The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 21


21. Are you provoking me

Qianxue's pink and translucent lips curled up—as expected, that person was eavesdropping.

"What else can I do, die." Gu Qianxue shook the poison bowl in her hand, it was as pleasant as shaking expensive red wine.

The young man stepped aside immediately, his back was dripping with sweat, he felt that Gu Qianxue was as stupid as the rumors said, and continued to provoke His Highness Li Wang when he was about to die.

Not long after, accompanied by two light coughs, a person paced out from behind the screen, none other than King Li.

He was still wearing a brocade black robe with a black belt of black jade. On the cuffs and neckline, luxurious patterns were embroidered with gold thread. The brocade robe was made of high-quality materials, and it still had an elegant luster in the dim light.

I saw Li Wang's fair cheeks were gloomy, and his slightly narrowed eyes were as cold as frost.

"Gu Qianxue, are you provoking me?" The voice was weak, but it gave people strong pressure.

Qianxue raised her eyebrows and said contemptuously. "I have nothing to do to provoke you? Besides, I, Gu Qianxue, can be regarded as a bully in the capital. What kind of lady do you expect from me?"

King Li slowly sat down on the exquisite book chair in the center of the hall, "Do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "Kill me, kill me, even if I didn't look down on my Shangshu father, at least I offended my grandfather Marshal Zhao. I thought my mother was the most cheating, but now it seems that you, Li Wang, are also very good!" What a fool."

King Li killed her, which is equivalent to the emperor offending Zhao Yuanzheng. If it's not cheating, what is it

Gu Qianxue lowered her eyes, and with a smile on her lips, she still slowly shook the poison bowl.

She was not afraid that King Li would kill her, not for anything else but for Qin Fei's illness.

King Li's expression didn't change at all, he just watched quietly, his thin lips suddenly curled up like the tip of an iceberg.

"Since you claim to be able to cure diseases, why do you still provoke this king again and again? Do you want to die or live?"

Gu Qianxue naturally wanted to live, but she didn't want to lose her momentum by being so provocative.

She is already weak, if she doesn't have that momentum, she is really at the mercy of others, if that is the case, she might as well die directly.

Similarly, being arrogant can also give people a false impression of certainty, but in fact, she has no certainty about Concubine Qin's illness.

"I'd rather die with dignity than live a worthless life." Gu Qianxue said.

There was dead silence in the hall, and after waiting for a while, King Li let out a weak chuckle, "Okay, I will give you a chance, if you can really heal your mother and concubine, I will allow you to live with dignity, otherwise." King Li After a pause, the already cold voice suddenly became colder, "This king will let you know how to die a more miserable death."

Gu Qianxue raised the bowl in her hand, "So, I don't need to drink this stuff?"

King Li ignored him, refused the young man's support, stood up slowly and left, and disappeared behind the screen again.

Gu Qianxue tilted the bowl and let the poison pour onto the ground, only to see layers of corroded bubbles appear on the ground.

Is it sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid? Drinking this stuff will surely corrode the mouth, esophagus and other organs one by one, it is really cruel.

King Li left, and the young man turned back, "Miss Gu, please follow me to the backyard."

Gu Qianxue raised the bowl casually, and with a crisp sound, the bowl broke.

She stared coldly at the broken medicine bowl on the ground, and the corners of her lips curled up with determination—her Gu Qianxue's life was very hard, how could it be so easy to let her die

The hall door was reopened, and when Gu Qianxue stepped out, she saw Yulian and Yucui crying, discussing how to die for the young lady while crying.

Gu Qianxue chuckled, reached out and tapped on the foreheads of the two maids, "I didn't see that, you two are still happy. I was a little depressed at first, but seeing you, I feel better."

"Miss Gu, this way please." Jun An's attitude was much more respectful than before.

The danger was over, and Gu Qianxue felt a bit more relieved to be resurrected, "Brother Jun, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Jun An frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything, and only focused on leading the way.

