The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 117


117, support Aunt Liu

"What else are you thinking about? Stand up." Gu Qianxue opened her eyes, which were full of exhaustion.

Yu Cui hurriedly stood up, "Miss, the servant made a mistake."

"Well, it's fine if you know you're wrong." Gu Qianxue said, "Sometimes I wonder if I'm helping you or hurting you by pampering you so much. Of course, Yulian pretended that I didn't say anything, and I was referring to Yucui."

Naturally, Yucui knew that Miss was kind to the two of them, so she stuck out her tongue playfully, "Miss, from now on, servants must learn from sister and follow some rules."

"Well, I'm still a good boy who corrects when he knows his mistakes." Gu Qianxue closed her eyes again, and raised her lips, "Aunt Liu, I forgave her, and this matter has turned a page. As for my father, It's not that he likes Aunt Liu so much, but he still wants to have an heir after all, and although Doctor Ma has diagnosed that the mother is pregnant with a boy, it hasn't been born yet, so he can't worry about his father at all."

Yu Cui listened quietly, took out a towel, and wiped Gu Qianxue's back carefully.

"If it is said that the father was very disappointed with the offspring, but now that the mother is pregnant, he has hope again. As a man, he naturally hopes that the family will prosper and have many offspring. The more sons, the better." Gu Qianxue suddenly had a feeling Very nasty thought - what if the other aunts never got pregnant

But then, she regained her senses and condemned herself fiercely. This vicious idea must be killed in the cradle early, and she didn't want to be assimilated by these ignorant ancients.

"But... Aunt Liu's framing of Miss, is that all?" Yu Cui was very unwilling.

"Others don't know, how can you not know? Aunt Liu never framed me. I kill rabbits and do experiments. I do it every day. It's just that I was too careless in the past. I knew that there were many people in the yard. The experiment, it's my fault." Gu Qianxue said, "Water has its source, and a tree has its roots. We can't let go of this enmity. Aunt Liu is just a gun. What we have to deal with is the person with the gun."

"Miss, you mean Aunt Pei?" Yulian asked in surprise.

Gu Qianxue closed her eyes, enjoying this rare comfort, and her body was extremely relaxed, so she let the two little girls toss about, "Auntie Pei has the power of the Pei family behind her, so I can't move it, but if you make trouble for them, Auntie Liu and the others are enough .”

Yulian immediately understood and smiled, "That's why Miss gave Aunt Liu the necklace."

"Yes." Gu Qianxue replied, "Aunt Liu's family background is not high, and her father is not a generous person. What she lacks most is money, and what Miss Ben lacks most is money. If that's the case, let's buy her with money and let her It's not fun to be looking for Aunt Pei all the time, it's better for the two of them to pinch each other, so that I can leave the house with peace of mind, isn't it?"

Yucui suddenly realized, "So that's how it is, that's great, slaves like to watch people fight." She clapped her hands and applauded.

Gu Qianxue's lips twitched, but she ignored Yu Cui.

She came from modern times, and she didn't travel here to pinch a few women in a palm-sized backyard. Her ambition is not here, but it doesn't mean that she is a virgin who is ready to be bullied.

Aunt Pei... Heh, Pei Yurui and Gu Qianrou had better pray that the Pei family will continue to prosper, otherwise, without the support of the Pei family, she would be the first to attack them.

Sometimes, you don't use a knife to kill someone, and sometimes you use a knife to save someone. What a wonderful world.

After bathing, Yulian and Yucui waited for Gu Qianxue to sleep peacefully on the bed, and then retreated. It's just that what the two of them didn't expect was that as soon as they left, Gu Qianxue, who had just closed her eyes tightly, turned over and sat up. How could there be any tiredness and sleepiness in her eyes? Meditate and practice your inner strength.

What Su Lingxiao never expected was that a rare visitor, Gu Qianxue, came early in the morning.

And Gu Qianxue never expected that when she tried to come to Haolan Academy, there was no member of Prince Li's family who stopped her.

Could this be understood as a disguised compromise by King Li

Regardless, it's a good thing!

When shopkeeper Su saw Gu Qianxue coming, his old face almost burst into laughter. He wished that Ms. Gu would be in Haolan Academy every day, by the young master's side. After all, only Miss Gu could persuade the young master in this world.

"Did you have breakfast?" Gu Qianxue smiled with a smirk.

Su Lingxiao was embarrassed, "No."

Gu Qianxue sternly sternly said, "Take my words as fart?"

"..." Su Lingxiao was speechless to Gu Qianxue's vulgar words.

"Since you want to die, don't look for me in the future. Miss Ben has been busy recently." After speaking, Gu Qianxue didn't say a word of nonsense, turned around and left.

Su Lingxiao hurriedly said, "Slow down, Ms. Gu, please listen to my explanation. It's not that I don't need breakfast, but... yes... I don't have time to use it in the future."

Shopkeeper Su almost didn't laugh, the way his young master lied was really cute.

Gu Qianxue, who had already reached the door, turned back like this, "Oh? That's great, I just happen to have not had breakfast yet."

Su Lingxiao was very generous and said with a smile, "Then let's use it together."

Shopkeeper Su was overjoyed, eating this breakfast in the stomach of the young master was happier than eating it in his stomach.

Soon, the servants brought up breakfast.

The dining table is arranged in a room on the fifth floor. This room is rare in Haolan Academy without books. Calligraphy and paintings are hung on the surrounding snow-white walls, which is extremely elegant.

The dining table is placed in the center of the room, and it is extremely rich. White porridge, dumplings, noodles, and small wontons, as long as there are breakfasts outside, are available on the table.

At Gu Qianxue's request, Yulian, Yucui and Shopkeeper Su also sat at the table and accompanied Su Lingxiao to have breakfast.

I don't know if it's Gu Qianxue's high-pressure policy or the effect of the "multi-person dining system". Su Lingxiao used a lot of breakfast while chatting. Although the conversation was more between Gu Qianxue and shopkeeper Su, Su Lingxiao just listened attentively.

After breakfast and a short rest, it was Su Lingxiao's "nightmare time" - morning exercise.

It was still the martial arts training ground, Su Lingxiao was forced to follow Gu Qianxue, and after a while, he was sweating profusely.

Prince Li's Mansion.

Today is not the early morning sun, Li Wang Gu Lingfeng had eaten breakfast, was served by the maids to change into court clothes, and was about to enter the palace to face the saint.

Outside the door, Jun An respectfully said, "Subordinate Jun An, see the prince."

"Come in." King Li closed his eyes slightly, raised his hands, and the servant girl straightened his clothes briskly, smoothing out the folds of the robe one by one, and then fastened the belt inlaid with the finest black jade .

Jun An entered respectfully, "My lord, Miss Gu went out very early and went to Haolan Academy. First, she had breakfast with Mr. Su, and then accompanied Mr. Su for a quick walk in the morning."

Hearing this, King Li frowned, "She really cares about Su Lingxiao." There was biting coldness and disdain in his words.

The servant girl who was serving King Li's attire couldn't help shaking three times, and the hands holding King Li's black jade trembled so much that they almost dropped their fingers on the ground.

King Li gave the servant girl a condescending look, reached out and took the wrench finger, and put it on his hand. The servant girl knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

It's a pity that King Li had already strode out of the door, and the maid who lost her composure couldn't enter the door to wait for half a step from now on.

118, the water tower is successful