The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband

Chapter 15


The culprit of the vinegar was Yin Shaoqian, so he took Feng Lingxi to teach her a lesson.

Therefore, it is wrong to sow discord, it will be punished!

Early in the morning of the second day, Yun Siyu was dragged up by Feng Lingxi before she could sleep enough, rubbed her eyes with fists in confusion, and muttered, "What are you doing?"

Because a certain little wild cat is not Feng Lingxi's opponent at all, so last night Feng Lingxi went straight back to his room, and the two began to share the bed.

Feng Lingxi reached out and squeezed his face, reminding, "Did you forget that today is the day you go home?"

"That's right!" Yun Siyu woke up instantly, "I also want to bring Wuxuan to the palace." This is the real business. Originally, he planned to marry and steal the fire lotus and run away, so he didn't bring Wu. Xuan came over, but now he decided not to leave for the time being, so he naturally brought Wu Xuan to the palace, leaving him alone in the general's palace would be bullied.

Feng Lingxi carried him out of bed, took the clothes and put them on him, frowning, "Unfortunately I can't go with you." According to Huang Yuguo's custom, the wife and owner cannot be accompanied when returning home, because returning to her parents' house is a In order to whisper and let the family of her parents know whether her son was doing well after marrying, the wife and owner followed him to show distrust, for fear that the husband would go back and speak ill of himself.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you to the brothel by the way."

"Yeah? Are you going to take me to the brothel?" Although this proposal made him very excited, he had never heard of any wife-owner taking his husband to the brothel.

"You don't want to go?"


"That's it."

Yun Siyu was very happy, showing two cute little tiger teeth with a smile, leaned over and gave her a sip on her face.

After yesterday's jealousy, the relationship between the two quickly heated up. Yun Siyu's temperament is wild and will not be squeamish. Feng Lingxi said that he can drive away all the people who covet her, and he really intends to do that. Now, you can still use poison if you can't beat it, huh!

Therefore, he has now classified Feng Lingxi as his property, and naturally he no longer has to be timid, he can chew on it as he wants.

In addition to lamenting that the little wild cat is too easy to kidnap, Feng Lingxi also enjoys his closeness, but it also makes her a little worried that the little wild cat will be abducted by others.

021 Back to the door

After the two of them finished their breakfast, Feng Lingxi worriedly explained, "I have already prepared the gift, I will let Ye Xing follow you, don't be bullied."

"I won't be bullied so easily." After retorting, he remembered to ask, "Who is Ye Xing?"

"My shadow guard, I usually won't show up without summoning her. She can guarantee your safety."

"Oh!" It seemed very powerful, and he didn't even feel that someone was following her.

"If you have trouble, you can directly let Qiyun solve it. If Qiyun's identity is not enough, you just need to stand up and support yourself."

A beautiful servant next to him saluted Yun Siyu, "Qiyun has seen Lord Wang Jun."

Yun Siyu nodded, indicating that he didn't need to be more polite, and then pouted at Feng Lingxi, "That is to say, I just need to stand there as a vase and press people with my identity, right?"

Feng Lingxi curled her lips into a smile, squeezed his chin and said, "If you want to bully people yourself, you can also ask them to help you and look at the wind."

Qiyun was very speechless. Lord Wang Jun was only going back to her mother's house for one day, and she only stayed for one night. The lord specially transferred him back and asked Ye Xing to be a bodyguard. The adults went back and bullied the family, it was really...

Qiyun was muttering in his heart now, but when he saw the difference between Yun Yi and Yun Siyu being treated by the people of General Zhenguo's Mansion, he felt that their prince was very prescient. How can you be bullied

Since the eldest son and the second son of the General's Mansion got married, in the past two days, everyone has been discussing these two couples after dinner.

Because Her Majesty the Queen personally conferred the marriage, the time was tight, so some of the etiquette problems in the early stage were saved if they could be saved, so what everyone saw was just the pomp of the previous wedding. King Xian actually completely overpowered General Su. It's surprising.

Originally, everyone thought that General Su and Young Master Yun were the best match for each other, while King Xian was romantic. I am afraid that the Queen's marriage will not be in the eyes of King Xian, and it is impossible to be too favored, but after seeing such pomp, everyone thinks that their guesses are fundamentally wrong, and King Xian is clearly very satisfied with Second Young Master Yun!

There was a lot of discussion, and they all wanted to see which of the two couples who got married at the same time and who were both married by the Queen, was the happier couple in the end. Some people even made bets. After all, people have the nature to gossip.

As a result, after returning to the door for three days, everyone in the capital paid attention to it. In the early morning, there were people standing outside the gate of the General's Mansion.

