The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 107: Sub-artifacts and games


Caroxin Minen, the uncle of the emperor Dasos Minen, and the younger brother born of the same mother of the previous emperor Klovin Minen, won his trust. As a mage, he is not only a court mage He was the top three generals in the Oran military. In his later years, the old emperor even handed over the heavy weapon of the floating fleet to him.

But in fact, Kaloxin has never been convinced of his brother. He helped Klovin in the battle for the throne of the previous generation, just because the two were born from the same mother, and did not help the closest brother to seize the throne. Just waiting to be killed by other high-ranking princes, but in fact, as the first genius of the previous royal family, his emperor dream has never been extinguished.

Even, in order to gain power, he remained anonymous when he was young, and went to the terrible Shiro Empire to learn undead magic.

Yes, he is a legendary flame mage on the surface, but in fact he is a holy necromancer at the same time.

It is not without reason that undead magic is regarded as evil. Except for the disadvantages of disturbing the dead, this kind of evil magic can increase its strength by sacrificing the living and devouring the flesh and soul. Lag, but it is often corroded by the force that exceeds its own carrying capacity, and changes will occur in all aspects.

For example, necromancers are notorious for not treating people as human beings, and they become more indifferent to life and death in the later stages, while demon warlocks and soul-reavers become less human-like in the later stages. Blood mages are more vampires than vampires when they reach the bloodthirsty stage. They look at people like they are looking at ingredients. If a priest of the evil god who gets his power from the evil god, he will become more and more maddened in the later stage. He has long lost himself and became a evil god puppet.

Of course, you can also take it step by step, digest it slowly, and completely turn this partial power into a magic sword in your hand, instead of being controlled by the magic sword, but for some people, it is necessary to follow the steps If so, what kind of "evil" magic is still practiced, the side effect of this effect on the xinxing is completely acceptable.

The most attractive thing about these non-mainstream magic is that it is easy to achieve "immortality", although this immortality probably requires some extra effort.

For example, necromancers, if they did not encounter "accidents", even if they were not skilled enough to become lich, it would not be difficult to transform into bone wizards and corpse witches. For humans who are afraid of death and the unknown, sometimes "immortality" "The temptation is so hard to resist, especially for the careerists who yearn for the peak.

Of course, you can also get immortal opportunities by normal practice to the top level, such as heroic spirits, divine envoys, and divine favors, but this kind of immortality still has to pay a price. Although it looks noble and high-grade, it is actually reduced to the servants of gods and gods. thugs.

Kaloxin, who has reached immortality, has always been ambitious, but unfortunately, although his personal strength can be ignored, the emperor's brother Klovin has profound political and military attainments. Under his governance, the national power of the Oran Empire is prosperous. If the world is not chaotic and the country is stable, there will not be much soil for trouble. These careerists will naturally put away their fox tails and disguise themselves as loyal and capable ministers.

Therefore, Carlo Xin, who has been suppressed all the time, is obviously a saint-level archmage, but he disguised himself as a legend. He has cultivated a large number of loyal subordinates in his military career for many years, and controlled nearly 30% of the White Wolf Guard. Just waiting There was a flaw in Klovin's rule. He had already seen that the nephew Dasos was uneasy and kind, but he helped him to cover it up. As long as Dasos made a move, it might be the day when he came to power in troubled waters.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, perhaps Caroxin was too good at pretending to be a loyal minister, or maybe Kelovin had seen his younger brother's ambitions and was worried that something would go wrong when he succeeded to the throne, so he let Caroxin accept it as an underwater base. The commander-in-chief of Oran Empire, and how could he miss it when he discovered the biggest trump card of the Oran Empire, so when Dasos started, the ambitious uncle was trapped in the base and missed the opportunity.

Well, let's not mention that this ambitious unlucky guy is out for such a ridiculous reason, and what we have to face now is the final anger of a big ambition who has been preparing for decades.


Just as the scepter was raised, the dark power of death turned into a ghostly finger, and then shot at me suddenly.

"Finger of instant death? Not really!"

The Finger of Death is an eight-level undead spell that can only be mastered by legendary necromancers, and to make him instant, at least increase the difficulty by two levels, which is not something a holy-level necromancer can do.

When death is imminent, you just want to think about your own death? In fact, if this finger of death were directed at Diana, even the female knight in the legendary anti-magic skin would have shivered, but if it was directed at me...

[Perfect Courage: Immunity to fear, instant death magic, and innate abilities, the user is always in a state of high fighting spirit, this effect can be shared with three teammates]

The full version of Pale Justice really deserves to be the holy sword of light on the order side. Paladin deserves to be the undead killer. It is a target for the necromancer. There are a lot of deadly and fearful effects of high-ring undead spells, but he is directly immune. These two effects really do not give the Necromancer a way to live.

