The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband

Chapter 117


, Yun Qian looks like she has been poisoned.

This Gu poison was probably planted when Yun Qian was taken captive. Yun Qian was planning to enter the palace at first, and the daughter of King Wu wanted Yun Qian to kill Huang Yuxuan!

But then Yun Qian entered the Zhantian General's Mansion and lost the opportunity to get close to Her Majesty the Queen.

No wonder Murong Qin dared to act easily. She was sure that no one would associate Yun Qian's assassination with her. Even if she suspected it, she couldn't find any evidence, and she could not be involved in this matter.

And as long as Yun Qian had the intention to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen, Yun Yuyang couldn't get rid of it, whether it was successful or not.

Feng Lingxi smiled. Originally, she thought that Murong Qin would use Yun Qian to create some trouble for Yun Yuyang and put pressure on her. She stayed by Huang Yuxuan's side purely just in case.

But now it seems that this trouble is not ordinary, the assassination of Her Majesty the Queen, but many people will be implicated.

And she doesn't mind adding fuel to the fire.

Feng Lingxi curled her lips into a smile, her wicked aura was awe-inspiring, and then everyone watched helplessly as a large living person turned into a blood mist and disappeared without a trace, leaving nothing behind.

The scene was terribly quiet for a moment. What His Highness King Xian did was terrifying every time. They never seemed to see through her.

Murong Qin's pupils tightened for a while, and her whole body tensed unconsciously, which was her instinctive reaction when encountering danger.

It wasn't until Huang Yuxuan snorted coldly that everyone came back to their senses, and Murong Qin also relaxed, her back was cold, and she broke out in a cold sweat. The danger revealed by Feng Lingxi at that moment made her feel invincible.

After calming down, she couldn't help but glance at Feng Lingxi. Is it just a coincidence that Feng Lingxi's sudden action was so cruel? And her previous disappearance seems to be giving people a chance.

Murong Qin felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she felt that Feng Lingxi would not be so predictable, and if she really knew her plan, she should have stopped her instead of going along with her plan. Rebellion is of no benefit to Huang Yuguo.

The assassination of Her Majesty the Queen is not a trivial matter, because Yun Qian was alone, and both the Zhenguo General's Mansion and the Zhantian General's Mansion were implicated. Although Her Majesty the Queen was considerate and did not put all the people into the Heavenly Prison, it also temporarily restricted the access of the people in the mansion. , equivalent to house arrest.

Yun Yuyang and Su Wen also temporarily rested at home, and waited to check things out first.

Su Wen is not afraid of the shadow, although his face is gloomy, but he has no objection to Her Majesty's decision.

Yun Yuyang was very anxious, how to investigate this matter? Yun Qian was gone, disappeared so completely that there was no clue left, and there was no way to find out.

In Her Majesty's bedroom, Her Majesty was holding the injured arm, tears welling up, "Ling Xi, did you do this on purpose?"

Feng Lingxi was crooked on the soft couch by the window, indifferent, His Royal Highness Prince Ning stared at her fiercely, as if he had met the enemy who killed his father.

After a while, Feng Lingxi said quietly, "Yun Yuyang is unreliable, you should take back your military power!"

Huang Yuxuan glanced at her, "Am I not doing this right now?"

Feng Tianguo was about to move, and Huang Yuxuan didn't want to keep a general who could rebel at any time for use.

"However, Lingxi, are you sure you haven't avenged your personal revenge?" She knew that Feng Lingxi had been disliking Yun Yuyang all the time.

Feng Lingxi sneered, "What is public? What is private? It's also private if I help you."

"That's right, but what about Su Wen?"

"Keep it if you want, but it's okay for Su Wen to fight, and the rest... I still think Yuwenqi is more reliable."

Her Majesty the Queen said with a smile, "No one is perfect. For the king, isn't what he thinks of is how to use the available people to protect his own country? As long as there is still value in use, you can use it."

Don't think that Her Majesty the Queen is a kind person, they say that the king is ruthless, Huang Yuxuan is actually a cold person, but he is sincere to Feng Lingxi and his relatives.

After a while, Her Majesty the Queen sighed again, "At a time like this, it is enough to lose one Yun Yuyang. If there is no more Su Wen, it will be a big blow to Huang Yuguo."

In fact, if it wasn't for Feng Lingxi helping her, she wouldn't take the risk of getting rid of Yun Yuyang at this time. In the end, it was Feng Lingxi who gave her the confidence.

Feng Lingxi glanced at her, "You don't need to explain to me, Su Wensheng is loyal and talented in leading troops, and it is indeed useful, but after such a blow, General Su should avoid beauties like snakes and scorpions, Her Majesty the Queen needs a lot more. Be considerate, don't reward so many beautiful people."

Huang Yuxuan frowned, then wanted to understand something, twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, "You don't want her to die, do you?"

