked for something to do when he had nothing to do.

So, after wiping those huge bookshelves with a wrung-out towel, Le Yaoyao then used a chicken feather blanket to sweep the dust on the books, and finally, slowly wiped the only desk in the study.

When I saw this desk, I knew it was the place where Huo Yanluo read and worked every day. After all, is there still some wet ink in the inkstone on the desk

Presumably, Huo Yan Luo wrote something here last night...

Le Yaoyao thought to herself while wiping the table with a towel.

Wipe the desk and the stool clean, and finally saw that everything was done, so he clapped his hands, planning to leave and go back, and take a rest somewhere to cool off.

Unexpectedly, just as she was turning around, she kicked the bamboo basket containing the scrolls with her feet, and with a bang, the bamboo basket fell down, and all the scrolls inside fell to the side. When Le Yaoyao saw it, she was shocked.

However, seeing that the things in the bamboo basket are all picture scrolls, and there is nothing fragile, the originally high heart finally let go.

"Huh, luckily it's just a scroll, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pay for it if I sold it..."

Le Yaoyao murmured while patting her throbbing chest.

After all, in the palace, all the antique jade wares are priceless. Even a small vase is worth hundreds of taels. If she accidentally breaks something, she will have to work in the palace for a few years for nothing. .

Thinking in her heart, Le Yaoyao immediately squatted on the ground, put the fallen bamboo basket away, and slowly put some picture scrolls that fell on the ground back into the bamboo basket.

However, when she picked up the last scroll, because that scroll fell apart, revealing some pictures inside, it caught Le Yaoyao's eyes and aroused her curiosity .

So, Le Yaoyao picked up the scroll and slowly spread it out.

I saw that the first thing that caught Le Yaoyao's sight was a slender waist, a somewhat flat chest, and then a slender neck.

Obviously, this painting depicts a young woman.

For this point, Le Yaoyao couldn't help being shocked.

"Hey, how come there is a picture scroll of a woman in Huo Yanluo's study room? Everyone has said that Huo Yanluo doesn't like women. Even in the palace, there are no maids. Moreover, even outside, he doesn't allow any women to approach , but why does he have a picture scroll of a woman here? Could it be that the woman in this picture is actually... "

Live Yan Luo's sweetheart?

This thought flooded into Le Yaoyao's heart, and she was startled, and immediately wanted to unfold the picture scroll to see the appearance of the woman in the picture scroll. After all, living Yan Luo's sweetheart, this is big news, after she reads it, she must gossip with Xiao Muzi.

Who said Huo Yan Luo doesn't like women anymore? ? Is this the evidence in her hand

The more she thought about it, the more excited Le Yaoyao became. There is even a gossiping look of eating Guoguo in his eyes.

After all, what is the most exciting thing about living Yan Luo's sweetheart

However, just when Le Yaoyao was excited, she slowly unfolded the picture scroll, and she was about to see the face of the woman in the picture scroll. Unexpectedly, the sky did not follow her wishes, and a hoarse and familiar voice , suddenly sounded from behind her—

"What are you doing??"

With a seven-point hoarse, three-point lazy voice, so sensitive and familiar, isn't it the one who shouldn't appear at this time

"Well… "

Hearing the voice from behind, Le Yaoyao was startled on the spot, and immediately, she didn't bother to look at the scroll in her hand, but rolled up the scroll in her hand in twos and twos, and put it back in the bamboo basket.

Immediately, Le Yaoyao turned around, lowered her head and narrowed her eyes, with a standard servant appearance, bowed down and spoke respectfully to the toes of the man in front of her.

"My lord is auspicious."


For Le Yaoyao's salute, Leng Junyu only responded lightly, and then his eyes fell on the bamboo basket beside her.

Le Yaoyao, who was flustered by his sudden appearance, inadvertently noticed Leng Junyu's gaze on the bamboo basket, as if she was afraid that Leng Junyu might misunderstand something, she hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

"Well, the servant accidentally knocked over the bamboo basket just now, did the servant really not see anything inside?"

Fearing that Huo Yan Luo would be angry when he saw that picture scroll, Le Yaoyao immediately explained. However, after she finished speaking, she felt as if she had no silver on the ground now, and her pretty face suddenly became embarrassed.

A touch of blush quickly rushed to her cheeks, faintly, making her skin rosy, like plum blossoms in winter, really beautiful

And Leng Junyu just folded his hands on his chest like this, with a relaxed appearance, his cold eyes fell quietly on the little eunuch in front of him, looking at the flustered look of this little eunuch, he felt like laughing.

After all, there is nothing in his bamboo basket that should not be seen, even if 'he' sees it, it's nothing.

However, he thought about it, and found it interesting to see the little eunuch's attitude.

He was so flustered, as if he had done something wrong.

Moreover, why is 'him' so timid?

