The Exorcist

Chapter 33: An accident happened to Fat Chen


Master Mo'an raised his head, smiled at Lao Tu and Zhang Xiaowen and said, "When I overtake the enemy, I will greet you again." After that, he concentrated on playing with his mobile phone.

The old man watched for a long time, but couldn't understand it, and couldn't help but start a grumble: "What's so fun about this? I won't even do serious things!"

After waiting for a while, Master Mo'an finally finished the call, put the phone aside, and said to the old fashioned: "I say old fashioned, when can you correct your problem, can't you knock on the door before you come in?"

"Bah, I talked about me. It's not bad if I didn't remove the door for you. You still say me, do you think you look like a monk?"

The old-fashioned words are not at all polite, but Master Moan smiled disapprovingly: "I have a heart to yearn for the world of flowers, but the natural monk fate! Come on, what are you looking for?"

The old man pulled Zhang Xiaowen forward and said, "Come on, let me introduce to you, my younger brother, Zhang Xiaowen!"

Zhang Xiaowen hurriedly performed a Buddhist ceremony and said, "Meet Master Moan!"

Master Mo'an looked at Zhang Xiaowen for a long time before he cheerfully said, "Isn't your master gone a long time ago? Why do you have an extra junior? But it's really not bad, it's a natural cultivation technique!"

"You can see it too? So I made my own proposal to accept apprentices on behalf of my teacher, and put Xiaowen under the master's school." The old man seemed very proud after he finished speaking.

Zhang Xiaowen watched the two talk for a long time, but didn't get to the point. He was a little anxious, so he interjected: "Dare to ask the master, do you know the Qinglian Stone Buddha Temple?"

Master Moan shook his head: "Although they are all Buddhists, they have never walked around. As you know, my temple is now a tourist attraction. The monks in my temple are now busy performing martial arts or preparing meals for tourists. How can I go out? travel!"

Zhang Xiaowen heard Master Mo'an's answer and looked at the old folks. The old folks nodded to Zhang Xiaowen and motioned him to continue.

Affirmed by the old-fashioned, Zhang Xiaowen unreservedly told about his experience at the Qinglian Stone Buddha Temple, and I would like to ask Master Moan to clarify.

After listening to Zhang Xiaowen’s description, Master Mo’an couldn’t help but feel happy: “I’m talking about old-fashioned, but you are also a person who has traversed the rivers and lakes. You still don’t know who is the master of Fengshui? Is there still someone who will meet in China?"

Master Mo'an woke up Zhang Xiaowen with a few words. Yes, Buddhist monks have always just answered questions and have never seen life and death in a face-to-face relationship.

Seeing that they had an epiphany, Master Mo'an continued: "As for this one-eyed statue, it is definitely not the god I worshipped in Buddhism, and I don't know which god it is!"

After listening to Master Moan’s words, Zhang Xiaowen felt more firmly that the Qinglian Stone Buddha Temple is weird. Master Moan’s words are already very clear. Whether it is a one-eyed statue or a face, it’s not of Buddhism, so Qinglian Stone Buddha Temple. The two monks in here are probably not real monks, do they have any conspiracy

Zhang Xiaowen thought for a while, but couldn't think of any conspiracy that the two monks would have, and didn't plan to think about it for the time being, just pay more attention to this temple in the future. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaowen saluted Master Mo'an again: "Thank you, Master, I have a decision in my heart, so I won’t bother Master Yaxing." After talking, Zhang Xiaowen looked at the old fashioned, and the old fashioned picked a choice. Eyebrow: "Then you go first, I haven't been here for a long time, and tell the old monk."

Zhang Xiaowen nodded and left Yueshan Temple.

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the phone, and it was less than 16:00. In addition, I was very itchy when I saw Master Mo'an playing games just now. I wanted to ask Fatty Chen to play the game together. He could play Fatty Chen's phone and kept shutting down. , Zhang Xiaowen had to dial the number of the patrol team.

"Hey, hello, the patrol team here, is there anything wrong?" Hao Aiguo's voice came from the other end of the conversation.

"Team Hao, it's me, Xiaowen!"

"Xiaowen! Have we never contacted since you joined the criminal police team? Have you forgotten all the old guys?"

"How can it be, don't you call it~ By the way, Team Hao, what about Fatty Chen, I can't get through when I call him on his cell phone."

"Chen Dachun?" Hao Aiguo felt a little upset when he heard Fat Chen, his tone seemed a little dissatisfied, as if he didn't even want to say Fatty Chen's name. Zhang Xiaowen also finds it strange that Chen Pang usually handles interpersonal relationships in the patrol team very well. How come you mention Chen Pang, Hao Aiguo's tone? So Zhang Xiaowen asked tentatively: "Yes, Chen Dachun, what happened to him?"

"He's a dumb guy. He was caught for gambling some time ago, and he has now been fired by the patrol team. You said that we occasionally help with gambling. This Chen Dachun made a mistake and went to gambling. I really lost our patrol team. face!"

Zhang Xiaowen was also surprised when he heard Hao Aiguo's words. How could Fatty Chen go to gamble? It suddenly occurred to him that the last time the Interpol team had a dinner in Xiguancun, how many people chased Chen Pang, wouldn't it be for gambling debts? Last time I wanted to ask about what happened to Fat Chen, but I ran into Lou Huihui on the way home, but I forgot it. Now I think about it, something really happened! Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaowen hurriedly made a haha with Hao Aiguo, hung up, and then called Cao Bin.

"Hey, Cao Bin, do you remember the last time we had a fight when we were eating in your village, which police station finally took the people away?"

"Qinghua Police Station, what's wrong?"

"Oh, the person who was chased last time is not my friend. I want to ask what happened last time and who was the person who chased him. I am embarrassed to ask him directly, can you help me with the police station? Do colleagues inquire about it?"

"Oh, yes, wait for me to call!" Cao Bin finished speaking and hung up the phone. Zhang Xiaowen put away his mobile phone and walked home casually, thinking as he walked, how could such a good-natured Chen fat go gambling? I really can't figure it out.

As soon as Zhang Xiaowen arrived home, Cao Bin called.

"Hey, Xiaowen, I asked for you. Last time, your friend had a personal conflict with those people. It was nothing serious. As for those people, I heard that they were some gangsters under Bao Ye, but I heard from a colleague at the police station that recently That friend of yours has also come together with those gangsters. If you see him, persuade him more. Our current efforts to combat the evil forces are not small!"

"Okay, thanks for the reminder!" Zhang Xiaowen hung up the phone, feeling even more utterly incomprehensible. Why did Fatty Chen come with Baoye's men again

Speaking of Bao Ye, he is an amazing person in BA County. He used to be a gangster. With his cruel heart, he hit a world and gained a lot of money through illegal means, so he started to launder and became a bar and disco. , KTV and other entertainment industries. It can be said that in BA County, except for Baoye's store, other entertainment stores cannot be opened at all. People fight every other day, and they will be closed within a few days.

Zhang Xiaowen heard that Bao Ye has been doing business in the underground casino behind his back, but he has never been caught. It seems that Chen Pang could not pay off his gambling debts and had to follow them? (End of this chapter)