Sure enough, the finger of death hit me, but the holy sword wrapped in golden holy light suddenly glowed, and the dark aura of death immediately began to dissipate.

But after the death effect of the eight-ring magic was eliminated, the shock wave transformed into the power of death was still beyond the reach of a bronze rookie.

I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, but if I wasn't equipped with the Ice Armor, with my current "fragile" body, I might just die.

"Life is dying!"

Well, this time it is not instant, but a nine-ring holy magic is thrown out so calmly, but it is too outrageous, what kind of holy magic is this, it is an epic archmage.


The halo of perfect courage was shared in time, so that the death breath that evaporated all the water in the range and extracted the power of life did not have the effect of dying, but even so, Diana was still shot and vomited blood. This time, the full body armor The excellent protection saved her instead.

The choice of the Lich spell is very clever. Physically, the evaporation damage and the death effect are the same, so that Diana's anti-magic skin does not have much effect.

"The Death Breath of the Black King! That's a sub-artifact! This is the treasure of the Necromancer."

The exclamation of the black cat on his shoulder revealed the reason. With this side weapon of the ancient demigod undead emperor, Kaloxin could throw such a crazy high-level spell of instant death, and the effect was so powerful.

I have spread my wings and soared in the air to avoid the opponent's spell lock. Looking around, I still feel that the situation is not good.

Caroxin's guards have already caught up. The violent throwing of those death knights is always a big problem. If we can't make a quick decision, I am afraid that the beheading plan will fail, and Diana and I may explain it here.

Looking at Diana, who was struggling to get up, she knew that the ninth-circle spell that was amplified by the sub-artifact just now definitely hurt her a lot.

"Damn, this sub-artifact is too outrageous, how can he release high-level spells so quickly, there is no way to restrain him. Think about it, there is no perfect person in the world, think about it!"

"Death Breath? The name should be to enhance the effect of instant-death spells. Even with the 'perfect courage' of the holy sword, the impact of the power of death is still fatal. These days, except for the dead, who is not afraid of the power of death, If I knew I shouldn't have been resurrected... wait, dead man?"

In an instant, a ghost idea appeared in my options, so I laughed.

"Is there a way?"

"Of course, it's tradition!"

And finding that I couldn't lock on the high-speed movement, Caroxin's eyes were fixed on Diana, and the next moment, I dived directly.

"Stupid living, accept your doomed fate."

Sure enough, a black ink ray shot over, which was the physical exhaustion of the sixth-ring undead spell.

The fact that neither of the two high-level instant death spells could cause death made him wonder if we were treasures that were immune to death, so he chose this spell.

Physical exhaustion inherits the tradition of vicious undead spells. It will make the subject seem to have just run two marathons with a 200kg rice bag on his back. It's not impossible to die directly.

Seeing that the ray was too fast, I didn't have time to turn, and I was about to hit this black ray. Diana threw her teeth and opened her hand, intending to use anti-magic skin to try her luck, and I...

"Step aside!"

I pushed the silly girl away without hesitation, and slammed into the ray myself.


In a burst of dark brilliance, I couldn't help but let out a scream. The next moment, I fell to the ground violently, rolling on the ground in pain, and even the golden wings began to disintegrate.

"Ha, sure enough, the living are stupid enough to play a ridiculous friendship game at such a time... what!"

"Breaking evil!"

The place where I fell was less than five meters away from the Lich, and I pretended to roll and rolled another two meters. At this moment, I suddenly burst into flames, and I jumped three meters. There is no possibility of escape.


Even if the lich was directly pressed down by brute force, and the holy sword was blocked by the pitch-black short staff, could the sturdy basic attributes of the sub-artifact still be used like this

The fire of the blue soul in the eyes of the lich burned fiercely, and judging from the chin that kept opening and closing, he actually began to meditate on the great spell.

"Dead black nuclear hell is coming."

Dead Cat's rich knowledge of spells instantly recognizes that this is a ten-ring epic forbidden spell, or a combined mass destruction spell of undead and flames. As long as he completes this magic, the entire platform will turn into a volcano of hell nuclear fire Mouth, we are absolutely not immune, and naturally he is not immune.

Lich creatures can be resurrected repeatedly as long as their phylactery is not destroyed. Obviously, Kaloxin, who has been forced to this point, has no confidence to retreat. He plans to die with us and then resurrect himself.

In fact, the reason why the lich is hated by adventurers is that, in addition to being difficult to deal with, it also has the bad problem of perishing at every turn.