Didn't he have the courage to beat the son of the Minister of Rites the day before yesterday? Why is it that when you face him, you are as frightened as a frightened little white rabbit?

Well, little white rabbit?

Does this word really resemble 'he'

Leng Junyu thought in his heart, and then rubbed his resolute chin with one hand, his pair of perfectly lined cold eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an inquiring and playful look in his eyes.

I saw that the little eunuch in front of him, who only reached his chest, was dressed in a dark blue eunuch costume, which made his complexion white, and his body was petite.

However, on 'his' palm-sized face, his cheeks were white and rosy, making people want to step forward and take a bite.

However, the most attractive thing is 'his' big, round and beautiful black eyes.

That pair of beautiful black eyes seemed to have gathered all the brilliance in the world, and they were as clear as a fairy, so beautiful that it made people's heart beat.

However, the panic in 'his' eyes at the moment made 'he' look like a worried little white rabbit, looking at him like a little white rabbit seeing a big bad wolf

Leng Junyu smiled even deeper at the metaphor that came to his mind.

The mood became more and more joyful.

Compared to Leng Junyu who was in a happy mood, Le Yaoyao was very nervous at the moment.

However, especially when she came into contact with the weird eyes that Huo Yanluo looked at her, it made her scalp numb and she was so timid.

In the end, she stopped talking altogether, and she didn't know what else to say. He could only lower his head and stare at his toes.

After all, every time she met this living Yan Luo, all her previous bold impulses were reduced to nothingness.

No wonder people say that one thing can overcome another. Perhaps, the existence of Huo Yanluo is to overcome her...

Just when Le Yaoyao lowered her head to think, suddenly, she only felt a warm air flow past her ears, making her whole body tremble as if being electrocuted.

A tingling electric current spread rapidly from the sensitive part of his earlobe to his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly hoarse voice sounded from her ears.

"Is this king really that scary? Little rabbit?"

If it was said that Le Yaoyao was excited by Huo Yanluo's sudden approach, then in the end, Leng Junyu's address to her made her whole brain freeze.

There was a moment of blankness in the brain, and then, the corners of Le Yaoyao's mouth could not help but feel the urge to twitch.

Little, little bunny?

Are you calling her?

"Uh, my lord, you seem to have misremembered, the slave's name is Xiaoyaozi."

While bowing her head and talking, Le Yaoyao couldn't help taking a step back, trying to put a distance between her and Huo Yanluo.

After all, a living Yan Luo is a living Yan Luo, as long as he stands beside him, the oppressive feeling is simply indescribable.

Regarding Le Yaoyao's small movements, Leng Junyu just raised his handsome eyebrows, and following Le Yaoyao's backward steps, he took a step forward with both feet.

Le Yaoyao wanted to widen the distance between them, but it made him want to get closer to 'him' step by step.

Moreover, on that handsome face, the corner of the mouth slowly evoked a faint smile.

That smile is as elegant as a cloud, with a bit of charm and laziness, so beautiful that it imparts soul and reverses beauty.

If Le Yaoyao looked up at this moment, she would definitely be fascinated by the smile on the man's face.

However, at this moment, when the man approached step by step, she was so frightened that her heart was jumping wildly, how could she dare to raise her head to meet the man's gaze?

Moreover, at this moment, Le Yaoyao was nervous and puzzled. Constantly slandering in my heart.

This living Yan Luo, does he like to be close to others so much when he talks? Doesn't he know how much pressure his approaching puts on others

If she had eggs now, it would be very painful.

Just as Le Yaoyao was muttering in her heart, Leng Junyu was like a roundworm in her stomach. Even if she didn't speak, she could guess what was in her heart. Yaoyao froze completely—

"The king knows that your name is Xiaoyaozi, but the king thinks that the name Little Rabbit suits you very well, so he gave you the name Little Rabbit. Why, are you satisfied?"

The man showed kindness, which made Le Yaoyao's head full of black lines and anger.

This damn slave society? This damn live Yan Luo

Give a name?

What the hell is she satisfied with


You are the little rabbit, you are the master rabbit, and your whole family is the master rabbit

Le Yaoyao roared excitedly and angrily in her heart, but her face was full of flattery and gratitude, she almost knelt down and licked his toes without getting excited.

"Thank you, Lord, for giving me the name. Little rabbit is very grateful?"

Le Yaoyao gritted her teeth and said the words of gratitude, it seemed as awkward as it was to say.

Huo Yan Luo is such a smart person, why can't she see her unwillingness, but, for some reason, he just likes to tease this little eunuch so much.

After all, this little eunuch is really interesting. Before, his life was so boring, which made him seem boring. However, the appearance of this little eunuch made him feel that, in fact, these days are starting to be a little more interesting

(Xiao Zui: Ahem, this guy typically builds his own happiness under the pain of others... -_-|||)

Leng Junyu was happy in his heart, and finally realized his conscience, and stopped teasing the little eunuch in front of him.

