The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 33


33, an accident happened

There was a dead silence all around.

Still smoky.

After staying for a long time, I couldn't even smell the refreshing fragrance.

After a while, Gu Qianxue asked again, "My name is Gu Qianxue, and my father is Gu Qingze, Minister of the Ministry of Rites. I'm really sorry for wandering into the precious place by mistake. The shopkeeper Su and some book boys in the academy know my identity. If you don't believe me, you can send me I'll tie it up and send it to Gu's mansion in person to verify my identity."

The reason why Gu Qianxue said this is very simple.

Haolan Academy is not an ordinary academy, those rare books can be borrowed, maybe the books and materials in this mysterious room are even more precious, so precious... that outsiders are never allowed to view them.

If what she encounters is really a formation, then her guess can be more or less confirmed, this formation is also to protect precious property.

"anyone there?"

No one answered.

Gu Qianxue pricked up her ears and listened carefully for a while, Shaoqing, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Why am I so unlucky, I offended King Li, I was forced to treat Concubine Qin, and I wanted to borrow a few books to read, but I was trapped by this inexplicable formation. ?”

"In other words, I, Gu Qianxue, have never done anything wrong in my life. On the contrary, I have saved lives and healed the wounded countless times, and I can swear to God that I have never even received a red envelope. Once, I paid a patient's medical expenses. It can be said to be a big deal." Good man, but why am I so unlucky?"

How unlucky is it? Let's live a good life, but somehow time travels.

Thinking about it, Gu Qianxue felt that there was no place to vent her complaints.

"I'm so dedicated. When I used to work in the hospital, I almost twisted my nose from a cold, but I still insisted on going to work."

"Every time an organization donates blood, I donate..."

"As far as the south was flooded, and when there were difficult patients in the hospital recently, I actively donated money."

"Helping the old lady across the road, is this a good person? Uh... he can be considered a brave man, not afraid of touching porcelain, hahahaha..."

A touch of sadness tugged at the heartstrings. In this mist, Gu Qianxue couldn't help but miss everything in the past in the modern age. It seemed to be confiding, complaining, complaining,... who knows.

But after talking about it, it became more and more cheerful.

"Perhaps, I, Gu Qianxue, was originally a cheerful and open-minded person." Gu Qianxue simply lay halfway on the ground, resting her pillow on her medicine box, feeling very comfortable.

Before the words fell, he suddenly heard something vaguely.

Gu Qianxue, who was born with keen senses, immediately held her breath, opened her eyes wide, and pricked up her ears.

"Who? Is there anyone? Whether it's a human or a ghost, please answer me."

Finally, Huangtian paid off, in the dead silence, I could vaguely hear people's panting, heavy breathing, moaning with pain.

Gu Qianxue couldn't hear it wrong. As a doctor, she has an instinct to hear the severity of the disease through the patient's groans.

And she guessed that this person tried his best to speak, but couldn't speak, what he was suffering from was an emergency.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly said, "Listen to me, I know you are in pain now, but you must calm down, calm down! Don't move, keep your strength, I'll go over to rescue you immediately."

Saying that, Gu Qianxue jumped up from the ground and grabbed the medicine box. Her fair complexion hesitated for a moment, but in the next second she made the decision to take a risk to save people. While catching the source of the sound, she walked boldly along with it. past.

Why is Gu Qianxue scared? First, if this is really a formation, maybe there will be a mechanism. Almost all martial arts novels are written like this. It's not a fluke, but it hurts to get shot a few times.

Second, she's afraid... of dirty things.

For example, ghosts.

Don't blame her for being superstitious. She used to be a Marxist materialist atheist, but can materialism travel through time and space

From the moment she crossed, she had already denied most of materialism.

Although the old saying is good, if you don't do bad things, you are not afraid of ghosts calling your door, but what if it is the kind of ghost that does bad things

It's not that ghosts have turned bad, it's that bad people have turned into ghosts.

"God bless, Amitabha, don't let flying arrows shoot at me, don't let ghosts come out to scare me, Amitabha, God bless." Gu Qianxue muttered as she explored and walked forward.

Suddenly, an accident happened.

There was a crisp sound, like porcelain falling to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Gu Qianxue felt dizzy for a while and couldn't help closing her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the smoke dissipating quickly. The room that was full of smog just now was suddenly transparent and clean Not a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qianxue discovered to her horror that the exquisitely carved black wooden door was just to her left! You can touch it if you stretch out your left hand, but you can't touch it at that time.

Sure enough, it was a formation, a powerful blinding method, but now that she can see clearly, it is afraid that someone broke the formation.

Could it be the crisp sound just now

Thinking of that painful groan, Gu Qianxue didn't have time to worry about the formation or not, so she hurried around the screens and ran towards the sound just now.

The screen has three layers, all of which are made of precious sandalwood as the bone and delicate embroidered yarn as the surface.

The outermost layer is Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers, the middle layer is pavilions, and the innermost layer is clouds.

The snow-white clouds, like cotton wadding, are layered on top of each other, and the golden sunlight is sprinkled on them, as vivid as real clouds, and it is too beautiful to behold.

Gu Qianxue only glanced at the screen from the corner of her eye, and was already amazed. She secretly thought in her heart that if she had time, she would definitely take a closer look at the screen.

Behind the screen, there is another scene.

This place seems to be someone's study room, desks, desks and chairs, four treasures of the study, towering but orderly bookshelves, and a low bed for people to rest on the side.

Beside the bed, there was a smear of white lying on the ground. His long black and soft hair scattered like a waterfall. He was a man, a thin man.

Although this posture is very embarrassing, there is still elegance in this man, although it is only a back view.

Gu Qianxue didn't have time to study the man's appearance and identity. As a doctor, she sensed the danger at the first moment. This man might be... sick!

Gu Qianxue didn't know why, was it just because she was a doctor who saved lives and healed wounded? Since traveling to Nanyue country, I have encountered patients one after another. From the beginning of saving King Li, followed by Concubine Qin, Concubine Qin's illness has not been cured, and now there is another patient.

Now I don't know whether I am a doctor or a broom star, why do I meet patients everywhere

Thinking about it, Gu Qianxue didn't dare to stop her hands and feet. She put her hand on the man's thin shoulder and slowly turned it over. "Can you hear me? Relax, I'm going to examine you, don't be afraid."

34. CPR