Yun Yi can't get pregnant now, and the other two servants have been with Su Wen for a long time, but there is no sound in her stomach, and it is unlikely that she will suddenly become pregnant.

Feng Lingxi raised her eyebrows and said, "How can I say this, I didn't give her any medicine, children are things like fate, and General Su obviously doesn't have a relationship with children. After guarding a few men for so long, it's hard to have a child, right? , and it's gone, you see my little buns are so big, and General Su still married me one day!"

Her Majesty the Queen is speechless, isn't that a good thing you did

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Huang Yumo snorted coldly, "Don't Su Wen know that he carried someone in the door?"

Feng Lingxi sneered, "Do you think Yun Yi will give her this chance, Yun Yi has nothing left now, only Su Wen is left, he still won't seize it?"

"Is Yun Yi as selfish as you say? Young Master Yun has always been smart and virtuous. He can't bear children. Shouldn't he take the initiative to serve Su Wen in order to spread his branches?"

"Not selfish? If he is not selfish, my family Siyu will not marry me so soon."

Her Majesty the Queen knows this matter best, but she agrees with Feng Lingxi's words.

Seeing Huang Yumo's unacceptable appearance, Feng Lingxi became interested, changed her posture, and asked, "How does His Royal Highness King Ning feel about King Ning?"

Huang Yumo doesn't know Yun Yi very well, but he still knows his husband very well, "He's very smart, he knows my bottom line, and he knows what to do and what not to do."

Feng Lingxi nodded and said, "Gathering people by similarities, Yun Yi is also a smart person and can be said to be very scheming, but maybe there was a problem with Liu Su's education, which made him feel that he is a good person and should be a good person, but At a critical moment, they will do hateful things again.”

Thinking of what Yun Yi had done, Feng Lingxi sneered and continued, "Yun Yi is not a good person in essence, but he has always maintained the illusion of a good person. When he needs to make a choice, he is not soft at all, Lu Yayin is right. He can be considered a heart and soul, but Yun Yi has not told him a lot of things, I advise you, it is best not to let Lu Yayin and Yun Yi get too close."

Huang Yumo hesitated, "It's not that serious, is it?"

"Believe it or not, I'll go first."

Huang Yumo stayed in the palace temporarily. She still needed to pretend to be sick for a while, otherwise she might cause trouble. After all, Her Majesty the Queen went out to greet her because she was seriously ill. .

The queen mother was very distressed about what happened to Huang Yuyan, and she was going to be angry with Feng Lingxi. Although she knew that this was Huang Yuyan's stalking, she was her own son, so how could she not be distressed

However, he did not expect that after Huang Yuyan was frightened by Feng Lingxi, he became a lot more sensible. He seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and became a lot closer to him, which made him a little happy, and now Feng Lingxi is helping him with all his heart. Huang Yuxuan was dealing with the matter in the court, he thought about it, and felt that he should not trouble her. As long as she was willing to send his good grandson to the palace to play, he would forgive her for bullying his son.

However, such a small request was rejected by Feng Lingxi. After being too angry, he always tossed the flowers and plants in the imperial garden for the past two days, and even ate only one bowl of rice, of course, he usually only eats one bowl.

It's not that Feng Lingxi deliberately confronted the Queen Mother, but that she was not very worried about the safety of Xiao Baozi. Although Ye Xing was there, there were many people in the palace, and it was inevitable that it was chaotic. It was no safer than the Xianwangfu.

As time passed, Her Majesty's wounds healed, Her Majesty King Ning "healed", and Prince Yuyan married according to the holy will, but Yun Qian's assassination of Her Majesty the Queen was still delayed, and no one deliberately delayed it. Well, really can't find anything.

Prince Yuyan got married, which caused the queen mother to sigh all day long, so Feng Lingxi finally showed mercy, hugged the little bun, and took Yun Siyu into the palace to see the queen mother.

It just so happened that the two-year-old eldest princess was also brought to Xinyi Palace by her father. Currently, Huang Yuxuan is only such a daughter, and the son is not counted. However, because the eldest princess's father's family does not have much power, even if she gave birth to a daughter, She was also unable to be named a noble, but this beauty was content and never used her daughter to compete for favor. Now that she came to visit the Queen Mother, it was also ordered by Her Majesty the Queen, hoping to have a child that would make the Queen Mother happier.

But obviously it doesn't work well.

When Feng Lingxi walked in with the little bun, the eldest princess was crying, and the eldest princess's father was kneeling to apologize, the queen mother frowned, a little unhappy, but she wouldn't care about an ignorant child, Besides, it was his granddaughter.

So the queen mother waved her hands a little indifferently and said, "Get up!" At this time, he always misses the little bun very much. The eldest princess is two years old but still looks like a child. Ghostly.

"grandfather… "

Just thinking about it, I heard the soft and waxy cry. The queen mother thought she heard it wrong, and looked up, only to find Feng Ling.