The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 7: Pressed!


There are also those exquisite and incredible facial features, which seem to be carefully carved out of beautiful jade. The most attractive thing is her pair of surprisingly big eyes, which almost occupy a quarter of that melon-seeded face. !

Leng Junyu had never seen such big and watery beautiful eyes.

His eyes were watery and shimmering, the rippling bright luster in them was as clear as a fairy, pure and innocent, and also faintly mischievous, but at this moment, these beautiful big eyes were looking straight at him, There was an unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

All of 'his' thoughts are vividly displayed in his big eyes, and at this moment, from 'his' eyes, Leng Junyu sees 'his' amazed by his beauty, for this point, Leng Junyu But Junyu couldn't help feeling a sense of pride.

For this, he has never obtained it from others!

And the little eunuch in front of him is really... interesting!

"Who are you!?"

Seeing that the little eunuch was still in a daze, Leng Junyu couldn't help asking.

It was clearly a bright April weather, but his icy voice was like a sudden cold wind blowing in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, which made Le Yaoyao shiver and wake up from her daze.

Uh, the handsome guy is handsome, but his voice can freeze a person to death!

Moreover, when Le Yaoyao came to her senses, she also thought of this handsome man in front of her, who was both angry with gods and humans, but the rumored frightening, cruel and ruthless Prince Rui, Leng Junyu!

His gloomy and brutal deeds had been deeply rooted in Le Yaoyao's bone marrow before she stepped here, so after being amazed, Le Yaoyao also had a little bit of timidity in her heart towards the man in front of her, and dared not say no to what the man said answer.

Trembling slightly, Le Yaoyao pondered for a while, imitating the words and actions of the little eunuch on TV, and said to Leng Junyu respectfully.

"If you go back to the prince, slave, the slave is called Xiaoyaozi."


Hearing this, Leng Junyu opened his lips, murmured and repeated, and never took his eyes off Le Yaoyao from the beginning to the end.

If she had been looked at by such a handsome and handsome guy in the past, Le Yaoyao would have been flattered in her heart, she almost felt like she was floating.

However, if the rumored cruel and violent Prince Rui looked at her, it would only make her scalp tingle and her heart tremble.

After all, this master's eyes are too sharp, cold, and full of probing elements.

It's like a ferocious beast that just woke up, it looks lazy, but if you provoke him, he will rush towards you at any time, and then tear your bones and skin into your belly, leaving nothing left of!

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao became even more flustered, especially when Leng Junyu suddenly took a step towards her, Le Yaoyao took a big step back like a conditioned reflex, which was extremely exaggerated This movement made Leng Junyu twitch his handsome eyebrows slightly, and his tone suddenly turned cold.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Although it was a question sentence, what Leng Junyu said was very certain.

Moreover, when she knew that Le Yaoyao was afraid of herself, she felt a little displeased in her heart.

Although, he knew that many people were afraid of him, and he also knew a lot of rumors about him from the outside world. However, he never paid attention to those things. Anyway, the mouth grows in other people's mouths, and he can't control what others like to say.

However, he couldn't help feeling slightly displeased with the little eunuch's fear of him.

And Le Yaoyao naturally heard displeasure from Leng Junyu's tone, and her heart trembled. Although she was afraid, she also knew that only a tyrant likes others to be afraid of him, but obviously, this master is not Like her fear of him, Le Yaoyao immediately showed a bright and sweet smile on her face, shook her head vigorously, and laughed dryly.

"No, the prince is not a man-eating beast, slave, how could the slave be afraid of the prince! Just now, it was just..."

"Just what? Eh!?"

Seeing the timidity in Le Yaoyao's eyes, but the forced laughter on his face, Leng Junyu suddenly found it funny. It also completely aroused his desire to tease the little eunuch.

After all, the days are too busy these days, he is a little bored...

And the little eunuch in front of him is like a cute little mouse, with a hint of timidity, but extremely cute.

Thinking in his heart, Leng Junyu involuntarily took another step towards Le Yaoyao.

And Le Yaoyao was still struggling with what she said just now, not knowing what to say, her exquisite facial features were just wrinkled into a ball by her, as if she was very distressed, and she never noticed that Leng Junyu had slowed down. Slowly approach her.

After she reacted, Leng Junyu's handsome and indifferent face was already close in front of her eyes.

Up close, she can count the eyelashes on his eyes, and see clearly that he is covered with a layer of frost, but there is a trace of playful black eyes at the bottom of his eyes!

