The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 32


32. Into the maze by mistake

"Assassination?" Gu Qianxue cast a glance at those people.

The three people who were discussing with their heads down noticed Gu Qianxue's gaze, and hurriedly dispersed as if nothing had happened.

Gu Qianxue frowned slightly, "It's okay, forgive these idiots for not being able to do anything."

Yulian nodded, but her eyes remained vigilant.

Gu Qianxue found that the books on the first floor were basically Chinese studies, political history, and then looked up to the second floor, guessing that Haolan Academy might be like a modern library, classifying various books.

Unfortunately, there is no classified index like modern libraries.

Fortunately, there are quite a few bookboys in Haolan Academy. Some schoolboys in sky-blue uniforms are standing beside the bookshelves, waiting to serve customers at any time; some are patrolling around in the reading rest area, and guests can summon the bookboys with just a glance; Of course, there are even some book boys who play the role of waiters, serving tea and water for guests.

At this moment, a book boy came from the side, "Miss, what do you need?"

Gu Qianxue nodded slightly, "My little brother, where are the medical books?"

"On the fifth floor, please follow me." Then he led the way.

Just about to go up the stairs, Gu Qianxue stopped suddenly, and said to Yulian and Yucui, "You probably don't understand medical books, so you stay on the first floor and read the history books. Be sure to read them carefully. Tonight Take the exam, if you don’t have a clue, don’t say that Miss Ben really deducted your salary.”

In order to make the two of them pay attention, Gu Qianxue put on a serious face, showing no signs of joking.

Both of them were terrified, they nodded their heads like they were in trouble, and Dang even ran to find a book to read, while Gu Qianxue turned around, followed the book boy to the fifth floor with a snickering smile.

After chatting with the book guide, Gu Qianxue found out that the first, second and third floors are all books on history and Chinese studies. The second and third floors are convenient for guests to borrow books.

On the fourth and fifth floors, there are tool books. There are construction classes, agriculture classes and medical classes, etc.

In Nanyue country, the children of aristocratic families are all proud of being an official, so naturally they don't want to learn that industry, agriculture, forestry, business and medicine, but the children of poor families who really study industry, agriculture, forestry, business and medicine can't afford this one-two silver entry. Fei, so there were very few people on the fourth and fifth floors.

When the two went up to the fourth floor, someone called the guide book boy. It turned out that the book boy still had work to do, so he could only apologize and leave first, and another book boy led the way.

Since going up to the fourth floor, Gu Qianxue's eyes have been attracted by the walls of books around her. She swears that as long as she has time on weekdays, she must come here to read books. It's really great.

"Here we are, Miss Gu, please come in." The book boy said.

Gu Qianxue nodded, turned around and saw two slightly open pure black wooden doors. There are reliefs on the wooden door, which look like auspicious beasts, which are extremely exquisite. A cool breeze blows out from the crack of the door, with a vague fragrance in the cool breeze.

The fragrance is refreshing, it is neither masculine like ambergris nor feminine like flower fragrance, the fragrance enters from the nostrils and travels through the body along the eight extraordinary meridians, it is so comfortable that one can't help but take a deep sniff.

The moment Gu Qianxue's people entered the door, the black door closed automatically.

There was a feeling of waking up suddenly and realizing that you were in danger.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly looked around, but found that the surroundings were full of screens, layers upon layers, and between the screens, there was a faint fragrance.

Looking up, it should be the ceiling, but at this time it is surrounded by smoke, and nothing can be seen clearly except for the smoke.

Shouting in her heart that it was not good, when Gu Qianxue turned her head to look for the door again, she found that at some point, the pure black and beautifully carved wooden door had disappeared, and there was nothing but smoke around her.

Have you crossed over again

This was the first thought in Gu Qianxue's mind.

But when she saw the unchanged screen, she denied her thoughts, she should still be in the previous room.

Except for the faintly visible screen, the surrounding area is covered by smoke, but the smoke seems to be getting thicker and thicker.

Too weird.

Gu Qianxue stood there with the medicine box in her hand, lowering her eyes and thinking carefully.

She has long been afraid to think about problems with the common sense of the past. When the fact of time travel happened, her world view has been overturned. Now, she can only jump out of the inherent thinking circle of the past and try to think about problems with another way of thinking.


Two words trembled out of her mouth. The original place has not changed, but the surrounding scenery has changed suddenly. Its purpose seems to prevent her from moving forward, and it seems to trap her in place.

Apart from the formation method, she really couldn't think of other reasons.

Whether formations really exist, she doesn't know, even in modern times, formations, a mysterious thing, are passed on like a god.

Gu Qianxue looked around, she was sure that she was indoors at this time, no matter how big Haolan Academy was, it would not be boundless, and the screen and thick fog were just blinders, if she wanted to go out, she just had to close her eyes and walk hard. If you close your eyes, you will naturally not be fooled by the blindfold, hoping to go out.

Thinking of this, Gu Qianxue closed her eyes, turned around, imagined that there was a black wooden door behind her, and walked away. When she reached out to touch the door, she found nothing, and opened her eyes in horror.

Where is the door

She was sure that when she entered the gate and found something was wrong, she didn't move a step. Why couldn't she touch the door? Could it be that this gate can disappear out of thin air, or run away

Suddenly, Gu Qianxue realized something, squatted on the ground, and reached out to touch the floor.

That's right, this is indoors, with smoke as a cover, even if the floor moves without people moving, the result will be the same.

Could it be that she was really trapped here.

Thinking of this, Gu Qianxue slowly sat down on the floor, because she was prepared to be trapped, the first thing to do was to conserve her energy, and she must not waste her energy until someone came to rescue her. This method is the same as being trapped in an elevator.

She is not worried about being trapped to death here. First of all, shopkeeper Su helped her get the medical books, and he will definitely look for her after getting them. There is a record that she only entered Haolan Academy but never left Haolan Academy, so shopkeeper Su will definitely try his best find her.

Secondly, Yulian and Yucui will also look for her. If they can't find her, they will definitely make trouble in Haolan Academy, and they will find her here sooner or later.

When people are short of water, they can store up to five to seven days. She has to give shopkeeper Su or Yulian Yucui the time to find it. Instead of wasting energy in this inexplicable formation, she might as well let herself last for a while.

Of course, if there are voices around, she will try to call for help.

After making up her mind, Gu Qianxue, who was sitting on the ground, opened the medicine box she carried with her, checked the medicines prepared in it, and planned when and what medicines to use to maintain her life.

After making the plan, Gu Qianxue took a deep breath slowly, then calmed down, and said to the bewildered air in front of her, "Is anyone there? It's my fault for wandering into the precious place by mistake. I came to Haolan Academy to borrow books. You can hear my voice, please give me a response, thank you."

33, an accident happened