The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 78


78. Why is this kid looking for death like this

Gu Qianxue was also taken aback when King Li's voice summoned his servants.

Except for Gu Qianxue, none of the servants were surprised.

After all, Wang Li's reputation of being erratic and ruthless is not just a casual talk.

Almost instantly, some servants dragged the bench, and others carried the board.

"Hey, Gong Lingyan, I'm here to treat the concubine Qin, you can't hit me!" Gu Qianxue was really angry, completely angry, why would she be so humble to an inexplicable man? She is useless enough to take the blame for this deity.

Eunuch Shao was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he rushed in, "Boldly Gu Qianxue, you can call the prince's name?"

"Why can't I be called, isn't it just for people to call me?" Gu Qianxue is not an idiot enough to talk about human rights and equality in Nanyue Kingdom, "King Li, even if you respect you as a prince, we are all ants and people, But you need to know what it means that water can carry a boat and capsize it! You were born with a golden key, and you received the blood and sweat of the people as your salary, even if you can’t love the people like a son, you should at least convince people with virtue, right?”

King Li turned a deaf ear to it, and only drank tea indifferently.

At this time, two guards stepped forward, and one of them grabbed Gu Qianxue's hand.

Gu Qianxue struggled in a panic, "Hey! You beat me to death, so how can you treat Concubine Qin?" Sadly, the diagnosis became a talisman.

King Li raised his head and sneered, "This king wanted to beat you until you regretted it, but he didn't say he would kill you."

"You... Gong Lingyan, you are so lawless, is there no one in this world who can cure you?" Gu Qianxue didn't want to give in, but her hands were grabbed by the guards and dragged out.

Eunuch Shao was on the verge of crying, "Oh, my little aunt, please beg for mercy and speak softly. The name of the prince is really not something you can call casually."

Shen Momo was also in a hurry, and ran to the main hall and knelt down, "My lord, please forgive me, Miss Gu is young and ignorant, just because she is dedicated to treating your mother, please forgive her."

Li Wang glanced at Gu Qianxue with a sneer, and then lowered his eyes to Shen Nanny, "Do your best to treat your mother and concubine? Heh, you still don't know why Gu Qianxue came to the house to treat her mother's concubine, right?"

Mother Shen was taken aback for a moment, she really didn't know about this.

Li Wang leaned back on the back of the chair leisurely, watching Gu Qianxue screaming and being dragged onto the bench as if watching a joke.

"Because of what?" Mother Shen couldn't ask King Li directly, so she turned to Eunuch Shao.

Eunuch Shao only sighed, but said nothing.

King Li's smile deepened, "Because she pushed me into the lake."

Nanny Shen immediately opened her mouth wide as if she saw a ghost.

What's going on? Who is King Li? The people in the capital frightened their children and shouted that King Li is coming; civil and military officials did not dare to step forward to pat the horse, because if they slapped the horse's hoof inadvertently, the consequences would be extremely serious; Don't fall into the hands of King Li even if you are punished by the emperor himself.

Such a Li Wang was actually pushed into the water by Gu Qianxue

Mother Shen stared at Gu Qianxue dumbfounded. No matter how you look at it, this child is smart, beautiful, kind and simple, not to mention growing up in a deep house compound, it is impossible to have the slightest connection with King Li. Why push King Li into the water

Gu Qianxue was dragged onto the bench, and became more and more angry, shouting with a feeling of death.

"I regret it! I regret it! My mother regrets it! Gong Lingyan, I only regret that I didn't strangle you when I was not underwater! Even if it is to pay for my life, it is good for my mother to sacrifice the entire Gu family and eliminate harm for the people! Fight and fight Ah, if you have the ability to beat my mother to death, if you can't beat her to death today, you are not a man!"

Eunuch Shao really wanted to kneel down to Gu Qianxue, why did this kid court death like this.

"My lord, shut her up!" Eunuch Shao raised his orchid finger and pointed at Gu Qianxue tremblingly. It seemed that he was afraid of King Li's anger, but he actually wanted to protect Gu Qianxue.

"No." Li Wang sat leisurely, playing with his fingers, "Let her scold, I want to see how long she can scold."

The guard respectfully asked for instructions, "My lord, can I execute the sentence?"

"Quite." Li Wang smiled, his smooth chin slightly moved away from the air.

Immediately afterwards, the execution board was raised high and fell down with a bang.

Gu Qianxue's face turned pale.

I have seen a lot of beatings in modern film and television dramas, and those who were beaten would cry and howl like ghosts, but Gu Qianxue didn't know it until she was really beaten, and she couldn't utter a word at all!

His body was tied to the bench. In order to resist the pain, his hip muscles subconsciously tightened. Under such circumstances, he couldn't make a sound at all. Besides, if he really struggled to shout out, he would definitely bite his tongue.

I have to really hurts!

Gu Qianxue gritted her teeth, that bastard Li Wang didn't want her life, as long as she begged for mercy, the plank would stop immediately, but she didn't beg for mercy, she would rather die in pain than let that bastard succeed!

The local three planks fell, and the buttocks were so painful that I couldn't feel it.

Nanny Shen, who had been in shock all this time, came to her senses. Although it was abominable for Gu Qianxue to push the prince into the water, she had to save Gu Qianxue's life after finally curing Concubine Qin.

Thinking of this, she knelt down for King Li and said. "My lord..."

"Mother Shen!"

Before Nanny Shen finished speaking, she heard Gu Qianxue shout.

"Stop." Li Wang said slowly, "Listen to what she said."

The guards who could follow King Li were not fools, so they naturally knew that the prince didn't want to beat Gu Qianxue to death or maim him, but just to scare and teach him a lesson.

This board is definitely particular about, the board is divided into several types.

The first type, hurts the skin but not the bones. Although this kind of play is painful, it has no sequelae, and it can be played anywhere.

The second type, which hurts the bone but not the skin, has a certain technical content. skinny. Just hit the femur; if you are strong, hit the femur head and hip joint; if you want to cripple a person, hit the pelvis.

The third type is the plank that neither hurts the skin nor the bone, commonly known as "pretending to look" board, such as the head board and the breath board.

To hit the board is to use the upper third of the board without the end, the board falls on the person, and at the same time the head of the board touches the ground, which is equivalent to overhead. It looks fierce, but it is not very powerful.

The breath-breaking board means that when you swing down, you let go of your energy in the middle, and let the board fall freely in the second half of the trajectory, so that you don't have much energy when you hit it.

As for Gu Qianxue, the execution guards used the last type, the breathing board.

Although in the eyes of the guards, this kind of board does not hurt, but Gu Qianxue is a modern person who has not suffered any crimes, and the bones are only a fourteen-year-old girl. Even so, she almost fainted from the pain.

"Mother Shen, listen to me." Gu Qianxue's face was pale, her voice was intermittent, and she had already lost her confidence. "If I... die, you... take my... notes, go to Zhou's house outside the city, and find... Zhou Rongqiu, the poison of the empress... is easy to solve, the difficulty lies in restoring... the function of the body, let... Aunt Zhong come and help me Niangniang applied acupuncture at each point, it should have a certain effect... "

Before the word "fruit" could be uttered, Gu Qianxue passed out.

79, high fever