Gu Qianxue followed, and Yulian and Yucui hurriedly waited on her left and right.

"Miss, are you alright? His Highness Li Wang is not going to kill you?" Even seeing that the lady is well, Yulian's heart is still tugging.

"It's fine for the time being, but if Concubine Qin can't be cured, I'm afraid she will die even worse, but it's not a matter of a bowl of poison." Gu Qianxue said lightly.

Yulian was worried, but Yucui was optimistic, "Miss will definitely be able to do it. Miss will rejuvenate her hands and rejuvenate her bones. If you can pull sister back from the gate of hell, you will be able to cure Qin Concubine Empress."

Gu Qianxue couldn't help laughing out loud, "Idiot, how can Yulian be considered a disease? It's just a high fever caused by an inflammation of the wound, and any doctor can treat it."

Jun An, who was leading the way, couldn't help but look back at Gu Qianxue. He had heard that Miss Gu Shangshu had no brains and no merits, but now it seems that the rumors can't be completely believed.

While speaking, he had already stepped into the backyard of Prince Li's Mansion.

Prince Li's Mansion occupies a vast area with unique landscapes. Every plant and tree is handwritten by a master, and every brick and tile is incomparably gorgeous. The same small bridges and flowing water, the same pavilions and pavilions, but in Prince Li's Mansion, there is a hidden sense of majesty. Majestic feeling.

Perhaps, it was contaminated with the master's temperament.

King Li was in his mid-twenties, unmarried, and rumor has it that he didn't even have a concubine. Although it was the backyard, it lacked the extravagant feeling of other mansions, only slightly softer than the front yard.

Gu Qianxue also had to sigh with emotion, although King Li was strange, he was a dutiful son.

"Here we are, Ms. Gu, this Nanshan courtyard is the courtyard where Concubine Qin lives. You can rest in the hall, and a nanny will come to greet you later." Jun An said.

Gu Qianxue brought Yulian and Yucui into the hall, and as soon as they sat down, a maid served hot tea and snacks, "Okay, I'm sorry, brother."

As soon as Gu Qianxue finished speaking, Jun An immediately ran out of the yard without looking back.

Yu Cui asked curiously, "Miss, why does this servant feel that this person is afraid of Miss?"

Gu Qianxue shrugged, "I don't know, maybe I just teased him a little bit."

Yulian and Yucui opened their mouths wide and looked at Gu Qianxue with hellish eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Qianxue only found it funny.

Yulian said, "Miss, you have really changed. In the past, although you... ahem, a little ignorant, you were extremely cautious in matters of men and women, and always demanded yourself as a princess, not to mention talking to men. I just took a look at it, but I didn’t even want to look at it.”

"Oh." Gu Qianxue picked up the tea and took a sip slowly, "There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. If the crown prince is interested in me, he will not get married, and he can pass a purse, but he has ignored me for so many years. , Am I still hanging on the crooked neck tree?"

In fact, Gu Qianxue did not say that her marriage would not be possible at all. Leaving aside the fact that Gu Qianrou and the crown prince's cousins have become more intimate, the emperor will allow the crown prince to be too powerful

As a doctor in her previous life, Gu Qianxue didn't know much about history and tactics, but as common sense, she knew that the ancient emperors liked the art of checks and balances, balancing the forces of all parties to achieve the effect of mutual containment.

The crown prince already has the prime minister as his backer, so should he bring in Marshal Zhao? One article and one military, isn't the emperor afraid of his son's power

Besides, the emperor was still so young, not yet fifty years old.

Who proposed this marriage? Who made it? What is the emperor's intention? Is it a test

Too many unknown questions surfaced in Gu Qianxue's mind, she just felt a headache. After two days in this weird time and space, she faced too many problems, and she sacrificed a lot of brain cells.

Sighing, Gu Qianxue decided to forget about the concubine and the marriage contract, and deal with Concubine Qin's illness first, otherwise, she would not be destined to be a concubine.

