The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 10


10. The biggest boss in Gu Mansion

If memory is correct, these two maids were given to the deity by Gu Qianrou. But the names of Yulian and Yucui are the names of the two former servant girls of the deity.

This incident can be traced back to a certain day a year ago. The deity found that a pair of jade bracelets he liked were lost. He almost dug his Ting Xueyuan three feet to find them. I found one in each room, and the deity was furious, beat the two maids with 30 sticks each, and relegated them to the kitchen as fire maids.

But now the two maids were sent by Gu Qianrou, and I really forgot their names. I was too lazy to remember the new names of the maids, so I asked the two to call them the former maids' names.

Gu Qianxue took the expressions of the two into her eyes, then took a deep look at them, and then ignored them.

Both Yulian and Yucui shuddered at the same time, feeling a bad premonition in their hearts.


Manfuyuan is the courtyard where Gu Shangshu’s mother and the old lady Zheng of the Gu family lived. As the name suggests, it means that the courtyard is full of blessings.

At this time, it was really crowded with people, but unfortunately, no one dared to put a smile on their faces. Everyone was sitting in danger, with serious expressions, and the whole courtyard was lifeless and depressing.

When Mrs. Zhao and Gu Qianxue and their party entered the Manfuyuan, they vaguely noticed countless gazes from all around, either gloating at others' misfortune or looking malicious.

At the entrance, there is a flat road made of stones, and not far inward, there is a hall with an open door. In the center of the hall, the old lady Zheng and the master of the Gu family, who is also the father of the deity, are sitting. Gu Shangshu Gu Qingze.

The old lady Zheng was born in a famous official family, married into an official family, and her son held a high position. Therefore, Zheng was extremely conceited, and she was extremely strict in terms of her appearance outside the family and the rules at home.

Gu Shangshu and Gu Qingze are well-known dutiful sons, and everything is respected by the old lady. Therefore, the position of the mistress of the Gu family is the name of the Zhao family, and it is the power of the Pei family. In fact, it is the one who is in power. It's this old lady, Mrs. Zheng.

Just as Gu Qianxue stepped into the hall, she heard Gu Shangshu's furious voice, "You unfilial daughter, hurry up and kneel down!"

Zhao shuddered all over and rushed in, "Husband, mother..."

Before Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, the old lady rolled her eyes and said, "Sit over there, today's matter is too serious, even the father of Marshal Zhenyuan can't handle it."

Just as Mrs. Zhao was about to cry, make trouble and hang herself, she suddenly thought of what her daughter said. In order not to implicate her father and her family, she hurriedly endured it, obediently ran to the seat designated by Mrs. Zheng, and then stared nervously at her daughter.

Gu Qianxue did not kneel, but stood in the middle of the hall, "Qianxue thought that the matter had been settled, but she didn't think that Master Shangshu is still going on."

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Gu Qianxue to be so unreasonable.

Just as Gu Shangshu wanted to be furious, he thought of what Gu Qianxue threatened earlier, so he swallowed the harsh words back abruptly.

"Xue'er, I closed the door today and said my own words. Someone came to report just now, saying that they saw you pushing King Li into the lake with their own eyes. Tell the truth, whether it is true or not."

Gu Qianxue frowned, "Why does Lord Shangshu keep holding on to this matter? Is it important?" Then she sighed, "Well, since you want an answer so much, let's debate. Where are the witnesses? ? Bring it up."

It was obvious that Gu Qianxue was being interrogated, but her aura was like that of the chief interrogator.

After a while, two people were brought up, none other than the two sneaky people at the end of the crowd just now.

"Are you the witnesses?" If the witnesses were other people, Gu Qianxue would still feel a little guilty. After all, it was indeed the deity who pushed Li Wang, but she was not afraid of these two alone.

"Yes." The two were very firm.

Gu Qianxue raised her eyebrows and nodded, "Okay, come here, prepare the screen, paper and pen."

Everyone wondered why this scene was so different from what they had imagined? Shouldn't the Lord Shang Shu be interrogated, and the eldest lady be interrogated crying? But what's the matter with the eldest lady being so superior

11. Beat to death with sticks!