The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 38


38. Divine Book

"There's one more thing." Gu Qianxue pushed forward, "If you help me find the book I want, can I take it home and read it?"

"Yes." Su Lingxiao nodded slightly in agreement.

Shopkeeper Su only felt his eyes go dark, and he almost fainted.

These books are priceless, and some people even hired top killers at high prices to steal them. Otherwise, how could they still set up formations under heavy protection

Not to mention the books in the High Heaven Pavilion, even any book in the Haolan Academy, guests are not allowed to take out of the academy.

And the young master would allow Gu Qianxue to take it home to watch, this is really... Shopkeeper Su no longer knows what words to use to describe the surprise and shock in his heart.

"Now can you tell me about my condition?" Su Lingxiao said.

"Hmm." Gu Qianxue nodded, her ever-changing expression just turned into seriousness, "According to my diagnosis, Mr. Su's illness can be called congenital heart disease."

Everyone is puzzled.

"Do you have paper and pen?" Gu Qianxue asked.

Shopkeeper Su hurriedly fetched the Four Treasures of the Study and put them on the desk beside him.

Gu Qianxue stepped forward, dipped a brush in ink, and drew a heart diagram on the paper. "This is our heart."

Yulian and Yucui also surrounded her.

Yu Cui asked in surprise, "Miss, is our heart really like this?"

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Yes, our heart is like a pump. After this absorption, the blood pressure is squeezed to all parts of the body, and the blood is full of oxygen, which is air. With air, our body's The viscera and organs work and the human body survives, which is why we need to breathe."

Not to mention that Yulian and Yucui were surprised, even shopkeeper Su heard such remarks for the first time.

"But if there is a problem with our heart, the heart will not have the strength to squeeze the blood, and the blood will not reach all parts of the body in time, so oxygen will not be able to participate in the work of the body. The result is lack of oxygen, and the most serious consequence is suffocation." As he spoke, he pointed to Su Lingxiao's lips, "Look at his lips."

Everyone looked subconsciously.

Su Lingxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled lightly, accepting everyone's "attention gift" calmly, without any sense of shyness, and graceful.

I saw that Su Lingxiao's lips, although greatly relieved, were still purple.

This tinge of purple, not only does not make him weird, but adds a bit of coquettishness to him.

Even Gu Qianxue had to admit that if Su Lingxiao was a little healthy, he would have the looks of a country and a city, which is a pity.

Maybe God is so fair, Su Lingxiao was born in a legendary family, has a beautiful appearance, is extremely smart, and has a gentleman's demeanor that is rare even in modern people, even Gu Qianxue, who is not very keen on men and women, is right. His heart skipped a beat, such a man, I am afraid that even the heavens would not allow him to exist.

"Normal our lips should be pinkish, but Mr. Su's lips are purple, which means that he is hypoxic, and his heart voice is disturbed, so it can be concluded that he has a heart disease. And if he is congenitally deficient, it must be a congenital heart disease. "Gu Qianxue continued to explain.

"This is the left atrium, right atrium, here is the left ventricle, there are ventricles, the atrium receives the backflow of blood, and then the blood flows into the ventricle like this." He said, using his finger to draw on the paper, "then the ventricle squeezes the blood to the body In each part, after the blood has been used in various organs, it returns to the atrium, and then flows into the ventricle through the atrium to form a circulation, so the heart must keep contracting and the pulse must keep beating."

Everyone heard this theory for the first time, staring at the paper like reading a book from heaven.

"In the absence of a diagnosis, Mr. Su's condition combined with his inner voice, I suspect that there is a problem with the ventricle, and if he has asphyxia, I suspect it is a problem with the left ventricle." Gu Qianxue said, with her white and slender fingers on the left ventricle. The location of the ventricle is circled.

The room was dead silent.

After a long while, shopkeeper Su regained his strength, "Miss Gu, it's all...really?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "Really or not, as long as shopkeeper Su dissects an animal, such as a rabbit or a mouse, if you still don't believe it, you can directly dissect a monkey. After all, monkeys are most similar to human bodies."

"Could it be that Miss once disemboweled a monkey?" Yu Cui almost screamed in horror.

Gu Qianxue felt it was funny, so she reached out and rubbed Yucui's head, "Of course not, I saw these in books." Naturally, she would not admit it, for fear of scaring this little girl, but actually she wanted to say, she Dissected a human body, of course a corpse.

Yulian and Yucui breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Lingxiao on the bed suddenly lowered his voice, "Excuse me, Miss Gu, which book are you reading?"

Why doesn't Lingxiao Pavilion have such a strange book

"..." Gu Qianxue finally realized that the person in front of her was a "book collector", so she pretended to be helpless. "Sorry, this book was one of my mother's dowry when she married my father. Because it was too old, it was not included in the list. Because the book is too old, it doesn't even have a cover, so I don't know its name."

Su Lingxiao was a little excited, "Miss Gu, I have a merciless request."

Gu Qianxue smiled and said, "Sorry, you can't invite me, because I burned the book after I finished reading it." It feels so refreshing to easily see through people's minds.

"Burn?" Shopkeeper Su was taken aback.

"Yes, back then I was ignorant and spoiled a lot of good things. The whole family knows about it." The deity's virtues are indeed known to everyone.

Su Lingxiao's eyes darkened instantly, "It's a pity, it's a pity." He muttered to himself.

Immediately, he said to Shopkeeper Su, "If Ms. Gu once hid one copy, there might be a second one in this world. You should increase your manpower and find it."

"Yes, young master." Shopkeeper Su accepted the order.

Su Lingxiao seemed to be more interested in that book than treating illnesses.

Shopkeeper Su couldn't help but said, "Miss Gu, may I ask that strange book, does it record how to cure the young master's illness?"

Gu Qianxue hesitated, thinking whether to tell the truth, and if she did, would it cause trouble for herself.

"Miss Gu just said it's okay, I won't force Miss Gu to heal me." Su Lingxiao said.

Gu Qianxue froze, but her back face twitched, and she couldn't help looking at Su Lingxiao with a complaining look, "I said Mr. Su, there is a saying that is good, you can see through it without telling it, and you can achieve great things! You have repeatedly expressed my thoughts. , let me feel very embarrassed, even if you care about my little selfishness, why don't you just ask me a little more?"

"..." Shopkeeper Su was speechless. No one in the world doesn't know that Ling Xiaozi can comprehend the secrets of heaven, so why bother to ask

Su Lingxiao couldn't help laughing, because of this smile, the pale cheeks were slightly blood-colored, which was very touching.

Shopkeeper Su looked sideways at Gu Qianxue—this young lady of the Gu family is really miraculous, she can make the young master who is as indifferent as a fairy laugh frequently, a god! Really a god!

39. Surgery