Thinking about it, he took a heavy sip of tea.

At this moment, an old woman walked into the hall with a few maidservants.

The old woman was about sixty years old, with gray hair and wrinkled face, but her eyes were sharp, and her whole body was full of ability, she looked like she was in charge.

"This is Ms. Gu, my surname is Shen, and everyone calls me Mother Shen." Mother Shen didn't have the slightest smile on her face, and she was straight to the point, unwilling to be polite to Gu Qianxue in the slightest.

Gu Qianxue stood up and said for her blessing, "Qianxue has seen Mother Shen. Your mother's condition is serious. Please ask Mother Shen to take Qian Xue to see your mother."

Gu Qianxue guessed that this nun must not be an ordinary character, she didn't think highly of Miss Gu's family at all, it just so happened that courtesies were not her strong point, so she might as well see patients directly.

Mother Shen was taken aback for a moment, and then there was some appreciation in her eyes, "Okay, Miss Gu, please."

Gu Qianxue led Yulian and Yucui to follow Nanny Shen and turned left and right, and arrived in front of a house, took the medicine box from Yulian's hand, and Qianxue entered the room with the medicine box on her back. Medicinal.

In the room, there was a woman in a light purple dress lying on a gorgeous carved bed. The woman was thirty-five or sixteen years old, with a beautiful and kind appearance, and between her eyebrows and eyes, she was somewhat similar to King Li.

In the past two days, Gu Qianxue had fantasized about Concubine Qin's illness countless times, or hallucinations, or giggling to herself, or beating people and destroying things, but she never thought about it. Concubine Qin just lay quietly on the bed, as if go to sleep.

Qianxue was taken aback for a moment, then turned to ask Nanny Shen, "Excuse me, Madam, how is your mother's daily routine, and is there anything unusual about it?"

Nanny Shen looked at Concubine Qin on the bed with serious eyes, "Your Majesty is just lying there quietly, her hands and feet are stiff, and she doesn't speak a word."

"Hands and feet are stiff? Isn't it widely rumored that the empress is insane?" Gu Qianxue was surprised.

Mother Shen sighed, and said, "I'll tell you the truth, my mother always felt that there were countless people walking around her when she first became ill, and she often heard someone calling her name, and sometimes she couldn't help crying and laughing, but the situation continued. One year, one year later, it will become... what it is now."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Understood, Mother Shen, can I treat your mother right away?"

Mother Shen had a happy expression on her face, "This is the best."

Gu Qianxue was not too polite, and immediately stepped forward, and the maids serving in front of the bed resigned, and Qianxue began to check on Concubine Qin's condition.

Everyone was amazed, because this young lady of the Gu family was very strange in her diagnosis. She didn't feel the pulse like other doctors did, she picked her eyes and her mouth, and she also used a bamboo tube to put on the mother's chest. Now, she even used a small bamboo hammer. Knock on the lady's knee.

What exactly does Miss Gu want to do

The glimmer of hope in Shen Momo's eyes was completely shattered. She thought that Miss Gu could hide her secrets, but now it seems that she is a lunatic. How can there be such a diagnosis

In fact, Gu Qianxue was using modern Western medicine to diagnose the disease, and she was doing a knee jerk test at this time.

After a complete set of examinations, Gu Qianxue was sure that Concubine Qin was not insane at all, but was suffering from a disease similar to modern freezing, except that her muscles stiffened and her blood flow slowed down.

She was sure that in the long run, when Concubine Qin's visceral muscles stiffened, it would be the day of her death.

Shen Momo's voice was cold, and her tone was faintly impatient, "Miss Gu, can you cure your mother's illness?"

With her back to the crowd, Gu Qianxue bit her lip, feeling as if she was being forced to do something.

When he stood up and turned around, he had changed his confident expression, "Of course I can cure this disease."

22. The Inside Story of Concubine Qin's Condition