The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 34


34. CPR

Turning his body over, Gu Qianxue finally saw the man's true face.

He was about twenty years old, his skin was as pale as paper, his cheeks were thin and sunken, and his eyes were deep-set. Because he was too thin, the tall and straight bridge of the nose looked abrupt.

Thin lips are dark purple, which is a sign of hypoxia.

Gu Qianxue immediately tested the man's nose and pulse. Fortunately, the man was not dead, but the pulse was weak.

Putting the man's body flat, Gu Qianxue felt that such a tall man was as light as a kitten. There was not a trace of flesh on his body, and his bones were prickly. He must have been ill for a long time.

Gu Qianxue reckoned that what the man suffered from was a heart disease, but he didn't know whether it was a myocardial infarction.

Put the man in a recovery position, support his head with one hand, and let him lie in the abdominal position, bend the upper arm and knee joint near one side, and gently tilt his head back to ensure the unobstructed airway.

Immediately afterwards, the other hand quickly took out the bamboo tube from the medicine box and opened the man's clothes.

Fortunately, the man's white underwear was already half open, so it wouldn't be too complicated, which saved a lot of time.

After auscultation, Gu Qianxue determined that the man had a heart disease, and immediately threw away the bamboo tube stethoscope to start rescue.

The golden rescue time after a heart attack is only four minutes!

Generally, at normal room temperature, three seconds after cardiac arrest, people will feel dizzy due to cerebral hypoxia; ten to twenty seconds later, people will lose consciousness; thirty to forty-five seconds later, pupils will dilate After one minute, breathing stops and incontinence; after four minutes, irreversible damage to brain cells will occur.

Due to cardiac arrest, the patient immediately lost consciousness and was in the clinical death stage. The best golden rescue time for common people is 4 minutes to 6 minutes, if not rescued within 4 minutes, the patient enters the stage of biological death immediately, and the hope of surviving is extremely slim.

Of course, these theories are based on the premise of modern medical equipment - ventilator and IUC. In Nanyue country, even the stethoscope needs to be replaced by a bamboo tube. Let alone four minutes, it is more than one minute. Gu Qianxue even I don't know how to bring the patient back to life.

Fortunately, although the man's body is weak, his sense of survival is extremely strong.

Gu Qianxue vaguely remembered that the main ingredients of Suxiao Jiuxin Pills were Chuanxiong and Borneol.

Among them, Ligusticum Chuanxiong is pungent in taste, warm in nature, has the effects of promoting qi to relieve depression, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, and is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls Chuanxiong "the qi medicine in the blood", "up to the top, down to the sea of blood, and to open the stagnation in the middle."

Borneol tastes pungent, bitter, cool in nature, and enters the heart and lung meridian, "the nature is good, it travels and resuscitates, and it goes everywhere, and the fragrant air can solve all evils", and it has the effect of resuscitating the mind and refreshing the mind, eliminating filth and turbidity.

The combination of the two medicines complements each other, can regulate qi, activate blood, relieve pain, remove stasis, open up one's mind, and make the heart arteries unobstructed.

Of course, these are only the main medicinal ingredients that are well known, and there are many other auxiliary medicinal ingredients that Gu Qianxue doesn't know about, but she has these two herbs.

She quickly found two bottles of "Chinese patent medicine" prepared by her from the medicine box. Although this medicine is not just Chuanxiong and borneol, it contains two kinds of medicine, which should have a certain effect.

No matter what, Gu Qianxue opened the man's mouth, poured two bottles of medicine into it, then brought the teapot on the table, and poured water into the man's mouth.

The medicine was taken, but this impromptu prescription was not as effective as Suxiao Jiuxin Pill. The man's lips became darker and purple, his breathing was rapid, and his pulse became slower and slower.

Gu Qianxue could only perform CPR, replacing the oxygen bag with mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, forcing the patient to inhale oxygen; using palm pressure to re-establish circulation for the patient's heart.

When Gu Qianxue was performing artificial respiration for this strange man, she suddenly remembered the scene of rescuing King Li a few days ago. .

But she couldn't let go at this time.

Maybe it was a doctor's occupational disease, Gu Qianxue could face death squarely, but she couldn't let someone die in front of her without doing anything.

Bite the bullet, Gu Qianxue lowered her head to perform artificial respiration for the man, with a heart of death.

If this man wakes up and wants to kill her, then she will let him kill her without struggling, maybe this is her fate.

The lips touched, but there was no ambiguity.

Gu Qianxue put aside distracting thoughts and tried her best to save this man. She had to persist in doing CPR until the pill took effect.

Suddenly there was a sound behind him, it was the sound of the door opening, followed by someone shouting "Young Master", chaotic footsteps came one after another, not far from Gu Qianxue, the footsteps stopped abruptly, followed by bursts of gasping sound.

Gu Qianxue didn't need to look back to know what everyone was surprised about. She had heard this gasp twice since she came to Nanyue Kingdom.

To be honest, if she had a choice, she really didn't want to use this way of saving people, but she had no choice.

The person who came was none other than Shopkeeper Su. Behind shopkeeper Su, there are several bookboys, as well as Yulian and Yucui.

Someone was about to shout, but shopkeeper Su stretched out his hand and made a stop gesture.

Shopkeeper Su is well-informed after all. Although he has never seen such an ambiguous way of saving people, he can guess that Gu Qianxue is not taking advantage of the young master. Moreover, the young master has a congenital deficiency. Nian is getting more and more serious, and his appearance is so sick that he has lost his appearance. Compared with the word handsome, he looks more like a ghost.

Because shopkeeper Su stopped them, everyone didn't dare to say anything, they could only stand in the distance, watching the young master in front of him being treated lightly by the notorious Gu Qianxue.

After about a quarter of an hour, Gu Qianxue finally stopped resuscitating, sat down on the side, and let out a long sigh of relief, her whole body was drenched in sweat, and her hands were sore.

And beside Gu Qianxue, the man faintly woke up. Contrary to his frail and emaciated appearance, the man's eyes were as bright as stars.

The color of his pupils is very light, a rare light gray, because the color is very light, the patterns of the pupils are fully displayed, like a mysterious universe, one can't help but explore, mysterious and unusual.

Shopkeeper Su trembled excitedly, "Young master!"

Those pale gray eyes calmly moved away from Gu Qianxue and moved to shopkeeper Su, "Yes."

With a "hmm", it was as quiet as a pool of water, with a trace of understanding in the calmness, as if the person who just walked back from the ghost gate was not him.

Seeing the man wake up, Gu Qianxue glanced at him and didn't look any further. She lowered her head and began to pack her medicine box. "You have heart disease, it's very serious, and you must pay attention to rest in the future." Because of being too anxious just now, when taking the stethoscope and medicine, he almost knocked over the whole medicine box.

Shopkeeper Su looked at Gu Qianxue with extremely complicated eyes, "Young master, the person who saved you just now was really...Miss Gu?"

35. A conspiracy to die