Weiwei straightened her body, then whispered to Le Yaoyao.

"Okay, I'm thirsty, go and cut a cup of tea for me?"


Although she was angry in her heart, no matter what she said now, she was under the eaves and had to bow her head.

So, after hearing what the man said, Le Yaoyao had no choice but to suppress her anger, and hurried out to cut tea.

When Le Yaoyao finished cutting the tea and went back to the study, she saw that the man was already sitting in front of the desk, with a brush in his hand, and he didn't know what to write.

However, I have to say that the living Yan Luo at work is really very charming.

In front of him, there was a piece of rice paper, and the man took a pen in one hand and quietly wrote something on the rice paper.

It was still noon at the moment, and the rain that had been raining all night had stopped in the early morning.

The blue sky is as clean as washing, so crystal clear, even the rising sun is charming.

The warm sun shines on the earth, and even the wind that blows through is warm, with a hint of freshness.

At this moment, I saw the man sitting upright in front of the desk, and behind him, the carved window was wide open, and the golden sunlight slanted in from the opened carved window, shining softly on the on him.

Today, the man is wearing a white robe with auspicious clouds and brocade, his upper body is slightly tight, the sun is shining on him like water, flowing like mercury, outlining his firm and perfect figure.

That perfect god-like face was slightly lowered, his cold eyes narrowed slightly, and the slender eyelashes, like two black disc fans, cast two clusters of shadows on his eyelids, making his facial features softer...

Looking at the quiet and serious man at this moment, Le Yaoyao, who had just stepped into the study, was completely stunned.

Those bright and beautiful eyes were even more dyed with a deep sense of amazement.

After all, it was the first time she had seen Yan Luo who was working seriously at this moment.

Elegant in white clothes, black hair like a waterfall, her posture is like a shocking painting, and her spirit is like the essence of a painting.

Moreover, there is a kind of magical power faintly emanating from him, which makes people want to get closer, and then get closer...

And Le Yaoyao, just like this, was fascinated by the man at the moment, her footsteps, like her own consciousness, slowly approached the man step by step.

When he walked to the man's side, his eyes could not help turning slightly, and fell on the white paper in front of the man.

Although Le Yaoyao couldn't understand the meaning of the words written by the man, she found that the words written by the man were really beautiful.

The flamboyant and phoenix dancers are vigorous and powerful. Just like how he feels

Facing Le Yaoyao's approach, the man didn't turn his head back.

Because, even if he doesn't raise his head, he still knows the existence of the people around him.

Because, that light and pleasant fragrance, like the fragrance of flowers after bathing, is inherent, very pleasant smell

Moreover, I don't know why, recently he has been troubled by floods, droughts and other things, and he feels very irritable, but as long as the people around him stand by his side, his annoyance will gradually disappear...

After thinking of this, Leng Junyu's hand holding the pen froze slightly, then slowly raised his head, and said to Le Yaoyao beside him.

"Just put down the tea."

The hoarse and mellow voice is so charming and somewhat bewitching. Let Le Yaoyao, who was originally amazed by the masculinity, completely come back to her senses.

When he came into contact with the man's slender and beautiful cold eyes, his heart trembled even more, and his heartbeat seemed to skip a few beats...

damn it

Is she a nympho?

Why does she always get electrocuted every time she sees this master?

You know, is it wrong for her to do this

Is he a living hell? Not an ordinary person? Someone can strangle you to death with one finger? SXKT.

Le Yaoyao was very annoyed by her mind-wandering just now, but because of the man's gaze, her cheeks were burning hot and her face was flushed.

Afraid of being watched by the man again, Le Yaoyao would find something, so she had no choice but to pick up the teacup, intending to put it on the table before stepping back.

After all, Huo Yanluo's lethality is too powerful, and it is not something that a little girl like her can resist.

However, perhaps because of the nervousness and embarrassment in her heart, Le Yaoyao's body was a little nervous, and even the hand holding the teacup was trembling. In the end, she accidentally knocked over the cup, and the freshly cut tea was It quickly filled the entire tray.

The most terrible thing is that the tea lid slipped off the tray and fell down with a 'bounce' sound.

If the tea cover fell on the ground, Le Yaoyao didn't feel anything wrong, but the place where the tea cover fell was—

Live on Yan Luo's body

How can this be?

Last time, the little eunuch accidentally knocked over a teacup and was clicked by Huo Yanluo. This time, she actually dropped the tea cover on Huo Yanluo. Even if she had ten lives, it was not enough for Huo Yanluo to "click"

Thinking of this, almost instantly, Le Yaoyao was terrified, stretched out her small hand, intending to grab the tea cover as quickly as possible in her life.

Finally, she was caught. However, it is not the tea cover, but—

Soft, big, hot...

That is…

The big bird that lives Yama...