The sword and the rod intersected, and they were close enough, and the skull was full of malicious malice, even with some smugness.

However, since you have already been approached by me, you still dare to hold the curse, do you underestimate me too much

"You want? Then."

So, without hesitation, I let go of the stalemate weapon, and stretched out my hand under the incomprehensible gaze of the Lich.

"Look at my flying dragon and cloud explorer!"

"Crack." There was a crisp sound, and the chanting stopped because I had removed the lich's jaw.

"Aha! Let me bathe your bones, and then do maintenance! Dragon Detector! Dragon Detector!"

I opened the bow with both hands and fired from left to right. Next, the rib cage went straight down, the hand bones were disassembled, and the vertebrae were also rubbed and disassembled. Then, with a violent pat and a shake, the whole bone structure began to fall apart.

As a senior lich, over the past few hundred years, I can't remember how many times I have disassembled my bones for maintenance. Just as a senior veteran can disassemble a gun into parts with his eyes closed, I can also disassemble a skeleton into bones with my eyes closed. , then close your eyes and fight back.

And after just over ten seconds, the Lich Kaloxin was left with a skull without a chin, and I inserted the holy sword into the fire of the soul in the skull without hesitation. The strange soul fluctuations dissipated, and we vaguely heard an excruciating scream from the depths of our soul.

"Okay, burnt by the holy flame to the fire of the soul, even if he is resurrected, it will take at least a few days. After finishing the work, the next step is to find his phylactery before he is resurrected."

It was indeed done. After Kaloxin fell, the undead army's problem of relying too much on the undead king broke out again, and a large number of low-level undead directly controlled by his undead magic fell directly.

A few wise undead shouted the sneak attack slogans of "Oran people don't fight Oran people", "We are all forced, in fact we are all good people", "Actually I am your father", of course, shouted the last slogan. The next moment he was beaten by the crowd.

"Collect it, and then ask them where the phylactery is? Forget it, they can't know about this kind of thing. Just ask where Kaloxin's room is? Now it's my favorite loot collection... Cough, crusade against evil time."

I had just put away "The Dark Lord's Breath of Death" with a smile, but Diana suddenly pounced.

"Are you all right, how did you let that evil magic not work."

"Hmph, what do you mean it didn't work? I paid a heavy price, look!"

I opened my collar, where, a black cat with half of its body exposed was fighting with my sturdy throat. She was biting, gnawing, and scratching, using both her claws and teeth, but she couldn't break the skin. , but when she saw me looking at her, she spit at me without hesitation.

"Look, Cat Shield!"

Avoiding the non-threatening attack, I ripped her off, then stunned her twice, lifted it in my hand, and made a defensive posture, like a shield.

"... How can Mimi be able to present this evil magic."

Facing Diana's question, I pretended to smile mysteriously and didn't answer. Can I say that this dead cat looks cute, but is actually an "evil" undead creature? Well, in fact, this evil does not need to be quoted at all. If Herois, the Queen of Banshees, is not evil, the world is full of saints.

Yes, the tradition I mentioned earlier was the tradition of our sect masters. At that time, I thought of what a good meat shield Herois, who is already dead, would be in the face of necromancers.

Herois is now a undead slime. Although it has the functional structure of some living people, it is still my undead creation. What is the difference between using death magic on undead and throwing fireballs on fire elements, except to make the opponent stronger Besides, what's the use.

So, after the "Cat Shield" blocked the body decay ray composed of the death magic, I actually lost nothing, and after the next performance, I entered the distance of close-range raids, and once a magic system was in the defenseless Under the premise, let melee close...

This is also bullying the opponent who lacks actual combat experience. In my estimation, Kaloxin, who has a high status, must have been safely casting spells under the protection of many guards for a long time.

"Woohoo, you who know the bullies! I know that you are restless. The old lady was blind to accept you as an apprentice. Teacher, I finally knew that you were in a knife. Well, I've also been stabbed now, and it's still two apprentices stabbed in tandem. I don't teach my disciples anymore. Woohoo!"

Well, the only casualties are the frightened Heloise, and her broken educator's heart.

"Stop pretending, if you have a good relationship with Kaloxin, why didn't you say it just now, those of your disciples, you have never cheated, most of the time, if the other party knew it was you, it would be more ruthless. Also, have you forgotten? , the existence of the magic pet contract, so that your true feelings cannot be concealed from me at all. Will this little thing make you die or live?"

Well, after being exposed by me, the next moment, what surprised Diana was that the dead cat immediately passed the rain, but she was still upset.

"The sub-artifact scepter is eaten by me. I want to make this body stronger. I'm tired of being a pet."

