The Exorcist

Chapter 109: Lou Huihui's memories 3


The three of them looked for the direction of the wind and walked to the depths of the cave. The inside of the cave gradually became a little wet, which made them feel a little cold.

Tang Nannan was surprised to find that the road leading to the depths of the karst cave was not only straight, but also very smooth. It was obviously repaired by someone. Isn't this section of the cave a natural cave? Tang Yannan felt strange, and asked the other two people: "Do you think this section of the cave is obviously flattened and straight, like a man-made cave?"

When asked by Tang Nunnan, the other two people found anomalies. Tang Tangtang nodded: "It's true, but it's better. Since someone has repaired this cave, he will always go out? This way, there must be an exit!"

At this time, the three people are no longer embarrassed and desperate when they are in the gap. They believe that they can find at least one vent when walking in the wind. As long as there is a vent, the mobile phone will have a signal, so that they can ask the outside world for help!

The three of them were walking, and Lou Huihui suddenly fell to the ground with a loud "ah". Tang Nuan hurriedly helped Lou Huihui: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Tang Tangtang also walked over, and illuminated Lou Huihui with a flashlight: "What did you do, you can fall with a flashlight? Don't you have eyes when you walk?"

Tang Nan's glared at Tang Tangtang fiercely: "You are sick. It's so dark here. It's normal to fall. You don't need to be ridiculed here!" After speaking, she took out a tissue to help Lou Hui wipe the wound.

Lou Huihui took a flashlight and took a picture of the place where he had fallen. So he frowned: "Hey, there is obviously nothing there, what did I trip on just now?"

Tang Nannan and Tang Tangtang also followed the lights that Lou Huihui shining in and looked over. There really is nothing. Could it be that there is something else here? Thinking of this, the two shudder. Tang Tangtang shook his head, and said viciously to Lou Huihui: "If you are stupid, you are stupid. Don't find other reasons. I'm here to pretend to be a fool to scare people!"

Hearing Tang Tangtang's words, Lou Huihui was not angry, and looked up at Tang Tangtang: "You have to be shameless. If we didn't pull you, you would still crawl in the cracks of the ground!"

When Tang Tangtang heard this, he flushed immediately and pointed to Lou Huihui and asked, "What did you say? You try to say it again?"

Tang Nan hurriedly crossed between the two of them: "Okay, you two should say less. When are you going to be able to unite a little bit? Tang Tang, you can't let you be ashamed?"

"Fart! I didn't think it would be good if you dragged your legs back, and you still have the face to say me? Okay, you are great, can't I go by myself? If you have the ability, don't follow me!" Tang Tangtang turned around and walked forward. No one will look back.

Lou Huihui was a little embarrassed and said to Tang Nunnan, "I'm sorry, it made your sister and brother awkward."

Tang Nuan smiled at Lou Huihui: "It's okay, Tangtang is just a child with a temper, and it will be all right in a while!"

Lou Huihui nodded: "Well, let's go quickly, he left alone, don't let anything happen!" After speaking, she stood up.

Tang Nan hurriedly pulled Lou Huihui, and the two walked forward arm in arm. Tang Nan's yelled Tang Tangtang twice, but did not get an answer. It seems that Tang Tangtang is still angry. And Tang Tangtang could not be seen within the range of the two people's lights, so Tang Nannan was a little worried.

"You said why Tangtang can walk so fast? In less than a minute, you can't see people?" Tang Nan asked

Lou Huihui was also a little worried about Tang Tangtang: "Yes, I don't even agree to call him. Let's go faster."

At this point, suddenly heard not far away, "ah!" Sound, so that the two girls instant heart in his throat. The two girls looked at each other and ran forward quickly.

After a dozen steps, Tang Tangtang's figure suddenly appeared within the range illuminated by the flashlight. Tang Tangtang's eyes widened, and he ran over to the two girls quickly. As soon as Tang Nun wanted to ask what was wrong, she heard Tang Tangtang’s big picture. Shouted: "Run! There are monsters!"

Before the two girls had time to react, Tang Tangtang forced his way through between the two of them and knocked them to the ground.

The flashlights of the two fell to the ground and lost their light directly. In addition to Tang Tangtang's words just now, the two girls fell into extreme panic!

"Ah!" The two yelled at the same time, and they yelled together with each other's voice.

After Lou Huihui took Tang Nannan's hand, she felt a little sense of security in her heart. Tang Tangtang's words still echoed in her ears, there are monsters, you can't sit here, you have to run! Thinking of this, Lou Huihui stopped yelling, quickly took out the phone in his trouser pocket, and when he slid up, the screen glowed faintly.

The bright light gave them a sense of security again, and Tang Nuan also stopped yelling, and the two helped to stand up. Tang Nannan also took out her mobile phone, and the two began to return with the weak light emitted by the mobile phone.

The two of them couldn't see Tang Tangtang at all, and they didn't know if he ran back to the gap. But now there are monsters behind, obviously they can't get through, it seems that they have to return to the gap!

Perhaps it was because there was a chasing after the soldiers, and the two ran back to the gap in one breath. But Tang Tangtang was not seen at the crevice. Tang Nannan's heart suddenly lifted up: "Did Tangtang enter the crevice?" Tang Nannan said, lying on the ground and looking into the crevice.

Lou Huihui also lay down. The phone's light was very limited, and the gap was dark. Lou Huihui was a little strange: "Why is Tang Tangtang not in the gap? Did he crawl out?"

Tang Nannuo immediately understood what Lou Huihui meant. If Tang Tangtang enters the gap, he should be trapped inside. In this way, there will be light from Tang Tangtang’s flashlight in the gap, and now the gap is pitch black. So, Tang Tangtang can only crawl out!

"What should we do? Let's climb in?" Lou Huihui looked at Tang Nannan

Tang Nan nodded: "Crawl! Not only did Tang Tang see what she saw just now, it's definitely not a good thing to make him scared like that. We can't stand here and wait to die!" Tang Nan took the lead and crawled in.

Although Lou Huihui was afraid of the weirdness in the crevice, he was even more reluctant to stay in the cave alone, so she followed Tang Nannan into the crevice without saying a word.

This time the two had no flashlights, and the light of the mobile phone could not clearly show the location of the exit. The two could only climb forward based on their feelings, and they did not know how long they had climbed before they could still climb to the exit.

Tang Nuan could no longer bear this kind of torment, and she completely fell on the ground and cried: "Guihui, I'm sorry, we can't get out anymore!"

Lou Huihui's last hope was extinguished by Tang Nun's words. For the first time, she felt the feeling of inefficiency that called the ground to be unsuccessful every day. In an instant, tears burst into her face! (End of this chapter)