Seeing this, Le Yaoyao finally understood that she was being tricked just now!

Feeling angry, although Le Yaoyao was a little afraid of the man in front of her, she would be angry if she was tricked!

Angry in her heart, Le Yaoyao stomped her feet angrily, but unexpectedly, Leng Junyu didn't seem to notice her anger, and that handsome face moved closer to her.

"Uh... what do you want to do!?"

Seeing that handsome face approaching inch by inch, Le Yaoyao panicked, and her heart beat even faster.

After all, she had never been so close to another man since she was a child.

Although she is already a senior high school student and there are quite a few boys chasing her, but she didn't want to fall in love with her to affect her studies during her studies, so she rejected many boys, and now she has never even touched a man's hand.

Now, facing a man approaching so closely, the scorching hot and humid breath slowly sprayed on the side of her face, making her panic, and she felt a tingling current flowing along her body. From the neck to all the limbs of the whole body.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be boiling at this moment, and the cheeks were also hot.

Even if Le Yaoyao had never looked in the mirror, she knew that she must be blushing now...

But, this Prince Rui in front of him, what exactly is he thinking

She is a 'little eunuch' now, but why is he so close to her!

Feeling puzzled in her heart, she suddenly thought of what Xiao Muzi had said to her about this Prince Rui.

——Prince Rui was abused by his biological mother when he was a child, so when he grew up, he hated women very much. Within five steps, women stop...

Hate women! ? If that's the case, it's possible that the man in front of him, he, he, he likes men!

Thinking of this possibility, Le Yaoyao's eyes widened in fright, she opened her small mouth, her face was full of shock and astonishment, as if seeing Leng Junyu suddenly grow three heads and six arms.

Seeing Le Yaoyao's shocking and strange appearance, Leng Junyu was puzzled, his brows furrowed, and he didn't wait for him to ask any more questions. Le Yaoyao thought she was shocked, and took a big step back, just in time, behind her was the gate...

With the sound of 'Ah', Le Yaoyao suddenly felt that her whole body was out of control, and she fell fiercely behind her back. She panicked, and her hands unconsciously stretched forward, like It was a drowning person, as if he had the instinct to survive from drowning, as if he was going to catch some life-saving driftwood, and then he grabbed someone's chest and hem.

And Leng Junyu was only teasing Yu Le Yaoyao just now, but he never thought that Le Yaoyao would be so frightened by him to stage such a show. So I didn't react immediately, I just felt a tightness in my chest, and my whole body followed Le Yaoyao's forceful pull, and threw me down...

For a moment, Le Yaoyao had the urge to die, and was very depressed.

At this moment, her whole body felt as if she had been run over by a big truck, and she was uncomfortably run over, and after being run over several times, the parts of her body were almost so painful that they didn't fall off.

The bluestone floor was laid on the ground, which was very cold and very hard. When Le Yaoyao fell to the ground, it seemed as if her head had blossomed.

There was a sound of 'jumping', not a small sound, and a lot of stars and moons appeared in front of my eyes, spinning around.

Not only that, there was a huge 'big rock' pressing on her body. She was almost out of breath.

"Good weight!"



In the end is why!

The plot in the novel should not be like this. When those female pig feet fall, there will definitely be a handsome guy who will appear to save the beauty. However, why this happened to her has completely changed It's so good!

Now there is a handsome guy in front of her, but it is not to save her, but to make her fall into trouble...

Thinking of this, Le Yaoyao felt extremely depressed.

After finally waiting for the severe pain in her body to pass, she wanted to push away the "big rock" on her body. Unexpectedly, the "big rock" on her body didn't know whether it was pressing her more and more comfortable, and she seemed to be too lazy to wake up.

Indeed, Leng Junyu didn't want to stand up anymore.

Because the body underneath is so petite, but when it is pressed up, it is actually so comfortable.

Soft, soft, as if lying on a piece of duckweed.

Moreover, the 'little eunuch' under her smells really good!

On 'him', there is a faint scent, not like a flower scent, let alone a perfume scent, but a milky scent, which seems to be inherent in the body, and it smells very good. Fragrance!

Let Leng Junyu smell a strange feeling in his heart.

That feeling, like something strange, took root and sprouted in my heart. He didn't understand and didn't understand this kind of strangeness.

Because, after living for twenty years, no one has ever given him this feeling. Except for this petite little eunuch in front of me...