"Okay, sell me a cute one, and I'll give it to you if I'm satisfied."

So, the kitten smiled mysteriously...

"Meow, Master, can you give me that thick, black short stick? Yisi really wants to eat sticks, please. Meow!"


Well, I still underestimated the lower limit of a dead cat. The original intention was to tease her and let her turn two somersaults and learn to bark twice. As soon as I said this, I laughed on the spot and didn't say anything. Diana looked at me with eyes. It's a little weird.

This silly girl believes what other people say, and most of them treat me as a gentleman (pervert), or at the same level as Beifeng.

However, I originally planned to throw this sub-artifact to her. After all, bringing an undead-type sub-artifact in the human world would cause trouble for myself, and when Herois ate it, I thought it would be more convenient to use.

"Well, can you think about it, no matter how hungry I am, I won't be in heat with a cat."

I just explained that Herois behind her had a wicked smile, and in a twist, she transformed into a cute little blonde elf girl. Although she changed back to her original shape in the next second, it was enough to make the legendary knight remember deeply.

Undoubtedly, this is revenge from "Cat Shield".

"It's no wonder it's called the Gentlemen's League. It turns out that you are also a great gentleman (perverted), and you actually turned your cat into a girl. How much are you..."

Well, I don't even need honorifics anymore, it seems that the image is broken enough this time.

"Actually, it is understandable for men and gentlemen. If you really can't stand it, you can actually consider Momo. Although she always talks too much, she has always been a good girl, and she has always liked you. "

"Forget it! She absolutely can't, she's absolutely not."

Diana's ill-timed matchmaking reminded me of a few days ago when we selected Aurora Knights, and Momo, who was also a silver rank, came to join in the fun. She was not bad at all. She did have hope of success, but it wasn't until she opened her mouth.

"Will anyone become a lovely lady? It's a little boy of eight or nine years old, hehe, by the way, I have a portrait of Xiao Luoluo here, can I change it to one?"

"Sister Shiva, please help me to become a new one. It's because of the fact that I blocked the arrows for you just now. After a while, a wave is enough. I seem to see Xiao Luoluo, but I can't beat that pervert. Woohoo, Momo Life is so hard."

Looking at Momo who was entangling Shiva on the airship over there, in the end, Diana sighed helplessly.

"It's because she's getting weirder and weirder that I want to marry her off quickly."

"Do you send it out to harm others if you can't figure it out yourself? Diana, you've also learned badly. However, I still have to thank you for the night raid alert last night, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Hey, in fact, it should be your fault. She used to be normal."

"You can blame me, it's obviously her... Well, it's all my fault."

At this time, I couldn't help but think of the weird title of "King of Gentlemen". Any gentleman will take the initiative to join you. I haven't met a few normal people along the way.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering the hidden effect of the "King of Gentlemen", he will not only make gentlemen take the initiative to join your camp, but also make ordinary people gentrified, small gentlemen into great gentlemen, and great gentlemen into godly gentlemen , Let the gentleman of God become the king of gentlemen! - System prompt: You see, I will give you the most senior gentleman's honorary achievement from the beginning, how caring.]

"Be kind to your sister, you still think there are not enough gentlemen!"

While we were celebrating the victory in the underwater base and worrying about the increasingly strange grey elves, in the royal palace of the Oran Empire, His Majesty the Emperor was meeting a distinguished guest.

"Ha, with your help, what did that stinky snake count for? Notify the embassies of various countries that the succession ceremony will be held in advance, and it will be carried out together with your great cause of slaughtering dragons. We will be recorded in the annals of history together!"

"Your Majesty is overrated, the old man is just an old immortal with insufficient strength. It is probably possible to drive away the Nine-headed Dragon Emperor, but killing it is basically impossible. The task of the gods is also for me to stop."

Obviously a handsome young man, but he speaks like an old man's tone, and from the white skin with golden skin, and the faint halo behind his head, he is not a mortal, but a heroic spirit under the throne of the true god.

After some polite remarks, when Dasos sent the heroic spirit away, the arrogance and madness just now turned into a cautious look.

"'Long Tu' Basra, when his opponent is a dragon, will he be merciful? Will he still click? It's crazy, to send this murderous heroic spirit down to earth, the goddess of the moon intends to directly and Storm lady showdown? Damn, get the Legion ready. It's going to get out of hand."

"Then you have to take the opportunity to hold the succession ceremony."

"You don't know how many ambassadors leave every day for excuses. If Oran wants to become a superpower, he must form a successful alliance. We are now in a difficult situation. Anyway, the ending can't be any worse. It's better to go out and gamble!"