The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 35


35. A conspiracy to die

At this time, apart from the seriously ill man, there was only Gu Qianxue in the room, and naturally no one came to rescue him except Gu Qianxue.

And shopkeeper Su asked this question to express his strong doubts and shock. Miss Gu Shangshu's family is notorious, and he has seen it several times before, and every time he sees her flamboyant to seduce men, but he never thought that she also has medical skills. !

The weak man replied almost inaudibly, "Yeah."

Shopkeeper Su was taken aback, and then woke up immediately, and hurried forward to help the man, "What are you still doing in a daze, quickly help the young master."

A group of bookboys also suddenly realized, and came to assist shopkeeper Su in carefully lifting the weak man to the bed.

When Yulian and Yucui saw the man's eyes, they were startled, because it was the first time they saw such colored eyes, they couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.

Shopkeeper Su had obvious displeasure on his face, while Gu Qianxue reprimanded, "What are you shouting, it's rare and strange!" It wasn't that she was strict, but that she was keenly aware of the murderous aura around her.

Since she treated the man, it was because she felt that there were people around, but those people just waited and watched but did not come out, and she didn't know the reason.

The man lay on the bed with his eyes closed, his face pale, but he said softly, "Don't blame them, ordinary people will be surprised when they see my eyes." His voice was like a clear spring on a rock, thoroughly cool.

The man's words seemed to be for Gu Qianxue, but in fact they were for shopkeeper Su.

Shopkeeper Su hurriedly replied, "Yes, young master." As he spoke, his murderous aura was relieved a lot.

Gu Qianxue didn't like this feeling very much, she would fight and kill at every turn, it was too dangerous to be around these people. "Yulian Yucui, let's go." After saying that, she picked up the medicine box and prepared to leave.

"Wait." The man said.

Gu Qianxue could only stop, sighed slightly, and turned around. "My lord, I'm really sorry for trespassing on the precious land today, but there was a misunderstanding. I was lured here to look for medical books by the schoolboys of your academy."

The man said nothing, but quietly looked at Gu Qianxue with a pair of light gray eyes.

The corner of Gu Qianxue's mouth twitched, she naturally had a clear conscience, so she also looked into his eyes, and the two looked at each other.

Shopkeeper Su hurriedly said, "Young master, Ms. Gu did not intend to enter the Lingxiao Pavilion, that's right. This morning, a school boy was rude to Miss Gu. Several people watched, and the younger one punished them. Among the school boys who were punished , Some people hold a grudge, they know the rule of death if trespassing in the High Heaven Pavilion, so they led Miss Gu into the High Heaven Pavilion."

Gu Qianxue was slightly surprised, and turned her head to look at the crowd behind her.

Sure enough, three people were bound and knelt on the ground, and those three people were the ones who had been secretly discussing before and were discovered by Yulian.

The man on the bed remained calm, his pale gray eyes did not change at all, he glanced at him and said, "Which one is the one who is rude to Miss Gu?"

Pan Xiaopeng in the corner of the crowd fell to his knees with a puff, and Bangbang kowtowed, all bloody. "The young master is merciful, the young master is merciful, it is the fault of the little one, and the little one deserves to die."

Shopkeeper Su hurriedly said, "Young master, it's like this. It was none other than Pan Xiaopeng who discovered the conspiracy of the three and brought the villain here. He just wanted to make up for his mistakes."

Pan Xiaopeng did not dare to stop kowtowing, and kept kowtowing.

Gu Qianxue wanted to stay away from this place more and more, away from this seemingly weak person who actually held the power of life and death.

After a while, the man on the bed said calmly, "If Miss Gu forgives you, then it's fine."

Pan Xiaopeng raised his head and begged Gu Qianxue with blood on his face, "Miss Gu, just now you are a villain and a dog looks down on others. A villain is a dog, but a villain wants to make up for his mistakes. I beg Miss Gu to show mercy, forgive the villain, and give the villain Let's make a living."

Gu Qianxue turned around to look at the man suspiciously.

However, those pale gray eyes looked at her calmly, as warm as the sun.

Gu Qianxue quickly looked away, and said to Pan Xiaopeng, "You just need to answer me, is there really a sick mother in your family?"

Pan Xiaopeng nodded like pounding garlic. "It's absolutely true, the villain's mother has the tuberculosis, if the villain dies, the villain's mother will also..." As he spoke, he couldn't help crying, "The villain's father died early, it was the mother who worked so hard to bring the villain to death When I was raised, my mother worked all day and all night to mend clothes, in exchange for money to let the villain study. It is because of this that the villain has the opportunity to work in Haolan Academy. Now the villain has a salary, but the mother... overworked I became ill and got that incurable tuberculosis, the villain is sorry for my mother."

Shopkeeper Su sighed, and politely said to Gu Qianxue, "Miss Gu, what Pan Xiaopeng said is the truth. The villain knows about the situation in his family."

Gu Qianxue looked at Pan Xiaopeng who was kneeling on the ground, and listening to him talk about his mother, she couldn't help but miss her mother and father.

I disappear by myself, but I don't know what my parents will do.

Thinking about it, she turned around and said to the man on the bed, "Young master, Qianxue knows that she has no right to ask for anything, but just now the young master said that Qianxue should decide whether he will go or not, so Qianxue had the cheek to ask for it once. Do you want him to stay?"

The corners of the man's lips hooked slightly. Because of his sickly face, although the hooked lips were not perfect, they added a lot of brilliance. "good."

Pan Xiaopeng immediately kowtowed to Gu Qianxue, "Thank you Miss Gu, thank you Miss Gu for your kindness."

Gu Qianxue really couldn't stand it anymore, "Get up quickly." Nowadays, people can't bear this kind of scene where they kowtow and their face is covered with blood.

Shopkeeper Su looked at the three people who were tied up, "Come here, drag these three people down."

"I beg the young master to be merciful, the villain was confused for a moment, please beg Miss Gu to be merciful..." A group of begging for mercy was deafening, and the voice of shopkeeper Su was suppressed.

The man was still calm, "Just look at Miss Gu's intentions."

The three imitated Pan Xiaopeng's appearance and kowtowed desperately to Gu Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue, on the other hand, was condescending, looked at them coldly, and watched quietly as they smashed their heads and the ground was covered in blood.

Shopkeeper Su was puzzled, "Miss Gu, this...?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "They are all the master's servants, it's not easy for Qianxue to interfere." The meaning is clear at a glance.

One of the three people suddenly stopped kowtowing and said, "Miss Gu is kind, please listen to the villain. It was Pan Xiaopeng who offended Miss Gu this morning. I was punished by sitting and punishing me just by looking at it. I felt wronged, so I just... made a mistake. We know that Miss Gu is a bodhisattva, since you have forgiven Pan Xiaopeng, you will definitely forgive us."

"Hehe." Gu Qianxue couldn't help uttering the two words that modern people hate most, and stared at the three of them amusedly. "Why does this lady forgive Pan Xiaopeng, so she must forgive you?"

One of the three said, "Pan Xiaopeng is obviously the chief culprit for angering Miss Gu, we are innocent."

"No, no, no." Gu Qianxue stretched out a finger and shook it, "Pan Xiaopeng is just showing his own thoughts, but you are killing me, since you want to kill me, why should I beg for your mercy? Although I, Gu Qianxue, am not a person who repays virtue with grievances, I will definitely not be mean, and I will definitely not be a virgin."

36. Mysterious Man