The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 106


106, surprise

Gu Qianxue never dreamed that Zhao's terrible sickness lasted until night before she fell asleep exhausted, and she never dreamed that this terrible sickness lasted until she was born.

Because of this embarrassment, the fate of the Zhao family was changed. These are things to come.

Just to say, Gu Qianxue was relieved to see Zhao Shi falling asleep all the time, and then she went back to her Tingxue Courtyard, took off her clothes, put on her underwear and was about to meditate and practice internal strength, but she heard Yulian's voice outside the door.

"Miss, are you resting?"

Gu Qianxue opened her eyes, "No, come in."

Yulian is a discerning maid, at this time, if there is no urgent matter, she will not easily disturb Gu Qianxue.

Yulian came in, first she respectfully greeted Fushen, and then said, "Miss, just now the maid from Liuxuyuan quietly delivered this." Saying that, she handed over a purse.

Gu Qianxue took the purse, and saw that there was a pair of gold earrings in the purse, which were of average quality, and there was also a letter.

Unfolding the letter and reading it, Gu Qianxue smiled slightly.

The content of the letter is probably to explain to Gu Qianxue why the door was blocked today. It turned out that it was Gu Qianrou's idea to let her personal maid, Cui'er, go to Aunt Liu to offer advice. Insufficient, lack of consideration in doing things, actually fell for the trick, afraid of falling out of favor for a while, so hurried to block the door.

After reading it, Gu Qianxue crushed the letter and said with a sneer, "Gu Qianrou, Gu Qianrou, if you don't learn well at such a young age, you have to learn how that little wife competes for favor and framed her. It's really ridiculous."

He got out of bed again and took out a jade necklace from the jewelry box. The necklace was strung with jade beads. The beads were well-proportioned and round, emerald green and crystal clear. At the bottom hung a thumb-sized pearl as a pendant, which was expensive.

Wrap it in red silk and give it to Yulian, "Go there in person and tell Aunt Liu that you can recover from your illness with peace of mind. I know who is good and who is bad."

"Yes." Yulian took the necklace wrapped in red silk and went out.

Gu Qianxue sneered, then sat down on the bed again, and began to practice internal strength.

On the second day, Gu Qianxue went to the Nanshan Courtyard of Prince Li's Mansion first as usual, and after King Li lost his internal strength for Concubine Qin, she gave Concubine Qin a massage.

The three people in the room remained silent.

Except for Concubine Qin who was lying quietly on the bed as if sleeping soundly, Wang Li and Gu Qianxue hardly communicated at all.

King Li still sat on the chair to rest, but the rest time became longer and longer. From the earliest time of a cup of tea, he could rest and recover well, to the time of a stick of incense. Recently, almost half an hour, King Li still sat quietly. Sitting on the chair, eyes closed.

Adhering to the principle of taking short-handed people, Gu Qianxue was a little worried, "My lord?" she asked softly.

King Li was silent.

Gu Qianxue was startled—this guy couldn't be... dead, right

I saw that King Li was really motionless, not even heaving his chest.

Gu Qianxue secretly said, King Li must not die, if he died, she might not be able to speak clearly. Not daring to delay, he hurried forward and stretched out his hand towards his tall nose.

But he hadn't felt whether he was breathing yet, but he saw Li Wang, whose eyes were still closed, reaching out to attack Gu Qianxue like a conditioned reflex.

Gu Qianxue was startled, and instantly backed away. At the same time, she calmed down and concentrated the energy in her dantian, and then transferred that energy to her fist, striking back fiercely.

"Ah!" There was a scream.

It wasn't King Li, but Gu Qianxue.

I saw Li Wang's slender fingers seemed to be easily clasped on the inside of Gu Qianxue's right wrist, but the veins on Gu Qianxue's arm were bulging, and the face was dripping with cold sweat, "Let go... let go! It hurts!"

The place where it is detained is the pulse gate.

"The internal strength is progressing rapidly." Li Wang said calmly, but he did not let go.

Gu Qianxue only felt that in the blink of an eye, her whole arm was so painful that it went numb, she clenched her teeth, shut her mouth and refused to beg for mercy.

King Li let go of his hands, then slowly stood up and got dressed.

Gu Qianxue glared fiercely at the hateful man behind her, and clutching her arm, she swore that she shouldn't worry about King Li's safety, she should see that he didn't die and made up for it.

Gu Qianxue's eyes were vicious, and the deep hatred was constantly venting from her expression. She wished that Li Wang knew how much she hated him.

But surprisingly, King Li just glanced at it lightly, and then stopped looking, very contented, as if he had long been used to the hatred of outsiders.

"Mother and concubine, rest at ease and recuperate. I will come to see you when my son is free." It was still a gentle voice. If it wasn't for the pain in Gu Qianxue's arm, she even suspected that the gentle man in front of her was not King Li at all.

Just when Gu Qianxue packed up the medicine box with one arm and was about to go to Yushengju to see her laboratory, she felt a gust of wind behind her, followed by a vague fragrance, and a sharp pain in her left arm , his body was already thrown into the air by someone, and smashed hard on the edge of Concubine Qin's bed.

Gu Qianxue finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Gong Lingyan, what hatred do I have with you? I already helped you heal Concubine Qin. Why do you still torture me like this? I shouldn't have breathed your breath just now, you're dead!" It's good!"

"Look." Li Wang ignored her shout and said in a low voice.

Gu Qianxue was taken aback.

She looked at King Li, and saw that his fair and handsome face was still expressionless, but his thick black eyebrows were tightly furrowed, with the word "Chuan" between them, and his eyes were staring fiercely at the bed.

Gu Qianxue followed his gaze, but saw Concubine Qin's peaceful sleeping face.

"What's wrong with Concubine Qin?" Gu Qianxue couldn't help asking, forgetting the pain before.

King Li remained silent and kept staring at Concubine Qin.

Gu Qianxue could only look carefully at Concubine Qin's face.

Suddenly, Concubine Qin's eyelashes moved!

That's right, it really moved, Gu Qianxue can guarantee that she saw it right.

She covered her lips with her hands to prevent herself from yelling, her eyes were full of surprise, "Ma'am... did your eyes move?" Thanks to King Li's careful observation, he caught such a subtle movement.

However, King Li's face became more and more serious, and there was no surprise.

"Are you worried that if you are not in Beijing when Concubine Qin wakes up, someone will secretly kill you?" Gu Qianxue asked.

King Li frowned even more tightly.

"You're upset, isn't it time for your mother to recover from her illness?" Gu Qianxue asked again.

Suddenly King Li glared fiercely at Gu Qianxue, and Gu Qianxue felt that she was instantly plunged into the ice pool, which was bitingly cold.

"Remember, don't try to guess what the king is thinking."

Gu Qianxue gritted her teeth in hatred, and wanted to yell at her, but thinking of her two sore arms, she swallowed the swearing words back abruptly.

She regretted it, regretted it very much, if possible, she really didn't want to move the laboratory to Prince Li's mansion, if possible, she didn't want to have any interaction with Prince Li in her whole life.

"From today onwards, you are not allowed to leave the palace for half a step." King Li stood up, walked to the window, put his hands behind his back, and looked out the window thoughtfully.

"Why, your mother is your mother, isn't my mother? My mother is pregnant, and she vomited for a whole day yesterday, so don't I worry? Gong Lingyan, you are enough!" Patience is limited, Gu Qianxue was completely irritated, even if she knew she couldn't beat the opponent, she still had to fight.

107. Concubine Qin woke up