I don't know how it was such a coincidence that the two carriages arrived at the gate of the General's Mansion from opposite directions at the same time. Seeing this, everyone began to discuss.

In addition to the carriage he rode in, there are several carriages on the side of Young Master Yun. When the curtains of the carriages were blown up by the wind, everyone could see at a glance that they were filled with gifts, but Young Master Yun was the only one on his side. The carriage that he was riding, in this comparison, Young Master Yun Yi stole the limelight.

You must know that the gift brought back to her parents' home this time represents the wife's owner's gratitude to the husband's parents' family for raising such a good son. It can be said that the more valuable the gift, the more satisfied the wife owner is with the newlyweds.

Such a scene made people who originally thought that King Xian would make some amazing pomp a little disappointed. Could it be that King Xian felt that people had already married into the door, so he didn't need to pay too much attention

Under everyone's speculation, the two young masters got off the carriage. At this point of view, everyone thinks that the second son of Yun is not favored by the Xianwang. Bar!

Although the second son of Yun is white and tender, and with those round eyes, he is so cute that he can't help but want to pinch twice, but who doesn't want a charming and pretty son? Who would want to take a little doll back home

So standing with the beautiful and moving Yun Yi, Yun Siyu's worth will naturally drop.

This time the door gifts were originally for everyone to see, so generally speaking, gifts are presented outside the door. This is a custom, but because Su Wen was very depressed by Feng Lingxi when he welcomed his relatives, he specially prepared it this time. There were several carriages of gifts, so naturally it was impossible to open them all, so Yun Yi had to let someone take the gift list and read it over.

Yun Siyu was too lazy to argue with him, but after reading the long gift list, he almost fell asleep.

Yun Yuyang and Liu Su were so happy that they could not close their mouths.

When the surroundings were quiet, Qiyun reached out and gently tugged Yun Siyu's sleeve, and whispered, "Sir Wang Jun..."

Yun Siyu raised his head, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and said somewhat confusedly, "Is it over? Let's go in then!"

Qiyun reminded funnyly, "Lord Wang Jun, it's your turn to present your gift."

"Uh..." Yun Siyu blinked, looked at him and asked, "What gift did the lord prepare?" Feng Lingxi said that the gift was ready, but he forgot to ask what it was.

It's not that he is too confused, but that his feelings for the Yun family have been so indifferent for a long time, and naturally he didn't take it to heart. He only returned to take Wu Xuan away.

When he asked this question, the people who heard it had another idea. Although the return ceremony was a thank-you gift from the wife's master to her parents' family, it was almost prepared by the man himself. As long as the wife's master looked and nodded, there were not many The woman would go to the trouble of preparing these things by herself. Now, listening to the second son of Yun, this gift was prepared by the Xianwang himself. He didn't even know what he had prepared

Should it be said that the idle king is too attentive, or is this idle king too careless

"Humph! Just pretend! King Xian will prepare gifts for you?" Maybe King Xian is still huddled on the bed of some brothel prostitute!

The irony was that standing behind Yun Yuyang and Liu Su, Yun Qian, who had always been at odds with Yun Siyu, returned to the door, and unmarried men could also come out to greet him.

Yun Siyu has long been accustomed to ignoring Yun Qian, and only fights back when necessary, but Qiyun can't see that her king is being bullied, so she said lightly, "This gift is naturally prepared by the prince, the prince said, if not This breaking rule cannot be accompanied by the wife and owner, she will definitely accompany Wang Jun back in person, so that he will not be bullied." Wang Ye is so obedient, and it is all for Wang Jun, these people will not understand.

The reason why Feng Lingxi specially recalled Qiyun is because of his powerful mouth, Wen has Qiyun, Wu has Yexing, and Yun Siyu is a little wild cat with only claws, so she doesn't worry. He was bullied.

Yun Qian immediately said angrily, "What are you, you're just a servant, you dare to interrupt when your master speaks!"

Qiyun's tone was still light and said, "Even if Qiyun is just a servant, he is also a servant of the Xianwang Mansion." The implication is that it is not your son's turn to teach you a lesson.

022 Win again

"The lord has an order, even if Qiyun goes through fire and water, she must do it for her. The lord has already warned Qiyun that he must obey the rules when he comes to the general's residence, but the rules are dead and people are alive. If anyone dares to bully Wang Jun , let’s fight first and then talk about it, everything is supported by her, it’s really not good, you can also ask the queen to call the shots.”

Yun Qian was pressed by him for taking out the names of the idle king and the queen. She was so angry that she opened her mouth to scold, but Yun Yuyang glared back. lost points