The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 41


41. Miracle Doctor Zhou Rongqiu

Gu Qianxue's method was extremely effective. Four days later, Zhao's body improved significantly.

Her cheeks seemed to be a little thinner, but the most important thing was that Mrs. Zhao was out of breath no longer walking a few steps, and her heart and lung function had been greatly improved.

At the same time, the smiles on Mrs. Zhao's face became more and more, and she got up early every day and had breakfast, instead of doing nothing like usual, she hurriedly pulled the maids and started playing with sandbags.

The maids were instructed by Gu Qianxue to accompany Mrs. Zhao to visit the garden for half an hour after eating, and then play with her.

Because Mrs. Zhao has a game she likes, she spends less time pestering Gu Qianxue, so Gu Qianxue can spare time to read, study, and do experiments.


Penicillin incubation experiment.

Put different types of dry food in a humid and cold place and let it moldy, then scrape off the blue mold, purify it with fire and other methods, and then do experiments.

Regarding the experiment, Gu Qianxue bought a lot of white rabbits from the market, and then handed them over to a reliable maid to feed them. When an experiment was needed, she would take a white rabbit and claim to eat rabbit meat.

Naturally, Gu Qianxue can't make the experiment public, because there is no such thing as an experiment in Nanyue Country. She used the white rabbit experiment to be known to those who are interested, and I am afraid that some people can't explain it clearly.

After a series of experiments, Gu Qianxue finally determined the cultivation method and purification method of penicillin. With penicillin in hand, Gu Qianxue finally felt a little safe.

After all, Nanyue Kingdom is an era and a country where people might die if they have a high fever! Even if you don't treat others, you have to ensure your own safety.

As for Concubine Qin, Gu Qianxue massaged Concubine Qin once every two days. Although she couldn't find a good way to detoxify, Concubine Qin's weak muscles gradually became more elastic due to regular massage, her breathing became longer, and her cheeks became firmer. The blood color of a normal person.

Sometimes Gu Qianxue fantasized about whether Concubine Qin would be awake, but she couldn't speak.

Of course, this is just a guess, and she has no way to verify it.

On this day, she came to Lingxiao Pavilion, but she didn't enter through the main entrance of Haolan Academy, but through a hidden back entrance.

What Gu Qianxue could never have imagined was that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had never been to Haolan Academy, and the fact that the prince came to Haolan Academy in disguise was Gu Qianrou who told the deity that Gu Qianrou's purpose was to embarrass the deity and make him feel ashamed. Its notoriety.

Those who patronize Haolan Academy are rich and powerful, mostly young men. Because of the arrogant and childish behavior of the deity before, it can be said that even if the deity does not have the title of future princess, no serious son will propose marriage.

Is Gu Qianxue beautiful? beautiful!

It's a pity that the two maids in the past were under Gu Qianrou's subordinates, and the servants outside the house were almost bought by Gu Qianrou, and everyone fooled the deity together.

The deity's beautiful and refined appearance was severely covered up by exaggerated and ugly heavy makeup, coupled with the exaggerated fragrance all over her body, it only made the young masters hate her even more, and even secretly talked about this annoying Miss Gu at parties.

Therefore, when Gu Qianxue was walking on the road, only a small number of people could recognize her. Even if many people hated the deity, they would not be able to recognize that this beautiful woman was the deity they hated.

The spacious room is extremely bright, the floor is made of flat marble floor tiles, precious paintings are hung on the surrounding white walls, books are neatly placed on the sandalwood bookshelves, and incense is wafting from the incense burner next to the door.

That fragrance was exactly the refreshing fragrance that Gu Qianxue had smelled before.

This incense is specially prepared by the genius doctor Zhou Rongqiu. It is not only fragrant but also can clear people's mind and ease people's breathing.

Not far from the desk was a low bed. Su Lingxiao, who was dressed in white, was lying flat on the bed, with his skirts wide open, exposing his thin chest.

Gu Qianxue placed a delicate metal cylinder on Su Lingxiao's chest, and listened with her ear.

The room was very quiet, except for the two, there were no other three.

Cigarettes are lingering, and the sun shines through the crystal roof, making the whole room look very warm.

After a while, Gu Qianxue raised her head, put away the improved self-made stethoscope that was specially made by someone, and said, "Mr. Su is recovering very well. He is still young. I believe that if you eat well and exercise well, your body will become stronger."

Su Lingxiao slowly opened his eyes, his light gray and cool pupils were gentler than sunlight, and he nodded.

"It's just..." Gu Qianxue hadn't finished speaking. "Actually, didn't you exercise?"

Su Lingxiao's face froze.

Gu Qianxue lowered her face, "Do you want to die?"

Su Lingxiao pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and did not answer.

"Are you going to be duplicity again?" Gu Qianxue asked seriously.

The atmosphere fell into an embarrassment.

After a long time, Su Lingxiao chuckled, "Okay, I'm afraid of you, I said, I want to live."

"If you want to live, why don't you exercise? If you are afraid of hard work, you can walk instead of running." Gu Qianxue still used the tone of a doctor questioning a patient.

Su Lingxiao lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"I'll ask you again, do you want to live?" Gu Qianxue asked.

Su Lingxiao didn't raise her eyes, but just nodded, guessing that Gu Qianxue would reprimand him in a harsher tone.

"Okay, I'll come in person tomorrow morning, if you don't run, I'll run with you." Gu Qianxue said, "Either find an open space, if you think it's too embarrassing, remove all the screens, and we'll run here. "

Su Lingxiao raised his eyes in surprise.

"What are you looking at? You want to live, but you don't want to run away. What else can I do besides coming to supervise myself?" Gu Qianxue spread her hands, "If I can run for you, I really want to do it for you."

Su Lingxiao opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't say it.

"What do you want to say?" Gu Qianxue asked.

Su Lingxiao finally couldn't help laughing, and shook his head slightly. "You are a... strange woman."

"Praise is useless." Gu Qianxue said with a straight face, "Don't try to coax me with sweet words, if you want to live, you have to run, you know?"

Su Lingxiao sat up slowly, leaning on a soft cushion at the head of the bed, and while closing his skirt, said, "Got it, I will definitely practice tomorrow."

"Well, I'll supervise you tomorrow." Gu Qianxue nodded.

"No, I will practice, don't worry." Su Lingxiao solemnly promised.

"It's useless, I don't believe you." Gu Qianxue stood up, poured two cups of tea on the side table, and handed one of them to Su Lingxiao.

Su Lingxiao stretched out his hand to take the teacup in different ways, "Are you really coming tomorrow?"

"Is there still a fake?" Gu Qianxue drank tea.

Su Lingxiao froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile, and slowly took a sip of tea, "Okay, then tomorrow, I will wait here for Miss Gu. Oh, by the way, let's say thank you to Miss Gu, someone will come soon .”

"Oh?" Gu Qianxue was curious.

At this moment, there was a polite knock on the door, it was Su Lingxiao's subordinates, "My young master, Mr. Zhou is asking to see you."

Su Lingxiao put down his teacup, smiled lightly, "Look, come as soon as you say it, it's what you've always wanted to see, Zhou Rongqiu."

42, messy mandarin ducks